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The Best Friend an Alliance Could Have


The Best Treaty Partner  

687 members have voted

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I think your mistaken, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=26115"]VE[/url] has a history of cancelling treaties just before a major war, cancelling on Polaris during the No-Cb war, and then turning around and jumping sides during Karma, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=52130"]VE[/url] cancelled all of these treaties, on the eve of a war that VE knew was coming and had been helping plan. I'm not saying your a bad group, but when it comes to insulting others honor, your no pillar of integrity.

Edited by Muddog
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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1284248095' post='2450273']
All of those cancellations occurred months before the wars.
[color="#0000FF"]Doesn't change the fact it was obvious within the month before the war who was going to lose. People knew Polaris was getting rolled months in advance, and it wasn't hard to hide the fact that people were turning against the NPO.[/color]

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1284233964' post='2450068']
No we're not.
When VE reformed you guys were closely aligned to NPO and GGA, later you were a key player in the side that brought about their downfall. You guys are easily as guilty as TOP.

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[quote name='raasaa' timestamp='1284188650' post='2449630']
This is because, people continually confuse the term "best friend" or " best ally" with the term "MEATSHIELD" :P


Also, i see everyone talking about alliances that will goto ZI for their allies or die for their allies etc...

A good friend, as in the rl sense, is an alliance who will not only stand by you through thick and thin, but will also ensure that you do not something stupid and get into trouble. More like the sane and logical side of yourself.

So, now how many alliances can confidently say, they actually talked sense into their allies, preventing stupidity and needless bloodshed ???
Alliances also have a lot members go inactive and quit out of boredom if they never get to go to war, as well as CN getting boring as well. The only times people get somewhat interested is when there is war and while people argue over the reasons for war or peace, that's more interesting than just collecting and paying bills. Then it gives people reason to rebuild again so they are combat ready for the next one.

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[quote name='cookavich' timestamp='1284174080' post='2449424']
STA, NV, and Genesis have all been amazing allies over the years. I would be happy to vote for each and everyone of them.

Basically my thoughts. I voted for Nueva Vida (sorry Templar ;_;.)

TPF are a terrible alliance. They bailed on Pacifica and would've been just like any other CoC alliance if it weren't for mhawk (who I have tremendous respect for.)

I'm not sure I'll ever like Xiphosis, but I respect him in some ways. He's one of these guys who will do anything for his allies.

I feel awkward admitting this, because everyone hates them, but I really like Invicta. They're wonderful people and loyal allies. I just hope Pacifica doesn't screw them over.

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I voted Valhalla for obvious reasons. While many still try to use the tired COC line meh what ever. While I can not speak for any other AAs Valhalla was always comming in and due to situations at the time had to adjust our plans due too issues. We cancelled an individual treaty (even though technically it was expired) but still held the Q bloc treaty. There was never a chance we would sit it out just some changes to the battle plan due to many factors of the time. (No I really dont want to get in to this tired argument again)

I would have to say though multiple choices should have been given.

MK whether on top or isolated has generally held to their treaties with out a doubt win or loose.

BAPS has always been there when called they cant be ignored.

NoR and previous incarnations. Have always been willing to fight tooth and nail for themselves and their friends.

PC my favorite oppenent the same.

you could lump more than a handfull together in this Poll CSN/USN of the past for GATO. GOD willing to go no matter what. Hell put Umbrella,TPF and the list goes on.

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There are several alliances that could be considered the best friend an alliance could have. Unfortunately, a lot depends on who is leading at the time.

MK and GOD are immediate #1

They are #1 for their actions to support their allies in war AND peace. They are above reproach.

FOK, Umbrella, the entirety of C&G, PC, and IAA come to mind. There are others that I cannot recall at this moment.

Since TPF was brought up a couple times, I'll point out that I wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole UNLESS mhawk is in charge and actually being listened to. We're about as far from friends as you can get, but if he is your friend he's a good one to have.

Some alliances will always back up their allies but make them jump through friggin hoops at the same time. They're friends, but they're not the best friends.

BAPS and I aren't friends, but they're good friends to have if you share their political views

Edited by rsoxbronco1
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[quote name='Uralica' timestamp='1284089864' post='2448469']
I loled. :P

Vote stays null. Can't decide between NV, STA, and IRON. Plus GR's not on the list.

How the hell did I forget about Genesis? Not only are they among the best friends to have (NoCB War - need I say more?) but they're one of the more underrated alliances overall nowadays.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1284140039' post='2448915']
Not on the list. BAPS, from standing with GOONS until the bitter end

This never fails to make me happy and I pick you too for this. Thank-you for all that you did then BAPS :)

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1284463511' post='2453457']
TPF are a terrible alliance. They bailed on Pacifica and would've been just like any other CoC alliance if it weren't for mhawk (who I have tremendous respect for.)

I always find it interesting to see people commenting for stuff which they weren't even around for and know absolutely nothing about. For the record, all of the CoC entered the war, and secondly, and TPF fought just as long in that war as anybody did, they made the decision early on that they wouldn't accept peace until Pacifica did, and they didn't. I don't see why TPF is a terrible alliance, In the past year and a half they've made it abundantly clear that they have larger concerns then their NS size.

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