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Most amusing moments of CN


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[quote name='Uralica' timestamp='1282276541' post='2423948']
Ya mean [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=51613"]this[/url]?
That's the one. A lot of funny stuff in there... Dephire's post that Sal just posted is one of CN's all-time legendary posts. I've seen a lot of funny uses of quotation marks in my life, but that post takes the cake, no question.


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[quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1282275036' post='2423917']
Two words: Protected Nation.

When you offered yourself to get attacked with 60m on hand at 18 days inactive and screwed up your collection :laugh:

Forever in TOOL's banking archives as most hilarious case of bankrolling ever.

Edited by Gamemaster1
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[quote name='Lord Fingolfin' timestamp='1282274802' post='2423911']
Personally one of my favorites was when NSO came to NpO's defense in BiPolar. Everyone was sitting in the coalition leadership channel and it was a video DoW with one of their members, I think BaconGod, giving this long speech. It was amusing to say the least and earned many O/'s. However, Ivan came into the channel a few hours later and a few of us heckled him saying it would have been cooler if he'd made the video DoW himself. He then proceeded to give a biting and witty retort about how his wife already thought he was insane for staying up until 3 am playing this damned game and that if he proceeded to dress up in a Darth Vader costume and give a video DoW he'd get divorced. I've searched through my IRC logs more than once trying to find that exact snippet, it was comedy gold
My wife is not a fan of CN.

Also, Caleb279, I don't remember the NPO apologizing in the Great Patriotic War.

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[quote name='Mugiwara' timestamp='1282267496' post='2423759']
Lol, the Karma war. I didn't fight in it myself, but I have heard a lot about how NPO got there @#$% destroyed. Lol, i wish i could have been there.
It was really hilarious and to see NPO start bawwing and trying to surrender after day 1.

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[quote name='commander thrawn' timestamp='1282273460' post='2423887']
I miss the days when Echelon members had tact <_<

On that note watching Echelon get rolled was rather amusing.

Thats what happens when you take on 15 alliances at once you know, its called having a spine, maybe tell your friends in Sparta about it?

And get over the tact issue, perhaps it was too far, but MA's reaction to it was the funniest part of the ordeal.

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Definitely when "did you polar really too stupid to read" hit the Google search top results. The lulz were unfathomable. Along with having to step on WAPA [i]twice[/i] when they couldn't get a hold of themselves. Though I guess that was more of a facepalm time than an amusing one.

Edited by rrkilledme
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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1282280862' post='2424048']
Thats what happens when you take on 15 alliances at once you know, its called having a spine, maybe tell your friends in Sparta about it?[/quote] Totally deserved as well. Back in my AE days I had a lot of respect for Echelon(which is gone), but then you don't know a thing about me.
And get over the tact issue, perhaps it was too far, but MA's reaction to it was the funniest part of the ordeal.
It was too far. But that isn't the only tact issue.

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[quote name='commander thrawn' timestamp='1282282430' post='2424109']
Totally deserved as well. Back in my AE days I had a lot of respect for Echelon(which is gone), but then you don't know a thing about me.[/quote]

Yeah, perhaps, you ride through good times, and when the tables turn, you stand and take what you've got coming. Echelon's had a long history, you'll learn that its a matter of time, on a long enough timeline, its inevitable that your going to crack some eggs along the way and not all of your decisions will be great ones.

And quite frankly, you don't seem like the sort of guy I'd enjoy getting to know.

[quote name='commander thrawn' timestamp='1282282430' post='2424109']
It was too far. But that isn't the only tact issue.

I can't speak for the present day Echelon, but back then we really didn't care a whole lot. We weren't exactly out to "please" MA or the rest of SF.

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A few weeks ago. Being told my alliance was merging and was being renamed into 'Persian Empire'. I hate all the 'Fantasy Ancient Persia' BS floating in movies and stuff; these guys know me well. It was in the middle of a Starcraft - Diplomacy Or War 1939 game. I was yelling at the guy in /f m chat, while I proceeded to 1v3 the remaining players and roll the game. One of the other players after, 'It was nuts, man. He got in the @$&%ing zone or some %#@& and just pumped units with dropships all over the $#%& place. I was like, "Holy %@#$ the %@&$ is going on?" I am not letting any former LF commanders in my games again.'

The best part was, the merger was a joke put on by the other two leaders, who were dying laughing until I told them I won a 1v3 while I was griping at them.

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[quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1282283965' post='2424145']
I rather enjoyed NPO activating the wrong treaty when they attacked us in the noCB war, personally.
Haha, looking back that was pretty funny. But back then for me all I could think was "welp. we're screwed."

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TOLWYN'S DEMANDS were quite amusing.

Wow, I really have a short memory. Oh, wait no. I was in the Legion for three years. Not much fun for most of that. Exciting though.

Oh wait, when the Cabinet of Legion decided to scrap the 'League of Nations' Law Book, not replacing it with anything thus making my underground coup movement not illegal. That was pretty funny. As was most of the conversations in the 'Anglo-German (Coup) Club'.

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[quote]Dear Planet Bob,
I come to speak with an opinion on this here thread. Although many a bright mind have posted their own strong opinions about shaneprice's leaving of the Grand Global Alliance, and then the open trolling and dissing of said alliance, there are reasons that such a member left. Do not think that he was "kicked out" under "stupid reasons". He was let go for he committed a vile act. Shaneprice was convicted of speaking out against the New Pacific Order and also suggesting that the Grand Global Alliance "leave" OneVision. Now one may think that these reasons are "pathetic", but put your alliance in the shoes of the Grand Global Alliance. How would you take it if a member of leadership were to speak out against an ally who has stuck by your alliance since it's birth, or in this case "rebirth"? With that said, shaneprice was given the option to either leave with a partial good note, or be kicked. I, as Chancellor of the Grand Global Alliance, stand by the decisions of our leadership. Shaneprice nearly brought war to the Grand Global Alliance with his little "outburst". Think about it.

~Dephire, Chancellor of the Grand Global Alliance.[/quote]

That whole thread was one of the funniest things I have ever read

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Man there has been a few...King Zog's campaign in the Red Sphere senatorial race amused me greatly at the time, the whole TOP/IRON pre-emptive attack and Polaris's actions in the last major war and last but not least being the sole ODNista conversing with a relentless bunch of Vox trollers (Chickenzilla, MegaAros and others) on #ODN on a certain fateful evening (the vitriol is still ringing in my ears guys).

[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1282278580' post='2424004']
My wife is not a fan of CN.
I doubt many of us who are married are lucky enough to have spouses who appreciate the time we all give to CN :ehm:

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[quote name='Gamemaster1' timestamp='1282278520' post='2424003']
When you offered yourself to get attacked with 60m on hand at 18 days inactive and screwed up your collection :laugh:

Forever in TOOL's banking archives as most hilarious case of bankrolling ever.
Oh lord, that sucked. And right after I got my old nation deleted for inactivity. I wasn't having a great month, was I?XD


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