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There are too many alliances and some of you should disband.


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[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1280611806' post='2396375']
You say we are weak, but how much strength does it take to rise up to defend your friends from those who take advantage of your power. Weakness would have been to bow and do nothing either way, and that's just not our style.

This should really stop about right here. There are many alliances and people that have cause to claim they were 'victimized' by NPO. MK, GATO, Athens, FAN, \m/, GOONS, VE, devildogs, excreta. Even polar has cause to say that we had some hand in their destruction. Though the list is extensive, and not limited to strictly alliances, Sparta is most certainly not among that group.

As Irony would have it, the true victims of NPO happen to !@#$%* significantly less about it than the phony victims such as yourself, who just want to pretend they went through a hard time so they can fit in with their new friends. You were not taken advantage of, you joined continuum of your own accord, and spending a few months there you should have know exactly what that meant. You could have left at ANYTIME, but instead you stayed, and perhaps worse you participated in what it did. Everyone in that group was getting something something out of it, power, prestige, tech, ect. Now you complain that what, you were excluded from a few meetings, you felt alienated, there wasn't enough communication? You were not persecuted, you were cowardly. You didn't want to leave the club, but you also didn't want to stand up for your 'friends'. And in alignment with this mentality when reality finally forced you to chose you jumped ship.

Perhaps I would have a little more respect for you if you had actually set out to make your own course, but what are you doing? You are just following the next power bloc around, while your delusional king speaks about a glorious and nonexistent spartan legacy. You are followers, live up to it.

Edited by iamthey
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[quote name='Lukapaka' timestamp='1280617106' post='2396453']
Isn't Karma long over? Why is everyone still talking about it, like it's a current event. Did everyone forget that there was an entire global war since then?

For the same reason people bring up what the NPO has done in the past. Everything we've done that has wronged people happened before Karma. We've done nothing since but pay reps, watch the recent global war, finish reps, and sign some treaties. That's it. Yet, people still bring up our past. By that scale, Karma IS a current event.

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[quote name='Qazzian' timestamp='1280613852' post='2396413']
Actually.... no. There was no clause to inform you of any action being taken by us. Perhaps you'd like to read the text of the treaty again. Saying we broke the letter of the treaty due to attacking OV is flat out wrong.
Article 3 section E.


You broke Q.

edit: (OCC) I've got a sublime concert to go to and I don't plan to return to this thread. I've said what I needed to say, and if you don't like it or agree with it...well...I don't really care. Good day.

Edited by Hyperion321
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[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1280618674' post='2396477']
Article 3 section E.


You broke Q.

Try reading triyun's post...

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[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1280618674' post='2396477']
Article 3 section E.


You broke Q.

And you broke our 1 one 1 treaty. I suppose that puts us even. Then you attacked us. Back in your court.

*Edit to add* Triyun's post also shows you broke Q. I guess we're ahead by two now.

*edit to add AGAIN* Wow, you were caught in ANOTHER un-truth (I don't know you meant it as a lie, so I won't call it as such). [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=54176]You left Q April 15th[/url]. So no, we didn't break Q by not telling you about attacking OV. That's three.

Edited by Qazzian
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[quote name='Lukapaka' timestamp='1280617106' post='2396453']
Isn't Karma long over? Why is everyone still talking about it, like it's a current event. Did everyone forget that there was an entire global war since then?

Because no matter how many wars happened after Karma this will not make Sparta less guilty or less coward, and the fact that members of Sparta refuse to recognize that they sucked NPO until it wasn't profitable anymore and then betrayed and attacked them just make it disgraceful for Sparta and is one of the reasons that if it disband nothing would be lost.

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Nice list. I lold. Very humorous topic. I am most pleased.
[quote name='Daimos' timestamp='1280414889' post='2393930']

Sparta = Stay. Certainly not boring and have very active members in the OWF forum. I find their king...entertaining.
Agreed. Sparta must stay.

[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1280465506' post='2394790']
Based on the couple alliances I have the requisite access level to actually observe, there are a lot of people who discuss and follow politics on their respective alliance forums but never bother signing on to the main CN forums.
I normally only login whenever I want to post something. Most of the time I'm on, I'm not signed in.

[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1280598943' post='2396127']
Thank you kind sir for compiling this.

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[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1280550396' post='2395717']
So now you are accusing us of spying. Awesome.

Not really guy, but whatever. I had a long response planned out but since you were debunked by my comrades and "are not coming back to this thread", there is no point.

[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1280612819' post='2396399']
If anyone ignored our treaty, it was you. You were obligated to tell us if you were going to engage in a war both in our individual treaty and in Q. You failed to do so knowing that we would have disapproved and probably canceled if no diplomatic solution could be carried out. You attacked without informing us thinking we would be locked on your side unable to help our friends. You violated both the spirit and the letter of our treaty the second you attacked OV.

You. Betrayed. Us.

No, you betray yourselves. You are followers, content to forever suck on the teat of a master. Athens has your back and that is cool until the day comes where they are no longer in a power position (no slight at Athens, cyclical nature and all). Then where will you be? Which new master will you latch on to then?

This is the point. Sparta is a joke, a flop, a failure of an alliance that has no identity. Your best members realize this and all will eventually leave, especially with the show your "king" is displaying. The truth hurts sometimes. And all the whining? Drink some concrete and harden the $%&@ up.

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Didn't Grub just blow Sparta out of the water about this time last year? I seem to recall him saying he was approached by what would become Karma leaders in December or so with a list of alliances that were lining up to roll NPO and company and that Sparta's name was on-the list of what turned out to be Karma-side alliances.

Seems like that was what finally led GtG to admit that Sparta had been discussing war plans vs NPO, which was a direct violation of Q.

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[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1280610618' post='2396349']
Remember when I talked about that loose group of friends who all happened to not being sucking NPO's teet that we were getting close to? That's the "other side" George was referring to. We were all friends and loosely connected allies, not some evil organization bent on your destruction. George phrased it as "the other side" because back then if you weren't on NPO's side, you were on the "other side". The NPO paranoia back in those days assured that if you weren't with them, you were against them, even if you weren't actually against them. You were so threatened by us branching out and meeting new people that you just [i]had[/i] to attack one of them to try to keep us in line (Zhadum's logs back in the day confirmed that). We happened to be one of your friends who you continually treated like dirt to the point where we didn't feel we were really with you, and that caused you to make us feel like you were against [i]us[/i] and all of our new friends. That feeling was solidified when NPO attacked OV, and by extension our good friends in GOD.

You brought it on yourself NPO. [b]You belittled and betrayed your friends[/b] who stuck by you through a lot for [i]years[/i] all because of some delusional paranoia brought on by some superiority complex that I have yet to be able to understand.

[i]You[/i] did this. Not Sparta.

i have to agree with Qazzian mate. i am tired of the old "we said it was void so who cares about the cancellation clause which states the treaty is still active" excuse. it seems to really only be used in the case of "zomg if we honor this treaty, we will be curbstomped- our ally must be pure ebil incarnate. we always thought so despite never once saying so in the past, never once complaining about anything they did and in fact participating in much of it, they used us!!!!! surely you must believe us. this is our infra we are talkin about. our precious, oh so precious infra. we only know how to curbstomp $%^&@#s, not be curbstomped. whoever is curbstomped is ebil until of course they are the ones doing the stomping."

also for the bolded part- pot meet kettle.

[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1280611651' post='2396372']
No, the tough part was sticking beside you while you continuously pissed off and oppressed everyone we were friends with. When you had us do your bidding against people who didn't deserve it. When we gave so much to you but received nothing in return. You [u]used[/u] us. Hell, you even tried to ZI [i]our friggin' protectorate[/i]. That's certainly a sign you're in a good relationship when your friends try to kill your little brother.

We tried to shrug it off - to make it work so neither of us would cross swords over our painfully obvious falling out. We knew a war was coming eventually and we were going to try our best to avoid a sticky situation between us because we did have a good past that we felt was worth something at one time (I'm not sure NPO felt the same). But when you attacked OV you threw all of that out the window. We stuck by you, and you shoved it in our face thinking we would just lay down and take more of your crap. We didn't. You lost. Here we are.

of course you did not lose. you jumped sides the moment it was clear NPO would lose. i honestly believe that had NPO managed to gather a similar coalition and it would have been GOD about to be stomped on Sparta would have stuck by NPO hollering about how ebil GOD was for supporting an alliance that condoned spying on an ally of Sparta. you would have belittled and betrayed GOD exactly the same as you did NPO.

[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1280611806' post='2396375']
You say we are weak, but how much strength does it take to rise up to defend your friends from those who take advantage of your power. Weakness would have been to bow and do nothing either way, and that's just not our style.

When it is quite evident your friends have a coalition that will stomp the $%&@ outta NPO, it does not take much strength to defend one of the main alliances in that (GOD was at least in the beginning being a key alliance to bring in many other alliances). so weakness is exactly Sparta's style.

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[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1280611806' post='2396375']
You say we are weak, but how much strength does it take to rise up to defend your friends from those who take advantage of your power. Weakness would have been to bow and do nothing either way, and that's just not our style.

[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1280611651' post='2396372']
...Hell, you even [b]tried to ZI [i]our friggin' protectorate[/i][/b]. That's certainly a sign you're in a good relationship when your friends try to kill your "little brother".

[b]We tried to shrug it off[/b] - to make it work so neither of us would cross swords...

You are weak. You proved it then. You are reinforcing how weak you are in everything you say now. Read the bolded.
At that moment you should have separated yourself from the NPO, but you so loved the spoils that you stayed and betrayed your little brother.
Fear and weakness kept you from walking away until you found a new master.

There are those with power, with the strength and will to lead.
And there are those like Sparta, meant to follow, incapable of anything but servitude and a meager, worthless existence.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1280636314' post='2396752']
Didn't Grub just blow Sparta out of the water about this time last year? I seem to recall him saying he was approached by what would become Karma leaders in December or so with a list of alliances that were lining up to roll NPO and company and that Sparta's name was on-the list of what turned out to be Karma-side alliances.

Seems like that was what finally led GtG to admit that Sparta had been discussing war plans vs NPO, which was a direct violation of Q.
It seems to me that we had a similar conversation last year.


[quote][quote]Drostan, on Jul 7 2009, 01:00 PM, said:

Some TPF members and Grub seem to think that we've been plotting against the NPO for months. Why do they think that? I honestly don't know.[/quote]

I do.

[quote]George the Great, on Jul 6 2009, 01:24 AM, said:

Sparta had been on the "karma" side of this war for months before it even happened, back when the war looked like it was going to be dead even (More NS on the Hegemony side, but more nukes on the Karma side). Our government and scope as an alliance has changed quite a bit, much like the government and scope of the New Polar Order has. I guess they have a patent on change, though, and no one else is allowed to do so. Shucks. :\[/quote][/quote]

Edited by Gopherbashi
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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1280365347' post='2393204']Now, I’m no longer a member of the New Pacific Order, and as such have lost my ability to magically make an alliance disband, [b]but I would ask those alliances that I have deemed should disband to do so. It’s for the good of the game. Do the right thing.

Here's what I read: [i]"There are too many people on the planet Earth. If I've asked you to kill yourself, you should. Do the right thing."[/i] I'm trying to figure out what makes you so high and mighty as to think that you have any say in any alliance politics but your own. I'm also trying to figure out if this is or is not the most arrogant thread I have ever read on the BBs or anywhere for that matter. Never post again m'kay?

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[quote name='lmcfalcon12' timestamp='1280679174' post='2397119']
I'm trying to figure out what makes you so high and mighty as to think that you have any say in any alliance politics but your own.[/quote]
He's doppelganger, corinan AND viktor. 'Nuff said.

[quote] Never post again m'kay?[/quote]
I'm trying to figure out what makes you so high and mighty as to think you have any authority over him.

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[quote name='lmcfalcon12' timestamp='1280679174' post='2397119']
Here's what I read: [i]"There are too many people on the planet Earth. If I've asked you to kill yourself, you should. Do the right thing."[/i] I'm trying to figure out what makes you so high and mighty as to think that you have any say in any alliance politics but your own. I'm also trying to figure out if this is or is not the most arrogant thread I have ever read on the BBs or anywhere for that matter. Never post again m'kay?
I'm pretty sure that this thread was created largely to provoke responses like this, as well as provoke thought on the raison d'être of the many alliances within CN. And it has achieved both.

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[quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1280679945' post='2397128']
He's doppelganger, corinan AND viktor. 'Nuff said.

I'm trying to figure out what makes you so high and mighty as to think you have any authority over him.

You're avatar is Osama Bin Laden. 'Nuff said. You know where to shove your reply now. ;)

[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1280680250' post='2397134']
I'm pretty sure that this thread was created largely to provoke responses like this, as well as provoke thought on the raison d'être of the many alliances within CN. And it has achieved both.

Indeed. :awesome:

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[quote name='lmcfalcon12' timestamp='1280681421' post='2397159']
You're avatar is Osama Bin Laden. 'Nuff said. You know where to shove your reply now. ;)

Indeed. :awesome:

Do us all a favor and obey that Legion radio silence from a while ago. I don't care that you're not in Legion anymore: just shut up.

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[quote name='lmcfalcon12' timestamp='1280679174' post='2397119']

I'm also trying to figure out if this is or is not the most arrogant thread I have ever read on the BBs or anywhere for that matter.
I think he did it for lulz.

*format error on my part

Edited by Horatio Longworth
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[quote name='Qazzian' timestamp='1280618780' post='2396481']
And you broke our 1 one 1 treaty. I suppose that puts us even. Then you attacked us. Back in your court.

*Edit to add* Triyun's post also shows you broke Q. I guess we're ahead by two now.

*edit to add AGAIN* Wow, you were caught in ANOTHER un-truth (I don't know you meant it as a lie, so I won't call it as such). [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=54176]You left Q April 15th[/url]. So no, we didn't break Q by not telling you about attacking OV. That's three.
Actually, presuming that one-on-one treaty you posted is accurate, Sparta had no obligation to defend as "In the event a signatory should initiate conflict, the other may assist, but this is not required."

Also, so Sparta as required to defend you during the cancellation clause period of Q, but you weren't required to uphold your end of the treaty with them during it? Sounds like a pretty weird treaty.

[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1280637082' post='2396774']
of course you did not lose. you jumped sides the moment it was clear NPO would lose. i honestly believe that had NPO managed to gather a similar coalition and it would have been GOD about to be stomped on Sparta would have stuck by NPO hollering about how ebil GOD was for supporting an alliance that condoned spying on an ally of Sparta. you would have belittled and betrayed GOD exactly the same as you did NPO.

When it is quite evident your friends have a coalition that will stomp the $%&@ outta NPO, it does not take much strength to defend one of the main alliances in that (GOD was at least in the beginning being a key alliance to bring in many other alliances). so weakness is exactly Sparta's style.
I don't know how many times I need to say this, but I'll repeat it once again, what the hell: Sparta was with us before we knew how the Karma War would turn out. They were with us when we still thought TOP would back NPO, before the CoC, and when we weren't even sure which way Gremlins would fall.

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