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Red Raiding Safari

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Several days ago, in the hopes of "striking a blow" for tech raiders, elements of MK, FoK, PC, \m/ and others initiated what they have dubbed the Red Safari--organized raids upon unaligned and micro-AA nations alike residing on the Red Sphere.

This action is in direct contravention to the stated purpose of the Red economic bloc Red Dawn, and the modified Revenge Doctrine.

Raiding is nothing new to Red. With the novelty of a supposedly-prostrate Pacifica being continually refreshed in the minds of the followers of the dominant forces of Digiterra, Red is one of, if not the most raided spheres; however, the organized nature of this latest threat is a direct attack on the well being and stability of our home on Red.

It is obvious to us that there is more to these actions than meager gains in land and technology. Well-connected and protected alliances are targeting the Red Sphere in the hopes of drawing out the alliances of Red into open warfare by assaulting the uncoordinated nations with whom we share a symbiotic relationship. The targets of the Red Safari are essentially uninvolved bystanders, which the participants of the safari have turned into victims and tools of their designs on anti-raiding alliances. Attacking innocent nations in an attempt to bait the alliances of Red into war is reprehensible. For some Red leaders, this step is an action we would not expect from those we know in the raiding alliances, and it is a low-point that alarms us.

As an entity tasked with the safeguarding of the mutual interests of Red, we of Red Dawn condemn this action; however, we are not so clumsy as the perpetrators of this crime might have hoped. You may force us to act, but you will not have your desire.

-The Alliances of Red Dawn

Edited by Biff Webster
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[quote name='Biff Webster' date='20 July 2010 - 01:14 AM' timestamp='1279602876' post='2380010']As an entity tasked with the safeguarding of the mutual interests of Red, we of Red Dawn condemn this action; however, we are not so clumsy as the perpetrators of this crime might have hoped. You may be forcing our hands, but you will not have your way.
And yet here's the topic just like they hoped...

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[quote name='Mathias' date='20 July 2010 - 01:18 AM' timestamp='1279603076' post='2380023']
Not being a smart $@!, but I assume you're asking them to please stop. Is that right?

That is exactly what I got out of it. But raiding red isn't illegal, and \m/ won't stop.

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[quote name='Mathias' date='20 July 2010 - 01:18 AM' timestamp='1279603076' post='2380023']
Not being a smart $@!, but I assume you're asking them to please stop. Is that right?
The raiders have already been asked to stop, their response was to increase their raids.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' date='20 July 2010 - 01:19 AM' timestamp='1279603151' post='2380030']
The raiders have already been asked to stop, their response was to increase their raids.

As far as I know none of \m/'s members have been asked to stop. I'd also like to point out directly threatening \m/'s members isn't the way to go about ending their raids. Talking to our government is the only way you'll achieve any progress whatsoever. Any menacing you do try on \m/'s members will quickly expend any capital Red Dawn has on the situation.

Edited by Emperor Marx
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[quote name='Emperor Marx' date='20 July 2010 - 01:23 AM' timestamp='1279603404' post='2380045']
As far as I know none of \m/'s members have been asked to stop. I'd also like to point out directly threatening \m/'s members isn't the way to go about ending their raids. Talking to our government is the only way you'll achieve any progress whatsoever.
Your government has already made it's reasoning and position clear in an address to the Cult, and it does not include any allusions to "we'll stop if you ask us nicely or don't like this." Our strenuous objections were met with "welp, sorry to hear that."

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[i]Lezrahi spied this from his mountain tree, and once the man, Biff Webster finished, he raised his eyebrow, letting his sniper rifle fall to his knees in his astonishment.

He looked up at the pale lantern in the dark sky, and his expression was highly dismayed for many, many reasons.[/i]

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Well, GATO hates raiding but I can't speak for the alliance. Personally all I can do is wish you is luck. These guys are raiding meanies and will do it just to piss you off. If you have the stones to fight back more power to you but you already admitted that is folly. Fighting a PR war like this is probably not the best way to go about it because you are just giving them some kind of sick, twisted satisfaction. I hang out with some of these people. They love it.

There is no way for you to win this but best of luck anyway.

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I don't mean to sound like a douche but....no? Haha you don't own all red nations . Don't get mad if your little red Buddys get raided. How do you think the grey sphere feels they probably get raided (percent wise) wayy more then the red. They aren't complaining

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