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BAPS response to UPN

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[quote name='Atlashill' date='10 June 2010 - 10:27 PM' timestamp='1276205235' post='2332101']
If BAPS wants to be the champion of Purple Unity, they should scale their proposals back.
We were called out and are merely responding to that challenge. Its unfortunate that the leader of a Purple alliance challenged us to a fight but I believe there is a general feeling that this challenge warranted a response.

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[quote name='Nobody Expects' date='10 June 2010 - 04:33 PM' timestamp='1276205578' post='2332113']
I would remind you it was UPN issuing the rash challenges that brought us here, not BAPS. And the offer is non negotiable, being as it is fair and all inclusive.

A duel is not a rash challenge.
Your terms, however, are. Your terms are for a war. Nowhere, in anything I said yesterday or today, will you find any mention of war. DUEL.
Your response is over the top and likely written that way knowing it would not be accepted because it wasn't even close to the original proposal's terms.

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[quote name='Buds The Man' date='10 June 2010 - 05:30 PM' timestamp='1276205435' post='2332107']
I say we do a temp merger with BAPS for the duration of 49 days that way UPN doesnt feel like it has such an advantage of numbers.

Interesting MK comming in here to defend really arent your noses placed better elsewhere. Do you really have to be in every debate or thread firing tired pot shots. Move along please.
Hey man, stuff's happening. This is the only place stuff is happening. Therefore, I care.

[quote name='The Reccesion' date='10 June 2010 - 05:34 PM' timestamp='1276205678' post='2332118']
F this, both of you just go ahead and attack CnG now. :P
Yes, do this.

Edited by Sandwich Controversy
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[quote name='Peggy_Sue' date='10 June 2010 - 01:24 PM' timestamp='1276205057' post='2332096']
Ah, I know the onlookers will place their own take on the meaning of this proposal but the facts are that I proposed a duel, not a war.
I proposed it to get BAPS and UPN on to something that is current and not ancient history. I know BAPS hates UPN but I do not hate BAPS.

ProTip since I know you're new at this; when you challenge someone to a duel, the implication is it's your whole alliance. 20 v. 20 isn't an alliance duel. Your backtracking makes me smile though.

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' date='10 June 2010 - 05:37 PM' timestamp='1276205832' post='2332122']
Hey man, stuff's happening. This is the only place stuff is happening. Therefore, I care.

Yes, do this.
Take two. :smug:

We can keep trying this until the other side wins. :D

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Seriously, All on All, thats the only way to decide this, I have the feeling that UPN is going to have a much higher percent of PM nations than BAPS. This is going to be decided be WC and solid war experience. I thing the double average NS of BAPS will play a big role in this.

Best of luck to both, I think the best idea would be to go through 2-3 war cycles, that's when WC and smart waring really becomes apparent.

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[quote name='Peggy_Sue' date='10 June 2010 - 10:36 PM' timestamp='1276205800' post='2332121']
A duel is not a rash challenge.
Your terms, however, are. Your terms are for a war. Nowhere, in anything I said yesterday or today, will you find any mention of war. DUEL.
Your response is over the top and likely written that way knowing it would not be accepted because it wasn't even close to the original proposal's terms.

It's not a War, War would be levying physical force upon a sovereign entity without any terms or conditions in order to achieve a certain goal or objective. There are quite clear terms and conditions laid out and unlike war, you have a choice as to whether or not you wish to accept the challenge.

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[quote name='Peggy_Sue' date='10 June 2010 - 02:00 PM' timestamp='1276203636' post='2332047']
Interesting, and thank you for the response, Lukemos.

1. 100% of both alliances member nations must be in war mode for the entire duration of the exercise. [color="#ff0000"]This will never happen for UPN. But it could happen for a given number of UPN nations.[/color]
2. All of BAPS v All of UPN [color="#ff0000"]No. I have no desire to smash all of BAPS. I do, however want to set a specific number of nations. UPN will not engage in a duel with an alliance with about 1/8 the members.[/color] [color="#ff0000"]How about 20 vs 20?[/color]
3. Full Nuclear Apocalypse
4. No outside aid or intervention
5. No treaties triggered
6. No Ghosts
7. War to last 30 days or can be curtailed with mutual agreement prior to the 30 days being up. [color="#ff0000"]A war cycle is plenty.[/color]
8. Commence 1st July
9. The terms of this are fair and not up for negotiation, take it or leave it.

UPN has a policy of protecting caspers (friendly ghosts) ... while we protect them we do not give them orders that they must be in war or peace mode. It is not possible for 100% of UPN to be in war mode and I think you knew that when you proposed that term.

It is not my desire to send even 1/4th of UPN into a duel with BAPS. The entire alliance participating does not equal a duel.

A duel is typically a gentlemen's agreement wherein both parties use the same weapon(s). A duel would also have the same numbers on each side.

Typical UPN.

!@#$% out again. Thats freaking sad, you made the challenge and are now trying to weasel out and E-lawyer rules to a war.


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[quote name='Altheus' date='10 June 2010 - 02:33 PM' timestamp='1276205606' post='2332115']
I agree. That'll presumeably be put down to "realpolitik" :P, [b]but if we all sit back for a moment the only real loser in all of this will be Purple.[/b]
So...BAPS, how about the Altheus vs. BAPS extravaganza instead? I'm serious, check out my zero navy, it'll be fun :ehm:

Not really. UPN lost long ago...

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Peggy, we've had some good chat during tough times if you recall, Let me present this to you in a different perspective..I think this is a golden opportunity sent to you from heavens to discard the image created by previous administration of Pixels > Allies. 30 days will save you months of "we're not spineless!!" communication strategy, removing any sort of taint takes alot of time. You'll loose pixels in short term, but earn respect by accepting the duel over the long term. Most of your nations can be rebuilt easily, think through this one, honestly...and as you justified in another post of yours, the duel experience will greatly build experience for an alliance with many young nations.

You also have a chance to prove that you guys aren't paper tigers easily folded, I'm assuming you're all well organised and solid given the manner in which UPN sent out the duel offer and spent some time justifying it and explaining its merits.

Also, [b]© NSO.[/b].

Edited by shahenshah
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[quote name='The Reccesion' date='10 June 2010 - 04:34 PM' timestamp='1276205678' post='2332118']
F this, both of you just go ahead and attack CnG now. :P

[quote name='The Reccesion' date='10 June 2010 - 04:38 PM' timestamp='1276205921' post='2332124']
Take two. :smug:

We can keep trying this until the other side wins. :D

If you want to see us attacked so badly, why don't you grow a pair and do it yourself? :)

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If I were the leader of an alliance involved in a bloc that professes a desire to be a unifying force for my sphere, that is the flagship alliance for a bloc that is suppose to develop young alliances and encourage alliances to move to Purple, I would not have even dignified the challenge with a response. I wouldn't be too worried if an alliance that (by some interpretations, not mine personally) chickened out of battle decided to call me chicken for not responding to it.

This is allowing blood grudges to get in the way of developing our sphere, and I fear for its future if this goes through.

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Make your time Wolfie.

Peggy they have easily noted sleep periods and are siting ducks, attention span of moths..... trust me.

Seriously tho, You don't want to be messing with 'em at all, it just ain't worth it.

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[quote name='Atlashill' date='10 June 2010 - 05:51 PM' timestamp='1276206697' post='2332147']
If I were the leader of an alliance involved in a bloc that professes a desire to be a unifying force for my sphere, that is the flagship alliance for a bloc that is suppose to develop young alliances and encourage alliances to move to Purple, I would not have even dignified the challenge with a response. I wouldn't be too worried if an alliance that (by some interpretations, not mine personally) chickened out of battle decided to call me chicken for not responding to it.


Nobody ever said BAPS was a good choice or even qualified to lead Pegasus, just that they are one tough group who can fight to the death ;)

Edited by Jacapo Saladin
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[quote name='shahenshah' date='10 June 2010 - 01:51 PM' timestamp='1276206673' post='2332143']
Peggy, we've had some good chat during tough times if you recall, Let me present this to you in a different perspective..I think this is a golden opportunity sent to you from heavens to discard the image created by previous administration of Pixels > Allies. 30 days will save you months of "we're not spineless!!" communication strategy, removing any sort of taint takes alot of time. You'll loose pixels in short term, but earn respect by accepting the duel over the long term. Most of your nations can be rebuilt easily, think through this one, honestly.

I rarely say this, but I agree with shahahanahana. If not to back up your own yapping, do it to prove your spine isn't made of Jell-O.

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[quote name='jimbacher' date='11 June 2010 - 11:01 AM' timestamp='1276207267' post='2332158']
Hey BAPS, can you get rid of the no ghosting clause?[/quote]
This will end well :P

But who will we all ghost? :iiam:

Edited by Banksy
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Uhh, UPN invited you over for a little game. They'd already mentioned a number of times before this thread(and before any BAPS members posted in the earlier thread) what the ground rules would turn out to be. If BAPS isn't interested in UPN's offer, then hey, shut the hell up and go on your merry way. The idea that UPN is backing out of this is quite amusing. Nice grandstanding though!

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