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An Announcement from the Grand Global Alliance

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It's all been very entertaining... ok, not really.

I'm not sure... I may have missed it... but from what I understand, Enyo leaked those only AFTER she was accused of leaking them... In a sense.. "If I'm getting blamed for something... I might-as-well have done it!"

Also.. heh.. the proof of a mole, if trapping a mole is actually what JB was attempting... which I doubt, is VE rolls GGA for the information contained in the leak. That's a pretty dumb way to prove a theory.

GGA is fortunate that VE does not consider them a legitimate threat... this may have had a very different ending if they had.

GGA... get away from JB before one of his plans succeeds.

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Everyone talks crap in their government channel. I can't count the number of times I've said I'd love to kill this alliance or that alliance. No one (should) take that sort of talk seriously, unless it contains actual plans to do so.

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[quote name='Haflinger' date='28 May 2010 - 04:14 AM' timestamp='1275020044' post='2314255']
Normally, with a canary trap, you alert SOMEONE you can trust to listen for the planted story to alert you. The fact that they claim to have done a canary trap with nobody listening for the canary's song is what makes this so ludicrous.
Really, on this little world of ours there is no need to alert someone, we all know most information makes the rounds almost as fast as it takes someone to write it.

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[quote name='pezstar' date='28 May 2010 - 12:41 AM' timestamp='1275021647' post='2314280']
Everyone talks crap in their government channel. I can't count the number of times I've said I'd love to kill this alliance or that alliance. No one (should) take that sort of talk seriously, unless it contains actual plans to do so.
Agreed. This isn't the first time we've seen something like this and it certainly won't be the last. This isn't just a trademark characteristic of JB, to be honest.

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Eh I got all types of logs of JB calling me names etc. along with other gov members of GGA. It's what they do. Lose their heads over anything to the point of spilling sewage from their mouths. Everyone should know this at this point and not take any of it seriously. I know I just laughed for the night and then went on with things.

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[quote name='Sooner' date='27 May 2010 - 08:01 PM' timestamp='1274990482' post='2313770']

Brookbank won't admit it but he did call VE an alliance of mini- Bilrows (Yep, it's in those logs that Bilrow referenced.) Face it, if GGA ever had good leadership, it was P_C. No offense, Bilrow, you were stable but no one knew where they stood with you, even us. Atleast with P_C, you knew where you stood. Yeah, he was crazy and all and tried to rule the game (we all know how well that turned out) but sadly if GGA ever had smart leadership, it would not be the GGA. GGA is like a cat on its 9th life and is prancing around the downed power line like it still has its first life.

Please GGA, just die already. VE was never the cancer of green sphere, you were and still are.

Ah, the ever enduring myth. P_C's "ability" was just that, a myth, brought about by nostalgia and political convenience. Aldbeign, Kevin the Great and Bilrow ran the alliance for him. It is no coincidence that P_C's own downfall came about as a result of his decision to become more involved in the day to day running of the alliance. For someone who has been in the green team since forever, Sooner, you demonstrate superficial knowledge of the alliance's history.

OOC: Not to mention P_C was a disgusting individual who had absolutely no respect for boundaries between game and person.

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' date='28 May 2010 - 05:44 AM' timestamp='1275021842' post='2314283']
Really, on this little world of ours there is no need to alert someone, we all know most information makes the rounds almost as fast as it takes someone to write it.

Though normally, you still tell someone to listen as a heads up, so they know the info isn't true. Why you ask? To avoid threads like these where everbody goes LOLGGA.

[quote name='im317' date='27 May 2010 - 10:32 PM' timestamp='1274995948' post='2313869']
i find myself in the same situation as Logan does. i didn't hear about this and im allied to VE. in fact im more disappointed in my friends in VE for not sharing the laughs then anything else.

We didn't really wanna throw oil on the fire.

[quote name='Haflinger' date='27 May 2010 - 02:58 PM' timestamp='1274968681' post='2313480']
JB, you don't deal with stuff like this publicly. If you had wanted to, contacting VE government in private channels would have been perfectly sensible. Although I'm pretty sure the conversation would have gone something like this.

<JB> I'm here to talk about the leaked logs.
<VE-GOVERNMENT-OFFICIAL> Oh alright. What do you want to say?
<JB> I said those things to flush out a spy. It didn't work the way I thought it would though.

-- meanwhile in VE government channel
<OTHER-VE-GOVERNMENT-OFFICIAL> Nope, completely irrelevant.
<VE-GOVERNMENT-OFFICIAL> What about those logs?

-- back to query
<VE-GOVERNMENT-OFFICIAL> Thanks JB. We have no problems with you guys.
<JB> Oh ok.

Pretty accurate portrayal of the general sentiment in the VE.

Edited by leprecon
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[quote]<Jonathan_Brookbank[GGA]> PhR's government is a bunch of people who sucked at leading GGA and led it to where it is now
[2010-04-18 22:17:38] <Jonathan_Brookbank[GGA]> VE is a bunch of power hungry idiots
[2010-04-18 22:17:49] <Jonathan_Brookbank[GGA]> And the rest of them are stupid enough to be listening to the power hungry idiots in VE
[2010-04-18 22:19:35] <Jonathan_Brookbank[GGA]> Literally everyone around us is dumb.
[2010-04-18 22:19:39] <Jonathan_Brookbank[GGA]> How does that make you feel?
[2010-04-18 22:38:09] <Jonathan_Brookbank[GGA]> Thoughts on leaving UJA?
[2010-04-18 22:38:39] <TheLordPrice[GGA]> scrap them.
[2010-04-18 22:38:45] <Roy_Mustang[GGA]> Bad PR move, but, it would remove quite a bit of frustration.
[2010-04-18 22:43:14] <Enyo> Though, is it only because of the VE?
[2010-04-18 22:43:18] <Jonathan_Brookbank[GGA]> There is no unity in UJA.
[2010-04-18 22:43:23] <Jonathan_Brookbank[GGA]> It is literally a puppet group for VE.
[2010-04-18 22:43:33] <Jonathan_Brookbank[GGA]> But VE is not the only alliance creating issues within it.
[2010-04-18 22:43:36] <Jonathan_Brookbank[GGA]> PhR is as well.[/quote]

Gotta love these logs. Doesn't matter what snippet you take out, it's all comedy gold!

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Ahhh, nice to see me being put on PZI by the pre-Karma GGA Triumvirate doesn't disqualify me from being one of being one of the people who "led it to where it is now". Nor does it disqualify us that the [b]ENTIRE POINT OF THE FOUNDING OF OUR ALLIANCE[/b] was to get away from how the GGA was doing business.

Gotta love cheap easy stereotypes of alliances that you can shovel to your members to excuse any action or disrespectful attitudes you take. Luckily those of us in PhR don't have the same simplistic view of GGA. :)

Best of luck to general membership over there.

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[quote name='pezstar' date='28 May 2010 - 12:41 AM' timestamp='1275021647' post='2314280']
Everyone talks crap in their government channel. I can't count the number of times I've said I'd love to kill this alliance or that alliance. No one (should) take that sort of talk seriously, unless it contains actual plans to do so.
Yes, but how many times have you declared the singular purpose of your alliance to be to kill so-and-so? With every claim said in anger there is a grain of truth, usually in that the honest opinion is a few steps down the ladder of disdain. If you casually declare "roll AAA", you just don't like 'em if you're not being fun and sarcastic. If you discuss in greater detail an assault and chat about how you want to kill them, you're solidly in a different camp than they are (and likely frustrated by some current event). If you state that you and yours exist only to destroy AAA... well even going back down the ladder it's pretty damn strong.

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[quote name='Rickyman1984' date='28 May 2010 - 02:08 PM' timestamp='1275052085' post='2314534']
Ahhh, nice to see me being put on PZI by the pre-Karma GGA Triumvirate doesn't disqualify me from being one of being one of the people who "led it to where it is now". Nor does it disqualify us that the [b]ENTIRE POINT OF THE FOUNDING OF OUR ALLIANCE[/b] was to get away from how the GGA was doing business.

Gotta love cheap easy stereotypes of alliances that you can shovel to your members to excuse any action or disrespectful attitudes you take. Luckily those of us in PhR don't have the same simplistic view of GGA. :)

Best of luck to general membership over there.

I have to admit, I laughed real hard when I read that and hoped you'd show up in here ^_^ What was it you did again to deserve that PZI Ricky? :awesome:

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[quote name='PrinceArutha' date='27 May 2010 - 11:52 PM' timestamp='1275018752' post='2314244']
But, isn't your accusation exactly what a true spy would want everyone to think? Wouldnt a true spy try to place the blame on someone else? you seem to know a lot about "bloodfury" knowing a lot about the innerworkings of GGA's leadership. So much that one could claim that you were a spy as well, given that you are not in.... oh hell, yea, I see the stretch and I raise you some drama.

This has gotten WAAAAAY more attention than it deserves of should have gotten in the first place. And I totally dont buy the "we planted this to smoke out the mole... but we didnt tell anyone".

You caught me. I'm the muffin man.

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[quote name='Poyplemonkeys' date='28 May 2010 - 08:29 AM' timestamp='1275053375' post='2314552']
I have to admit, I laughed real hard when I read that and hoped you'd show up in here ^_^ What was it you did again to deserve that PZI Ricky? :awesome:
Horrible awful unspeakable things like being in a room and discussing things to improve the alliance. If you want to give me an ulcer and night terrors feel free to PM me and I'll give you the whole story.

I hate to admit it, but as bizarre as JB can be he's still better than the lot that was running it pre-Karma war. At least now it's just blowing stuff out of proportion and not creating it from thin air. The level of cursing at fellow Gov members seems to have dropped somewhat as well.

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Here is my all time favorite JB log, and it happened to be pretty much the turning point between 'VE and GGA are turning over a new leaf, lets even discuss UJA upgrades' to 'GGA is probably led more horribly than it ever has been before, which is saying something'.

The alliances of UJA had all (excluding our neutral signatories and protectorates of course, and even they were behind it) agreed in principle to upgrade UJA to include an ODP. There were many reasons for this, one was to increase relations between the alliances so we all felt like 'allies', but one of those reasons was because before, during, and after the JB-led coup, he came to us trying to get us to forgive his previous actions, and saying he was doing this so GGA could start over anew. Our advice to him, was if he wanted to end the 'lolGGA' stuff, to just avoid the OWF and anything FA as much as possible, and work to internally make your alliance thrive internally, so after a few months when your ship was righted, you would be able to re-present yourself to the world as an actual new GGA, on the upswing.

Needless to say, you didn't do that. When you guys posted the Emerald Doctrine I thought it was odd that you would open yourselves up for trolling (which was basically the point of staying away from the OWF). I posted that you guys should really not waste mental capacity on thinking of ways to score PR wins on the OWF, and instead worry about yourselves internally. That was a veiled way of saying you, as an alliance, only had 14 active aid transactions for ~60 people in the alliance around the time of your announcing that, and that if you were worried more about the Emerald Doctrine than you were about that horrible aid slot usage, maybe you should reconsider your goals.

Back to the UJA ODP, one of the motives there was to give a legitimate defense link between VE and GGA, so that you guys wouldn't have to worry about your defense or doing FA crap while you fixed yourselves internally, because VE would have your back. But that wasn't enough for you. You wanted to make UJA, a color treaty, mandate that all of its members be on the same page and not 'troll' each other. I use troll in italics because what you call 'trolling' other people call 'advice'. You cited me as an example of someone who was trolling you, for having made these posts in your Emerald Doctrine thread:

"I would be happier to see GGA using their time to create internal policies to strengthen their alliance and actually help green, instead of what really amounts to wasting their time on (partially) redundant foreign policies that really do not strengthen the sphere or their alliance any."

"...my point is is you guys don't need foreign policy right now, you need internal policy. I'll stop before people get going on the 'why don't you let GGA run GGA' but as a valid suggestion, if I were in your position the second anyone started distracting themselves from fixing real problems by saying something like 'we should do xxx foreign policy thing' I would respectfully try to steer them back in the right direction."

Sure it wasn't lovey dovey, but then again we had supported you through your coup, because you were vowing to strengthen your internal policies and not do crap like that that would get you trolled. Anyway, you wanted to outlaw stuff like that, as well as outlaw any members of Phoenix Rising, an alliance made up of people who left GGA during various coups in the past, from saying things to you guys as well. Sure, we could have vowed to limit stuff like that, but you wanted to amend UJA to basically say no one was ever allowed to critique each other. When the conversation waffled on that, you immediately retracted your yes vote for the ODP to UJA.

Once that happened, the rest of your government realized what you had done, and tried to backtrack as fast as possible from that, even saying that they were allowed to overrule you. But the damage had been done, we finally saw the old JB come out. You had been pretending to like us during your formative period because you needed our recognition in order to ensure that you had a big brother while canceling nearly all of your treaties. We offered you that opportunity, and once you didn't need it anymore you started to push everyone else around. Even though you were at the time the ninth biggest alliance on green, you decided you had the right to hold up what everyone else wanted to do, because such a measure would have required a unanimous vote to pass. You had a big chance to usher in a new era for GGA, with green united beside you. Instead you threw it all away.

The logs sum it up better than I do, what VE and GGA relations turned into that night.

01[23:14] <@Goldie[VE]> you guys should realize you had a golden opportunity here to start a new page in the book of GGA, work your way back toward universal tolerance and even respectability. you had large, respectable alliances here talking treaty with you. and instead of seizing the golden opportunity to handle yourselves maturely and walking away with allies, JB shows his true colors and GGA drifts further and further away from us.
[23:14] <%Byron_Orpheus> We did, although people tend to conveniently ignore that if we didn't coup GGA wouldn't exist
06[23:14] * ~TheLordPrice[GGA] kinda remembers that he was in power before the coup.
[23:14] <~TheLordPrice[GGA]> :P
[23:14] <@TypoNinja> indeed, which only serves to tie you to the last form.
[23:14] <%Byron_Orpheus> Further and further away from what?
[23:15] <&Jonathan_Brookbank[GGA]> True colors?
[23:15] <%Byron_Orpheus> JB, shut up
[23:15] <%Byron_Orpheus> Seriosuly
01[23:15] <@Goldie[VE]> yea, true colors
[23:15] <&Jonathan_Brookbank[GGA]> I apologize for wanting real allies, not just paper allies.
[23:15] <%Byron_Orpheus> Go watch TV
[b][23:15] <&Jonathan_Brookbank[GGA]> S*ck a d*ck, Goldie.[/b]

GL JB, you don't need us to roll you, you rolled GGA better than we ever could have.

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[quote name='Rickyman1984' date='28 May 2010 - 06:40 AM' timestamp='1275054038' post='2314558']
Horrible awful unspeakable things like being in a room and discussing things to improve the alliance.[/quote]

I remember all of that. Good times.

Edited by Van Hoo III
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[quote name='Ardus' date='28 May 2010 - 09:11 AM' timestamp='1275052260' post='2314539']
Yes, but how many times have you declared the singular purpose of your alliance to be to kill so-and-so? With every claim said in anger there is a grain of truth, usually in that the honest opinion is a few steps down the ladder of disdain. If you casually declare "roll AAA", you just don't like 'em if you're not being fun and sarcastic. If you discuss in greater detail an assault and chat about how you want to kill them, you're solidly in a different camp than they are (and likely frustrated by some current event). If you state that you and yours exist only to destroy AAA... well even going back down the ladder it's pretty damn strong.

The stuff here is pretty tame compared to some of the things STA said about Valhalla in the months after the noCB war. You can definitely tell the difference between RAWR RAGE and "Ok, so here's what we're going to do about this pesky alliance we hate."

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[quote name='Mussolandia' date='27 May 2010 - 11:57 PM' timestamp='1275022615' post='2314302']
Ah, the ever enduring myth. P_C's "ability" was just that, a myth, brought about by nostalgia and political convenience. Aldbeign, Kevin the Great and Bilrow ran the alliance for him. It is no coincidence that P_C's own downfall came about as a result of his decision to become more involved in the day to day running of the alliance. For someone who has been in the green team since forever, Sooner, you demonstrate superficial knowledge of the alliance's history.

OOC: Not to mention P_C was a disgusting individual who had absolutely no respect for boundaries between game and person.

I admit my knowledge of P_C was from just before his exit so it is very limited. I think I only had one conversation with him and it was less than tasteful. The point I was making however you did clarify very well. [quote]Aldbeign, Kevin the Great and Bilrow ran the alliance for him. It is no coincidence that P_C's own downfall came about as a result of his decision to become more involved in the day to day running of the alliance.[/quote] That is the reason why GGA was as successful as it was, since after P_C left, Bilrow had already been running the alliance and had it going at a nice even flow until almost a year later.

OOC: That he did and GGA's current leadership is eeking that way. That is why I mentioned that disgusting "myth" as you put it.

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How dare anyone talk to goldie that way(Or anyone for that matter). I would go through GGA just to get to JB for that. In fact I'd like to see GGA pay the price just for harboring a scumbag who would speak to another CN'er in such an atrocious manner.

Edit: I commend VE for its handling of this. The amount of restraint shown is more than I could ever hold back.

Edited by SonOfHoward
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Dunno about anyone else, but I'm a bit perplexed as to why VE gives a damn what GGA thinks of them. I mean really, if you know they're being mismanaged and have big internal issues why care if they are issuing private threats toward you? It's not like they have a hope in hell of acting upon those threats. For me this just seems like a non-sequitur issue. I'm not saying this was a brilliant move by JB, but I find your presence in this thread rather odd: you've come off as an overall respectful bunch of people, so why stupe to this level, for GGA of all people?

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