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Open Air or Smokey Rooms



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After reading the views on the Imperial Decree regarding reps to GOD (Please, do not bring that argument in here!) I saw many people split into the "You did not need to make a public announcement, private channels ftw" camp or the "It's a good thing this was made public to show transparency" camp.

If I recall, people were complaining rather loudly a little bit ago about how much is done behind closed doors by a few people that impact the game at large, and wanted more done outside of IRC's smokey back rooms.

So, for issues like the one mentioned (not a small matter between alliances), do you think things should be public, or private and out of view of the general population?

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I'd honestly prefer smokey rooms. When alliances do things in the back-channels, it gives them more space to maneuver diplomatically. Their decisions aren't excessively restricted by the whims and fancies of the masses. It gives them the freedom to make the best judgment insulated from public opinion.

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[quote name='Qazzian' date='17 February 2010 - 12:44 PM' timestamp='1266432268' post='2187743']
If I recall, people were complaining rather loudly a little bit ago about how much is done behind closed doors by a few people that impact the game at large, and wanted more done outside of IRC's smokey back rooms.

Assuming the issue actually does "impact the game at large" - it absolutely should be discussed in public. Having said that, there is VERY little that actually does. If it's a "community standard" issue, where people are going to be screaming "not fair" or "you should have..." if someone breaks it, well - all national leaders who care should be able to express an opinion. Everything else, I don't care.

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' date='17 February 2010 - 04:53 PM' timestamp='1266443595' post='2188033']
IMO most day to day issues are best kept in back channels, the big issues usually start there but at a point need to become public in order for each side to attempt to garner the support of the masses.
^^^^ dammit i find myself agreeing again with this guy.

Back channels is prefearable for the little stuff if it blows up take it to the OWF it will get there anyway.

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Issues should only be brought in the open as a way to punish an opposing party, and only if the opposing party is hurt by the publication of that issue.

There is one rule regarding private channels I hold particularly sacred: When it comes to members of your alliance, or allies of your alliance, all disputes must be handled in private channels. That goes without saying, or at least it should.

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I don't really care either way.

Seems like "private channels ftw" only really gains momentum as a view when there's already sufficient excitement around, and loses that momentum when people think CN is boring for whatever reason.

I suppose what I'm trying to say is that most people are shameless drama whores, unless there's already drama present. If that's so, they want people to... I guess, save it for later?

Edited by Aurion
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As others have said, this is something that needs to be considered on a case by case basis. In the current situation, the discussion started out in the smokey room. If GOD had agreed to the suspension of reps (as did every other member of the G15), no post would have been necessary. However, since they insisted that reps continue during the war, NPO had no choice but to post the thread so that alliances opposing GOD would be given full disclosure of why aid was flowing to their enemy. Although the thread has been characterized by GOD and its sycophants as a blatant attempt to embarrass Xiphosis and company, that was only a coincidental (and pleasing) side effect. The real purpose was to provide essential information to the alliances that would be adversely impacted by the aid packages.

So the answer to the poll is: it depends.

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I used to be the king of the smoky back room. Then I saw the light one day back in June of 2007 when one of the many coup attempts against me (the Harry Harper incident) occurred. I took appropriate action but for some reason the Polar Body Republic wasn't mollified. They were freaking out and they were mad at me, wanting to know why a popular member had been declared a traitor and sentenced to ZI. So I laid it all out there for them in gory detail - all the dirt and back room nonsense became 'public' record within the alliance. The membership immediately took my side and the alliance had never been stronger. So, I said to myself, "Hey handsome, if you can do that inside the alliance, what's stopping you from doing it with everyone?" I replied, "I don't see why not. You're brilliant!" I ended up winning a lot of fans and supporters over the years by telling people the dirty truth. Of course that wins you enemies as well. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Others 'saw the light' as well. My comrades in Vox Populi, for instance. We turned that 'light' into a gigantic laser to use against the Hegemony, and perhaps to carve "Shantamantan was here" on the dark side of the moon during one particularly drunken late night strategy session. There is no greater power in this game than being able to sway the masses of nearly every alliance to your cause. That means doing business loudly, publicly, and (if you have an ounce of sense) honestly. People who want things done privately have something to hide. People who take their cause to the masses and are able to sway them will win ten times out of ten.

I'm not saying that alliances should be open books with no secrets at all. That would be stupid. I'm simply saying that shouting "private channels" at someone who airs something that might be a little uncomfortable for you is boring and cowardly. It's also not going to win you any support. Take it from me, I've been there, done that, and got the t-shirt.

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