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Imperial Decree - New Polar

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[quote name='Venizelos' date='08 February 2010 - 12:36 AM' timestamp='1265607379' post='2168235']
someone saw through our evil plans...

quick! to the archoncopter!

Oh my god. I want to ride in the Archoncopter!

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[quote name='NoFish' date='07 February 2010 - 02:02 PM' timestamp='1265580134' post='2167395']
MK convinced NpO to declare war on \m/ just to get at TOP! Just like they convinced Athens to declare war on TPF to get at TOP! And how they convinced NPO to declare on OV to get at TOP! My god! Those sick geniuses!

My god... it all fits so well. Mind blown, good sir, mind blown. Where do I deposit the ones?

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[quote name='Penlugue Solaris' date='07 February 2010 - 09:53 AM' timestamp='1265565191' post='2167000']
Polaris is declaring only one war? Please show me any proof of that for the future. I will not debate your point for now, but if it happens to change, don't be surprised.

Two. There are two declarations.

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[quote name='Litha Riddle' date='07 February 2010 - 07:37 PM' timestamp='1265589436' post='2167709']
It truly breaks my heart to see you get played like this by your 'friends' Polar :(

I hope you make it through this. :(
Ummm....first post?

Nice start!

o/ Polaris! :awesome:

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[quote name='MNNorthStars' date='08 February 2010 - 05:36 AM' timestamp='1265607389' post='2168238']
couldn't have put it any better myself

My good sir, whatever are you implying?

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Either Polar got played or Grub is totally insane and just decided to claim MK had asked him to declare on the non-Polar side of the war in order to screw himself over.

[quote]MK convinced NpO to declare war on \m/ just to get at TOP! Just like they convinced Athens to declare war on TPF to get at TOP! And how they convinced NPO to declare on OV to get at TOP! My god! Those sick geniuses![/quote]
The various hyperbolic posts like this one do nothing to dispel the idea that MK actually [i]did[/i] want to deliberately damage NpO-TOP relations for strategic reasons.

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[quote name='HellAngel' date='07 February 2010 - 04:45 PM' timestamp='1265561116' post='2166922']
Good, then its not working, I dont hate polar either. I probably dont like Grub now because he is spinning on his feet throwing wtf-cakes at everyone, but i guess the general membership knew as much about this as TOP.

Yeah, I know I don't pay a lot of attention to alliance politics during these times (OOC: summer holiday), but this DoW was a complete surprise. I don't think the general membership expected to see this.

Edited by Teriethien
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[quote]The various hyperbolic posts like this one do nothing to dispel the idea that MK actually did want to deliberately damage NpO-TOP relations for strategic reasons. [/quote]

Until you consider it was posted by a GOD member, Janova. Honestly now.

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[quote name='Bob Janova' date='08 February 2010 - 02:28 PM' timestamp='1265635708' post='2168660']The various hyperbolic posts like this one do nothing to dispel the idea that MK actually [i]did[/i] want to deliberately damage NpO-TOP relations for strategic reasons.
I don't think it's in doubt that MK asked NpO for help so that NpO-TOP coalition is further weakened and that our sides morale falls. There is no doubt about that. It seems that 2:1 odds are not good enough for them.

Now, this begs another question, treatment of NpO by MK and at the same time, treatment of MK by NpO. It does look as if both alliance spit on each other, with NpO making the first move when they okayed TOP/IRON strike and agreed not to activate treaties against us. Personally I really do not like the implication MK asking NpO to defend them brings, which is that MK will use you as a tool if it suits their interests but to be honest NpO brought it upon themselves with disrespecting their relationship before that.

I however can speak for TOP that even though we can activate certain treaties with our friends and allies on the other side (against TJO for one) we will not do this because we do not want to use our friends as tools. We know we are on opposite sides and until the war is over we will not try to undermine their position through our treaties.

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[quote]I however can speak for TOP that even though we can activate certain treaties with our friends and allies on the other side (against TJO for one) we will not do this because we do not want to use our friends as tools.[/quote]

Quite a few of your friends on our side now who would've appreciated such compassion on TOP's part during TPF.

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[quote name='Xiphosis' date='08 February 2010 - 04:03 PM' timestamp='1265644994' post='2168765']
Until you consider it was posted by a GOD member, Janova. Honestly now.
So? That makes it even less likely to dispel the notion, since presumably a GOD member doesn't actually know the answer any more than Hell did.

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[quote name='Mussolandia' date='08 February 2010 - 01:18 PM' timestamp='1265653116' post='2168890']
*cough* coup *cough*
[color="#0000FF"]Grub will be stepping down soon enough. It was already a certainty after he left the war the first time, although the day he leaves cannot come soon enough.[/color]

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[quote name='astronaut jones' date='07 February 2010 - 01:31 PM' timestamp='1265567509' post='2167059']
What did you do to them, you !@#$%^& ?!

I hired bm, Masta Hacka, of course :P

Spoiler: I did not actually do anything, and have been whining in Polar's embassy about it non-stop. I miss our embassy there :(

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[quote name='Bob Janova' date='08 February 2010 - 08:28 AM' timestamp='1265635708' post='2168660']The various hyperbolic posts like this one do nothing to dispel the idea that MK actually [i]did[/i] want to deliberately damage NpO-TOP relations for strategic reasons.[/quote]

I'd really hope one wouldn't buy too much into such posts when authored by members of neither MK nor Polar (and when clearly made in jest for that matter). ;)

Edited by SirWilliam
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[quote name='Bob Janova' date='08 February 2010 - 08:28 AM' timestamp='1265635708' post='2168660']
Either Polar got played or Grub is totally insane and just decided to claim MK had asked him to declare on the non-Polar side of the war in order to screw himself over.
Personally, I don't think asking someone to uphold their treaty agreement counts as "playing" but, you know, us in GOD have weird notions about treaties and upholding them and stuff.
The various hyperbolic posts like this one do nothing to dispel the idea that MK actually [i]did[/i] want to deliberately damage NpO-TOP relations for strategic reasons.
I have no idea if MK wanted to damage NpO-TOP relations. I was just pointing out how TOP always seems to think that everyone is out to get them.

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Grub, I don't know how you can justify canceling on GR, and I don't want to know. I can't believe what you've done to Polaris.

Although I can understand why MK didn't receive the same treatment as GR. The situations are [i]so[/i] different.

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[quote name='Saber' date='08 February 2010 - 11:13 AM' timestamp='1265645600' post='2168774']
I don't think it's in doubt that MK asked NpO for help so that NpO-TOP coalition is further weakened and that our sides morale falls. There is no doubt about that. It seems that 2:1 odds are not good enough for them.

Now, this begs another question, treatment of NpO by MK and at the same time, treatment of MK by NpO. It does look as if both alliance spit on each other, with NpO making the first move when they okayed TOP/IRON strike and agreed not to activate treaties against us. Personally I really do not like the implication MK asking NpO to defend them brings, which is that MK will use you as a tool if it suits their interests but to be honest NpO brought it upon themselves with disrespecting their relationship before that.

[b]I however can speak for TOP that even though we can activate certain treaties with our friends and allies on the other side (against TJO for one) we will not do this because we do not want to use our friends as tools. We know we are on opposite sides and until the war is over we will not try to undermine their position through our treaties.[/b]

Or you wouldn't because no one expects alliances to agree to every request for assistance even when the requesting alliance is on the opposite side of a war, and the assistance requested is against an alliance fighting on their own side :P But yeah, its MK's fault polar declared.

Its posts like this that distract from what should be the prevailing mood and posts of this thread, disgust for polar. Stop acting like you can blame this entirely on MK and remain buds with polar. Clearly you were basing your future around them at the beginning of the war, but shouldn't this show more than anything that that's no longer a possibility? But no, from the looks of things you'll still end up cozying up to them down the line and god forbid any rational arguments or facts get in the way

Go back to demonizing one group while making excuses for your "friends" after they betrayed you I guess :|

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[quote name='Bob Janova' date='08 February 2010 - 07:28 AM' timestamp='1265635708' post='2168660']
Either Polar got played or Grub is totally insane and just decided to claim MK had asked him to declare on the non-Polar side of the war in order to screw himself over.

The various hyperbolic posts like this one do nothing to dispel the idea that MK actually [i]did[/i] want to deliberately damage NpO-TOP relations for strategic reasons.
I have a lot of respect for you, but your recent posts appear to be trying [i]far[/i] too hard at incriminating MK. I've been there, it doesn't work like that.

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[quote name='Kortal' date='08 February 2010 - 09:43 PM' timestamp='1265665414' post='2169101']
Or you wouldn't because no one expects alliances to agree to every request for assistance even when the requesting alliance is on the opposite side of a war, and the assistance requested is against an alliance fighting on their own side :P But yeah, its MK's fault polar declared.

Its posts like this that distract from what should be the prevailing mood and posts of this thread, disgust for polar. Stop acting like you can blame this entirely on MK and remain buds with polar. Clearly you were basing your future around them at the beginning of the war, but shouldn't this show more than anything that that's no longer a possibility? But no, from the looks of things you'll still end up cozying up to them down the line and god forbid any rational arguments or facts get in the way

Go back to demonizing one group while making excuses for your "friends" after they betrayed you I guess :|
From where I'm standing, there is plenty of criticism to go around. Just cause Saber was pointing some at MK on this occasion doesn't mean he loves Polaris or faults MK for everything. Nor does what he say absolutely represent TOP.

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