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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order

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I am seriously beginning to question what separates NPO from NpO. After all, I do believe that NPO was renowned for picking off targets before a resistance could actually form.

Grub, I will tell you this now, that you better watch yourself. You have made more enemies then you have allies. No one likes a self-proclaimed robocop.

Oh please. Knocking over an alliance for being jerks without demanding reps is nowhere near what the NPO at its evil height did.

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Although I disliked the fiasco that \m/ was involved in...I like less that Polaris attacking \m/ as a punishment for seizing an opportunity when it presented itself.

Now, if \m/ is getting it for insulting Grub... well, that I can see. ;)

It would seem to put some friends in some difficult spots, though.

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I am seriously beginning to question what separates NPO from NpO. After all, I do believe that NPO was renowned for picking off targets before a resistance could actually form.

Grub, I will tell you this now, that you better watch yourself. You have made more enemies then you have allies. No one likes a self-proclaimed robocop.

I will tell you this my friend, I will never live in fear of you or anyone else. Unlike many I have been up and I have been down and I have been up again and if I go down again, there is only up ahead. I won't be watching anything but the road ahead, but thanks for the tip.

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No, Walford created CNARF as a transparent grab for attention. He specifically made it as an "extra-alliance" organization so he could still operate with protection from GATO's "army" at the time.

You're funny, keep it up with 'dem history lessons.

No, CNARF was to attack raiders. To further prove you wrong walford kept up those activities long after CNARF disbanded without any fanfare here on the forums as well.

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No, Walford created CNARF as a transparent grab for attention. He specifically made it as an "extra-alliance" organization so he could still operate with protection from GATO's "army" at the time.

You're funny, keep it up with 'dem history lessons.

Regardless of whatever you say his intentions were, they both are striking against tech raiders and using the might of their alliance to do so. So, go ahead and baaw about the connection, but it's still there.

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I highly doubt the Corporation will utilize their ODP. It would not benefit their stats.

Indeed, it's not in their conservo-libertarian business self-interest to do so, though they may not be too big to fail ;).

I am seriously beginning to question what separates NPO from NpO. After all, I do believe that NPO was renowned for picking off targets before a resistance could actually form.

Grub, I will tell you this now, that you better watch yourself. You have made more enemies then you have allies. No one likes a self-proclaimed robocop.

\m/'s probably not going to get much support anyways because it's been an aggressor in 2 wars and complete asshats. The implication is that it's a short, deserved beating from Polar and the CN community for being just that. And Bravo.

o/ Polaris

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"Bring it"

Love it. If you really wanted them, why didn't you just declare on them? Ohhhhhhhhhhh............

It really is hilarious when you can see right through the pathetic attempts of a scared alliance to set up a victory for themselves.

I weep for the foolishness engulfing our world.

I'd like some policy clarification. How many members does an alliance need to have for them to be under the wing of Polaris' protection by default?

Who knows? Don't end up with just a treaty partner or two, cause Polar will be looking for you next.

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Disrespectful and vulgar behavior has consequences. Maybe this matter will convince some of the truth of that statement, or at least compel them to be more respectful in the future. I am sick and tired of the OWF being a cesspit of degradation and assorted crudity. These days, intelligent debate is insulted and degraded rather than encouraged. That needs to change; and those who involve themselves in such behavior need to consider becoming more constructive in dialogue.

Edited by Crymson
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Interesting how they won't attack PC, too. That would result in them losing considerable stats. They're really rather just be fair-weather heroes of the unaligned.

You sir seem to be missing the point that if PC would've acted the way \m/ did Polaris would have focused on them... This has got nothing to do with stats it's all about principle, maybe I can fetch a link to the OP if you'd like?

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I will tell you this my friend, I will never live in fear of you or anyone else. Unlike many I have been up and I have been down and I have been up again and if I go down again, there is only up ahead. I won't be watching anything but the road ahead, but thanks for the tip.

our dinner reservation is sooooo canceled.

Please be sure that while your looking ahead, you watch out for your ego. You might trip on it.

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hey grub you might want to Police your own house first

Aren't you allied to \m/ at all... you know... the people who got attacked?

What? No seriously, what?

Edit - You edited it as I was hitting quote :P

Yeah, I looked back to make sure I was getting my facts straight and was like... *CRAP! I JUST LOOKED LIKE A TOTAL RETARD.*

My apologies to you trace. :P

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No, CNARF was to attack raiders. To further prove you wrong walford kept up those activities long after CNARF disbanded without any fanfare here on the forums as well.

No, he made it specifically with said fanfare in mind, and had GATO announce their military protection over CNARF at the time of it's founding. That Walford simply tried it again later without fanfare, and then continued to do so even after he announced CNARF's disbandment does nothing to detract from the fact he did it as an obvious play for attention.

Walford may have found his calling later on, but in the first place it was a blatant attempt at self-martyring.

Edit: Damn my grammar!

Edited by Chron
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Disrespectful and vulgar behavior has consequences. Maybe this matter will convince some of that, or at least compel them to be more respectful in the future. I am sick and tired of the OWF being a cesspit of trolling and assorted crudity. These days, intelligent debate is trolled and degraded rather than encouraged. That needs to change; and those who involve themselves in such behavior need to consider becoming more constructive in dialogue.

You know, if that's what they were declaring for I might agree with you. Turns out they're declaring over a techraid that's already over, and the offended alliance considers resolved.

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Disrespectful and vulgar behavior has consequences. Maybe this matter will convince some of that, or at least compel them to be more respectful in the future. I am sick and tired of the OWF being a cesspit of trolling and assorted crudity. These days, intelligent debate is trolled and degraded rather than encouraged. That needs to change; and those who involve themselves in such behavior need to consider becoming more constructive in dialogue.
Kind of like a more friendly Shark Week? I'm down.
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