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Name Origins


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Ruler: Lord of Destruction - It's the title of Baal in the Game Diablo 2, a game I was playing before I created my nation that day.

Nation: Hell Reincarnated - Well, Baal, as the oldest prime evil, ruled over hell. I figured that a new "hell on earth" would be a new incarnation of it, so... yeah.

Capital: Hell - I think you get the idea by now.

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CN cant do the ü in Küstrin so it got changed to K252strin

It can't do ä either (at least not by Alt-coding) so my name ended up as Jarkko Salomki instead of Jarkko Salomäki :P

Ruler: Jarkko Salomäki - NOT my RL name. There were two Finns on the Vancouver Canucks when I started playing Star Trek: Starfleet Command III, Jarkko Ruutu and Sami Salo. Anyway, that and my knowledge of the fact Finnish names love to compound with nature-type stuff combined to give me Jarkko Salomäki. I am part-Finnish IRL and used that name as both the character in a ST fanfic (which was scrapped) and also as my gaming handle.

Nation: Uralica - I've always been fascinated by Uralic cultures and languages in general, so I thought of a "what if" concept based around a pan-Uralic state, hence Uralica. Uralic comes from the language family name, which is named after the Ural Mountains, and it is disputed as to whether the mountain name is Uralic or Turkic Altaic in origin.

Capital: Syktyvkar - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syktyvkar < 'nuff said. :P

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I originally used the name Supercoolyellowjacket in high school as a screen name for something else. I used it b/c the college I was going to be going to has yellow jacket as their mascot. I eventually had to shorten it for games and such because the orginal name is 21 characters long, and most website accounts do now allow for so many characters.

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Ruler - Fronz: I choose Fronz since that was the scree name I was using in Age of Empires III, I wanted to be Franz since i had just learned about Archduke Franz Ferdinand in my world history class back in '06, but Franz was taken. Apparently Fronz was my second choice.

Nation Name - Great Antarctica: I thought Antarctica was a cool place (ha. ha. pun -_- ) and really the last colonized place on earth, perfect for building a great empire.

Capitol Name - Ibelin: I choose Ibelin since I had watched kingdom of heaven that week or something, Ibelin being a fortress/castle in the kingdom of Jerusalem. It is also the name of what I thought was a pretty cool song in the soundtrack:

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Ruler: Lord Panda is the first thing I thought of.

Nation: Panda Express is named so because of a pipe my friends and I had, which we dubbed the 'Autism Express'. The panda theme had to keep going. Pineapple Express had also recently come out, so that was a factor as well.

Capitol: Obvious name is obvious.

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Ruler Name: Feanor was a key character from The Silmarillion. He was considered the greatest of the Noldor aswell as the Deep Elves. His name meant Spirit of Fire which summed up the character perfectly. I choose his name because I enjoyed his story even though he had a tragic demise. If there is a Melkor out there in the Cyberverse then TOP is screwed.

Nation Name: The choice of Valinor was a continuation of The Silmarillion theme. It's the home of the Valar and Deep Elves.

Capital City: Formenos was the fortress home of Feanor during his time in Valinor.

A man after my own heart. :wub:

As for my nation and ruler, I played HoI2 after I quit CN so when I rejoined I chose the name of two cities in Germany and and -ia to make it sound more like a name. Capital is 'Dorter' not much going on there.

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Nation Name: Pulau Pinang. It's the name of the island that my Grandparents are from and where I happened to be when I made this nation.

Ruler Name: KageTheSecond: This is my second nation, first nation ruler name was Kagesomethingrather. Good times.

Capital City: Georgetown: City on aforementioned island.

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Ruler name: Commissar Sendoa, the title was picked to tie in with my leftist outlook, 'Sendoa' was a the name of a Spanish/Basque footballer who happened to score a goal in a match i was watching on TV at the very moment i was registering for CN back in 2006.

Nation name: Cataduanes is actually a variant of the name of a RL island called Catanduanes which is in the Philippines, it has been my nick since my days on the 'other game' prior to my migration to CN back in the day.

Capital: Oltaloro, is named after a RL mountain on the island of Palawan in the Philippines.

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British Celtic diety of agriculture and war. I was going through a phase of being interested in this sort of thing...

'Esus' had gone / was too short or somthing, so like a lots of other people I added 'King' before the preferred name.

Edit: Oh and the nation. Sassain is nearly the Scots Gealic name for England (misspelled) but that's cool, cos I come top of a google search.

And dar ya go.

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The one you've been waiting for....

Are you sitting comfortably?

I came from a scifi site where I was looking for a name with a double meaning that would be a personality test that would keep certain quick to judge personalities away from me (it does work wonderfully), plus gain me some cheap notoriety, plus challenge people to look past a name or a face or something. This is why it means 'breaking barriers' and why I only act with unfailing probity.

So... Hymen Breach is actually the act of passing through the theoretical barrier between the expanding universe and the nothingness that it is expanding into.

Hymenland is the land of Hymenbreach. Though, if I had given it any thought I would have called it Hymen Beach Or Hymen Bridge or something. :awesome:

Anopheles is the greek word for Useless, which capital cities are. Also, it is the first name of many species of mosquito which is a buzzing annoyance. You can make your own link up.

Oh, if you want to complain about my name to the mods, feel free. Many people, myself included, have tried to get the name changed. No luck so we're both stuck with it.

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Sigrun = victory hidden, or less literally 'victory through the hidden' or 'victory by occult means.' It is the name of a Valkyrië in the eddas.

Vapneir = weaponeer, or less literally armsman. The Swedish equivalent to the German name 'Wapner' which everyone has seen.

Nation is Confederatio Aesir.

First confederatio from latin meaning confederation/confederacy, imagine that. It is used in this form and placement following Switzerland, one of my favourite countries, whose official formal name is Confederatio Helvetica (the Swiss Confederacy) so by model my nation could be translated the Aesir Confederacy.

Then aesir (it should be äsir or æsir actually but IIRC CN didnt like either one so I expanded the digraph) is the family of 'gods' that included Odin and Thor.

This will only make sense if you know my backstory - which is that the Æsir were real people, who migrated from Troy to Sweden, and then later the clan took off on a rather long bit of viking roving that saw them hook up with the Vandals in Spain and partake in the conquest of the Roman province of Afrika. They held that for roughly a century, however the Romans eventually reconquered, and the Äsir, rather than submit to Roman rule, disappeared into the desert. They were believed by the Romans to have met their doom there.

However in reality they made friends among the Tuareg in the interior and, after a bit of adventure, fortified an oasis in the area now known as Gamelborg or 'old fort.' This is where the in-game capital is set for centrality. In the middle ages the äsir expanded back out from there, eventually our line and that of Musa Mansa (ruling a large empire from Timbuktu on the Niger river) was united along with our peoples.

Most these days practice a syncretic and philosophical religion which has it's origins in those days, and unites elements of old norse, west african pagan, judaïc and islamic practice into a harmonious and rather even-humoured whole. The current dejure capital is Nova Uppsala, a spectacular and much more modern town located on the Gambia river.

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Ruler: Xiphosis - I was researching Greek infantry tactics so I could use them in a TW game when I was registering for another site. Specifically, I was on this article, about the xiphos - the default sword of Ancient Greek infantry. I was particularly a fan of the idea of a sword good for slashing and stabbing - which it is - so it became my handle on CN. I added the 'is' to make it sound more like a person.

Nation Name: Xiphosii - Chopped version of Xiphosis to sound 'nation-like' - plagued me on early diplomat applications till I got a handle on which was which.

Capital: Athenia - I just like the way it rolls off the tongue.

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Ruler: Avernite- A person from the land of Avernum, which is central to some games (which are, surprisingly, called Avernum 1-5) I quite enjoy. Plus noone else seems to have it (my former nick, Ilúvatar, sucked in that regard)

Country: Mafal Dadaranell- One of the ten nations (and a city) of the Compact of the Ten Nations in The Wheel of Time book series. Wrecked during the so-called Trolloc wars, but it has a distinctly fantasy feeling while, still, not being picked by many other people. Allows consistency between games.

Capital: Fal Dara- City built on the spot where Mafal Dadaranell (the city) once stood.

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Ruler: Tromp - A famous and legendary Dutch admiral in the 17th century. You can read all about him here.

Country: Groot Nederland - I'm a Dutch nationalist, and as such I picked this name that symbolizes the reunification of the Dutch. You can read all about it here.

Capital: Brussel - It is the capital of present day Belgium, and would be the capital of Greater Netherlands as well. But my nation location is at the town where I live.

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Ruler: Kriekfreak - A person who loves kriekbeer. It is a cherry flavoured beer.

Country: Michiel de Ruyter - A famous and legendary Dutch admiral in the 17th century. Also the boss of Tromp. You can read more about him here.

Capital: Oranje-Nassau - The last name of our (Netherlands) first King.

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Ruler name: Commissar Sendoa, the title was picked to tie in with my leftist outlook, 'Sendoa' was a the name of a Spanish/Basque footballer who happened to score a goal in a match i was watching on TV at the very moment i was registering for CN back in 2006.

Awesome, I signed him on FM10 a few weeks ago. :D

Ruler: Mayzie is just a nickname, it comes from my surname.

Nation: He-She Isles - I don't know what was going through my head that day and unfortunately, you can't change nation or ruler names.

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Awesome, I signed him on FM10 a few weeks ago. :D

Nice, i have no idea what club he is with these days but he was playing with spanish side 'Alicante' in '06. As for FM/CM i do remember buying him in the 01/02 edition of the game :D

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