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Most Hated Player


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I mostly hated nW and I think he may have received the most direct hate. But I have outlasted most people I hate.

There are some people I dislike, but they are of no consequence, being pale shadows of nW.

I am aware of my own lack on consequence and quite comfortable with it, cheers.

Oh and Jazzi. But that was normal human reaction on meeting her. Like getting a rash with nettles.

Edited by Hymenbreach
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Bilrow, He sits in his room in Francograd and plans to destroy us all, I know I have seen him, I swear. He also stole Christmas. *sits in a corner with a tinfoil hat* (jk: I love you Bilrow)

Essenia: Something about this guys attitude rubs me the wrong way. But it seems like his hatred is a little too intense for me to be comfortable with.

Everyone else I either like or I am ambivalent towards.

Edited by Prime minister Johns
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Bilrow, He sits in his room in Francograd and plans to destroy us all, I know I have seen him, I swear. He also stole Christmas. *sits in a corner with a tinfoil hat* (jk: I love you Bilrow)

Essenia: Something about this guys attitude rubs me the wrong way. But it seems like his hatred is a little too intense for me to be comfortable with.

Everyone else I either like or I am ambivalent towards.

Hate? Intense? The only person I've ever seriously disliked is E_S, other than that I don't really have a negative opinion of anyone save maybe the entirety of NPO.

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I don't actually hate anyone IC, so for that part, I'll keep it at 'dislike'

IC: Bilrow, Kaiser Martens and several people that are now banned.

OOC: Shovel and kriekfreak, without a doubt. I'm sure the feeling is mutual.

Edited by Arrnea
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Well, astronaut jones is the only person in all of my time here I've ever bothered to put on my forum ignore list, if that counts.

Wow, really? I did the same with you.

Awesome. Doesn't mean I hate you though, just means I think you're .. well, nevermind.

Edited by astronaut jones
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I just remembered that I used to "hate" some one but then he got Banned for some messages so I guess all is well now :P

There were some pretty decent people in /b/ :)

I am not sure if this is some example of Scots sarcasm but every (former) /b/ member I have ever talked to has been very nice and friendly and good people.

Of course my total is about 3, so I do not have exactly a large sample size but still. It beats a few other Alliances I have met...

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I hate you all, each and every one of you and I will see your nations burn. You make this topic and I am not mentioned? Are you fracking kidding me? This used to be my nation on a regular basis from the first FAN war on :nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke: the rogues had to wait in fricking line for me. Every pathetic person whom could not sleep at night because I has shamed them would then become so filled with hate and tears they would go rogue on me. And I loved it every single time, because I had just broke one more idiot. You weak minded cattle are just that easy to provoke. Now lets talk about most hated. I am The Bad, bring it you little toads.

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I just remembered that I used to "hate" some one but then he got Banned for some messages so I guess all is well now :P

I am not sure if this is some example of Scots sarcasmâ„¢ but every (former) /b/ member I have ever talked to has been very nice and friendly and good people.

Of course my total is about 3, so I do not have exactly a large sample size but still. It beats a few other Alliances I have met...

Nah that was a genuine statement that there are and were plenty of decent /b/ members.

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I hate you all, each and every one of you and I will see your nations burn. You make this topic and I am not mentioned? Are you fracking kidding me? This used to be my nation on a regular basis from the first FAN war on :nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke: the rogues had to wait in fricking line for me. Every pathetic person whom could not sleep at night because I has shamed them would then become so filled with hate and tears they would go rogue on me. And I loved it every single time, because I had just broke one more idiot. You weak minded cattle are just that easy to provoke. Now lets talk about most hated. I am The Bad, bring it you little toads.

You're as adorable as a puppy, stop trying so hard.

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