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Declaration of War


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We can't war anyone or even smile the wrong way, so we are living vicariously through WF.

I have a mental image of everybody sitting in some channel somewhere just begging for battle reports as if theyre watching a really important football game or some such

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The recent attacks on the World Federation by the United Earth Directorate are without question unprovoked and without reason. While at first it may have seemed that the perpetration was due to the folly of a few, as more and more details began to come to light it is clear that UED’s incompetence truly did permeate through to all levels of their alliance. King Death decries the attacking nations as rogues, and claims the nation who messaged them to attack was a ghost and someone who was unknown to him prior to this incident. However, the screen shot provided below clearly states otherwise. Furthermore, one of the members who followed these allegedly erroneous orders is a member of UED government.

It is clear that King Death intentionally misrepresented his level of familiarity with Delusional Leader, the member who supposedly ordered the attack on WF. However, this does not make certain that Delusional Leader was acting under King Death’s direction. All that is certain here is there is gross incompetence in all levels of UED, from their leader telling blatant lies when the truth was imperative, to government members supposedly following orders from members he didn’t know, to the membership of the alliance itself haphazardly declaring war on any nation who was spammed to their inbox.

There has been a long held standard that an alliance should be held responsible for their conduct of their government. We believe the converse is also true, mainly when a body membership acts en masse with a dangerous level of incompetence. Here, we have both, and the danger from these two combined factors proved dangerous enough to cause injury to my alliance.

As such, World Federation hereby declares war on the United Earth Directorate.

Note: As the situation is fishy in all respects, we only wish to hold UED proportionately reasonable for the combined actions of today. Therefore, in the spirit of what we feel that allocation of responsibility should be, UED will be only be engaged in a state of war for no more than two weeks, and the conflict will remain free of nuclear weapons unless they choose otherwise.




so please explain to me how 3 nations=hostility? as for the gov member everyone seems to love to state as a reason, could have sworn he is no longer gov....

as for the screenshot- they have always been shoddy attempts at CBs as they can be easily faked and you got it from DL, someone who could very well be a rogue working on getting UED rolled. then there is the fact that the !@#$%* does not exist and thus, any proof that the target list has anything to do with WF is gone completely.

all those out there going YAY!!!! not too surprising. a CBless war is still a CBless war. just because KDII is not the best alliance leader does not mean that UED deserves to be rolled over this situation. it is just as pathetic as NPO going to war with OV.

and yet again, this has just proven that nothing has changed whatsoever with NPO/Heg outta power. now we just have a bunch of mini-tyrants in power versus a handful. what a wonderful old world we live in.

link to where KDII states that the MoI is no longer gov: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=2000607

so i don't honestly see where WF has a leg to stand on. they have the word of a supposed rogue that can easily be seen to have 1 day Seniority and some idiots in UED that listened to this guy. nothing more. way to go WF. you just managed to make yourself look worse than UED and KDII. though since it seems that most of CN loves the fact that KDII/UED is getting rolled have fun with your CBless war.

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so please explain to me how 3 nations=hostility? as for the gov member everyone seems to love to state as a reason, could have sworn he is no longer gov....

as for the screenshot- they have always been shoddy attempts at CBs as they can be easily faked and you got it from DL, someone who could very well be a rogue working on getting UED rolled. then there is the fact that the !@#$%* does not exist and thus, any proof that the target list has anything to do with WF is gone completely.

all those out there going YAY!!!! not too surprising. a CBless war is still a CBless war. just because KDII is not the best alliance leader does not mean that UED deserves to be rolled over this situation. it is just as pathetic as NPO going to war with OV.

and yet again, this has just proven that nothing has changed whatsoever with NPO/Heg outta power. now we just have a bunch of mini-tyrants in power versus a handful. what a wonderful old world we live in.

link to where KDII states that the MoI is no longer gov: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=2000607

so i don't honestly see where WF has a leg to stand on. they have the word of a supposed rogue that can easily be seen to have 1 day Seniority and some idiots in UED that listened to this guy. nothing more. way to go WF. you just managed to make yourself look worse than UED and KDII. though since it seems that most of CN loves the fact that KDII/UED is getting rolled have fun with your CBless war.

Your contention is that he kicked the guy out of gov after he attacked another alliance, so that makes it ok? You completely ignore the fact that King Death lied over and over again, for no apparent reason about not knowing the nation in question? How in gods name can you talk about anyone else having a leg to stand on with that as you argument. They don't have the word of a supposed rogue, they have a screen shot with King Deaths name in the "from" part of the message. They also have King Death sitting there saying to them he has never had one single word of communication with the nation before in his life. They have 6 declared wars on their alliance, 1 which is from the alliances MoI. Are you really sitting here and saying they do not have a valid reason to enter a state of war for two weeks?

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1) They were pretty large nations (relative to us as they were all in the 8-10k NS range)... and they all hit our tech sellers.

2) We had no problems with leaving it be. KD told us that we could attack those who attacked us, and we were fine with that. But later we were told that the war was his planning, not someone else, as an attempt to gain PR.

3) He removed the MoI AFTER the attacks. Ergo, he was a govt. member of UED at the time of the attack.

1) size of nations do not matter. there were 4 actual UED nations and a ghost. and who cares who they hit?

2) so because a ghost states that KDII did something, it is true? wow. you are just scrounging for any reason. did you actually see the !@#$%* (this going on if KDII actually messaged DL)? if not, then you have nothing again.... so you again, don't have any actual evidence for your CB.

3) of course he was removed after the attacks..... umm... unless KDII can see the future, when else do you expect him to be removed for attacking WF? honestly, this one is just a joke and utterly pathetic if you truly expected any alliance leader, including yours, to be able to remove a gov member from office for attacking an alliance said gov member has yet to attack..... wow.

seriously that is the best you got. again the reasoning is pathetic. it really seems you just wanna roll UED and since it seems that a good portion of CN wanted to see UED get rolled, ya'll decided to up and roll them instead of stick to the agreement of thrashing the actual offending nations.

awesome job making a war out of absolutely nothing.

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also, it seems you have 1 nation at 10.6k NS, 2 nations at 7.5k NS and around 8k NS, 1 nation at 3.7k NS, and one at 230 NS. so your number 1 point is a lie as only 3 nations in UED were between 7k NS and 11k NS. yet you complain that KDII blatantly lies? awesome job yet again.

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