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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order


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Think about this rationally. What on earth does Ursarkar stand to gain by hacking the founder password of #polaris? And furthermore, isn't it an incredibly stupid move to make given that he *knows* they have a zero tolerance policy? And it's not like #polaris was the only channel this happened to. I think there's more to the story, and I'd advise everyone to wait before getting their panties in a twist.

My dearest Fran;

I think you should be well aware that you are in fact playing Cybernations, and people will do stupid !@#$ for no rational reason whatsoever.

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From Coldfront IRCops ... who have access to the actual logs of what you were doing (or at least, what Ursarkar was doing ... that's you, a script you wrote or were using or someone you allowed to use your account).

If we get a confirmation from a second IRCop the conversation is all but over. Werewolf had some questioning him a long time ago about his impartiality but I've been assured by others that he is in fact a good guy; another IRCop confirming it would be the last nail in the coffin for UEC, though.

Everyone seems to agree you have a knowledge of scripting, so you would know that its basically impossible for them to accidentally perform a brute force attack.

It's not "basically" impossible, it *is* impossible. For a script to try to brute-force passwords it'd be a much longer, more specialized script than a simple stupid "slap script". MUCH longer. We're talking 25, 30 lines of code at least, including variables and such. Nothing that would be in any form of a slap script. I'm not going to post an example of one and an example of a slap script because I'm not just going to give people codes to brute force channels, obviously, but a slap script is a 1-line piece of code and can in no way, shape or form be used to brute-force channels.

You're full of it, UEC.


I am starting to suspect a Rogue, buggy bot.

You know nothing about scripting if you suspect this. A little bug in a script, even a big error, won't try to join channels using passwords, waiting for the reply from Chanserv that it's incorrect, then loop around and increase a character or letter and then try again. If you want to show myself or Jason8 the source code I'd be willing to look it over and give you an honest assessment, as would he. Give one of us the source code of all of your scripts, UEC.

Edited by Penkala
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Oh Doitzel, is there nothing you won't dissent to?

You know it's a slow news month when people are actually defending this guy. It's pretty much the most clear cut and straightforward act of attempted sabotage I have ever seen. Some people just want to be the opposition at all times, regardless of any merit or facts.

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Polaris choose to interpret the incident as an IC offence, but nonetheless this thread is in the OW-RP and we're more or less giving life to the "usual" silly public full-drama semi-trial that happens whenever the IC-OOC line gets blurred.


About the discussion over scripts/IRC/IRCops/etc, just like "Elyat" I don't wish to be involved in it , but...

It's weird how nobody mentioned how stupid would have been of UEC to try hack crack the channels with his regular IRC account... I'm surprised that this aspect hasn't been mentioned. It is normally a clear symptom of an impersonation/account hacking cracking, but yet, as UEC implicitly (explicitly?) admitted that he was materially involved (and that his IP is banned from coldfront, did I read it right?), I'm even more confused about that... :wacko:

(Pre-emptively anti-outrage statement: I don't know, I don't want to know and I don't really care if UEC did what he's being accused of. It's beyond me and far beyond my knowledge of IRC, of the Internet and of ICT in general. My point is that a relevant aspect hasn't been mentioned yet - unless I just missed it - and I am casually saying it. If you're taking offence for my post please consider taking several deep breaths before replying.

It's s shame that I need to add these lines, actually - oh, my CN!)

On second thought, I decided to follow my own advice and just ignore the issue. Text left here for reference.

Edited by jerdge
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You know it's a slow news month when people are actually defending this guy. It's pretty much the most clear cut and straightforward act of attempted sabotage I have ever seen. Some people just want to be the opposition at all times, regardless of any merit or facts.

To be fair, Doitzel did say that he doubts "Ursawhatever is innocent in the slightest."

While I can hardly speak for him, I believe what he objects to is the automatic assumption that Grub's word (or, indeed, anyone's) is accepted by virtue of his position and without evidence having been made publicly available.

That being said, I'm fairly sure he believes Grub. As do I. But all of us, regardless of present or past positions or reputations, are forever accountable by virtue of pesky little things called facts. Doitzel has a history of calling people's attention to that time and time again and, I dare say, our world is a measurably better place because of it.

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It's weird how nobody mentioned how stupid would have been of UEC to try hack the channels with his regular IRC account...

I think a couple of people did mention that. But Ursarkar is a registered nick, so unless someone hacked his account first (for which there would be logs also), it was him. Just a case of not thinking very hard about people being able to see what he was trying, I'd assume.

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I think a couple of people did mention that. But Ursarkar is a registered nick, so unless someone hacked his account first (for which there would be logs also), it was him. Just a case of not thinking very hard about people being able to see what he was trying, I'd assume.

Well, I mean, not really. I for one didn't know Coldfront notified IRCops of several failed passwords. I know a lot about IRC and even the specific software they're hosted on, but I didn't know that. It's likely he didn't think anybody would know until it was too late and he had the password.

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I think a couple of people did mention that. But Ursarkar is a registered nick, so unless someone hacked his account first (for which there would be logs also), it was him. Just a case of not thinking very hard about people being able to see what he was trying, I'd assume.

The hostmask used in the attempted bruteforce of our channels was the same as his usual one and it was banned from Coldfront shortly after. The only chance that is wasn't Ursarkar is if someone else went on his internet connection, but Ursarkar has already confirmed in this thread that he was on IRC at the time of his ban.

Immediately (minutes) after he was banned from Coldfront he posted two topics, one on the Polar and one on the Pacifican boards asking for an explanation about why he was banned from IRC because he had no idea and for "some reason" thought our two alliances might. To me that sounds like returning to the scene of the crime. The two alliances he asked about the IRC ban immediately after it occurred and before it was explained to him in this thread just happened to be the two alliances whose IRC channels he tried to hack? It sounds a little suspicious that he knew exactly where to go...

Add that to the fact that (1) his hostmask matched, (2) I've confirmed that coldfront recorded many attempts to enter our private channel in the span of a few seconds from him, and (3) that this "would be" the fourth time Ursarkar has tried to peek at our IRC passwords for no rational reason and by unwelcome means, and I don't see a lot of doubt remaining. Nonetheless, healthy skepticism is a good thing and I'm happy to entertain theories that will demonstrate his innocence.

Edited by Penguin
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To be fair, Doitzel did say that he doubts "Ursawhatever is innocent in the slightest."

While I can hardly speak for him, I believe what he objects to is the automatic assumption that Grub's word (or, indeed, anyone's) is accepted by virtue of his position and without evidence having been made publicly available.

That being said, I'm fairly sure he believes Grub. As do I. But all of us, regardless of present or past positions or reputations, are forever accountable by virtue of pesky little things called facts. Doitzel has a history of calling people's attention to that time and time again and, I dare say, our world is a measurably better place because of it.

Oh, I get all that. This issue just seems so... simple really. I can't see where Polar would have room to interject a conspiracy or foul dealings. I am not opposed to questioning things, especially authority, I just don't understand the concept of questioning everything just for the sake of being opposition. There should be some discretion.

o/ Polaris Prevails!

This actually freaked me out. It's just... it's just not right...

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uh i think you have misunderstood my point - i was replying to someone who said it isnt a big deal that he was trying to get into the channel - they hadn't understood that he was after owner status, not just access.

Oh I understood your point. I expounded on some further points from there.

You are correct. This isn't someone using Chatzilla and forgetting to change his autojoins--I've done that myself. It is a much more serious matter. That's why I suggested if he was as innocent as he claims to be, there are VERY few scenarios where that is even possible.

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So a script-kiddie got banned from the IRC server for a mindless attempt at a channel takeover. And now Polaris is killing him off in-game. Sounds justified to me.

The intelligent thing to do would have been to infect Grub's compu- er... maybe I won't go there. I'm sure some people might actually try that.

Go Polaris. Bring him to ZI. Then let him go, because that's the right thing to do. Maybe keep him at ZI for a month so he has to sell off land and improvements and stuff to pay bills. :)

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Please do come back and try something or just re-roll and try something again UrsyPoo

I wasn't able to claim a slot on you the 1st or 2nd time we tagged you and I do sooooooooooooooooooooooo want a crack at you. ;)


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