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Announcement from the Viridian Entente

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I believe that an alliance can be relevant without being tied to a treaty web. If there are no historical precedents then perhaps NSO will serve as the first example of this.

Never said you couldn't be relevant :P

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I believe that an alliance can be relevant without being tied to a treaty web. If there are no historical precedents then perhaps NSO will serve as the first example of this.

I thought you guys were tied to STA.

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Care to admit it? I'd be the first to admit it if you hadn't already done so. Make sure you're getting your story from the source.

Apologies for derailing or touching a subject i wasn't directly involved with, but the way i saw things back then out of all the cancellations that were done VE's was the closest to having a really hard motivation behind it. Again, i'm not judging it on it's own but rather in contrast with all the others. I doubt you'll disagree :P

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Apologies for derailing or touching a subject i wasn't directly involved with, but the way i saw things back then out of all the cancellations that were done VE's was the closest to having a really hard motivation behind it. Again, i'm not judging it on it's own but rather in contrast with all the others. I doubt you'll disagree :P

I don't disagree.

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I thought you guys were tied to STA.

Yes, we have treaties with STA and Carpe Diem, but these treaties are non-cascading and we are not part of a MADP/MDoAP bloc. The treaty blocs are what I was referring to when I was talking about treaty webs, sorry if that was unclear.

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The treaty blocs are what I was referring to when I was talking about treaty webs, sorry if that was unclear.

The precedent for highly successful alliances outside of MADP/MDoAP blocs is quite large. I'm sure you guys will do well also.

On topic here... VE, this move speaks volumes of your character and honor.

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Finally, someone says what I've been trying to. Thanks AUT. Should virdia actually make it through a losing war without disbanding, then, then maybe they will have my respect. For now, I see them as oppurtunists, just trying to survive.

Really, If we were trying to survive we would stay "allied" to the biggest alliance in the game.

If it pans out how they hope, I believe it will be considered oppurtunistic.

Like I said, if Virdia makes it through a major losing war, and does NOT disband, they will have my personal apology. However, we must remember who they are. How they disbanded during war, and then how they came back when the oppurtunity was ripe. That is oppurtunism, and until I see otherwise from them, I will see them as an oppurtunistic alliance.

edit: Back to the treaty. One would think you would be highly selective of your MADP partners. Is Virdia selective of her treaty partners, and the situations changed, or does she hand out treaties such as these without question?

The VE could have survived if it did one simple thing, change team colour.

We got a choice to die or alter a fundemental part of our identity.

Yet once again, if we were oppertunists we would have changed colour.

Yes we did recreate in time of war, we were given a chance and we took it, can you blame us ?

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I've just invented a new disease.

Shaneprincitis - a psychological disorder which manifests as a clinical inability to be allied to members of OneVision. Transmission is highly effective, with a single Shaneprice organism being able to infect the host in most situations. However, this organism thrives and grows in the body's CNS (spine and brain). Hosts who lack a CNS will find themselves immune to Shanepricitis.

This is one of my favorite posts in this topic. Good show Hizzy, good show.

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I've just invented a new disease.

Shaneprincitis - a psychological disorder which manifests as a clinical inability to be allied to members of OneVision. Transmission is highly effective, with a single Shaneprice organism being able to infect the host in most situations. However, this organism thrives and grows in the body's CNS (spine and brain). Hosts who lack a CNS will find themselves immune to Shanepricitis.

:lol: Dr. Hizzy, I do concur with your analysis. I do inquire, what do you think would happen if a ShanePrice organism were to join the NPO?

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o/ VE for making sure you announce all three cancelled treaties so fast

...well, forgetting to inform one or the other party happens if you gotta be so fast...

... and being respectful too...

If VE thinks this is the correct way to do it; (hence the statements in the OP) why not do it like this? It's not that it changes anything: the alliances involved would have known it was coming; hell, IRON already cancelled on them so why would they care?

I am curious however, has anyone actually tried to look beyond what VE wants to spin this?

If you have, please share it with us. Because I don't see VE 'spinning'.

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:lol: Dr. Hizzy, I do concur with your analysis. I do inquire, what do you think would happen if a ShanePrice organism were to join the NPO?

I predict the symptoms would be much similar to those experienced by auditory schizophrenics. They would maintain a relatively stable path, but it would be interrupted by "voices" telling them to do other things which could be considered unhealthy. I suppose the strength and rate of occurrence would be dependent on how effectively NPO's immune system can suppress the organism. The symptoms would be very negligible at first... perhaps nothing more than an occasional whisper or sound whenever NPO is alone. This would gradually increase to a full perceived discussion even while others are around NPO. The prognosis is that within a few weeks, Branimir will start trolling himself, while Moo will announce that Pacifica no longer recognizes Pacifica's sovereignty. The resulting paradox would bring Dilber to tears while Vladimir attempts to write an essay explaining why shanepricitis fits the model of Francoism to comfort everyone.

You never know, these things are hard to predict :P

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Wow, that took alot of balls and nerve to do, I can surely imagine. I'm impressed.

At least you still have us in a roundabout way...and GOD..and TORN...and RIA :P

how are GOD and RIA roundabout? TORN maybe but the other two no. Dont forget Rok

again VE we at OV love you

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While this is a somewhat bold move, by itself given the extent of the direct connections between VE's other allies and 1V and tC, it's not exactly like they are standing alone at the top of a hill, screaming their defiance of the existing paradigm.

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