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Announcement from the Viridian Entente

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VE is doing what they consider true to their path. IRON already had canceled on them for undisclosed reasons, and it would be a no brainer why they would cancel the GGA treaty (all alliances should at least consider a downgrade of treaties after that mess), so the only surprise for me was the cancellation of the NPO treaty. Clearly something happened to garner these decisions, and I would bet safely that someone tried to influence VE's affairs and they responded exactly how they should have.

Just my observations and .02.

Good luck to all involved going forward.

**doh thx ES**

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I believe VE is giving Planet Bob a much needed dose of $%&@ private channels.

Bravo VE for entertaining the public, it would be even better if you had some size 20 shoes some face paint and a red nose.

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So no, it is not a stretch at all to compare these events. Personally I have no pity for the VE for being in this situation at all. You ditched the friends that would have actually stood by you and instead allied with and assisted their destruction. Now, in a surprise to no one but the VE, the allies you chose over Polar turned out to be jerks just like we said. How shocking!
Being able to say "I told you so" is small consolation. It is still consolation.
In my opinion this is just another time where the VE has made a mistake and realized it... many months too late. What a trend. I am personally torn here. In one regard it would be hilarious if the VE falls to the same fate they helped bring about to Polar, but on the other hand it is nice to see that even the slowest kids are capable of learning. So I think I'll just sit on the fence and enjoy the show (opinion wise, the NSO will be on the fence regardless as we do not have a formal interest in any of this).

I personally am looking for a war where VE wins a Pyrrhic victory.

and they responded exactly how they should of.

Should HAVE!

/pet peeve

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Being able to say "I told you so" is small consolation. It is still consolation.

I personally am looking for a war where VE wins a Pyrrhic victory.

Should HAVE!

/pet peeve

You good sir are quite correct. My apologies :)

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Bravo VE for entertaining the public, it would be even better if you had some size 20 shoes some face paint and a red nose.

Well it's a good thing you'd never stoop to their level ain't it? God, if you ever did that, you'd look pretty bad, wouldn't you?

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And you talk about class?

I'm taking lessons from VE who apparently are classy when it is convenient.

Perhaps you'll let them borrow yours?

Sure all they have to do is ask.

I'm done with this thread have fun.

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Bravo VE for entertaining the public, it would be even better if you had some size 20 shoes some face paint and a red nose.

It saddens me that this thread has devolved into IRON calling us clowns. I enjoyed having you as allies, but clearly we are not meant to be buddies right now. Brethren, adieu. May the good Lord bless and keep you till we meet again.

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The Jungle is where it's at though.


I'm taking lessons from VE who apparently are classy when it is convenient.

Sure all they have to do is ask.

I'm done with this thread have fun.

Wow .. Even after sleep, eh? Need a coffee?

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Did you? please share your insights

Yep, I had the pleasure to be able to watch all of this from the "insight perspective".

From that perspective, I see an apology about a week too late, not even heartfelt, cause in the thread where it should have been posted, VE never looked like they even realized their doing as anything but dishonorable and cowardly (ie them threatening and blackmailing an alliance much smaller than their own with the imagined backing of the very alliances they now attempted to humiliate in this thread), and when they found out that their now fomer allies didn't quite agree with that childish and aggressive behaviour, and possibly were (or in the case of IRON already had) on their way to cancel the treaties, they thought "hey, how about we cancel those treaties asap before they do" [insert "I quit, you can't fire me analogy" here] throw in some nice sounding apology to appeal to the anti NPO/allies crowd, and hope no one notices it.

Well, I did notice it.

Indeed, classy entertainment for the masses VE, bravo *applauds*

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Yep, I had the pleasure to be able to watch all of this from the "insight perspective".

From that perspective, I see an apology about a week too late, not even heartfelt, cause in the thread where it should have been posted, VE never looked like they even realized their doing as anything but dishonorable and cowardly (ie them threatening and blackmailing an alliance much smaller than their own with the imagined backing of the very alliances they now attempted to humiliate in this thread), and when they found out that their now fomer allies didn't quite agree with that childish and aggressive behaviour, and possibly were (or in the case of IRON already had) on their way to cancel the treaties, they thought "hey, how about we cancel those treaties asap before they do" [insert "I quit, you can't fire me analogy" here] throw in some nice sounding apology to appeal to the anti NPO/allies crowd, and hope no one notices it.

Well, I did notice it.

Indeed, classy entertainment for the masses VE, bravo *applauds*

You haven't even a clue what the hell your talking about ...... If this is what is in ODN government, then your all sadly, sadly mistaken.

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You haven't even a clue what the hell your talking about ...... If this is what is in ODN government, then your all sadly, sadly mistaken.

Sadly I do, but I am not government, no need to be able to know how you roll, it's that obvious ;)

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..and possibly were (or in the case of IRON already had) on their way to cancel the treaties, they thought "hey, how about we cancel those treaties asap before they do" [insert "I quit, you can't fire me analogy" here] throw in some nice sounding apology to appeal to the anti NPO/allies crowd, and hope no one notices it.

Did I just hear "I quit, you can't fire me analogy"?

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Bravo VE for entertaining the public, it would be even better if you had some size 20 shoes some face paint and a red nose.

Luckily you're wearing that stuff already, seeing how you're responding in this thread.

I know you disagree, I know you guys cancelled on them; why the hard feelings? You had the treaty cancelled anyway.

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Yep, I had the pleasure to be able to watch all of this from the "insight perspective".

From that perspective, I see an apology about a week too late, not even heartfelt, cause in the thread where it should have been posted, VE never looked like they even realized their doing as anything but dishonorable and cowardly (ie them threatening and blackmailing an alliance much smaller than their own with the imagined backing of the very alliances they now attempted to humiliate in this thread), and when they found out that their now fomer allies didn't quite agree with that childish and aggressive behaviour, and possibly were (or in the case of IRON already had) on their way to cancel the treaties, they thought "hey, how about we cancel those treaties asap before they do" [insert "I quit, you can't fire me analogy" here] throw in some nice sounding apology to appeal to the anti NPO/allies crowd, and hope no one notices it.

Well, I did notice it.

Indeed, classy entertainment for the masses VE, bravo *applauds*

This makes me chuckle coming from an alliance which will cancel everything to avoid having to help its allies. Please...

EDIT: misstated something.

Edited by erikz
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I love how you snuck in an apology to an alliance you acted completely childish and undiplomatic to, and were ready to declare war on, in the same thread in which ties are cut with your largest allies.

Well played, VE. Well played.

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I love how you snuck in an apology to an alliance you acted completely childish and undiplomatic to, and were ready to declare war on, in the same thread in which ties are cut with your largest allies.

Well played, VE. Well played.

A mistake in misplaced hostilities was stated specifically in the apology. Perhaps maybe ohhhhhhh .... I dunno ... Would it be silly to think that perhaps the apology is related to the cancellations? ......... Nooooooo .... Silly me .....

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It's perfectly clear what that statement means, and whether or not it is possible to wrangle some other meaning from imprecise wording is only relevant if only wishes to ignore the, again, perfectly clear intention of the statement.

This is why treaties should be carefully worded. There are dozens who interpret it differently. The best skill to aquire is reading this from a neutral, uncaring stance because I honestly can see both perspectives. ;]

I respectfully disagree. I think the way they run their alliance is just contrary to your own views. Their membership and government seem to be united in this and all their decisions and if you call breaking off from 3 major alliances, (okay, 2?) as having lack of fortitude, I'm afraid your interpretation of it in this case to be faulty. They were against public opinion when they left WUT, they were against it when they came back with GGA, and they were against it when they allied themselves with alliances whom didn't sign ZIPP.

From what I've seen, they make decisions on their own.


This is certainly an interesting move by VE, and I am sad to see our treaty cancelled. I have respected VE for a long time now, since I was diplomat there during GWIII. Hope you gain your desired results from this VE.

Good to see someone post like this.

Bravo VE for entertaining the public, it would be even better if you had some size 20 shoes some face paint and a red nose.

You are 'just as bad' if they are 'insulting their former allies in public'.

Its ashame to see this reach the level it did. I remember working with IRON in the past, of course, this was when DM was still there. I had no problems with them, Shan, and Finister. Hell, I signed your first secret MDP with ONOS (Against my will, haha) back in the day. I respect both alliances, I think IRON is over reacting with the protocol, however I guess one could make the argument VE could have been a little more careful in the situation at hand, however, when hostitily arises usually both factions no longer desire the will for 'respect', hence the cancellation.

Meh, wish both of you luck.

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A mistake in misplaced hostilities was stated specifically in the apology. Perhaps maybe ohhhhhhh .... I dunno ... Would it be silly to think that perhaps the apology is related to the cancellations? ......... Nooooooo .... Silly me .....

My implication was that the apology was related to the cancellations. I thought I made that quite clear, actually.

I mean, lack of muscle can humble someone pretty fast.

Edited for clarity.

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