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Announcement from the Viridian Entente

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TORN canceled on you, not VE. I'm curious if VE considers "The Smooth Criminal Accords" roundabout as you seem to, cause I sure hope not.

I think his little "maybe" coupled with the fact that he's not a VE member would clearly point to him not knowing much about TORN-VE relations, rather than any ill will.

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While this is a somewhat bold move, by itself given the extent of the direct connections between VE's other allies and 1V and tC, it's not exactly like they are standing alone at the top of a hill, screaming their defiance of the existing paradigm.

I don't think VE did this for the sake of it being a bold move or not. It's not like they're out here trying to stand alone on some summit and failed miserably cause they're still allied to people. No, they just saw that certain relations are not what they thought they were, and canceled them (or accepted the cancellation in IRON's case). It's not too different than what most alliances claim to do every time they cancel a treaty... except that the names on this one are much bigger.

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I don't think VE did this for the sake of it being a bold move or not. It's not like they're out here trying to stand alone on some summit and failed miserably cause they're still allied to people. No, they just saw that certain relations are not what they thought they were, and canceled them (or accepted the cancellation in IRON's case). It's not too different than what most alliances claim to do every time they cancel a treaty... except that the names on this one are much bigger.

True. However, we're not here still talking about it on page 28 because no wants to ask a question in the ARES Q&A thread down the list of current topics. ;)

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True. However, we're not here still talking about it on page 28 because no wants to ask a question in the ARES Q&A thread down the list of current topics. ;)

Speak for yourself dude. I for one love the ARES Q&A, only my questions were all sexually explicit so I had to take them to PRIVATE CHANNELS FTW

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I predict the symptoms would be much similar to those experienced by auditory schizophrenics. They would maintain a relatively stable path, but it would be interrupted by "voices" telling them to do other things which could be considered unhealthy. I suppose the strength and rate of occurrence would be dependent on how effectively NPO's immune system can suppress the organism. The symptoms would be very negligible at first... perhaps nothing more than an occasional whisper or sound whenever NPO is alone. This would gradually increase to a full perceived discussion even while others are around NPO. The prognosis is that within a few weeks, Branimir will start trolling himself, while Moo will announce that Pacifica no longer recognizes Pacifica's sovereignty. The resulting paradox would bring Dilber to tears while Vladimir attempts to write an essay explaining why shanepricitis fits the model of Francoism to comfort everyone.

You never know, these things are hard to predict :P

I Love You, even more then I loved you 10 minutes ago.

Viridian Entente, still classy. ^_^

You are doing the right thing. Stay close with your friends who won't stab you in the back at first chance.

First Egore, now you...I sense a disturbance in the force.

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This isn't about you doing wrong and how I feel about it. It's about you making yourself look silly. See if I do you any more favors.

Also, if you prefer even sided conflicts...why stamp out any opposition? I mean, really, do you read what you type? I know you didn't, because then you would know that "evidence" isn't needed thanks to your friends :P

Oh, and you're right. :D

I look silly because I am against what VE did based on your perception of errors on my alliance's part in the past? There have been plenty of times I have been unhappy with how issues have been handled by "our side" however I do NOT complain about such matters in public, I have too much respet for my alliance and our allies. If that makes me look "silly" then so be it.

If the NPO had canceled on VE in this manner many of the very same people praising the move would be bashing it and vice versa. My stance is that it is wrong regardless of the participants.

I personally prefer even sided conflicts and have stated, even publicly in the past, that I'm against stamping out potential enemies before they pose a real threat. I've been begging for a real challenge for some time now and this thread along with some other indicators have me salivating over the possibilities.

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I look silly because I am against what VE did based on your perception of errors on my alliance's part in the past? There have been plenty of times I have been unhappy with how issues have been handled by "our side" however I do NOT complain about such matters in public, I have too much respet for my alliance and our allies. If that makes me look "silly" then so be it.

If the NPO had canceled on VE in this manner many of the very same people praising the move would be bashing it and vice versa. My stance is that it is wrong regardless of the participants.

I personally prefer even sided conflicts and have stated, even publicly in the past, that I'm against stamping out potential enemies before they pose a real threat. I've been begging for a real challenge for some time now and this thread along with some other indicators have me salivating over the possibilities.

*Freelancer waves*

Sir Authur, as you I'm witnessing troubling times, Many have turned a deaf ear to their constituents which is a dangerous attitude to maintain. People will only put up with so much.

In recent years there have been numerous grass root movements over several different issues, manifesting numerous rallies, Some people have already recognized how little their voices really matter, The specter of civil unrest and the fracturing of this planet waits on the horizon.

As a viewer of these events, I wish you and yours well, hopefully you have all your affairs in order.

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I predict the symptoms would be much similar to those experienced by auditory schizophrenics. They would maintain a relatively stable path, but it would be interrupted by "voices" telling them to do other things which could be considered unhealthy. I suppose the strength and rate of occurrence would be dependent on how effectively NPO's immune system can suppress the organism. The symptoms would be very negligible at first... perhaps nothing more than an occasional whisper or sound whenever NPO is alone. This would gradually increase to a full perceived discussion even while others are around NPO. The prognosis is that within a few weeks, Branimir will start trolling himself, while Moo will announce that Pacifica no longer recognizes Pacifica's sovereignty. The resulting paradox would bring Dilber to tears while Vladimir attempts to write an essay explaining why shanepricitis fits the model of Francoism to comfort everyone.

You never know, these things are hard to predict :P

I can actually see that happening :P .

Your present strong points. However, the symptoms you listed seem close to that of insanity (Voices) and paranoia (turning on oneself). Would you assume this to be contagious?

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Drop your AA and I'll give you a good time. :awesome:

I've never understood why people in large alliances complain about that :\

If you really cared about that you would not be part of the second largest alliance, which is part of the two arguably most powerful blocs in the game, with no opposition to speak of.

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I can actually see that happening :P .

Your present strong points. However, the symptoms you listed seem close to that of insanity (Voices) and paranoia (turning on oneself). Would you assume this to be contagious?

* Freelancer awaits the Official Dr's prognosis*

God forbid this turns airborne.

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Really, If we were trying to survive we would stay "allied" to the biggest alliance in the game.

The VE could have survived if it did one simple thing, change team colour.

We got a choice to die or alter a fundemental part of our identity.

Yet once again, if we were oppertunists we would have changed colour.

Yes we did recreate in time of war, we were given a chance and we took it, can you blame us ?

Looking back in hindsight, I kinda wish VE had switched to Aqua when given the chance. It might've made you look opportunist, but at least you would've joined the best color! :wub:

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I'm posting simply because Egore and FreeQuebec did.

There really isn't much for me to do here other than respectfully consider the well-articulated contrary opinions in this post, few and far between as they are. I think VE has done what they think is right, and that's all that matters to me.

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I can actually see that happening :P .

Your present strong points. However, the symptoms you listed seem close to that of insanity (Voices) and paranoia (turning on oneself). Would you assume this to be contagious?

Insanity is a rather generic layman's term. Hearing voices is more properly known as auditory schizophrenia in chronic cases, or auditory hallucinations in acute cases. Paranoia is not necessarily turning on oneself. It is in essence a distrust of others. However this distrust may cause the patient to do things which in the long run hurt them.

Yes, shanepricitis is highly contagious, however it is difficult to track. The shaneprice organism determines when and where it is transmitted on it's own. It can not be manipulated or swayed, which makes studying it's infectious pattern rather difficult.

Drop your AA and I'll give you a good time. :awesome:

*snicker* heh

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I've never understood why people in large alliances complain about that :\

If you really cared about that you would not be part of the second largest alliance, which is part of the two arguably most powerful blocs in the game, with no opposition to speak of.

Exactly my point.

I find it incredible that folks say this stuff, then participate on smackdowns. Obviously, they do not want a fair fight that badly.

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It takes a big man, metaphorically, to stand up before everyone and apologize. Good show, VE, even if you chose to withdraw from our treaty.

It takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.

Also people seem to be forgetting that IRON was the one that cancelled, not VE. They cancelled the other 2 in response.

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At King Penchuck and The AUT, wasn't it NpO who got into an unnecessary scuffle with VE for simply mediating a conflict between Polar and FIST over that whole impersonation thing? I'm sure it made VE regret dropping Polar as treaty partners :rolleyes:
In case you forgot, we canceled our treaty with Polar specifically because you guys declared war on our protectorate without so much as a word to us.

Too bad Ardus has so many posts on this forum and I don't have the time to find the post where he states very clearly that the VE did not cancel on the NpO due to the FIST issue, but rather due to the fact that Polar had been treating their allies so poorly for the past few months. Which we all know was a lie fabricated to isolate Polar from their fair-weather allies.

So no, it is not a stretch at all to compare these events. Personally I have no pity for the VE for being in this situation at all. You ditched the friends that would have actually stood by you and instead allied with and assisted their destruction. Now, in a surprise to no one but the VE, the allies you chose over Polar turned out to be jerks just like we said. How shocking!

In my opinion this is just another time where the VE has made a mistake and realized it... many months too late. What a trend. I am personally torn here. In one regard it would be hilarious if the VE falls to the same fate they helped bring about to Polar, but on the other hand it is nice to see that even the slowest kids are capable of learning. So I think I'll just sit on the fence and enjoy the show (opinion wise, the NSO will be on the fence regardless as we do not have a formal interest in any of this).

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