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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order


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In all honesty, can you claim Aftermath has done all it could to prevent this from happening? Because as I see it you lined up a numbr of mistakes which led to this precise situation.

It was your choice to pick the current members of Aftermath, and to expand the bloc heavily. It was your choice to nurture rivalries instead of sowing new bonds. It was your choice to commit to a single sphere instead of trying everything to develop new meaningful relationship elsewhere: isolation is the quickest path to self-inflicted harm.

As for NATO, your claim is so ridiculous it doesn't even need commenting.

I'm going to let NPO answer this one. ;)

Edit: Not to mention, last I checked AFT wasn't all that isolated. AFT members hold treaties with ODN, IRON, RnR, NpO, Sparta, TIO and until recently NATO. Edited by wes the wise
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I think what Polar really needs right now is Electron Sponge.  He was so much better at this.  Dajobo is going through the motions, making the effort but, that is just what it feels like.  ES could make you believe he bought into whatever nonsense he was selling.  He was very good at that.  Of course ES never had to deal Tywin stumbling all over the place making his job so much harder.  


Perhaps a change in the narrative is in order.  The puppet meatshield thing never really works anyway even when it is sold much better than this.  And those pushing the good evil or moralist line are about 5 years behind the times.  Time to go back to the  psyops drawing board and try again.  

Edited by The Big Bad
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Can you guys make up your mind whether I am malicious puppetmaster or bumbling liability? I cant be both.


People like to joke that your a puppet master because of its ridiculousness so bumbling liability would be the more accurate title.  Your posting habits are borderline spamworthy and any alliance you try and go to bat for is ultimately getting its rep tarnished all over the forums.  Whatd be impressive is if you recognized this long ago and are currently a secret weapon against Polar, keep keepin on.

Edited by Boston
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People like to joke that your a puppet master because of its ridiculousness so your a bumbling liability.  Your posting habits are borderline spamworthy and any alliance you try and go to bat for is ultimately getting its rep tarnished all over the forums.  Whatd be impressive is if you recognized this long ago and are currently a secret weapon against Polar, keep keepin on.

Same talking points from the last war, Im done.
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Perhaps a change in the narrative is in order.  The puppet meatshield thing never really works anyway even when it is sold much better than this.  And those pushing the good evil or moralist line are about 5 years behind the times.  Time to go back to the  psyops drawing board and try again.  


Tywin is pushing good evil civilized uncivlized lulzist haute etc.  Granted he is an NpO member so his words are being applied as NpO policy, however, those are his words and his feelings on things.  The fact of the matter is we had zero issue with DBDC or Doom Squad.  Zero issue with DBDC even with their raids on our nations.  We have no use for them and they have no use for us.  They cannot enter and defend us for longer than a week and if they did hit enemy nations it would be a handful of nations.  Likewise, we cannot enter and defend them as nations declaring on them will likely be too big for us to even declare wars on.  We rather focus on allies and alliances where we both have an equal opportunity to work together in peace and in war.  Now, with SNX being attacked we do have an issue.  An issue that will be resolved over the next weeks/months as this war continues to escalate.  As Emperor Letum stated before, we/NpO made choices. The beef is with us so war should have been declared on us.  The case could have simply been that NPO is 0-1 in Wars of the Orders and wants to even the score.  That is my take on it.  Right or wrong it is my take, however, I understand that hitting SNX is a means to an end for your side.  Instead we are all beating a dead horse about what is what.  The war has started and we all have to make moves.  There can be no criticism of who enters when and who they are entering for but I am sure that will soon be the next horse to get beaten.  Do your best for your side when your nation/alliances gets the call and hope your Nukes land and your SDIs thwart.

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Under duress you can see far more then otherwise. Obviously he and polars are upset because nobody likes the prospect of a losing war. Also, you have to rally up the troops somehow so you need to use a fiery rhetoric, doesn't matter how poorly it holds up under scrutiny of reason it will take root with the targeted domestic audience due to their heightened negative emotional sense.


Always to those outside from that audience the spectacle may seem strange, funny, peculiar but it is an inherent part of war so in that sense it also must be taken. Its part of the folklore and nobody should really mind it.


Ya know, kinda like the long ass op that cites Polaris and the last war and a bunch of other stuff. Then cites SNX as the war... Tis funny that y'all still claim this is not about revenge despite several (only read like 6 pages total in this 25 page thread so most likely a lot more) posts by NPO members where revenge against Polaris seems to be the key in this war. Letum's and others "fiery rhetoric" is piss poor and does not hold up under scrutiny of reason. 


I cant tell if I'm reading a Tywin rant or a Dajobo one. So flustered, bitter and desperate to spark an outcry against NPO for taking similar actions as  Polar.


Step up or take your ball and leave the playground crying like a 7 year old, either beats being a whiny hypocrite. 




Read above. Polaris at least owned up to why they started their war. NPO is trying to hide behind momma DBDC's skirt instead of grabbing their cajones and stating outright that the reason for them entering this was is to hopefully get revenge on Polaris/co. 

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Read above. Polaris at least owned up to why they started their war. NPO is trying to hide behind momma DBDC's skirt instead of grabbing their cajones and stating outright that the reason for them entering this was is to hopefully get revenge on Polaris/co.

Congrats, you can regurgitate and summarize the general theme of rhetoric in this thread? lol Edited by Terekhov
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Read above. Polaris at least owned up to why they started their war. NPO is trying to hide behind momma DBDC's skirt instead of grabbing their cajones and stating outright that the reason for them entering this was is to hopefully get revenge on Polaris/co. 

Not really, nukes have an expiry date. Got to detonate them before they expire!


[ooc]Real nuclear weapons actually do have a limited shelf life in case you were wondering.[/ooc]

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Tywin is pushing good evil civilized uncivlized lulzist haute etc.  Granted he is an NpO member so his words are being applied as NpO policy, however, those are his words and his feelings on things.  The fact of the matter is we had zero issue with DBDC or Doom Squad.  Zero issue with DBDC even with their raids on our nations.

I think the idea was more that DBDC was the "face" of both a style of play and a grouping (the "Doomsphere") that your alliance found itself opposed to. The people with actual "skin" in the game weren't so much DBDC's upper tier nations themselves, but people like Aztec, NG, CnG, etc.

We rather focus on allies and alliances where we both have an equal opportunity to work together in peace and in war.  Now, with SNX being attacked we do have an issue.  An issue that will be resolved over the next weeks/months as this war continues to escalate.  As Emperor Letum stated before, we/NpO made choices. The beef is with us so war should have been declared on us.

I definitely agree with you here, but I'm not the one who has anything to sort out with NpO and it's not my job to tell others how to run their affairs.

 The case could have simply been that NPO is 0-1 in Wars of the Orders and wants to even the score.  That is my take on it.

I have been through so many wars in this world that I have come to appreciate the pointlessness of "keeping score". Where do you start? Do you become that petty person who brings up 5-year old stuff or do you make some arbitrary cut-off point that makes everyone feel maligned? What do you even include? And does it even matter anyway, since it's all about emotions rather than any scoreboard?

Believe me, if I wanted to take out your alliance specifically, I would have simply done a direct pre-emt. (And also not picked the war date to be a few weeks before I take one of the hardest exams in the world).

 Right or wrong it is my take, however, I understand that hitting SNX is a means to an end for your side.  Instead we are all beating a dead horse about what is what.  The war has started and we all have to make moves.  There can be no criticism of who enters when and who they are entering for but I am sure that will soon be the next horse to get beaten.  Do your best for your side when your nation/alliances gets the call and hope your Nukes land and your SDIs thwart.

Definitely true this. Everyone (on both sides) who is out of the war needs to hurry up and get in it too, so we can just get to the fighting rather than the talking.
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Tho, I'd only be placing my bets on CCC to be doing the toughest fighting among the group if history is any precedent. Tough !@#$%^&*, you keep nuking them, but they just comming back and back and back, you guys are going to enjoy each other.


As a fellow comrade said.


"If you think CCC are tough. You're on crack"



Not that I dislike CCC, they're nice people. They're just not tough :/

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I, for one, prefer to save denigrating, or complimenting, my opponents until after the fighting has concluded, so I will defer any such comments until such time as the overall performances can be assessed.


(I know that I am swimming against the current in this regard, but what can I say?  I'm a social misfit.)

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Congrats, you can regurgitate and summarize the general theme of rhetoric in this thread? lol


Congrats, I have been saying this in y'alls embassy on our forums for as long as this thread existed. lol. 


Not really, nukes have an expiry date. Got to detonate them before they expire!


[ooc]Real nuclear weapons actually do have a limited shelf life in case you were wondering.[/ooc]


I am fine with that, that is what makes war fun. 

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Congrats, I have been saying this in y'alls embassy on our forums for as long as this thread existed. lol. 
I am fine with that, that is what makes war fun. 

Since we're referring back to that embassy topic now, let this post be a placeholder for the posts we made there pointing out the errors in your revenge narrative.
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I, for one, prefer to save denigrating, or complimenting, my opponents until after the fighting has concluded, so I will defer any such comments until such time as the overall performances can be assessed.


(I know that I am swimming against the current in this regard, but what can I say?  I'm a social misfit.)


What do you do if your targets are all in hiding and you don't have anyone to assess? :P

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Since we're referring back to that embassy topic now, let this post be a placeholder for the posts we made there pointing out the errors in your revenge narrative.


Yup almost all of them were garbage, useless, and with very little meaning outside of "No we aren't" rhetoric. You signed a treaty with Umbrella and within a couple of days, you are oAing into SNX. As the old saying goes, action speaks far louder than words. 

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I, for one, prefer to save denigrating, or complimenting, my opponents until after the fighting has concluded, so I will defer any such comments until such time as the overall performances can be assessed.
(I know that I am swimming against the current in this regard, but what can I say?  I'm a social misfit.)

+1 in regards to alliance-wide performances.

@Mael - stop growing so big? :P
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I find it laughable Francoism is used to justify literally any Pacifican action, regardless of long term consequences. Support the illegal overthrow of Ivan Moldavi? Francoism. IO's run rampant while Moo goes insane? Francoism. Forcibly disband alliances that later form Vox Populi? Francoism. Piss off all their allies who go on to oppose them in Karma/Armageddon War? Francoism.
It's repugnant to use Francoism as an explanation for every horrible leadership decision on the basis of material analysis. Yes, you can go on about how you use material analysis, that does not mean you have much of a track record of using it well.

I remember people saying this in 06. :p
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