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Declaration of War

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I get Walsh and Sigrun (especially,) wanting to have your back, but I feel pretty bad for them at this point.


I think there is a complete misconception about the way SRA works.  We will support our allies, but I think maybe people should go back and look at the way we are structured.  I'm pretty sure some of the MI6 comments I have seen directed at us (I am referring specifically to some Gofast2006 flaimbaiting that happened on the old NPL forums) would seem as silly to MI6 as they seem to me.  I would post screen shots of said flaimbaiting, but unfortunately, I used some language in response that isn't appropriate for the young nation leaders who might possibly view things.

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That turned out to be false.... as you've seen since posting it.



What is false? The log? No it is not. 


But I'm still struggling how that sentence would justify hitting MI6 because we said you would stay out of some random micro drama you knew very well we had never been involved with to begin with.


Your CB doesn't make sense in basically every way you look at it.   :mellow:



That sentence justifies hitting MI6 because (if we take it to be true) it means that Mi6 is giving GOONS the greenlight to hit a Kaskus protectorate. 


Note you were told by GOONS prior to this thread that this was incorrect.


What was incorrect? The log? It was not incorrect. You are a moron. GOONS said that KenM was incorrect because he was misguided by something he was told by Milton. That is irrelevant to the point though.

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That sentence justifies hitting MI6 because (if we take it to be true) it means that Mi6 is giving GOONS the greenlight to hit a Kaskus protectorate. 



But unfortunately for you, that's completely false and now you're at war with an alliance who actually had nothing to do with your micro drama because you acted too hastily and wanted to instigate a global war.


In fact, you knew this before you declared war and decided to do it anyway.

Edited by IYIyTh
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What is false? The log? No it is not. 
That sentence justifies hitting MI6 because (if we take it to be true) it means that Mi6 is giving GOONS the greenlight to hit a Kaskus protectorate. 
What was incorrect? The log? It was not incorrect. You are a moron. GOONS said that KenM was incorrect because he was misguided by something he was told by Milton. That is irrelevant to the point though.

Oh Christ Smurf. You know exactly what he means. The statement happened yes, but the statement itself was incorrect and you know it.

Stop trying to dance around it.
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This is up there with some of the most ridiculous CB's we've seen, but hey, we haven't had a war in a while. At least Smurf attempted to make something up and at least try and make this political. I prefer that to mass raids for no reason. Have fun, guys.

And yet still not as bad as the the CB used for the last war.  Only you guys waited until you had overwhelming odds to pull the trigger (and still couldn't get the job done right, lol).  Kaskus as least had the balls to fight someone bigger.

Edited by Steve Buscemi
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And yet still not as bad as the the CB used for the last war.

No. As !@#$%* as I think the CB for that war was given the timeframe, at least it actually happened. NSO had -- at one point -- been trying to cook up a coalition. However brief or far removed it was, the CB happened. Edited by Neo Uruk
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No. As !@#$%* as I think the CB for that war was given the timeframe, at least it actually happened. NSO had -- at one point -- been trying to cook up a coalition. However brief or far removed it was, the CB happened.


There was a CB?

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That almost might be believable if Smurf didn't have a history of being an instigator in such conflicts, Sigrun.


Especially considering the vast amount of effort to get Smurf to leave us alone over the past few months in his other attempts to instigate war.



It takes a real Smurf to act on the information he did and risk harm and injury to his alliance and allies based on what turned out to be quite the tragic overreaction.


Obviously I snipped most of that for brevity.


It's actually because of the fact that y'all saw him in exactly that light that it might well have struck a very clever person to drop a little incorrect info into the mix where he would be exposed to it. Anyone else it would be a hairbrained scheme and very unlikely to work. But someone that you see as hovering around you trying to find an excuse... yeah, sure, give him an excuse. A fake one would be even better than a real one. Lulz and casualties and him on the back foot. IF it was psy-op on smurf the only miscalculation would have been thinking he would call for help. No global war today, darn that smurf!


And no I am not saying that's what happened. I outlined three separate possibilities, that was one. I said ALL seem improbable to me. I don't know what happened.


But I do think I grok what happened in smurfs mind - he saw the defacto acting chief goon testify to him that THE reason his protectorate had been hit was that MI6 said "yo smurf already said it's coo go for it dawg."


And as someone else has already said, it probably matters less what anyone else thinks of the CB than what Kaskus members do. They seem to think it's a perfectly solid reason for fireworks, so that's what they are doing.


How on earth has this topic dragged on for 17 pages? We've had Kaskus saying by the 5th page already that their reasons for the attack was a $%&@ up of communication with both sides adding "oh well lets fight". 


I think you've just summed up the situation perfectly.

Edited by Sigrun Vapneir
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And yet still not as bad as the the CB used for the last war.  Only you guys waited until you had overwhelming odds to pull the trigger (and still couldn't get the job done right, lol).  Kaskus as least had the balls to fight someone bigger.


Y'all told me NG was over Polar but it doesn't really seem that way at all. Otherwise why keep beating a dead horse?

Edited by conistonslim
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And yet still not as bad as the the CB used for the last war.  Only you guys waited until you had overwhelming odds to pull the trigger (and still couldn't get the job done right, lol).  Kaskus as least had the balls to fight someone bigger.

All I want to do is wat at this....wat

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I snipped too



You're saying it though, which means you either believe it (Knowing you I don't think you do, because you're a smart guy and the intimation Smurf was set up makes us look way more intelligent than we actually are,) or that you're just trying to be a good friend and say that you understand why Smurf might have $%&@ed up as bad as he did.


The point remains he $%&@ed up and instead of owning it he has continued to attempt to justify the clearly unjustifiable, even by your own words. 


I get you're involved with whatever micro drama that happened that led Smurf to wantonly attack an alliance (I still have no idea and no intention of ever knowing any idea about it,) with no connection whatsoever -- and it matters to you because it involves GOONS -- but Smurf goofed and has shown very little indication of attempting to make amends for the clear fault he has made -- and I genuinely think that his friends should be helping him out of the limelight instead of telling him to try a different song and see if the crowd likes it better.


Egging him on when he messed up this bad is only hurting his situation. Sometimes a good friend is the one who tells you maybe you should stay the night after drinking too hard. 


Instead I feel like some of his "friends," are putting down reeses cups in a line to his car and suggesting the wavy, shaky path home isn't really that far, it's just on the interstate for a few miles -- and that he should finish his beer before he goes.

Edited by IYIyTh
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