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A note on MI6 recruitment tactics.


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Whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute. Don't like change? What's that supposed to mean?

Exactly what it means. People who live in a defunct alliance don't like change. They are uncertain what comes next and it scares them.


To any member of Bob who is in a dead alliance, query me on IRC. I'll show you a real limitless alliance looks like. The difference between 5 members on IRC a night and 30 members on IRC a night is awe-inspiring. 

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Yeah, but you're the only one who we've filled out an application for :wub:


No one can ever replace you, Gopher.

Well yeah we have, but Gopher's was the only one we meant. The others were cheap spin-offs.


@Krabz: Preach o/

Edited by Gibsonator21
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-Officially (since I happen to be the GATO AC) we hold no ill will towards MI6 and I'm generally annoyed that I have to respond to this.


I don't think I'm going to buy this one just yet Kersch.

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posts itt


All I got from this is that you want to join MI6 as soon as possible. IDK if the world could handle that Smurf, I just don't.


Also Gopher, you know you're #1 in my heart.

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killjoy123, Gopherbashi, Facade, abbasmehdi, IYIyTh, Gibsonator21

You know what that means...Gopher gotta join now.
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This thread is embarrassing in so many different ways, for so many different parties. I'll try and address the important parts in one post:


-- OP, shame on you for creating this thread.

- No one should care about poaching, it's a common practice in CN and has been going on for years. I've never held it against anyone who wants to be in an alliance for whatever reason.

- Magicninja is not GATO gov, has not been GATO gov for sometime, and does not represent a majority position of the GATO General Assembly. Some members don't like MI6, most are indifferent to the general going ons in that particular alliance.

-Shame on most of you for responding to Magic seriously. Most of you should know better. You know he gets his jollies off getting you all rustled up.

-Officially (since I happen to be the GATO AC) we hold no ill will towards MI6 and I'm generally annoyed that I have to respond to this.

-Personally (non government position) some of my favorite rulers reside in MI6 and as always, I wish them the best. (Except for Kevlar, your day is coming before the end.) Some of the others I don't like so much, but I think that generally applies to most of the alliances around at this point anyway.


To the general ill will and degrading talk directed at my alliance: your criticism is duly noted and not really cared about. People addressing our community, morales, actions, etc generally have no understanding of what actually goes on in our alliance. I'm perfectly happy with our place in the world and don't believe I could have a better set of allies and friends. I'm proud to be in the alliance I'm in. Does it have it's flaws? Of course, but so do the rest of you. 


That's all your getting, take it or leave it. 



This post should be the end of this thread lol. O/ kerschbs






let this thread die already :psyduck:

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Well yeah we have, but Gopher's was the only one we meant. The others were cheap spin-offs.


Indeed. Everyone else is just filling the whole in our hearts that only Gopher can fill.


Alliances of CN, if you don't want to be poached by MI6 then send recruitment messages to Gopher for us.

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Indeed. Everyone else is just filling the whole in our hearts that only Gopher can fill.


Alliances of CN, if you don't want to be poached by MI6 then send recruitment messages to Gopher for us.


This really is the only compromise I think we're willing to make. We get the gopher or else.

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This thread is embarrassing in so many different ways, for so many different parties. I'll try and address the important parts in one post:


-- OP, shame on you for creating this thread.

- No one should care about poaching, it's a common practice in CN and has been going on for years. I've never held it against anyone who wants to be in an alliance for whatever reason.

- Magicninja is not GATO gov, has not been GATO gov for sometime, and does not represent a majority position of the GATO General Assembly. Some members don't like MI6, most are indifferent to the general going ons in that particular alliance.

-Shame on most of you for responding to Magic seriously. Most of you should know better. You know he gets his jollies off getting you all rustled up.

-Officially (since I happen to be the GATO AC) we hold no ill will towards MI6 and I'm generally annoyed that I have to respond to this.

-Personally (non government position) some of my favorite rulers reside in MI6 and as always, I wish them the best. (Except for Kevlar, your day is coming before the end.) Some of the others I don't like so much, but I think that generally applies to most of the alliances around at this point anyway.


To the general ill will and degrading talk directed at my alliance: your criticism is duly noted and not really cared about. People addressing our community, morales, actions, etc generally have no understanding of what actually goes on in our alliance. I'm perfectly happy with our place in the world and don't believe I could have a better set of allies and friends. I'm proud to be in the alliance I'm in. Does it have it's flaws? Of course, but so do the rest of you. 


That's all your getting, take it or leave it. 

Stop being so reasonable, kerschbs.


The Agency Ode to Ego demands colorful pageantry and flying rhetoric in it's admirable, but hopeless, mission in squeezing the last vintage flavors of entertainment from this world. The play may be the thing but blood is its trumpet.

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This thread is embarrassing in so many different ways, for so many different parties. I'll try and address the important parts in one post:
-- OP, shame on you for creating this thread.
- No one should care about poaching, it's a common practice in CN and has been going on for years. I've never held it against anyone who wants to be in an alliance for whatever reason.
- Magicninja is not GATO gov, has not been GATO gov for sometime, and does not represent a majority position of the GATO General Assembly. Some members don't like MI6, most are indifferent to the general going ons in that particular alliance.
-Shame on most of you for responding to Magic seriously. Most of you should know better. You know he gets his jollies off getting you all rustled up.
-Officially (since I happen to be the GATO AC) we hold no ill will towards MI6 and I'm generally annoyed that I have to respond to this.
-Personally (non government position) some of my favorite rulers reside in MI6 and as always, I wish them the best. (Except for Kevlar, your day is coming before the end.) Some of the others I don't like so much, but I think that generally applies to most of the alliances around at this point anyway.
To the general ill will and degrading talk directed at my alliance: your criticism is duly noted and not really cared about. People addressing our community, morales, actions, etc generally have no understanding of what actually goes on in our alliance. I'm perfectly happy with our place in the world and don't believe I could have a better set of allies and friends. I'm proud to be in the alliance I'm in. Does it have it's flaws? Of course, but so do the rest of you. 
That's all your getting, take it or leave it.

Lol......I need my scruples Kersch....It's all I come back here for any more. MI6 is a fun alliance to mess with...every now and then one of them has a cogent response. Not this time though. They started with the "Hey everyone Magicninja is a nobody and never was so don't listen to him!" routine way too fast. Oh well....until next time...
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After reading through this thread I've seen a number of independent and at least on the surface unrelated issues debated.  But the one thing that unifies everything is that Mi6 is an awful alliance.  And that is something that the vast majority of CN can rally behind.  They should all be ashamed of themselves.  I'd recommend spanking them except being the sick !@#$%^&* they are they'd probably just end up enjoying it.  A true blight on all that is decent.

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M16 should allow themselves to be absorbed by the Limitless Nexus, it would be a fulfilling experience for all of them to see what its like to be poached and then rise above to become aware of true knowledge in CN.

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I don't think I'm going to buy this one just yet Kersch.


Believing it or not is your prerogative, but I'm not the type of person who has enough left in the tank to try and mis-lead people because of CN. There are GATOan's that don't like you guys, that's clear as day. Myself, I like many of your members but will readily admit that I get annoyed by some of your posters (you being one of them) and am usually perturbed at the incredibly over the top ego's of most of you, plus the trolling between our two alliances doesn't help (myself included.)


However there has never been official ill-will towards you from my alliance (aka a government stance) nor have their ever been plans for hostilities between your alliance and mine (despite what the idiots in HB gov thought last war.) If we were going to do something it would have been over a year ago during your formation, and I would have been the first GATOan to be screaming bloody murder on our forums against any such idea, especially since I knew about MI6 long before it's creation (if Chim hadn't gone with the awful spy theme and Valhalla treaty I'd probably have been a member.) If you look past the vitriol from people on both sides, it's pretty easy to see we've never ev


Plus, if I wanted to fight your alliance I wouldn't be hiding it, I'd simply tell you like I did the entire time you were an RnR/SF member. If you really want confirmation of what I'm posting, go ask Gibs. We've kept in good enough communication despite our alliances issues over the years for him to know I'm telling the truth.

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M16 should allow themselves to be absorbed by the Limitless Nexus, it would be a fulfilling experience for all of them to see what its like to be poached and then rise above to become aware of true knowledge in CN.

I'm more of an AK guy myself, but whatever makes your jimmies happy I suppose
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However there has never been official ill-will towards you from my alliance 



You can say what you want but in the end, actions speak louder than words. You saying hi to Gibs every once in a while is not a direct line of communication between our alliances.



Y'all let the inmates run the asylum over there and destroy any potential goodwill that could've been. I don't think you trying to create some sort of epiphany on the OWF is going to change that dynamic anytime soon. Gibs and I both came to your boards and y'all pretended like you were an alliance of magicninja's.


Your government unprofessionally complained about two or three members having lighthearted fun at your reactionary members expense and in return decided to threaten this that and the stars over nothing -- and ruined any desire from quite a few of us who had the ability (and desire, even,) to normalize relations. The amount of acrimony over essentially nothing is really nothing I've never seen in all of my time in CN, and I've been around the block.



That's why I'm going to dismiss your bluster here as more of the same. The only person who ever made any attempt at talking to us from your band was Dream, and he has long since moved on. Darth tried for a bit, but I can imagine why he stopped when it was made apparent by you and yours that it wasn't in the cards for ya.


Y'all wanted a hostile relationship, so don't get upset and pretend it's suddenly a problem when you get what you wanted.


If you're serious about trying to solve anything, probably best to make more of an effort then a random OWF post when one of your members spouts off like a teapot. 


Otherwise, maybe you'll just have to hope magicninja's prediction of our failing micro never amounting to anything comes true. Better hope it happens soon, because I'm pretty sure we're about to pass y'all in tech and score soon, and I wouldn't want magicninja to think GATO has become a micro.

Edited by IYIyTh
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All I got from this is that you want to join MI6 as soon as possible. IDK if the world could handle that Smurf, I just don't.


Also Gopher, you know you're #1 in my heart.


You do realize if you left MI6, it would boost recruitment by ~1000 percent. MI6 might even pass IRON in numbers. It's not that people don't like MI6, it's a person in it.



I'm more of an AK guy myself, but whatever makes your jimmies happy I suppose

AKs are cheaper, but M16s are better if you're needing the job done.
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You do realize if you left MI6, it would boost recruitment by ~1000 percent. MI6 might even pass IRON in numbers. It's not that people don't like MI6, it's a person in it.


AKs are cheaper, but M16s are better if you're needing the job done.


If someone doesn't want to be in our alliance because of one member, then we don't want them in our alliance.

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If someone doesn't want to be in our alliance because of one member, then we don't want them in our alliance.


Yes, That would be evident by the fact he is still there and was elected M at one point or something.

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