Letum Posted October 6, 2013 Report Share Posted October 6, 2013 PNN International Issue #16"She took our money, the car, the house, but she didn't take our pens." This edition features:- The Return of the PNN International! (Alternate title: World's longest hangover.)- Pacifica's Tech Trading (Alternate title: At least we're doing one thing right.)- The Way of the Order (Alternate title: War is Peace.)- We continue the Revolution (Alternate title: We've gone through 10 years of revolution! 10 more years!)- The 10th Feast of Pacific Revolution (Alternate title: We have the best birthdays.)- The Endless Revolution (Alternate title: Why the NPO is always revolting.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Return of the Pacific News Network InternationalIt has been my pleasure to work as part of our writing team to prepare this re-launch of the International edition of the NPO's Flagship Publication: the Pacific News Network.For the last few months our Media Department has been undergoing some changes in order to fit into our alliance as a whole, and as the new Editor of our Media Corps, I am proud to welcome the return of the International Edition of the Pacific Press after almost two years of its absence from the global newsrooms.The Pacific Press has a long and rich history, and many of you will be familiar with some of our past publications. That being said, this is a new era, and a new Pacific Press. Though our International Publication has been silent, we have made many changes over the last two years. These changes have translated into an engaging and interesting publication, that is here to once again spread a message of Peace, Strength, and Prosperity.With many previous architects of our press presence, like Sir Paul, long since retired, it is now up to a new generation of scribes, artists and leaders to bring forth the word of the revolution to the international stage. So, it is my great pleasure to welcome back this storied publication, and also welcome you, the reader, to the 16th Edition of the International Pacific Press. Enjoy!-- The Editor of the Pacific News Network Pacifica's Tech Trading(Above: Pacifican trading software being tested to see if it is simple enough for even babies to use) In mid August, the New Pacific Order became the non-neutral alliance with the most technology on our planet, and has continued its growth ever since. This monumental feat of rebuilding and economic recovery and growth can be attributed directly to the dedication and leadership shown by the Department of Economic Affairs, headed by Imperial Officer Gumpper and ably supported by Executives Avatar3619 and Amyameretta.In the months of August and September, the Pacific Technology Corps - the Order's state-owned production corps - produced and distributed a staggering 140,000 units of technology, a figure which does not even begin to include the numerous private deals and donations organized by individual Pacificans. In this regard, the recent foreign aid limit increase has been aptly seized upon by our tech-hungry nations, vastly benefiting every nation that has joined the Pacific. This has brought the Order to over 950,000 technology in total, mere weeks away from reaching that vaunted 1m mark, beyond which it only stood before the ancient age prior to the Karma Armageddon.The reason why the NPO Tech Corps has been so successful can be traced to the way in which internal tech deals are organised within Pacifica. Rather than relying on trying to pair up individual tech sellers and buyers manually on a case by case basis, the Tech Corps operates by pooling everything in a centralized, automated clearing exchange, giving nations within it a competitive advantage in their growth strategies due to its ease of use.In this way, a tech buyer can send out 6 million in cash and then immediately become available for an influx of tech, rather than waiting ten days. This allows any individual nation to take part in multiple tech deals at any one time, with a pool that consists of the entire New Pacific Order, and the best part is that its automation vastly decreases the time and effort involved - those transaction costs that are the bane of all efficient economic activity. Every single Pacifican can access and complete a transaction on the largest tech marketplace on Planet Bob with just 4 clicks, a minimal level of effort that nevertheless still retains the flexibility to adapt to changes in game mechanics or war or sending tech to allies.Going hand in hand with the amazing tech dealing system has been the revamp of Economic Affair's leadership structure, with an open-door policy that has even seen Gumpper, the Imperial Officer in charge of economic policy for the entire Order, sit in on meetings with up to 23 member nations, tailoring economic growth plans for each of them. In addition, efforts to further bolster the middle tier economic leadership has promoted a stronger, more initiative-driven middle management that has shouldered much of the burden of day-to-day economic planning and advice giving, with the benefits clearly seen in the multitude of new aid programs dedicated to building up younger nations.Pacifican nations now enjoy incredible economic opportunities and tailored growth programs, ensuring that they grow at the fastest possible rate. No longer are they forced to attempt to organise tech deals with unresponsive and uncommitted nations in the Black Market; instead, they enjoy the benefits of an organisation which strives to excel in all facets of Planet Bob. It is not with unjustified pride that our members gladly proclaim themselves Pacificans. The Way of the OrderSince it's founding in Cyber Nations in 2006 the New Pacific Order has been both revered and respected throughout the Cyber Nations community. The NPO has came a long way from it's beginning to where it is today. But from the NPO's first war in Cyber Nations against the NAAC to the ashes of the doomhouse war, it is a way that has involved conflict.The New Pacific Order has seen the face of change many times and has been to many places along the crossroads of history. The NPO has fought in 27 wars, and though only three times has its mettle been tested to the stretching point, those three times were the most destructive and apocalyptic events of their time. The NPO has been at death's door many times and has always survived because one thing has has never changed, our "Camaraderie". The bond between our fellow comrades is one of truly unwavering comparison. From the time a member enters the academy, they agree that the NPO will one day go to war and that their nation will be tested in fire but they know that there fellow comrades will be by there side no matter what. You may think that the NPO is a warmongering Alliance but that is far from the truth. The proving grounds of war is a part of who we are but war is more than a means to settle whichever conflict the backrooms of the day have brought to the surface; war is a unique time when close bonds of friendship are formed between Pacifican comrades, between allies, and even between enemies. As horrendous as its losses can be, it is a test of character which - if passed - can only make one's mettle stronger, and better able to defend their friends the next time around. One may ask, but were does the NPO gain its strength from? One word my friends, it's members! The NPO is an alliance that does not revolve around this world but rather around its Community. The New Pacific Order is not just an alliance for its members - it is "home". People stick not just as part of a collective contract of economic or military cooperation but a place to form a level and quality of friendship that is difficult to describe. Whilst this might sound like it describes any alliance - any group of friends - the sheer level of culture and tradition of the Pacifican Armies on the field makes it a truly unique experience that has captured heart after heart for over a decade, and captured the passion of hundreds of Pacific brethren.The NPO seeks to prove that its war machine cannot just be used as a tool for war but rather a tool for Peace. The NPO has learned so much in it's existence, and no matter what fate has in store for the future. The NPO and its legacy will survive, for the life of and the teaching of Francoism, for Peace, Strength, and Prosperity. The core of the meaning "Pacifica Prevails" does not lie in dominance or destruction over a foe, but in the dominance and perpetuation of an entire ideology against the tides of time, against the tides of corruption, boredom and decay. We Continue the Revolution On the First of September, our Emperor, Farrin Xies, addressed our Body Republic.This day, traditionally known as the Day of Order, serves as the ending of five days of celebration that begin each year on August 28th, the anniversary of the August Revolution and the Founding of the Order. It is a day for looking at the future as well as evaluating our past. This year's day of Order was a special one, as it marks ten years in which Pacifica has remained relevant and in a state of constant revolution. To continue this trend however, we must look inward in self-examination.It is thus that our Emperor announced that, for the second decade of our Order, the time has come to bring our revolution to the world. No longer will the fruits of Francoist prosperity be confined to one alliance, but instead the order will endeavour to extend a hand to friend and foe alike, lifting them up with us. Our ideology of self-improvement, discipline, loyalty and excellence will be spread throughout the world, be it by the pen or by the sword. For our friends and allies, it will mean greater sharing of our secrets, techniques and systems to ensure mutual prosperity; for our rivals, it will mean extending an olive branch and working towards reconstruction - and whether that leads to reconciliation or a more challenging (and fun!) rematch in the future, it will be worth it.In announcing this future path, Emperor Farrin took some time to outline who we are as an alliance. In doing so, he highlighted two trends that define the Order:We are a military alliance. It means the Pacificans fight. No excuses, no bullshit, no whining, and no exceptions. Every Pacifican will fight for the Order and their Family until the end, and each soldier covers and is covered by their comrade, functioning as a single impenetrable unit. When Pacific Military Command gives an order, we follow it to the T, no ifs, ands or buts. It is this discipline that enables us to bring out the best in ourselves, and the best in our friends and rivals.We are also a meritocracy. Anyone prepared to put time, effort or talent into the Order will get their due. This does not mean scheming and plotting to the top, but rather means working for your position. Hard-working Pacificans are rewarded, either with internal recognition, increased prosperity, or more power. This is the reason the Pacifican state has an apparatus of workers and managers rivaling the size of most medium alliances.Now you may be asking yourself, why do I care about this? I will counter your question with one of my own. How long have you been a member of the Cybernations community, and how long has the New Pacific Order been relevant during your stay here? I cannot answer this question for you, though I can answer it for myself. I have been here for five years, and through the years, Pacifica has remained a constant and large force in the Cybernations world. If you are interested in learning more about the Order, I encourage you to stop by our forums and to check us out. The 10th Feast of Pacific Revolution The Feast of Pacific Revolution is the single most important feast in Pacifican culture, a five day festival of revolutionary fervour and an alliance-wide outpouring of Francoist zeal. It is celebrated each and every year without fail; and for good reason, as the Feast of Pacific Revolution marks the founding of the New Pacific Order.Ten years ago, on the twenty eighth day of August, in a world both different and the same as Planet Bob, a corrupt Czar was overthrown by the August Revolutionaries. As testament to the wise leadership shown by the various leaders of the order since its Founding, the August Revolution celebrates the contribution of Pacifica's greatest leaders and heroes, and initiates a period of self-reflection on any imperfections or mistakes. On this day as well, all non-essential government offices and departments are closed, to be reopened at the conclusion of festivities.In the days that follow the August Revolution, the Pacifican leadership examines and reorganises the Order such that it is better able to serve its members. These days are also dedicated to the celebration of all Pacificans, as well as the accomplishments of the Order. Popular activities in past years have included, aside from the traditional baby-eating contests and jackboot polishing, the consumption of large quantities of alcoholic beverages, monster baiting/hunting, a build-your-own-horns workshop, and even, on one notable occasion, pardoning nations then at war with the Pacifican military.The Feast of Pacific Revolution concludes with the Day of Order on first day of September, also known as Pacific Day, the date that the New Pacific Order was officially founded in 2003. It is a day of reflection, not only on the events of the past, but also on the internal workings of the Order and on the contribution that each Pacifican can make. It is on this day that the reorganised government offices are reopened, a reminder to each and every Pacifican that the struggle for excellence is one that requires constant refinement and self-improvement, a reminder that, as Sir Paul once said, "through change, you will have greatness; through greatness, you will have change".This year, the manifestation of that change was seen in the senior leadership shuffles that resulted from the self-reflection of the Order. Letum, formerly Imperial Officer of Economic Affairs, was transferred to leadership of the Internal Affairs portfolio, including stewardship over Recruitment, Media and Nation Sitting. Gumpper, as the new sole Imperial leader of the Economic Affairs department, raised Amyamaretta to the position of Executive. In Foreign Affairs, Lord Valleo recognised the need for additional senior-level leadership and so promoted Necoho to his former position of Imperial Legate, whilst moving Marlboro to the Political Analyst position in recognition of his on-going invaluable support and advice to the department. Further, Emperor Farrin welcomed old man Frawley back into the fold as an active Imperial Officer of the Order.These Pacifican traditions have survived despite the changes in Imperial leadership over the years; indeed, one could say that these traditions have survived because of those changes. Emperor TrotskysRevenge was noted for use his of the Feast of Pacific Revolution to lay out his goals for the coming year, to communicate directly with the Body Republic his intentions and motivations. Emperor Mary the Fantabulous used her August Revolution speech as a reminder of the trials and tribulations faced, and of the hope of the future. Emperor Brehon spoke of his awe at being a part of Pacifica culture, of the unity that exists between past and present. The current Emperor, Emperor Farrin Xies, used his first August Revolution speech to remind all Pacificans of the origin of the New Pacific Order and its founding ideals. The common thread across the years, across imperial reigns and leadership styles, has been the idea of reflection, of using the past to better the present, of the continual need for improvement, of an eternal revolution.And, of course, that Pacifica always Prevails. The Endless RevolutionWhy is it that, a decade after Francos Spain shook the world, we still speak of being in revolution? Why, when celebrating an event that happened 10 years ago, we consider it as a part of our daily lives?The concept of endless revolution is one of the Orders greatest strengths. It is a core principle that defines how we act in relation to ourselves, and to the rest of the planet.In essence, it means that a Pacificans life is a non-stop struggle to overcome the status-quo and become something better. By keeping the fire or revolution constantly burning, the Order gains a combustion engine propelling it forever forward; and its fuel is everything that is old and wanting.In terms of meritocratic governance, it acts as an institutionalized control for self-examination of old practices and a renewal of spirits. The enemy of every revolutionary state is the corruption, greed, nonfeanse and laziness that can set in as those newly in power seek to preserve it. By constantly forcing ourselves to examine that part of us which is weak, we shed light on that darkness. By making it a tradition to innovate, we bring voice to ideas that might have remained silent. It is thus that endless revolution permits the order to always adapt and improve, even in a situation where it is already prosperous and this improvement makes the difference between being good and being the best.And it is thus that the anniversary of the August Revolution serves as an annual period of self-examination. What did we achieve in the past year? What could we have done better? What shall be our goals for the next? On such an event, the Order as a whole ponders each of these questions and seeks to build a better future from their answers.The principle of endless revolution is also a reminder that the Pacifics existence is an exception in the world. We are not a normal, commonplace alliance; we stand against the tide. This earns us the enmity of many who seek to preserve the status-quo; and thus the Pacific often finds itself in battle against the world. It is a position we relish, for facing a challenge of the combined might of entire humanity is surely a great way to test both the physical and mental mettle of a person.Testing ourselves in such a way - a repeated series of harsh, exhausting tests which only the fittest can survive - has been crucial to forming the identity of the Order in the last decade. That tradition is heavy not because of its historical length, not because of its pretty words and speeches, but because of the sheer level of sweat and blood spilled in its defense. Every Pacifican has the chance to be the best they can be because they stand on the shoulders of giants - and we are aware of this fact every single minute of the day.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * * * * * *This concludes theSixteenthedition ofPacific News Network InternationalThis edition has been the intellectual brainchild of Aurelius Ambrosius, Oranges, Letum and WANA. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Farnsworth Posted October 6, 2013 Report Share Posted October 6, 2013 (edited) lolfirst? Edit: Pretty decent read. Needs a more conspiratorial undertone, however. I am glad to see the return of this publication. It's provided some interesting reads over the years. Edited October 6, 2013 by Farnsworth Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stewie Posted October 6, 2013 Report Share Posted October 6, 2013 Nice work Letum Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Caladin Posted October 6, 2013 Report Share Posted October 6, 2013 Nice to see this return; a good read. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SoADarthCyfe6 Posted October 6, 2013 Report Share Posted October 6, 2013 Good read and a hearty congratulations to our allies in Pacifica for having the best tech producing market on the planet! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kerschbs Posted October 6, 2013 Report Share Posted October 6, 2013 That tech.......wow. Congrats on ten years guys! Having gone from bitter enemies to allies I can say I have experienced every side of Pacifica and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I can only hope you continue to prosper. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
salsabeast1 Posted October 6, 2013 Report Share Posted October 6, 2013 (edited) How about a too long, didn't read for us lazy people? :wub: Edited October 6, 2013 by salsabeast1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Zigur Posted October 6, 2013 Report Share Posted October 6, 2013 (edited) Very good read from Pacifica. I love Emperor Farrin's vision of sharing Francoist prosperity with the whole world... and this begins with safeguarding global stability and the interests of the international community. Francoism was never limited to the orders and was always a philosophy that can lead the success of any who effectively implement it. A salute to Pacifica! o/ Edited October 6, 2013 by Tywin Lannister Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Voodoo Nova Posted October 6, 2013 Report Share Posted October 6, 2013 Despite your "competitive advantage", you still have poor slot usage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Letum Posted October 6, 2013 Author Report Share Posted October 6, 2013 There is always just a bit more perfection to strive for. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KenMorningstar Posted October 7, 2013 Report Share Posted October 7, 2013 Jesus Christ that's a lot of words. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Incitatus Posted October 7, 2013 Report Share Posted October 7, 2013 (edited) Jesus Christ that's a lot of words. *Pats KenMorningstar on the head That's just precious. Great read, NPO. Edited October 7, 2013 by Jestercellion Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Taget Posted October 7, 2013 Report Share Posted October 7, 2013 The Return of the Pacific News Network International It has been my pleasure to work as part of our writing team to prepare this re-launch of the International edition of the NPO's Flagship Publication: the Pacific News Network. For the last few months our Media Department has been undergoing some changes in order to fit into our alliance as a whole, and as the new Editor of our Media Corps, I am proud to welcome the return of the International Edition of the Pacific Press after almost two years of its absence from the global newsrooms. The Pacific Press has a long and rich history, and many of you will be familiar with some of our past publications. That being said, this is a new era, and a new Pacific Press. Though our International Publication has been silent, we have made many changes over the last two years. These changes have translated into an engaging and interesting publication, that is here to once again spread a message of Peace, Strength, and Prosperity. With many previous architects of our press presence, like Sir Paul, long since retired, it is now up to a new generation of scribes, artists and leaders to bring forth the word of the revolution to the international stage. So, it is my great pleasure to welcome back this storied publication, and also welcome you, the reader, to the 16th Edition of the International Pacific Press. Enjoy! -- The Editor of the Pacific News Network A good read and well written. But the best way to honor Sir Paul is to bring back the singalongs! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yevgeni Luchenkov Posted October 7, 2013 Report Share Posted October 7, 2013 Good work on the reconstruction. It is a good thing that you have honed your skills in that department to such a level. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cataduanes Posted October 7, 2013 Report Share Posted October 7, 2013 Nice and concise, I have to admit I kind of missed these sorts of publications. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
arentak Posted October 7, 2013 Report Share Posted October 7, 2013 Your tech initiatives sound outstanding. Congratulations. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Buscemi Posted October 8, 2013 Report Share Posted October 8, 2013 brb joining NPO for tech buying. And the flag above "The Endless Revolution" is pretty awesome. Who made it? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bed Intruder Posted October 8, 2013 Report Share Posted October 8, 2013 That tech.......wow. Congrats on ten years guys! Having gone from bitter enemies to allies I can say I have experienced every side of Pacifica and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I can only hope you continue to prosper. 10 years? The game hasn't even been out for 8 O.o Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tasuki Posted October 9, 2013 Report Share Posted October 9, 2013 10 years? The game hasn't even been out for 8 O.o shhh... its a hack! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cataduanes Posted October 9, 2013 Report Share Posted October 9, 2013 10 years? The game hasn't even been out for 8 O.o Read up on your history dear boy and you will find that certain alliances like NPO (and individuals, some of whom helped to form ODN) migrated from another game, hence the reference to a decade of existence for Pacifica. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elorian Posted October 11, 2013 Report Share Posted October 11, 2013 Read up on your history dear boy and you will find that certain alliances like NPO (and individuals, some of whom helped to form ODN) migrated from another game, hence the reference to a decade of existence for Pacifica. I trust Cata, he has seen a million faces and rocked them all. Good read and awesome about the tech, NPO! You are rocking, as always. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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