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Never bring an Umbrella to a gun fight


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[quote name='Wadsworth' timestamp='1358646022' post='3080475']
As noted squire Trinidad James says, "Don't believe me, ja' watch !@#$%* !@#$%* !@#$%*"

Well crap guys. Let's call the war off I didn't know we were going to sustain damage from it.

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Everyone knew that two sides were lining up for a coalition war. When you're in that situation, it is silly to give something that can be used as a decent CB. Deliberately slot-filling a rogue definitely counts as that; it's a lot stronger than the CBs Doomhouse alliances typically use in aggressive wars, so you in particular have zero credibility complaining about it.

Now everybody has the war they wanted, there's a decent reason to start it to keep the morality police happy, and hopefully the balance of power will get the adjustment it needs.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1358646840' post='3080485']
I don't mind discussing the CB. Seeing DH posters discuss it after years of arguing CBs are irrelevant and "morals are subjective" is hypocrisy at its finest. I was impressed by the lack of whining in the first few posts but then as always it started. I guess in a weird way "DH has become the enemy". They fought for so long against moralistic whining and supported "might is right". Now he they are whining how this is wrong and not fair. Hilarious!

Sugar, nobody is complaining about the war. People are complaining that you had to cover it up in a flimsy cb rather than just attacking.

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358646530' post='3080481']
Crowding the heavy hitter's slots to try and occupy it. Plus according to all of CN, Umbrella can't fight!

Well to crowd the heavy hitters is a well known and well used tactic in order to try and win a war.

Plus according to all of CN, Umbrella can't fight!

Does that include you? :awesome:

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Sad to see some of the crap being flung from both sides. I'm all for trash talk, but it appears to me that some peeps from both sides are taking themselves way too seriously. I am happy the war is finally here. Let's all have fun beating the !@#$ out of each other. Good luck to all.

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[quote name='TigerBaby' timestamp='1358646680' post='3080482']
Excellent. So you're well aware it's total crap that absolutely no one ever sees as a favour and that the response to it is absolutely typical. You need to enlighten the delusional around here who are trying to pretend otherwise that they're making a complete tit of themselves.

I've stated such many times throughout my DoW.

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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1358647266' post='3080493']
Everyone knew that two sides were lining up for a coalition war. When you're in that situation, it is silly to give something that can be used as a decent CB. Deliberately slot-filling a rogue definitely counts as that; it's a lot stronger than the CBs Doomhouse alliances typically use in aggressive wars, so you in particular have zero credibility complaining about it.

Now everybody has the war they wanted, there's a decent reason to start it to keep the morality police happy, and hopefully the balance of power will get the adjustment it needs.

^ Sums it all up.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1358647372' post='3080496']

Sugar, nobody is complaining about the war. People are complaining that you had to cover it up in a flimsy cb rather than just attacking.

Actually, the ODN post and others have attacked the validity of the CB. However, I recall last war a screenie being leaked from Flak attack it said "we know Dave isn't the reason for this war, they know Dave isn't the reason for this war, and still they keep arguing over". Please keep whining though it's great!

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1358646801' post='3080484']

You might want to give it a day or two before calling people out, I am sure all involved will be at it shortly.
The fact that they all rushed to make sure they didn't get singled out by Umbrella shows their intentions. They're going to be dismantled.

[quote name='Toby Ziegler' timestamp='1358646832' post='3080486']

Because calling people the "Chromosome Hive" is clearly indicitive of your superior intellect.
It's far better than "omg u r so mad lolz". Also, I've never been indicted.
[quote name='jraenar' timestamp='1358646922' post='3080489']

I'm not the one that's losing control of emotions and hitting the word-filter every other post. I get that you're tight with Umbrella and all since they give you so much money, but really.

AI and the coalition is obviously happy with the war, seeing as it got declared in the first place. Umbrella is repeatedly saying they are happy with the war. So what's the problem? I'm not trying to say "u mad," I'm trying to ask, "why?"
Who said I have a problem?

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[quote name='Schmoo' timestamp='1358647773' post='3080501']
Sad to see some of the crap being flung from both sides. I'm all for trash talk, but it appears to me that some peeps from both sides are taking themselves way too seriously. I am happy the war is finally here. Let's all have fun beating the !@#$ out of each other. Good luck to all.

Listen to this wise man. May we all enjoy the 5 extra minutes of fun and the prospect of lower bills in the near future.

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358648804' post='3080514']
It's far better than "omg u r so mad lolz". Also, I've never been indicted.

As I recall, "omg u r so mad lolz" was never uttered in a post, except for yours, of course. My point was that if you wanted to seperate yourself from those you call unintelligent, calling your opponent names might not be the way to do it.

And I give you credit for catching my typo, although, I don't know where you got indicted from.

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[quote name='Toby Ziegler' timestamp='1358649689' post='3080527']

As I recall, "omg u r so mad lolz" was never uttered in a post, except for yours, of course. My point was that if you wanted to seperate yourself from those you call unintelligent, calling your opponent names might not be the way to do it.

And I give you credit for catching my typo, although, I don't know where you got indicted from.
He was using an elaborate form of a "u mad". It's quite simple! And, really, the name fits you guys.

And it was just something that came to mind when I caught the typo

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1358648670' post='3080513']

Actually, the ODN post and others have attacked the validity of the CB. However, I recall last war a screenie being leaked from Flak attack it said "we know Dave isn't the reason for this war, they know Dave isn't the reason for this war, and still they keep arguing over". Please keep whining though it's great!

Nah the point was that we dont care its a meh CB with no solid proof. We just wanted for the other side to call it what it was. Brehon took care of that well enough. So unless anyone over there wants to argue with Brehon...I don't think there's anything left to argue.

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358650067' post='3080535']
He was using an elaborate form of a "u mad". It's quite simple! And, really, the name fits you guys.

And it was just something that came to mind when I caught the typo

Fair enough. Personally, I laughed when I first saw the name. ;)

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[quote name='Nintenderek' timestamp='1358650387' post='3080538']
Funny to see how some people's opinions change as soon as they go from attacking to being the one attacked (or having an ally attacked). This thread delivers.

Nothing really changes.

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[quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1358626439' post='3080174']
Too bad AI hasn't made the effort we have repeatedly in the past. Instead they issue threats, complain and throw a fit. They made practically no effort in working with Umbrella because it was their intent to escalate a situation that should have been resolved otherwise. But yeah AI would have been right if it weren't for their refusal to even try it.
[/quote]Do mean like the efforts you went to bait NPO before you just threw your hands in the air, said screw it, and started the DH-NPO war?

Such a noble alliance GOONS is.

Watching you guys starting to whine about the CB now that you've started to realize just how boned you are? Absolutely priceless.

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[quote name='Daikos' timestamp='1358646737' post='3080483']
You'll be hard pressed to find an Umbrella member that isn't pleased with a war.
It sure is much more enjoyable to see the lack of bawwing coming from you guys compared to all the peace moding cowards of last war. It's sure a shame that NG-Umb never got to do a 1v1 (and never will I'm sure without allies jumping in). Maybe if our world dies out we could have a go at it. I'm sure we'd all enjoy ourselves.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1358640565' post='3080382']
When the opposition asserts the moral high ground, they should not be shocked to find us knocking them off of it. [/quote]
And now after all these years, you suddenly care about moral high ground. Its not shocking, its ironic.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1358640565' post='3080382']
When the opposition asserts the moral high ground, they should not be shocked to find us knocking them off of it. This Titanic Coalition is no better than those they declare a crusade against. History has shown this. The future will reaffirm it.

I recall in the Great War Era how when a nation went rogue from an alliance, it was the responsibility of a civilized alliance to engage their wayward brother and absorb the damage they might cause to other states. In this way, roguery was discouraged and rendered less effective. Today, unfortunately, it appears Anarchy Inc. and its allies have decided it is not the responsibility of civilized alliances, but rather actionable [i]justa causa[/i] for war. And they have done so in the most decidedly inconsistent of ways: when it was three alliances "guilty" of attacking a rogue, they stayed their guns. When it was only Umbrella, and after one of Umb's proximate allies had succumbed to internal tensions, they found the time was ripe and made war.

If you wish to make war, then make war. Few can truly object, especially among those of us who have most aggressively pursued the politics of self-interest and [i]realpolitik[/i]. But do not dress yourselves in the garb of some "just war". You do not act out of love, or to sow greater peace. You act to advance your interests, as you always have. You act as I would act, and when you look in the mirror you will see me looking back. You can lie to yourselves, and to the gullible, preaching fear while plotting holocaust, but the truth is there.

Cheer yourselves while you can. The nukes will soon fly. And when the infra is scorched and there is naught but tech and warchests, you'll wonder how the hell you're going to keep this up. I'd pray for luck on your SDIs.

Or you can continue under the delusion that your ship is unsinkable. That this is it! The mKarma prophecy come at last! Doomedhouse to set the world free! I hope you don't really believe that; I desire a competent foe. I've found much success chiefly because I've always recognized that I'm only ever one error from failure, an inch from defeat, no matter how seemingly powerful or secure. No war is done or won until the ink on the terms is dry. And we're a long, long way from any ink, assuming you have the stomach to see this through. The opportunity cost on this is so very high, after all...

Dragon runt need get out of peace mode and on my dinner plate, or shut up.

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[quote name='Masterof9puppets' timestamp='1358635972' post='3080313']
Everything that this man has said is the absolute truth. Take note of it.

There are only so many times that I can correct you and others on this before just realizing that you have an extra chromosome to deal with.
I went rogue on December 25th. After posting my rogue/quitting/dow thread, three nations declared on me. FOK, MK Applicant, & DT. You'll notice that none of those alliances are named Umbrella.

After that single round of war, I slipped into peace mode because I could- since the raiders broke my stagger. If AI was on top of their game, I'm sure they could have slipped someone in to DoW me at update.

I then spent 12 days rebuying my nukes, and then left peace mode. Before I declared my new set of wars, I logged onto IRC and said that I was out of peace mode, and declaring in minutes. Three Umbrella members then declared on me. I proceeded to declare my wars, and blow my entire 4.5 bil warchest. As JoshuaR stated, this should be proof enough that I'm out after this round, so stop whining that the stagger was broken- it is irrelevant.

[b]During this time, I also fed 2 AI intel spy ops per day to Doomhouse. They have most of the upper tier now.[/b]

When I say "this was the plan", I mean that this was [i]my[/i] plan, not Umbrellas. My plan was to start this war, and I succeeded. Sorry dudes, you know you all wanted it.
Another thing to know is that Umbrella accepts spy reports

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