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Protectorate treaty cancellation


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Reasons for cancellation have been given in private to Stewie. After much discussion and careful thought, The Swash Plates and Tail Rotors have come to the agreement that many of our members at this time cannot honorably live up to the pact with Non Grata. Many of our members are still in the early phase of their commitment to cybernations and having their nation destroyed at this stage will only cause them to quit. The Swash Plates are RW friends, our more engaged members have committed to fighting to deletion if our smaller friends are attacked. Let that be a warning to any tech raiders, the ladies of the Swash Plate will thank you for your attack and you will eventually destroy us, but you will pay a very heavy price for your fun. Until we are positioned to fully engage in a mutually beneficial agreement. We thank Non Grata and hereby terminate our pact with Non Grata freeing them of any obligations.
Live Free or Die Hard, Swash Plates
Signed for Swash Plates and Tail Rotors
Ft Campbell P.S. After this 72 hour notice of we hereby declare ourselves neutral. We are new and do not wish to be involved in the politics of cyber nations. Until we are more organized and experience with these types of issues.

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[quote name='white majik' timestamp='1353556974' post='3056047']
Going neutral you say?
[/quote] We have friends on both side.Sgt Gus will handel every thing from now on.I want no part of it.Ijust post what they want time to move on and do my own thing.

Edited by untouchable
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As a CH-53E man. May all of your IBIS pop inflight. Non Grata is a tenatious and worthy foe and in such a tenatious and worthy defenders. All Phoenicians burn with this fire.

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[quote name='Avakael' timestamp='1353577501' post='3056159']
I wasn't aware protectorates had an obligation to fight for their protectors.

So much this, I think someone jus dun goofed.

Protectorates will never be the same.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1353581879' post='3056174']
Yeah we didn't require to fight for us. I reckon untouchable didn't read the treaty himself.
[/quote]I did but the rest of our guys want out.So as of today Gus will handel every thing.I no longer want any part of it.

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[quote name='untouchable' timestamp='1353597028' post='3056219']
I did but the rest of our guys want out.So as of today Gus will handel every thing.I no longer want any part of it.

So your leaving your protectorate because the rest of your members lack the ability to read? You leave a position the keeps you away from conflict and now become a target that invites it? That is brilliant.

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[quote name='untouchable' timestamp='1353597028' post='3056219']
I did but the rest of our guys want out.So as of today Gus will handel every thing.I no longer want any part of it.

Perhaps you should have consulted them before signing on as a protectorate of an alliance that raided yours and that you summarily DoWed on (which was a silly thing to have done in the first place).

[quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1353599074' post='3056228']
So your leaving your protectorate because the rest of your members lack the ability to read? You leave a position the keeps you away from conflict and now become a target that invites it? That is brilliant.

But.. but.. they're neutral now (which is also rather silly).

The targets on neutrals' backs vanish only when they possess size and/or reverence. Your AA possesses neither. All that you've really done here is invite further raids by advertising your lack of protection.

That's not to say that you shouldn't do things your way. It does very much say however that things may just not end up as you would like.

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This is a picture perfect example of why new players should join established alliances to figure out how things work before / instead of creating their own alliance.

Protectorates aren't obligated to fight for their protectors and all you've done now is opened yourself up to being raided again.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1353605261' post='3056255']
This is a picture perfect example of why new players should join established alliances to figure out how things work before / instead of creating their own alliance.

No kidding. Oh well.

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