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[quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1350625938' post='3042827']
DN and GOONs...which needs to be agreeable on both ends.

Based on the behavior seen in this thread, this sounds like it would be difficult for just one of those two alliances, much less both of them. I have to say that PPO has greatly impressed me with the way they are handling this matter.

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[quote name='Nintenderek' timestamp='1350627499' post='3042836']
I have to say that PPO has greatly impressed me with the way they are handling this matter.

PPO has always and will always be a great alliance. Im proud to have once been a member of theirs. :)

TSL continues to search for a diplomatic solution to the current issue through the help of PPO and friends. The quicker we can get this issue resolved...the better for all parties involved.

edit: typos

Edited by Stoopid Ace
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[quote name='Tir Nan Og' timestamp='1350618361' post='3042768']
Yup, they spent less than Umars war chest. How did they ever survive. It was so devastatingly embarrassing for them. As for half of what we wanted, you paid exactly what we wanted, that's called negotiating your surrender.

It's not the amount of money, it's the mass slot useage that it took to move it. I guess they strive to keep their tech farm alive in that manner. Physically, the GOONS never recovered from crater status after "winning" in DH/NPO. That's why they were beaten senseless by someone with about 1/5th of their members.

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[quote name='Tir Nan Og' timestamp='1350615925' post='3042756']
Good thing we have allies that support us. I don't remember beating the hell out of your alliance, probably because when we did it it wasn't hard, how much in reps did you pay again?

lets see, Pandora's Box + Doomhouse vs Monkus.

That showed how much you <insert witty comment> your allies to get them to support you.

Edited by Lord Caparo
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Any policy that punishes someone for fighting back in a raid is absolutely nonsensical, back in the good ole days when IRON used to raid the thought of someone fighting back and giving you a sqaure go so to speak was part of the appeal of raiding in the first place. Since we didn't shelter our raiders from the consequences of their mercenary behaviour, there was always the possibility that you would get yourself embroiled in a long nuclear slog, and that to most was the appeal in the first place.

Dog piling the defenceless who fight back is not only cowardice in itself, it's an act that promotes cowardice across the board. The IRONy here is a bunch of cowards trying to create more cowards, what a world.

Edited by MCRABT
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[quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1350637818' post='3042879']

lets see, Pandora's Box + Doomhouse vs Monkus.

That showed how much you <insert witty comment> your allies to get them to support you.

Mongols was easy, they died quick. Kaskus was another story, especially with the support and constant jumping of members of NEW. We were ill equipped to fight a war with that specific range of nations so soon after the previous war. And our little guys were completely overwhelmed when full wonder nations got to their level with billion dollar war chests.

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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1350628450' post='3042838']
I haven't read the thread [s]yet[/s], but have we gotten to how evil NPO was back in the day yet? 23 pages in I feel like it should have been mentioned at least three times by now.

My thoughts exactly. I even did a search. We are loosing our touch.

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I stilk think the best part of this thread is the fact GOONs are laughing at DNs warchest but yet still need Umbrellas help. If you didnt need Umbrellas help there would be 3 GOONs on him so you cant argue that.

The quicker this ends the better for both parties.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1350609837' post='3042729']
Try to stop us Schatt, please.
I think TBB summed it up pretty nicely. If GOONS had the stones to face us one-on-one, you would have been destroyed by the Light of Justice long ago. So maybe it's good for you that you don't.

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[quote name='keeology' timestamp='1350598315' post='3042665']
say what? 20 pages of DN and GOONs measuring dicks. i still agree PPO has the biggest in this thread

this post makes me very happy... Now, you guys need to stop whipping it out and admit defeat already...

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[quote name='Prodigal Moon' timestamp='1350660095' post='3042942']
I think TBB summed it up pretty nicely. If GOONS had the stones to face us one-on-one, you would have been destroyed by the Light of Justice long ago. So maybe it's good for you that you don't.

Now it's one-on-one, coming from an alliance whose prior attempts to bring in a bunch of friends to roll goons ended in [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=blog&module=display&section=blog&blogid=341&showentry=2166"]colossal failure[/url].

Edited by Emperor Marx
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[quote name='Tir Nan Og' timestamp='1350651930' post='3042916']
Mongols was easy, they died quick. Kaskus was another story, especially with the support and constant jumping of members of NEW. We were ill equipped to fight a war with that specific range of nations so soon after the previous war. And our little guys were completely overwhelmed when full wonder nations got to their level with billion dollar war chests.

we had 4 nations come over, though 99% of the damage was done by the original Kaskus nations, Mongols destroyed you guys when we came to play, we evened the odds up enough to give them some freedom and in return your small guys got killed, just asked Sardonic how his baiting of the mongols guide ended up.

If you reckon you were ready to flaunt it, then be ready to take it.

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[quote name='Prodigal Moon' timestamp='1350660095' post='3042942']
I think TBB summed it up pretty nicely. If GOONS had the stones to face us one-on-one, you would have been destroyed by the Light of Justice long ago. So maybe it's good for you that you don't.

They would have been crushed by Kaskus/Mongols well before you had your fill, if that was the case. (single combat and all)

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[quote name='Cress' timestamp='1350657804' post='3042934']
I stilk think the best part of this thread is the fact GOONs are laughing at DNs warchest but yet still need Umbrellas help.

Initially a single Umbrellan declared, yes, because we had all of [u]zero[/u] nations in range. No way around that I'm afraid unless you know something we don't.

[quote name='Cress' timestamp='1350657804' post='3042934']
If you didnt need Umbrellas help there would be 3 GOONs on him so you cant argue that.

[url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance%2CReceiving_Alliance&search=The%20Shadow%20Legacy&anyallexact=exact"]It's almost like someone isn't paying attention here.[/url]

[quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1350663522' post='3042956']
Mongols destroyed you guys when we came to play

Haha, no. I realize there's some benefit in underselling your impact, but it was almost entirely Kaskus (who had the military wonders and large warchests), not Mongols (who had neither), that gave GOONS a run for its money.

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[quote name='xoindotnler' timestamp='1350670282' post='3042978']
I wonder when it was the last time GOONS fought a war on there own.

No one does these days, thats why treaties exist. Same way Mongols didnt fight a war on their own. Kaskus and NEW members jumped on board, which is fine by us. Same way CoJ has never fought a war on their own or any of the other dozens of real alliances out there.

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[quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1350662881' post='3042951']
Now it's one-on-one, coming from an alliance whose prior attempts to bring in a bunch of friends to roll goons ended in [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=blog&module=display&section=blog&blogid=341&showentry=2166"]colossal failure[/url].
We both know that no one thinks a coaltion like that would be militarily necessary to defeat GOONS. It's pretty clear that they were preparing to either have to fight allies or trying to scare them off through a show of force. But hey, if you GOONS really thinks you can handle a whole coalition by yourselves, then standing on your own against a micro like CoJ should be no problem, right?

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[quote name='Tir Nan Og' timestamp='1350672577' post='3042991']

No one does these days, thats why treaties exist. Same way Mongols didnt fight a war on their own. Kaskus and NEW members jumped on board, which is fine by us. Same way CoJ has never fought a war on their own or any of the other dozens of real alliances out there.

Well then you guys are great at throwing around the weight of your allies aren't you

It's actually a nice deal I guess you guys pretend you are tough in exchange for being nothing more than indentured servants to umbrella and mk

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[quote name='Mr Havok' timestamp='1350673044' post='3043004']
Well then you guys are great at throwing around the weight of your allies aren't you

It's actually a nice deal I guess you guys pretend you are tough in exchange for being nothing more than indentured servants to umbrella and mk

Sounds good, sounds a lot like MCXA actually.

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[quote name='Tir Nan Og' timestamp='1350673752' post='3043012']
Sounds good, sounds a lot like MCXA actually.

we serve MK and UMB? when did we get a treaty with those 2 alliances?

hey MK i guess we have a MDoAP.
hey UMB we have a MDoAP as well :P

since GOONs knows MCXA's treaties so well who else are we treaty to?

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[quote name='Don Chele' timestamp='1350623099' post='3042805']
You all can debate whether your policies are the product of Schattenmann's influence

[url="http://i.imgur.com/RNwvL.png"]Debating's no longer necessary, I've got the proof.[/url] Sorry Schatt, I hate to deny you that victory but my proposals that spawned discussion that directly led to the policy change I announced about two months later predates your piece by about two weeks.

(That's not to say of course that we operated within a vacuum and weren't at least partly, indirectly influenced by outside parties. It does very much say however that your piece - your ideologies and your actions that it reflects - did not directly lead to the change you've attributed to it.)

That said you may all continue the tired, irrelevant discussion about Kaskus, GOONS incompetence, etc etc etc.

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[quote name='Tir Nan Og' timestamp='1350673752' post='3043012']
Sounds good, sounds a lot like MCXA actually.

There's a difference between alliance coalition warfare and 40 people attacking you from a couple of micros combined. The later shouldn't need the help from allies when you're a 230 man strong alliance. Your inadequate building and inadequate ability to save a warchest is what requires you to seek help from people that are not !@#$ like yourselves.

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