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An Imperial Decree

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Back in April, we made some changes internally to the structure of our government, as well as a few key aspects of our cultural foundation. I've been pre-occupied, but here's what's up.

The first thing updated was the Codex of the New Sith Order. Definitions of new and existing positions more clearly indoctrinated.


[b][size=200]Codex of the New Sith Order[/size][/b]

[size=180][b]Declaration of Intent[/b][/size]

We, the undersigned nations, agree to uphold the principles of the Order, assist our fellow members in times of conflict and push for the betterment of all through whatever means necessary.

The Dark Army is based in the White trading sphere but will consider nations from any color provided they meet the Dark Lord and Darth Council's requirements for admission as Acolytes of the Order.

[size=180][b]Structure of the Order[/b][/size]

[b]Sith Emperor[/b]

The Sith Emperor is the sovereign lord of the alliance. He is the ultimate arbiter of law and diplomacy. He reserves the right to delegate these responsibilities as he sees fit. The Emperor serves until he steps down or is overthrown by his betters from within the Darth Council.

[b]Darth Council[/b]

[b]Dark Lord[/b]

The Dark Lord oversees the Darth Council. He is empowered with the Emperors will and confidence, and will succeed him in all matters. In times of the Emperor's disappearance, the Dark Lord takes temporary command until his return or a set period of time.

[b]Imperator Emeritus[/b]

Having ascended to the ultimate level of mastery and beyond, the Imperator Emeritus holds an eternal place amongst the Council. From every corner of the universe, the Emeritus voice can be heard unless it is determined that they would cause harm, insecurity or destabilization to the alliance.

[b]Sith Lords[/b]

The Sith Lords will oversee the day to day operation of the alliance, assist the Dark Lord in matters of state and conduct the affairs of the Dark Army in times of war.

[b]Brotherhood of Darkness[/b]

The Brotherhood of Darkness consists of all Acolytes, Cultivation Officers, Inquisitors and Exalters; the Masters, their Apprentice & Marauder and Prophets. The Brotherhood of Darkness will serve as the heart and soul of the Dark Army, leading the global push to uphold the principles of the New Sith Order. The Sith Mauraders and Masters are elected by the Acolytes to serve as their marshals in times of war and their advisers in times of peace. The Prophet of the Dark Side consists of those former Sith Lords whom served a term worthy by the Emperor.

[b][size=180]Admittance to the Order[/size][/b]

Any nation seeking admission into the Order must post their intent in the appropriate location with the requested information and the following declaration:

[i]Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Order shall set me free.[/i][/quote]

Next, the changes of the government system and their roles.

The Council structures were stripped to their basic duties, and then shuffled about. The intent was to create a unique combination that would increase productivity of each Council and be more inviting to new members and get them involved.

[b][color=#008000]Council of Cultivation[/color][/b]

Crucial to the prosperity of the Sith Order, the Council of Cultivation is responsible for the Brotherhood. Most importantly in educating each Acolyte, but also in seeking out and indoctrinating Initiates and preparing them for integration into the Brotherhood.

Within the boundries of the Sith Order, the Council of Cultivation will also continue to monitor each Sith nation and conduct audits to maintain compliance with growth policies and upkeep of individual knowledge.

[b][color=#400040]Sith Inquisition[/color][/b]

The military machine of the Sith Order does not maintain itself without some semblance of organization. It is the primary job of the Sith Inquisition to constantly prepare the Dark Army for war. Beyond making sure each Sith keeps a strong economy, growth through tech and trades, and sizable warchest; the officers of the Sith Inquisition organize combat operations, ghost busting, tactical analysis, intelligence operations, rogue defense, and develop overall macro strategies for every potential war scenario.

The Dark Army is organized into several battalions. Each battalion is led by a Battalion Commander, who is sometimes assisted by a Lieutenant and a Sergeant. The Battalion Commander receives general orders from the Marauders, and carry out the action as they see fit.

The Marauders of the Sith Inquisition dictate orders to the Battalion Commanders. They also organize administrative tasks such as indoctrinating each Sith in the conduct of warfare. They also constantly work on tactical analysis and stratagems for war scenarios.

The Master Sith Marauder of the Council is the quintessential equivalent of the Supreme Commander for the Sith Dark Army. In times of war, he leads the Dark Army to battle, and in times of peace, he prepares for war.

[b][color=#8000BF]Council of Exaltation[/color][/b]

The culture of the Sith is one of the most important aspects of the Order. Without it, the New Sith Order would be another dull, complacent alliance trapped in a mire of insignificance. The core of establishing and manifesting that culture comes from the inherent nature of the Sith itself. But it is the Council of Exaltation that develops it further. It's primary task is preventing the Sith from becoming lax and to continue cultural traditions while creating new ones at the same time. The Council of Exaltation is divided into three departments; Propaganda [Internal/External], Sith Communications [Internal], Council of Lies [External].

Changes were also made to our Challenge System, but that's not necessary to here.

[i]Expanded: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/New_Sith_Order[/i]


Also, regarding the current conflict and our continued silence and repeated queries:



[i]Emperor of the New Sith Order[/i]

In honour of our recently departed friends:


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I like you all marginally more with the addition of the Carpe Diem people and also that there is a Joe Stupid in your folds, but still not enough to comment in NsO announcements.


I've been duped...


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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1340925469' post='2999663']
I'm highly offended in see my design mixed with ponies :P


Congrats in your new codex though!

The red in your 'announcements' almost perfectly matched the red in the ponies' hair .. Well, as per the colourization from my Live Trace [I'm still learning AI [cs6], have been PS since v5 .... ] .. I just used 'place' to put in the announcement banner ..

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