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Completion of the Polaris Peace Terms

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As of the time of this announcement, the terms of surrender signed into being on 17 February are completed.

[b]For the New Polar Order,[/b]
Emperor - RandomInterrupt
Regent - Dajobo

Imperial Advisor of Foreign Affairs - Quantum Leap
Minister of Love - Medic32
Minister of Plenty - EaTeM_uP
Minister of Truth - Mergerberger
Minister of Peace - Hullean

Deputy Minister of Truth - Tevron
Deputy Minister of Peace - Nicki Nemesis
Deputy Minister of Plenty - Mompson
Deputy Minister of Love - WarGod0001

Former Minister of Peace - Llanowar Elf

[b]For Valhalla,[/b]
Tronix - Regent
Levistus - Vice Regent
B1gAlMan - Marshal
Keshav - Emissary
Lykme - Security Consul
Jesper - Chancellor

[b]For The Sweet Oblivion,[/b]
Jesse James, Commander
MrGross, Commander
Power, Commander

[b]For the Independent Republic of Orange Nations[/b],
MCRABT, President
Mia, Secretary of State, IRON Councilor
Blaskowicz, Deputy Secretary of State, IRON Councilor
Shan Revan, Minister of Awesome, IRON Councilor
Curufinwe, Minister of Internal Affairs, IRON Councilor
Dodoei123, Minister of Defense, IRON Councilor
Baron Aaron, Deputy Minister of Defense, IRON Councilor
Blade619, Deputy Minister of Defense, IRON Councilor
Matt Miller, Deputy Minister of the Vault, IRON Councilor
Queltocz, Minister of the Vault, IRON Councilor

[b]For the Order of the Paradox,[/b]
VektorZero - Grandmaster
Centurius - Grand Chancellor
SkyGreenChick - Grand Hospitaller

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Unfortunately Random is unable to attend today due to prior commitments but has prepared this statement.



[size="5"]On the Ending of Terms[/size][/center]

As announced above, Polaris is finally free from the terms of surrender imposed upon us. For Polaris, this is a cause for celebration and also for reflection.

For the past few years, Polaris has been on a course which was laid out before us. We certainly did have options, but only one was ever going to happen. TOP and Polaris were going to have a re-match on the field, and at a date and time of TOP's choosing. From the moment I was handed the burden of Emperor of Polaris, I had but one goal, and that goal was to survive the unavoidable and inevitable conflict which would surely come. And indeed it did. Some will say, and have been saying, that I am wrong. That the inevitable war was actually avoidable. That all we had to do was sacrifice our pride, our sovereignty, and our history, and seek appeasement. All of those who suggested such a path failed to understand what Polaris is about and the nature of TOP's grievances.

In the end we stuck by our pride and our morals. We did the best we could to prepare, and to avoid the conflict without sacrificing what makes us who we are. And when war did come to us, we fought with the same pride and honor that we have always sought to. And when it came time to end the conflict, we accepted an honorable and fair defeat. For years Polaris has been a near prisoner to an unavoidable conflict, for months, we fought a war that became increasingly a losing battle, and for months we paid reparations to those who defeated us.

Today that era ends. The past is the past, and a bright future awaits.

I want to take a moment to thank all of our allies who stuck with us throughout what has been one of the most difficult times in the history of Polaris. I want to thank those who took the risk to ally with us even with the threat of war looming. And I want to thank those who gave it all in our defense and fought to bring us to this point. And last but not least, I want to give credit to TOP, IRON, and Valhalla for their handling of war, peace, and all that has come after.

Emperor of Polaris

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[quote]“I think we agree, the past is over.” - George W. Bush[/quote]

Finally. And remember:


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