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A Brief Announcement from Umbrella

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[quote name='Daikos' timestamp='1332907173' post='2944078']
What matters is an incredibly close ally of Umbrella is being attacked and has asked for our assistance. And now it is being provided without question or secrecy. If any alliance were to refuse to assist their close friends in a war they would be cowards at best. That is all there is to it. If your ally asks for help, you help them. If you don't, you are a pathetic craven.
I know I for one was sitting over here thinking to myself how brave Umbrella is for entering this war against 2 micros with one nation in their range.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1333120610' post='2945548']
I know I for one was sitting over here thinking to myself how brave Umbrella is for entering this war against 2 micros with one nation in their range.

I refer you to:

Edited by Tick1
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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1333099161' post='2945457']
I don't get why people are foaming at the mouth because GOONS called in an ally. Isn't that what alliances should do to minimize damages? People are really grasping at straws here.

But efficiency is a sign of a small e-peen: didn't you get the memo?

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You know I don't see why all the GOONS supporters don't just join GOONS and all the haters join Kaskus, then they can slug it out. This would be the perfect chance for everyone who constantly complains about how new GOONS is same as old GOONS and are evil to finally show them, or something.

In related news to the member ghosting that people are complaining about: Who the *^%% cares? This always happens in non-global wars, heck is happens in global ones as well. It's part of the world we live in, if you don't like it find a war to secure permanent peace, otherwise stop complaining and deal with it brospeh.

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[quote name='Tick1' timestamp='1333120016' post='2945545']
Glad to see you think your members have no opinions that can offer any value to any problems that may arise. Instead of calling us members you may as well just call us drones. You do what you believe is best for the alliance and follow orders as you see fit for the greater good of your alliance and allies. This relationship goes both ways not just member to alliance. If you don't believe your governments interest is in the best interest of the alliance you do something about it. If all else fails you create an alliance and form a moral crusade because your alliance didn't do what you wanted.

edit: spelling

Instead of making the obvious member joke here, I'm going to point out that Fark is something of a democracy. I'm really not sure what this treatise on government responsibility has to do with the situation at hand.

Edit: spelling

Edited by Mr Vicarious
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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1333120610' post='2945548']
I know I for one was sitting over here thinking to myself how brave Umbrella is for entering this war against 2 micros with one nation in their range.

If you don't help your friend and ally when they need it, you are a coward. Nowhere did I say we were brave for helping our friends. We are merely good allies. Instead of putting words into my mouth how about you compose a nice meaningless wall of text.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1333129058' post='2945588']
So when is the merger being announced? Or I guess it's off now, huh? <_<

I don't understand why people have been going on about this in this thread as if it's a thing. Does the idea of DH becoming one alliance really antagonise you? I mean it's never going to happen but what I'm saying is you should probably find a real reason to give us !@#$ if you hate us all that much.

Or is this the next level up from arguing in circles about whether or not DH is a bloc?

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1333138145' post='2945652']
I don't understand why people have been going on about this in this thread as if it's a thing. Does the idea of DH becoming one alliance really antagonise you? I mean it's never going to happen but what I'm saying is you should probably find a real reason to give us !@#$ if you hate us all that much.

Because things are literally that boring round here, thats really all there is to talk about :3

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1333093792' post='2945443']
heh, Valhalla trying to talk down to anyone is rich, especially in this context. Never can resist trying to score a few points off your rivals, eh cj?

Are points like pixels? Because if so, then yes I like them very much and try to collect them whenever possible.... :ehm:

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[quote name='ShouAS' timestamp='1333122359' post='2945558']
In related news to the member ghosting that people are complaining about: Who the *^%% cares? This always happens in non-global wars, heck is happens in global ones as well. It's part of the world we live in, if you don't like it find a war to secure permanent peace, otherwise stop complaining and deal with it brospeh.
I'm pretty sure nobody is actually complaining about it on either side. Person A mentions it, then Person B interperets it as a complaint and responds as such. Repeat a dozen times and then suddenly there's a bunch of "people" complaining about it.

Edited by ktarthan
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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1333138145' post='2945652']
I don't understand why people have been going on about this in this thread as if it's a thing. Does the idea of DH becoming one alliance really antagonise you? I mean it's never going to happen but what I'm saying is you should probably find a real reason to give us !@#$ if you hate us all that much.

Or is this the next level up from arguing in circles about whether or not DH is a bloc?

Um, considering everyone knows where you and yours actually take orders from, this is a dumb argument to make. It might as well be and we all know which alliance would have the top level positions.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1333140899' post='2945679']
Um, considering everyone knows where you and yours actually take orders from, this is a dumb argument to make. It might as well be and we all know which alliance would have the top level positions.

I was going to write a witty response but I couldn't find 1337 to give me permission :(

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1333081209' post='2945359']
Actually I think it was engaged against an Umbrella nation who was ghosting GOONS.

I also wish all of you DHers would get on the same page. Half of you say you are just one big alliance, half of you say that you are three separate alliances, culturally different. Some of you Umbrella folk seem to say you don't really want the GOONS policy of always forcing reps, but by the support you give them constantly their policy is defacto your policy.
Umbrella's policy has been to not ask for reps. We have made our policy regarding this specific incident clear in that we will not ask for reps. If our allies want to ask for reps fine, but we are not going to ask for reps.

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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1333141564' post='2945689']
Umbrella's policy has been to not ask for reps. We have made our policy regarding this specific incident clear in that we will not ask for reps. If our allies want to ask for reps fine, but we are not going to ask for reps.

But you are asking for reps, just for them to be sent to GOONS. If I hold someone down while my friend takes his wallet we are both stealing the wallet from that person.

GOONS can't enforce their policy, so you do it for them. By that standard it becomes your policy.

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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1333138145' post='2945652']
I don't understand why people have been going on about this in this thread as if it's a thing. Does the idea of DH becoming one alliance really antagonise you? I mean it's never going to happen but what I'm saying is you should probably find a real reason to give us !@#$ if you hate us all that much.

Or is this the next level up from arguing in circles about whether or not DH is a bloc?

"Probably close to 1m of that 4.2m was MK nations. We've been ghosting GOONS since before the war."

When one quarter of any alliance's strength comes from people coming over from another alliance, that pretty much makes begs the question, "why don't you two stop shacking up and get married?" whether it's two DH alliances or someone else.

Frankly, you can merge, not merge, continue to hop on each others AAs as the mood strikes, or mass delete your nations for all I care. Your presence here doesn't bother me personally one way or the other, but it would be nice if some of you stopped treating noobs and the less well connected like dog food for your more easily bored nation rulers now and again. I know that's asking a lot out of you, because it requires effort to care.

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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1333053365' post='2945160']
Huh, and here I sat thinking GOONS might actually pull its pants up and fight this one out the whole way solo, I guess the internal whining finally caused action.

Anyhow im sure Daddy will once again come in and save his little boy so dont worry GOONS, all is OK now. :blush:

Like I said, goons do three things well and one of them is crying and throwing tantrums

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1333141789' post='2945692']
But you are asking for reps, just for them to be sent to GOONS. If I hold someone down while my friend takes his wallet we are both stealing the wallet from that person.

GOONS can't enforce their policy, so you do it for them. By that standard it becomes your policy.
We are not enforcing GOONS policy. We were asked to help out with GOONS because there were nations attacking people on the GOONS AA that GOONS lacked the strength in those that tier. We have a good amount of strength in that tier.

We are not saying Kaskus has to pay X amount of reps to GOONS. We are saying come to a conclusion to end this war.

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Kaskus and Mongols don't have anything to gain from "concluding this war". In fact the longer they keep it up the more Dump House gets dragged through the Mud. I mean really? Goons needed Umbrella's help with MONGOLS and KasKus?

You guys are a joke.

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[quote name='Jeb the Wise' timestamp='1333144509' post='2945722']
Kaskus and Mongols don't have anything to gain from "concluding this war". In fact the longer they keep it up the more Dump House gets dragged through the Mud. I mean really? Goons needed Umbrella's help with MONGOLS and KasKus?

You guys are a joke.

Actually, the joke is your inability or refusal to understand the situation and how NS ranges work. How does your alliance allow you to post freely when the only things that come out of your mouth are incredibly short sighted and dumb?

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1333141946' post='2945695']
Honestly, since this was a boredom war
No, it's a war to enforce our policy regarding aid to war/EoG/raid targets.
and GOONS actively goaded Kaskus into joining the war
Not reeeeally.
, what Vol Nav says holds a lot of weight.
Haha, no.

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