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[quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1317837641' post='2817195']
Most of those anarchies are due to nuclear weaponry. Takes a lotta skill to nuke somebody, don't it?

The 35 anarchies Legion inflicted [b]prior[/b] to release of nuclear weaponry is, IMNSFBHO, rather more impressive.
Uh, ass-pull much?

I know I've only nuked one guy so far, and he was already in anarchy. Him and another were both anarchied conventionally prior to any nukes being fired. I'm sure that the anarchy count has inflated significantly between NSO/Legion since nukes came into play, but I'm sure that's true on both sides.

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[quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1317837641' post='2817195']
Most of those anarchies are due to nuclear weaponry. Takes a lotta skill to nuke somebody, don't it?

The 35 anarchies Legion inflicted [b]prior[/b] to release of nuclear weaponry is, IMNSFBHO, rather more impressive.

You are terrible at war. Don't pretend you aren't. Your tech is terrible, your warchests are terrible and you are terrible.

Pre-war, I didn't care much who won, but the more I see Legion beating their sunken-in basement dweller chests, the more I want to gather up a couple of my hard pipe hittin' citizens of nigeria and roll up a few of your crudtacular nations.

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[quote name='janax' timestamp='1317838316' post='2817205']
You are terrible at war. Don't pretend you aren't. Your tech is terrible, your warchests are terrible and you are terrible.

Pre-war, I didn't care much who won, but the more I see Legion beating their sunken-in basement dweller chests, the more [b]I want to gather up a couple of my hard pipe hittin' citizens of nigeria[/b] and roll up a few of your crudtacular nations.

You rang?

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1317822126' post='2817053']
NSO had 135 wars and Legion had 45 anarchies when I checked at 2 AM last night. NSO's gonna need more pressure than a Pink micro could bring.
Stats only update on alliance pages every 12 hours. At that time last night (I was checking) Legion had about 80 anarchies to our 15. Which is astounding when you consider that since they were the ones who declared and started the war, all their nations should have been militarized in expectation of counterattacks.

Edited by Varianz
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[quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1317837987' post='2817200']
Sure you can, Locke. This [b]is[/b] the OWF, and we [b]are[/b] Legion, most hated alliance since the NPO, and even NPO hates us these days.
You're not hated.

You're the whipping boy. The butt of the joke. I can go on.

My point is this; your collective problem is that you've spun your victim complex so hard over the years, that you can't differentiate between what's trolling, and when people are laughing at your guys' ineptitude. And let's be fair here, Locke just tried to create some kind of silly straw man, in a world where NSO [b]never[/b] complains about the odds. I mean, [i][b]never[/b][/i].

And you're just making yourself look even more inept by trying to back it up. I mean, I know you believe it (lol), which is why you're pressing this hilarious strategy of playing chicken with treaty chains, but really. Now that the NsOs wrecking your stuff, Legion better call in for backup quick, or by the end of this round of wars or the next, Legion's done, son.

All the bluster and offensive wars in the world cant make up for the fact that you are, at the end of the day, still the Legion.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1317839766' post='2817221']
Which side is able to keep sending out the most nukes, while keeping their infra/tech high enough to keep buying them as they get nuked in return will be more impressive than any early anarchies.
Intelligence reports are giving a pretty strong indication that that'll be us. Within a week's time.

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1317838730' post='2817212']
You're not hated.

You're the whipping boy. The butt of the joke. I can go on.

My point is this; your collective problem is that you've spun your victim complex so hard over the years, that you can't differentiate between what's trolling, and when people are laughing at your guys' ineptitude. And let's be fair here, Locke just tried to create some kind of silly straw man, in a world where NSO [b]never[/b] complains about the odds. I mean, [i][b]never[/b][/i].

And you're just making yourself look even more inept by trying to back it up. I mean, I know you believe it (lol), which is why you're pressing this hilarious strategy of playing chicken with treaty chains, but really. Now that the NsOs wrecking your stuff, Legion better call in for backup quick, or by the end of this round of wars or the next, Legion's done, son.

All the bluster and offensive wars in the world cant make up for the fact that you are, at the end of the day, still the Legion.

By my numbers, legion still can take Tetris, NsO,and NSO. Just saying. Granted its pretty dam close and will ultimately come down to activity, which isn't legions strength.

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1317839847' post='2817223']
Intelligence reports are giving a pretty strong indication that that'll be us. Within a week's time.
I'm sure you guys will give Legion a hell of a fight, good luck and enjoy. I'm a bit jealous not being involved in the nuclear mayhem this time.

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[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1317839993' post='2817225']
By my numbers, legion still can take Tetris, NsO,and NSO. Just saying. Granted its pretty dam close and will ultimately come down to activity, which isn't legions strength.

That's assuming they can utilize what they have

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[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1317839993' post='2817225']
By my numbers, legion still can take Tetris, NsO,and NSO. Just saying. Granted its pretty dam close and will ultimately come down to activity, which isn't legions strength.
Have you seen their warchests? And their war-making ability?

We've got a thread on our boards showcasing failed government propaganda spy attacks from Legionarres, not to mention other gaffes they're committing en masse.

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[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1317839993' post='2817225']
By my numbers, legion still can take Tetris, NsO,and NSO. Just saying. Granted its pretty dam close and will ultimately come down to activity, which isn't legions strength.

By the numbers, statistic-wise, Legion looks like they have the numbers. Despite that, those numbers will have to be utilized and there is also the matter of how long this war lasts.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1317835446' post='2817163']
Those who are fighting Legion or supporting those who are fighting Legion needs to chose an line of argument:

Argue about how Legion has an advantage in this war and it isn't a "even fight" OR Argue about how Legion should call their allies to help them in this war.

Doing both things at the same time make you look stupid and desperate.

They really don't [i]need[/i] to do this. In fact, they might choose a third option, the one they've been exercising so far:

Taunt Legion that they'll win despite NS advantage of Legion AND goad Legion into calling in their allies. If legion manages to beat NsSO and Tetris, this will likely be a double win for them, and a pretty contained conflict. If they have to fall back on other allies... Well, I think everyone has a pretty solid picture of what that'd bring to the table.

So how did you conclude this rhetoric is stupid? Wishful, perhaps - but how's it desperate?

[quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1317836971' post='2817188']Don't mistake our statements as to why the Legion attack was unnecessary. Most, if not all, of us are happy to be in war.[/quote]
And many popcorn posters/lurkers envy you. While I give benefit of doubt extensively in face-to-face contact, on the intertubes I just assume the worst in people, so my assessment might be off.

[quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1317837987' post='2817200']
Sure you can, Locke. This [b]is[/b] the OWF, and we [b]are[/b] Legion, most hated alliance since the NPO, and even NPO hates us these days.
Oh, Mr. Flonker. Nobody hates the butt monkey! NpO, GOD, NSO, the pony thingie, NG, VE, Nor, MK, CSN, tLR... Last but not least - GOONS... You want to be in top 10 most hated alliances - get in a damned line :)

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1317838730' post='2817212']
You're not hated.

You're the whipping boy. The butt of the joke. I can go on.

My point is this; your collective problem is that you've spun your victim complex so hard over the years, that you can't differentiate between what's trolling, and when people are laughing at your guys' ineptitude. And let's be fair here, Locke just tried to create some kind of silly straw man, in a world where NSO [b]never[/b] complains about the odds. I mean, [i][b]never[/b][/i].

And you're just making yourself look even more inept by trying to back it up. I mean, I know you believe it (lol), which is why you're pressing this hilarious strategy of playing chicken with treaty chains, but really. Now that the NsOs wrecking your stuff, Legion better call in for backup quick, or by the end of this round of wars or the next, Legion's done, son.

All the bluster and offensive wars in the world cant make up for the fact that you are, at the end of the day, still the Legion.

You seriously talk a huge game for 3,623 NS nation. I'm going to assume you're a re-roll, but seriously dude you're acting like you're the man right now. You're literally fighting the bottom feeders of a sanctioned alliance. If not the ghosts / members who don't count, then you're fighting older guys who just don't care about nations and just stay around for the community. You're bragging about being able to stomp on 2 guys who, when you declared, were lower NS than you. Real impressive man, a 3.4k NS guy who is around to sell tech and be with friends, also the guy I believe who is away on basic training?

And the NsOs are wrecking your stuff? Dude Legions barely lost any NS. Yeah you'll be able to get the war going well at the lowly stage of under 5k NS but don't expect to last too long with Legions bigger nations. Legion has lost 88k NS, has 83 anarchy nations, NSO has lost 149,687 NS with 20 anarchy, Tetris with 168,718 NS and 25 anarchy. I understand that NS lost and anarchy nations doesn't decide who wins and who loses a war. Don't act like you're destroying Legion completely. In the long grind with nukes, nations, and such legion has you beat. Only thing holding them back is lack of WC, but I dont even think many Ns/SOers have that great WCs.

Legion's defiantly done, son.

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[quote name='Greg23' timestamp='1317843796' post='2817266']
You seriously talk a huge game for 3,623 NS nation. I'm going to assume you're a re-roll, but seriously dude you're acting like you're the man right now. You're literally fighting the bottom feeders of a sanctioned alliance. If not the ghosts / members who don't count, then you're fighting older guys who just don't care about nations and just stay around for the community. You're bragging about being able to stomp on 2 guys who, when you declared, were lower NS than you. Real impressive man, a 3.4k NS guy who is around to sell tech and be with friends, also the guy I believe who is away on basic training?

And the NsOs are wrecking your stuff? Dude Legions barely lost any NS. Yeah you'll be able to get the war going well at the lowly stage of under 5k NS but don't expect to last too long with Legions bigger nations. Legion has lost 88k NS, has 83 anarchy nations, NSO has lost 149,687 NS with 20 anarchy, Tetris with 168,718 NS and 25 anarchy. I understand that NS lost and anarchy nations doesn't decide who wins and who loses a war. Don't act like you're destroying Legion completely. In the long grind with nukes, nations, and such legion has you beat. Only thing holding them back is lack of WC, but I dont even think many Ns/SOers have that great WCs.

Legion's defiantly done, son.
[color="#0000FF"]NSO has lost about 25k NS. The big drop in our chart is actually three members leaving the day prior to the war.[/color]

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[quote name='Greg23' timestamp='1317843796' post='2817266']
You seriously talk a huge game for 3,623 NS nation. I'm going to assume you're a re-roll, but seriously dude you're acting like you're the man right now. You're literally fighting the bottom feeders of a sanctioned alliance. If not the ghosts / members who don't count, then you're fighting older guys who just don't care about nations and just stay around for the community. You're bragging about being able to stomp on 2 guys who, when you declared, were lower NS than you. Real impressive man, a 3.4k NS guy who is around to sell tech and be with friends, also the guy I believe who is away on basic training?

And the NsOs are wrecking your stuff? Dude Legions barely lost any NS. Yeah you'll be able to get the war going well at the lowly stage of under 5k NS but don't expect to last too long with Legions bigger nations. Legion has lost 88k NS, has 83 anarchy nations, [b]NSO has lost 149,687 NS [/b]with 20 anarchy, Tetris with 168,718 NS and 25 anarchy. I understand that NS lost and anarchy nations doesn't decide who wins and who loses a war. Don't act like you're destroying Legion completely. In the long grind with nukes, nations, and such legion has you beat. Only thing holding them back is lack of WC, but I dont even think many Ns/SOers have that great WCs.

Legion's defiantly done, son.
[/quote]Er, you know that of that ns loss, 120k or so is from a couple larger nations leaving well before the fighting started, right? And the majority of Tetris' loss is from a single nation dropping the AA as well.

Moreover, Im not bragging about anything. [i]If you possessed reading comprehension skills,[b]you would notice that I've been pointing out my situation is being repeated across the board, with Legion's membership in general.[/b][/i] My situation is hardly unique. I'm a terrible nation ruler.

And yet the rank and file of legion are far, far worse. So, once again, you miss my point, and the context of the situation, and everything. So much wasted time, to say absolutely nothing.

Edit: Also, lol, talking about Legion is going to win the nuke fight, while remarking that the only thing holding them back is a lack of WCs in a single breath. Wow. You're quite the expert, arent you?

Edited by TehChron
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1317843949' post='2817269']
[color="#0000FF"]NSO has lost about 25k NS. The big drop in our chart is actually three members leaving the day prior to the war.[/color]
Apologies about that stat then, mis-read the date.That figure seemed too big.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1317844213' post='2817277']
Chron, your nation is not 300,000ns , therefore your opinion is irrelevent.
If my opinion is irrelevant, then why do people seek to refute it? It's one thing to be completely wrong, and another entirely to be irrelevant.

Thankfully, my opinion is neither.

[quote]Real impressive man, a 3.4k NS guy who is around to sell tech and be with friends, also the guy I believe who is away on basic training? [/quote]Forgot that gem, Greg.

Firstly, I declared on the 3.4k ns fellow when he was approximately the same as me, in order to defend a comrade who was being attacked by him (lol). Secondly, I'm not really buying the basic training line, since the guy being cited (the red dragon fellow) collected taxes only a few hours after I hit and anarchied him. Hardly in a position of being incapable of fighting back.

So...Yeah. These facts. They don't agree with what you're saying, my man.

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[quote name='Greg23' timestamp='1317843796' post='2817266']
And the NsOs are wrecking your stuff? Dude Legions barely lost any NS.

For Legion's overall considered member count/nation strength, the damage we have done in one night through a blitz is minimal. However, the lack of counters and the method of the minimalistic counters (so far I've, for instance, only gotten hit by four cruise missiles and two failed spy ops) goes to show something. We can't really determine anything for ourselves towards how Legion works until we've been at this for a few days, but the showing so far has to amount to something.

This war really won't hem down to a matter of who has the most nukes, the most NS, or the most members, while it remains this size. It'll hem down right now to whose the most active, whose got the most cash on hand, who can survive the most days, and who can use all of the above to their advantage. Superior coordination always means something. Quality over quantity does, too.

Myself and my government have organized this to the best extent we view possible as of the moment. Probably could have staggered a bit, although it wouldn't be nearly as effective t our size. But, hey, gotta work with what you're capable of.

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1317840356' post='2817228']
Have you seen their warchests? And their war-making ability?

We've got a thread on our boards showcasing failed government propaganda spy attacks from Legionarres, not to mention other gaffes they're committing en masse.

Could you share with the Peanut Gallery? Sitting on the sidelines is boring as hell and I need to take what I can get. :popcorn:

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[quote name='Aeros' timestamp='1317845007' post='2817285']
Could you share with the Peanut Gallery? Sitting on the sidelines is boring as hell and I need to take what I can get. :popcorn:
Sorry, we're collecting that info in order to make something really special for everyone in the near future. You're just gonna have to be patient :smug:

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[quote name='Greg23' timestamp='1317843796' post='2817266']
You seriously talk a huge game for 3,623 NS nation. I'm going to assume you're a re-roll, but seriously dude you're acting like you're the man right now. You're literally fighting the bottom feeders of a sanctioned alliance. If not the ghosts / members who don't count, then you're fighting older guys who just don't care about nations and just stay around for the community. You're bragging about being able to stomp on 2 guys who, when you declared, were lower NS than you. Real impressive man, a 3.4k NS guy who is around to sell tech and be with friends, also the guy I believe who is away on basic training?

And the NsOs are wrecking your stuff? Dude Legions barely lost any NS. Yeah you'll be able to get the war going well at the lowly stage of under 5k NS but don't expect to last too long with Legions bigger nations. Legion has lost 88k NS, has 83 anarchy nations, NSO has lost 149,687 NS with 20 anarchy, Tetris with 168,718 NS and 25 anarchy. I understand that NS lost and anarchy nations doesn't decide who wins and who loses a war. Don't act like you're destroying Legion completely. In the long grind with nukes, nations, and such legion has you beat. Only thing holding them back is lack of WC, but I dont even think many Ns/SOers have that great WCs.

Legion's defiantly done, son.

about 180k of our NS walked out before the war started (Thank-you WorldConqueror :P), 1 90k nation of Tetris' surrendered, and Legion acquired a 98k nation yesterday. So what that comes down to is that NSO has lost about 25k from the war, Legion 180k, and Tetris 70k. I'm sitting pretty satisfied to where I and my alliance-makes have performed so far.

Now, as far as my wars have gone (and I was 32k before the war), my first opponent, Benhamin, hasn't responded since the beginning, and is just getting trashed, started with a 6mil warchest and is likely bill-locked by now, and is 20 days in collections. His days are not long. Skrewer, our second guy, is fairly active but is now currently in 5 wars. He has nuked me and done CMs at me, failed his GAs, and has gotten pummeled pretty hard. He is decent however. The 3rd, Nueva Argentina, was sitting at Defcon 5, 11,000 soldiers and no build-up, I hit him and sent him to anarchy last night, and got 2 more GAs on him. He has since woken up, remilitarized/switched Defcon, although he only has 4 GCs and 1 Barracks... His warchest will not last another round of war at this rate.

So thus far, for NSO, pretty easy sailing. Not completely, but hey even bad fighting alliances have a few good fighters. And these 3 nations, btw, are all well-built for their sizes.

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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1317845544' post='2817291']
Now, as far as my wars have gone (and I was 32k before the war), my first opponent, Benhamin, hasn't responded since the beginning, and is just getting trashed, started with a 6mil warchest and is likely bill-locked by now, and is 20 days in collections. His days are not long. Skrewer, our second guy, is fairly active but is now currently in 5 wars. He has nuked me and done CMs at me, failed his GAs, and has gotten pummeled pretty hard. He is decent however. The 3rd, Nueva Argentina, was sitting at Defcon 5, 11,000 soldiers and no build-up, I hit him and sent him to anarchy last night, and got 2 more GAs on him. He has since woken up, remilitarized/switched Defcon, although he only has 4 GCs and 1 Barracks... His warchest will not last another round of war at this rate.

Legion, what's the excuse now?

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[quote name='Pariah' timestamp='1317845801' post='2817295']
Legion, what's the excuse now?
Just randomly decided to check the aid list of the guy that they claimed was away at basic training.

[url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_aid.asp?search=429196&Extended=1"]Ye-he-he-ah....Not really.[/url]

That's kind of funny, actually. I wonder how many other Legionarres are "away at basic training" right now? It would certainly explain a great deal about your alliance's general performance thus far, Legion.

Edited by TehChron
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