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Announcement from Non Grata

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[quote name='Llanowar Elf' timestamp='1317270038' post='2810906']
He raided a TWO MAN AA, that had absolutely no mention of a protectorate or any other agreement in there Bio's. He did 3 million worth of damage, they offered 6 million in response. So, lets see the figure you used to justify asking for 30mil?
This, unless you can link to a post made on OWF regarding NG protecting this alliance? If there was one, then attacking the alliance was just... not the best choice, we'll say. But if not, then assuming UPN ceased attacking when notified that they were attacking NG's protectorate, and considering the damages (or lack thereof), 30 mil's simply unreasonable.

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[quote name='Alex0827a' timestamp='1317324394' post='2812005']
This, unless you can link to a post made on OWF regarding NG protecting this alliance? If there was one, then attacking the alliance was just... not the best choice, we'll say. But if not, then assuming UPN ceased attacking when notified that they were attacking NG's protectorate, and considering the damages (or lack thereof), 30 mil's simply unreasonable.

If you read the rest of the thread, it was pointed out that the protectorate being searched for in CN wiki redirects to Poison Clan, which is now a part of NG. NG's wiki indicates the protectorate. NG also has the treaty on their forums to verify. Basically the whole thing could have been avoided by doing a quick search on the wiki. I don't know where the idea that nations need to put "Protected by _____" in their bios to be protected came from, but traditionally treaties such as protectorates are handled via the OWF and documented elsewhere. If you can look and find out who Legion is treatied to and decide going to war with them for free tech isn't worth the trouble, you can probably do the same with a protectorate.

As for damages, in the thread it has been calculated several times, and pretty much anyone who's tried to figure the math rather than saying "Oh I don't know enough" or "Money is meaningless why do you care?" has agreed that 30mil was a fair, and if anything generous, amount to demand. The 6million offer was a slap in the face.

Since then, other nations have rallied around UPN, pledging their support to pay the reparations that UPN is clearly too poor to afford. We have raised over 120million for this cause now, and that number is still rising! If you wish to help UPN escape this mess, please go to The Save UPN Fund, and pledge your donation today!

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[quote name='Alex0827a' timestamp='1317324394' post='2812005']
This, unless you can link to a post made on OWF regarding NG protecting this alliance? If there was one, then attacking the alliance was just... not the best choice, we'll say. But if not, then assuming UPN ceased attacking when notified that they were attacking NG's protectorate, and considering the damages (or lack thereof), 30 mil's simply unreasonable.
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=103705"]Have a free reference, it's on me.[/url]

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[quote name='Alex0827a' timestamp='1317324394' post='2812005']
This, unless you can link to a post made on OWF regarding NG protecting this alliance? If there was one, then attacking the alliance was just... not the best choice, we'll say. But if not, then assuming UPN ceased attacking when notified that they were attacking NG's protectorate, and considering the damages (or lack thereof), 30 mil's simply unreasonable.
[quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1308078037' post='2731242']
Non Grata will be protecting all AA's associated with Poison Clan and iFOK, including applicant AAs and protectorates. Also, anyone currently on PC's or iFOK's !@#$lists will remain there, because even if our name changes, you're still an !@#$%^&.

^^ this do you?
[quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1310956555' post='2758111']
[b][size="6"]Protected AA's[/size][/b]
As some of you might have heard, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=103700"]SLCB[/url] and [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=103704"]Hydra[/url] are moving on to greener pastures. Being the good friends that we are we have decided to protect both AAs, their applicant AAs (that they don't have) and their protectorates indefinitely.

Our current list of protected AAs (that include protecting against people wanting to reform the AAs) are as follows:
- iFOK
- Poison Clan
- iFOK Applicant
- Venomous Larvae
- Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes
- Team Rocket
- The Armada Alliance
- Hydra
- NG Applicant / Non Grata Applicant
- Non Grata

If I forgot one, tough luck for you.

That's all for today. Please direct all complaints to arexes.
This one maybe?

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UPN.. you're supposed to inform your members when you're at war so I don't get messages like this

[quote]To: Artigo From: Vanguard the Great Date: 9/29/2011 11:02:42 AM

Subject: Stop

Message: I am not sure why you are attacking me, but knock it off. [/quote]

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[quote name='Artigo' timestamp='1317328576' post='2812075']
UPN.. you're supposed to inform your members when you're at war so I don't get messages like this

lol. This is turning into the greatest Tech Raid since Olympus hit AcTi. UPN, you should be ashamed.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1317328828' post='2812082']
Not as much as Vanguard the Great
That's the same guy Azaghul hit (didn't have an SDI at the time) and he made that topic on the OWF.

Edit: Nevermind, he just made a couple posts in Azaghul's thread. [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=74414&view=findpost&p=1989207"]Here[/url] and [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=74414&view=findpost&p=1995851"]here[/url].

Edited by Drai
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[quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1317316393' post='2811837']
[b]What if UPN requested it's allies to stay out of the war?[/b]

But yes, I was thinking of the $6mil war, you cancled a day into the war and if NSO told you that they didn't want you to fight, that's not a breakdown of communication, which was cited in the nullifcation of the treaty.

But this isn't the time for that discussion, point I am making is that a number of GATO members are calling for more blood yet avoid this themselves at one point, as did other alliances I'm sure, for whatever reason.

Tough noogies. Polaris could be seen as a threat and pre-empted. It isn't unheard of you know, and quite a good strategy.

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[quote name='TECUMSEH' timestamp='1317291193' post='2811494']
What a joke.

yes your UPN alliance is a joke.

You have an idiot member that screwed up a tech raid and then you as an alliance won't take responsibility for it. You deserve what you get.

Edited by Timberland
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[quote name='Lanore' timestamp='1317319202' post='2811886']
I'm not questioning the legitimacy. I'm simply saying the situation is seriously unsatisfying. The fact that negotiations broke down alone is horrible. Something like this should have just never gone past "whoops here's reps " . That is what I mean by I don't want it to be over this.

So, then, what would you rather see a war over? Seriously, what would make a war *worth it* to you? Apart from fabricated CB's, stuff like this is really all you're going to get. Everybody knows the rules of Bob, and anybody who breaks those rules is just ridiculous and terrible, which is why we end up with fabricated/absent CB's. Because whenever an actual event happens, it's easier to just take the beating yourself and keep things from spreading, because "owning up to mistakes" and "taking one for the team" is what we encourage here. After all, you're "in the wrong", and Admin knows nobody wants to lose any pixels unless there's no other way out.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1317324902' post='2812012']I don't know where the idea that nations need to put "Protected by _____" in their bios to be protected came from,[/quote]

From the fact that it works. I tell the nations in our protectorate to write this on their nations all the time. Those that do are generally NOT raided. Those that don't - if a raid happens, it's to them.

Raider's are lazy.

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reps are not solely for damages...
reps should be a form of punishment as a result of an action...

The 30m requested seems like it'd cover damages and be a slap on the wrist, a "nope, don't do that again, please, thankyou."
The 6m offered was a slap in the face.

If there is no punishment for the action, then the action is likely to occur in the future. Hopefully, this will be a learning experience.

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[quote name='White Chocolate' timestamp='1317336047' post='2812178']

Raider's are lazy.

Its their own damn fault then if they're that lazy to not check and see if the AA is ok or not. Despite what people think of GOONS at least we take the time to check to see if an AA is raidable or not.

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