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Blog Comments posted by Schattenmann

  1. 3 months is really a joke, guys. Stop crying. Many alliances have been kept at war for more than 3 months, many have been kept under Viceroyalties for upwards and over a year. It will take three months due to nothing other than aid mechanics. When I left TOP they demanded 1,600 tech from me--from one nation--that's 60+ days of full slots. At first I factored it with other things and decided to ragequit, then I grew up and decide to pay (by which time I got off bc Crymson was tired of dealing with me). TOP, etc are big boys, and even if they don't negotiate down, they could handle the tech. Like me, they'll grow up.

    NPO is still paying reps a YEAR after Karma, to many of these same alliances, where's the public outcry for them? Exactly; just put your favorite side in your sig and stop acting like you're arguing on merit.

  2. Being successful in war is almost like being a good Buddhist: Transcend your nation, transcend your alliance. After 6 months of ruling unaligned, I joined GOONS right in the middle of ModGate, just a few weeks before UjW broke out. I went unattacked for the first week, then IRON Academy and ODN found me. I declared into anarchy night one or was anarchied very early, and clawed at eyes for 3 or 4 weeks straight. My nation was nothing. It wasn't about my nation, it wasn't even about winning or losing battles. It was about launching attacks until either there was nothing left to attack, or I had nothing left to attack with.

    The people that can just fight are the ones who are successful regardless of whether or not they're winning. Lots of alliances were winning for years, but would we say they're successful now?

  3. Reviews: WTH people, if when I was and am on the receiving end of surrender terms I would have killed to have one like doing a review. It's easy. None of you complained when the NPO had MK do some propaganda for them at the end of the noCB war? Seriously people?

    One of our big worries in Vox was the intelligence/memory of the average ruler. When they were riding high, the literally thousands of rulers who are ignorant of world events were happy to go to war because there was no risk to their own nation, and they were happy to go along with whatever terms their govs dictated to the losers, mostly because they had no idea what was going on.

    Now that the group power of those alliances has been dispersed and they're all taking their lumps, all those slack-jawed, spitty-smiled rulers are being exposed to the real world. They have an understanding of what it means to surrender, lose, pay reps from experience rather than an academic knowledge of those terms. So, of course, now they get their turn to express how vile the process is.

    They are the herds of blind followers whose mass put power behind the old system. They can burn until they ragequit.

  4. Sadly, after a wildfire love affair with SA (I even bought a copy of the ARC CD, which is terrible), I stopped reading regularly a little over a year after they canceled Cliff Yablonski. Lowtax and Geist Editor stopped posting as regularly, and I couldn't get into the new writers. Every few months I go look up old articles and read them; SA 01-04 is timeless. The humor is the best there is to be had, no doubt.

  5. The old CNGOONS government (not all of it, but a few rabid ones) chose to oppose us dramatically, declaring we had "undone all the good they did by disbanding", an argument that still makes no sense to me to this day.

    They also constantly made Alastor and Sara's attempts to keep Neutral Shoving going almost impossible with their constant porn attacks and you-know-who jokes. :/ Didn't make any sense to me, either.

  6. Admin, I've ventured to the Suggestion Box maybe 3 times (twice to ask about forum improvements rather than game updates, and once I guess because I hate myself) and frankly, when I looked at the suggestions 99% of them struck me as patently retarded. I don't read your private correspondences (often) but I imagine that those 99% of awful idea suggesters are also the ones that do the complaining. Tell them to toss off, and focus on the serious stuff.

  7. Your reply would make me think twice if it wasn't for the low usage of spies to get into our forum over the last 10 months. But hey, Vox disbanded so I'm willing to let it slide. I will say your journalistic efforts have done down hill since Vox disbanded but I will just blame that your muses left you for the time being.

    Pretty weak, duder. I stopped writing TWiP three weeks before we disbanded and 1 week after it stopped being necessary. If you're going to try for my Achilles' Heel, make sure it's uncovered first.

    As you get further into this permawar, you will get sharper. So keep practicing, I don't mind.

  8. I love the loaded language. "Abuse" "exploitation" etc.

    We're operating within the bounds of the game -as we always have - but it's always "abuse" or "exploitation"

    "Exploiting" the senate vote system. "Abusing" the in-game PM system. "Exploiting" and "abusing" the sanction system.

    Your concerns might be valid but your tone is whiny. What happens when we work within the next set of rules for alliance sanctioning? Another change? Will we change every aspect of the game that Vox Populi decides to use to its advantage or toward its ends? Should we get rid of peace mode because Vox Populi uses peace mode? Should we get rid of the attack range limitations so that when every Vox Populi nation is at 0 infra they can still be declared on, because it's only fair?

    Is it "fair" that to stop our aim TOP would have to move people off its AA? Who says what "fair" is? Was it fair that Hyperion got attacked? Was it fair that people went through KaiserMartens' photobucket account? I mean he's a 16 or 17 year old kid. The simple fact of the matter is that for the players who can think only in terms of military might, their might makes anything they can accomplish with it fair to them. Well, we don't fight with militaries, never have, and our methods are as fair on our battleground as you say yours are on your battleground. A physical war is fought with tanks and never on equal (fair) footing. As much as TOP values its years of labor on their community and nation-building, NoV valued its community, NpO its, GOONS its, LUE its, \m/ its, but would you have admin remove aspect fo the military to have kept them from having to give up theirs'. I think "no."

  9. You have your facts wrong regarding UJP...which is what I would expect considering where you came from. Unfortunately for you, I have logs to back things up...but you'll have to wait for the book.

    "Where I came from"? I came from the same place as you, Slayer, fark.com. Or didn't you read the whole interview? One might say that your actions in UjW are exactly what we could have expected out of you considering your TF shens. But then you do constantly step in these 1-finger-forward-3-pointing-back arguments.

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