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Blog Comments posted by Schattenmann

  1. I know for me, I'm bored as hell. I ask if I should stick around. My answer for myself is that (1) It would be a real dick move to have pulled on so many talented people to join CoJ over the last year+ then go "oh, hey, temple's closed" (2) things go up and down, I won't be bored forever and it sucks to delete and then when things are interesting come back with 0 infra and not be able to participate in-game (like happened to me when we all suicided on Manic Monday then founded Vox Populi 2 weeks later 9k NS Was't much but it would have been better than nothing) (3) What else am I going to do?

  2. I was pretty sure you were talking about my dad until you said the guy is 40.

    Pops started smoking when he was 12 (1959) and even though there've been warning labels on the pack since 1964, he always blamed his health problems on a heart murmur/hole in his heart from Scarlet Fever as a child.

    In 2002 he nearly died from 4-6 heart attacks as his body went into sepsis due to an e. coli infection in his blood, and had to have an aortic valve replaced. He went right back to smoking a month after his 4-month hospital stay.

    Last October while prepping to unclog his corotid artery, they found a mass in his lung, which turned out to be cancer. They did the surgery then went on a scavenger hunt and found 6 brain tumors, as well. Suddenly clear that all the stumbling and running into walls was not due to his nightcap being amplified by the blood thinners.

    I don't know if your friend smoked or not--people do get lung cancer without smoking--but when you consider the stakes, it kills me that there are still people walking around smoking. Even more baffling that 20-somethings are smoking in greater numbers for the first time in a decade.

    When I was a kid, I used to swipe my dad's cigarettes, dump them all out, divide them into 7 and draw a line around the whole thing at each gradient, and number each one befor replacing them. I remember thinking even while I was doing it that it was stupid hype that each one took 7 minutes off a person's life. But here we are; he's 62, face bloated from steroids, chemo port poking through his skin like some Borg freak, so weak it takes him 5 minutes to go up the stairs to bed, brain pressured from the tumor such that he can't walk--he shuffles--or barely hold a fork, can't cut his own steak, can't button his own pants.

    You young people that are picking up cigarettes--"just one" and "just when you're out" (stfu and give me a break)--you're not thinking. George--the man behind Ashoka--has been where you're going "sat with my son in my arms, crying as I wondered if I would get to see him grow up." If his friend has kids, George has been where his friend is going. He's been where me and my dad are now.

    You'll work and work and work to save up a college account, or take that big vacation with the kids, or get a house in the right county for the good schools, but none of it means anything if you're not there.

    Think about your future, and the people that are going to miss you. It doesn't take a pack a day to really mess things up.

  3. Its not British Petroleum. They changed that name ages ago. I hate it when Obama says that. We dont want anything to do with that joke, Tony Hayward.

    Yeah right. The sooner you guys admit that Her Majesty's Petroleum is wrecking America because you're still peeved about the Revolution the sooner we can get back to defeating you in World War VII.

  4. There were two Brotherhood of Nods that were both trying to take out NPO--which one is he talking about?

    The one I knew about was run by Soviet Sindorin, who got banned amid all his anti-NPO raving.

    Unfortunately, it's hard to run an in-game insugency from the banned state. I doubt Greco is Soviet Sindorin, though, because he was a member of Vox until he revealed his identity and we reported his reroll, but Greco doesn't list Vox on his resume.

    Also, lol Blackstone. One time, in the Vox era, somebody asked me if I was aware of MHA's new security measures. I said "we know about some, which ones are you talking about?" So the person (I honestly don't remember who off hand) links me to a screenshot of a "Security Alert" from Blackstone Collusion's forum. I read it. Then I re-read it. Then I read it one more time. Then I opened Vox's spy forum, and I read it again. The Blackstone Security alert I was being "provided" was a c/p of a security alert that I wrote and posted for Vox's spies. :v:

  5. Are you offering a gov position If I merge Crusty Tampax Syndrome into CoJ?

    Best I can do is Deputy of Rogue Response or Diplomat to GOONS.

    Normally I'd piss and moan about something like this but since its you Schatt then I fully endorse this.

    I mean, really, I can't see why folks that didn't quite make it might not as well roll into something homey and successful as just disband or merge into some giant meatmarket AA.

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