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Blog Comments posted by Schattenmann

  1. This is the second time that Impero has used this trick. A few months ago, he had a VE member (MrMuz) give the admin of CNtel his VE forum password. Once the admin logged in, they ran his IP. The guy had joined CoJ without our knowing, and rather than approach us with a sting operation scenario (which is what it was), Impero came baseball bat in hand with veiled threats.

    This is VE standard operating procedure. Create a spy, create a CB.

  2. I was just watching The Last King of Scotland, and Forest Whittaker's character had this problem. The doctor had him sit on a foot-stool, got behind him and put a baseball bat across his chest, pulled to put some pressure on his stomach (sort of high up but not on the ribs) and then had Whittaker stand up while he kept the pressure on. He ripped a funk-nasty fart and said he felt immediately better.

  3. not stupid

    emotionally intelligent (possibly the most important thing on this list)

    able to logically work through disagreements

    big !@#$ are a plus

    tolerance for weed-smoking is a necessity, weed-smoking is a plus


    big !@#$ are a PLUS

    since I'm likely not going to make a lot of money, a high earner is a plus but they definitely can't be dependent on me financially

    no red sox or cowboys fans

    eagles fan is acceptable if they are from Pennsylvania


    big !@#$

    Baby, I'm your's!

  4. I planned on extending the blogpost to include a section on the MDP Web and dealing with it, but it can all be boiled down to one thing: it needs to be trimmed in order for any of this to be a reality. Not only that, people need to start having genuine issues with each other, which completely goes against the norm of diplomacy. We may have achieved world peace here. This would be admirable in real life where people die in war, but in a game where war used to keep everyone interested, it kind of bogs things down.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is "Sure we can solve our cyber-issues with cyber-words and preserve our CyberNations, but is that really cyber-interesting?"

    It's an ambition problem. All these complacent leaders willing to sign away sovereignty and potential in return for a comfortable postition in a tie for last place where no one wins or loses anything. Hope they're happy.

  5. I don't really see what the point of this was; Sardonic already said what he said in his thread. If anything, heart of the whole thing is right here: <Sardonic[GOONS]> Still, I'd definitely do it again, I didn't want to just say nothing and let the treaty slip away. Yeah, no duh, you didn't want to miss your chance for a dig at Xiph. I would'v been mad, too. Still, more of what we already know.

  6. bwah?

    The supply of available techsellers is not effected by the price of tech. The supply of available techsellers is determined by the number of new nations. If everyone stops buying tech tomorrow, the number of techsellers will not be effected; if everyone started paying $3m for 2 tech tomorrow, the number of techsellers will not be effected. If short-sighted people get smart tomorrow and everyone begins insisting only on 3/100, there will be a temporary reluctance to sell at that level by sellers, but their number will not be effected and if they want free money, they will sell at 3/100.

  7. And the worse thing is that I still enjoy every day of it :D

    People who understand that this is a nationsim/political game will always enjoy it for so long as there are othe people playing (or until they get tired of the gameplay itself). People that misunderstand CN as a war game will be bored out of their minds and either bear down and be bored for months on end, or quit and go back to Duke Nukem and Civilization.

    In 4 years, there've been times I didn't like the politics, but I've always had fun.

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