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Community Service Position Available; Apply Within



Looking For: Ambitious alliance or group of alliances willing to fill unpopular role for greater good. Must be willing (and able) to get hands dirty, stir the pot, and cause problems. Must be willing to be seen as monsters by most, and may have to perform "immoral" deeds (definition of morality can be redefined later). Payment for job: none. Possible benefits from successful job include power, fame, respect, admiration of hundreds. Possible risks from failed job include death. Alliances under rank 60 need not apply. Must love jackboots.

If you are an alliance leader, this job offering probably doesn't seem like a good idea. I mean, "possible" power and respect? What kind of pay-off is that for a job that can result in utter destruction? You as an alliance leader probably already have a bit of these things, and your mother always taught you greed is bad (And as we know, momma didn't raise no fool), so you're perfectly content with what you already have.

This job offer is clearly not for you. You can stop reading now.

For the people still reading, you probably want to know what I'm getting at with this post. If you listen to the latest podcast, you probably heard me rail on a lot of things. That's what I do, and it's my gimmick; I'm the old, bitter New Pacific Order member who hates what the world became and wants a return to the glorious empire of the past. And while it's not far from the truth, it's still not entirely accurate.

I want something.

Seriously baby, anything at this point will thrill me. I'm not looking to join you in your action, I just want to watch; I know that's dirty, but I don't care. I want a global antagonizer, and I want one bad. Just for a little while, please...

The state of politics in CyberNations is a utopia to some and stagnant to others. As I said in the most recent podcast, it amounts to all of us sitting in our respective corners and doing nothing. Sometimes all of the corners converge and point their weapons at each other, but ultimately it boils down to everyone going back to whatever it is they're doing and leaving well enough alone. For a post-KARMA world, I can see why this is appealing. Gone are the days where the Continuum seemingly beat on everyone for giggles. Instead, we're all united (Literally. Have you seen the treaty web lately?) Everyone is allowed to do whatever they want when they want, and no one can destroy anyone for doing it because everyone has everyone's back.

Recently there were a few sparks that seemed like they were going to ignite a powder-keg. The reason they didn't ignite is for mostly one reason: they were stupid. No one wants to fight for UPN and Peggysue (especially Peggysue). No one wants to fight for NEW and their ridiculous ideas for tech-raiding. I don't blame anyone for this; as I said before, they were stupid. But, the very fact that these stupid events could spark a global war which would probably push the global radiation level to a new record is even worse, and it's everyone's fault.

No one wants to be the bad guy. I know it; I've been watching you all. None of you want it, and you're perfectly content with what you've got. That's well enough, but everyone keeps complaining about the current CN state-of-affairs. You can't have both. In order for CN politics to become more interesting, someone has to push the envelope. In order for that to happen, someone has to take a risk. Someone. Anyone.

I know what you're thinking: why doesn't the New Pacific Order do it? We've done it in the past, and we had a damn good time doing it to be honest. You all hated us for it, and we loved that. But we can't now. You all want us to. Not only does that remove the fun of us doing it (because you hate it), but you have all built your power-base specifically on running us into the ground. There's no possible way the New Pacific Order could attain the same political heights we have in the past. KARMA did what it intended: it closed a 3 year story-line within this game where the New Pacific Order vyed for, achieved, maintained, and lost complete dominance.

Do not get me wrong. The problem isn't that no alliance is completely in control any more. The problem isn't that the NPO isn't capable of doing what it once was. This isn't about the NPO. The problem is that no one is taking any risks any more. And, just like an actual life without risks, a game without risk is boring. Someone has to start a new story-line.

So that's why I'm putting out this call. I want an alliance to do something. I want an alliance willing to roll the dice and try to do something. Anything. For the sake of us all.


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Well, whatever you need to tell yourself.

I said my piece on you guys actually doing the fighting in the latest podcast. Once AirMe posts it, you'll probably be a little upset.

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Nothing you two can say can ever hold sway about how I feel, just so y'know, whether positive or negative. And btw I don't listen to your podcasts so you can either not care about me, like I do likewise to you and should do to me, or you can just post the scripts here.

Well we do the fighting, you two can do all the commentating you want.

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The problem to your call is the problem that creates your call. Who's going to press an envelope when they're all treatied to each other? Push the envelope agaisnt who? Their own MDP partners?

The fear-mongers tried to tell the world that a successful Vox Populi would impose its will on a crippled world. Its too bad we didn't.

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MVP, personally I recommend you stop reading the blog if you don't listen to the podcast. You're not going to get any of the references, and I'm not going to "post scripts" because there are no scripts. It would require transcribing upwards of an hour worth of off-the-cuff talk into a post. I already have a day job, and you sure as hell aren't going to pay me for that extra work.

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The problem to your call is the problem that creates your call. Who's going to press an envelope when they're all treatied to each other? Push the envelope agaisnt who? Their own MDP partners?

The fear-mongers tried to tell the world that a successful Vox Populi would impose its will on a crippled world. Its too bad we didn't.

I planned on extending the blogpost to include a section on the MDP Web and dealing with it, but it can all be boiled down to one thing: it needs to be trimmed in order for any of this to be a reality. Not only that, people need to start having genuine issues with each other, which completely goes against the norm of diplomacy. We may have achieved world peace here. This would be admirable in real life where people die in war, but in a game where war used to keep everyone interested, it kind of bogs things down.

I guess what I'm trying to say is "Sure we can solve our cyber-issues with cyber-words and preserve our CyberNations, but is that really cyber-interesting?"

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I planned on extending the blogpost to include a section on the MDP Web and dealing with it, but it can all be boiled down to one thing: it needs to be trimmed in order for any of this to be a reality. Not only that, people need to start having genuine issues with each other, which completely goes against the norm of diplomacy. We may have achieved world peace here. This would be admirable in real life where people die in war, but in a game where war used to keep everyone interested, it kind of bogs things down.

I guess what I'm trying to say is "Sure we can solve our cyber-issues with cyber-words and preserve our CyberNations, but is that really cyber-interesting?"

It's an ambition problem. All these complacent leaders willing to sign away sovereignty and potential in return for a comfortable postition in a tie for last place where no one wins or loses anything. Hope they're happy.

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MVP, personally I recommend you stop reading the blog if you don't listen to the podcast. You're not going to get any of the references, and I'm not going to "post scripts" because there are no scripts. It would require transcribing upwards of an hour worth of off-the-cuff talk into a post. I already have a day job, and you sure as hell aren't going to pay me for that extra work.

Btw, transcribing an interview (if done diligently and accounting for slang/dialect) takes about 6-8 hours transcribing per half hour of talk. In German anyway, might be slightly less in English and again less if experienced. This last podcast is 1.5h long. Assuming English reduces it to 4-6h/0.5h, We'd still be at 12-18 hours of transcribing. To do something like that (which is really boring btw) really would warrant getting payed for.

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It's an ambition problem. All these complacent leaders willing to sign away sovereignty and potential in return for a comfortable postition in a tie for last place where no one wins or loses anything. Hope they're happy.

I think less an ambition problem and more of a by product of the times. Politics and the major power plays you wish to see are probably happening behind closed doors at the moment. Most alliances are taking to acting likes ducks, calmly gliding over the water while their feet are paddling furiously. As prior to pacifica's dominance thier was a lot of open opposition to them. In the GWIII to Q period any talk of overthrowing pacifica seemed to be behind closed doors and non existent. Then came vox, and another period of open opposition. With the multi polar world were living in at the moment I think think your seeing a lot of quiet (and not so quiet, nods at MK) realignment. When war comes as it inevitably will I think we will see players with ambition grabbing power but just in different ways.

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With the multi polar world were living in at the moment I think think your seeing a lot of quiet (and not so quiet, nods at MK) realignment. When war comes as it inevitably will I think we will see players with ambition grabbing power but just in different ways.

We're living in a multi-polar world? :mellow:

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It's an ambition problem. All these complacent leaders willing to sign away sovereignty and potential in return for a comfortable postition in a tie for last place where no one wins or loses anything. Hope they're happy.

Someone's been reading my posts again.


That's the second time this month, if I recall correctly. I'm glad to see you're learning from my writings.

( :awesome: )

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Btw, transcribing an interview (if done diligently and accounting for slang/dialect) takes about 6-8 hours transcribing per half hour of talk. In German anyway, might be slightly less in English and again less if experienced. This last podcast is 1.5h long. Assuming English reduces it to 4-6h/0.5h, We'd still be at 12-18 hours of transcribing. To do something like that (which is really boring btw) really would warrant getting payed for.

And not all of it would be worthy of transcribing given how we can go off on tangents as we do.

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Tell you what....

If The 'German' Empire messes with Nordreich's internal affairs again, that will be their fifth such offense against my alliance.

If this should occur, I will personally do my very best (not being in .gov limits my power, but perhaps not my influence) to ensure that we do not bring this to the OWF or TGE's allies. We'll simply inform our allies (who already support us with respect to TGE) that we'll be rolling in 'X' number of hours.

Then you can watch the treaty web fly apart at the seams in a way that will make the Bi-Polar War look tame by comparison.

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If The 'German' Empire messes with Nordreich's internal affairs again, that will be their fifth such offense against my alliance.

Wow. You guys really need to do something about it already.

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It seems something took the job. But apparently calls not itself but an injured person just out of the hospital the big bad.

This 2 wars now have been an eye opener in 2 directions.

I used to respect and like VE for being one of the alliances standing up for honour and the right, even though I didn't always completely share their view about what/who was right. I liked them for being "defenders" as I believe someone in your podcast called them, who also, justified, said that they are "aggressors" now.

I used to equally respect and like Umbrella. They had my respect for being great at nation building and for their strict internal workings. They also had my respect because I hadn't seen them be unfair or treacherous before. Maybe I was mistaken all along, but that doesn't seem to be the case judging from the respect Nolissar and other people I trust had for them.

I don't know what caused the change in those 2 alliances. Probably they are getting drunk / are drunk on their own power. Like, I assume, NPO did in the past. In any case whatever respect I had for those 2 alliances is gone.

And Stormsend, if you have anything to do with this decision, you should be deeply ashamed, as hawk_11 repeatedly said that NPO doesn't plan on (much less could) becoming what it was before, yet this is exactly the non-CB you guys pulled.

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