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Blog Comments posted by Schattenmann

  1. Actually, a lot of metaphors and similes are comparisons to something that one has not experienced. That said, watching my then 13 year old brother have his first girl friend was hysterical to the point you can't even believe.

    Yeah, I have never literally been between a rock and hard place; in like Flynn; insulted an injured person; actually stood shoulder-to-shoulder with someone I agreed with; ground an axe--you get the idea.

    What an unfortunate metaphor. Either you're comparing Anderson Cooper to something you have no experience with, or you've actually participated in watching 14 yr. olds have sex.

    Nor have I actually seen two 14 yr olds have sex. Anyway, I know it was fun for you to imply I'm a pedophile, but if you honest-to-God didn't get the metaphor, Google "Scott Baio, Erin Moran, corduroy." Watching Anderson Cooper trying to muckrake is like watching that.

  2. How very fortuitous that you've included that graphic. Allow me to direct all the liberal CN loonies to this study: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/10/13/AR2010101303634.html?hpid=topnews

    And this article is interesting, too: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/10/26/how_the_world_sees_the_tea_party

    Read an article the other week from a British guy who took issue with the Beeb's coverage of American conservatives as backwater hicks, don't feel like digging it up. Frankly if anyone wants to know how conservatives are protrayed by American and international media, go to fark.com and search tea party, conservative, or republican and you'll learn everything you need to know. As soon as the TV at my house gets turned to the news station, I come to Planet Bob and do my own politicking, there is no reason to watch the crap they're peddling. I listen to NPR in the car and that's about all the news I can handle. Watching Anderson Cooper's recent forays into muckraking on CNN is like watching two scared 14-yr-olds try to figure out sex for the first time, it's terrible and funny.

  3. 2 pages of replies and not one anhero joke?

    The guy is an idiot. He got all worked up and said something stupid, next election he'll probably lose, bing-bang there ya go everyone stop crying. Seriously, Anderson Cooper has devoted like 5 nights to this, since when does the entire nation need to follow one crazy hick's Facebook status updates?

    Also, emos ARE like homosexuals, just about the only thing that dinstinguishes an emo from a goth is that emo dudes make out with other dudes. (North American Field Guide to Music-Based Subcultures 2007 ed, p 37). I spent about a week of the Unjust War replying to Shahenshah's surrender terms PMs with links to videos of emos making out, I'm an expert on the subject of emos and homosexuality.

  4. I attribute OWRP's more reserved atmosphere not to the IC or OOC distinction, but to user apathy. You'll recall that it used to be the Open World Forum with Alliance Politics, Academic Subforum, National RP and some other subforums. At that time, the OWF was very active with lots of solid threads every day. When they converted it to OWRP and pared it down to two subforums, OWRP basically became a passthrough to AP and WA rather than a place where anyone bothers to post much. I check it maybe twice a month and I don't feel I've missed a thing.

  5. If anyone wants to know what OsRavan was thinking all they have to do is read it themselves: http://!@#$%*.com/vgjKLfNX Dun, dun, dun! word filter strikes again--you're all smart kiddies I'm sure you'll figure it out.

    OsR gave logs of his convo with Peggy to someone, and they put them on !@#$%*. I guess that crap cuts both ways.

    Highlight reel:

    [20:48] <OsRavan[ODN]> like i said ill back you no matter what.


    [22:05] <OsRavan[ODN]> peggy. Seriously. I would seriously appreciate it if you could do me a favor and not get this blown up


    [22:07] <OsRavan[ODN]> let me blunt. i wont let this go to war even if i have to pay this out of my own pocket


    [23:04] <OsRavan[ODN]> its not in your name

    [23:04] <OsRavan[ODN]> or with your permission


    [22:18] <OsRavan[ODN]> and i dont intend to let something this idiotic go to war if i can avoid it

    I'll say it exactly as I've said it to ODN: Maybe OsRavan's intentions were golden, maybe not, for argument's sake we'll say they were golden. Even so, the way he went about it was wrong and insulting to UPN, and if I were Peggy I would have been hard-pressed not to have canceled the treaty, too. OsRavan was in a hard spot, but frankly that's what happens when you sign away your miltary with compulsory treaties. UPN's legit, 100-day member was under attack by GOONS, it was the 4th time GOONS has attacked UPN in a few months, and if they had sent defenders onto that nation's attacker it was cut-and-dried defense, and fully within UPN's rights given GOONS inability to keep their nations from attacking UPN repeatedly.

    Now I don't speak for UPN, and wouldn't be shocked if UPN was dumb enough to try and go in with something like that anyway. But UPN also kept a lot of information from us in that channel, important and relevant information. UPN is an unstable nuthouse and I recommend anyone still unfortunate enough to hold a treaty with them to get out while you still can.

    Frankly, I'm over this from every quarter. UPN had about a dozen parties to deal with that night. As far as I'm concerned, Peggy told us everything she knew as it came down the pipe. She didn't have to tell us dick.

  6. But hey....let's not let facts get in the way of a good story.

    Precisely the reason I have not addressed the dummy AA issue on the OWF; I have no interest in "debating" anyone about my own intentions.

    Since it has come up, I will simply say this, and I won't argue the point because while people will try, there is no argument to be had:

    HoT55 and I were talking one night, he mentioned a fake AA, I said oh look, Farkistan left SF. There was no plan. Just as I said in the logs in the blog, it was pie in the sky. It got brought up in the heat of the moment in #stratego, everyone said " <_< terrible" because it's not a realworld plan, and it got dropped as fast as it was brought up. It was never close to being a plan. People that take that part of the logs seriously are taking it more seriously than the people that were in the room, but that's the point of taking logs out of context, innit?

  7. he mad

    People love to read my mind but I think you're a smart guy and can take me at my word, Voytek. If I am mad, it's not at the situation. This is how things go. What makes me mad are people like Leprecon who thinks he's so damn clever with some moralist jab. Is e serious? Anyone that is NOT from VE can make that jab--you understand. Or people like GearHead who thinks that one half-story (that he apparently got from someone) is less true than this half-story. But then that's the OWF game--winning over halfwits with half truths. Not mad, just frustrated with the easily-manipulated.

    Yeah you're right, no one has ever asked for money when they were attacked for no reason.

    What about "getting techraided" says "no reason" to you? If I raid you tomorrow because I've lost my mind, then GOONS has a reason to attack me. You raided UOKMB, they fought back.

  8. It doesn't really matter anymore what schatt says to be honest.

    He likes to pretend to be a paragon of moralilty but at the same time he is advocating destroying alliances and manufacturing casus bellis with his friends. Sorry Schatt, but you are pretty ridiculous now, especially since your best attempt at a casus belli was "protecting poor nuclear rogues from the shame of having to pay 15 million to get peace"

    From now on people will remember you for your "pick target first, then create a CB" manners.

    Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.

    This comment coming from VE, who wrote the ZI Peace Pact then continued to ZI people and I have never claimed any morality or moral highground. I have for years mocked the ideas of "honor" in CN. I have beliefs within which I act, but I am further from moralism as anyone can be.

    This coming from VE who harbors EphriamGrey, who manufactured IRC logs, screenshots, and CBs for a year with VE's lockstep drooling support. Listen, Leprecon[sic], if you want to talk to me you're going to have to change AAs because if that was a mocking I'm an Polar Imperial Officer.

    I was under the understanding the situation was entirely different. Boy, was I lied to. Next time I say I'd be happy to be on that side of the war, I'll ask for the proof of the bloody CB.

    For those wondering: I was told GOONS had approved a raid on a normal UPN member just to see what would happen. Wasn't told that the "member" was actually an applicant who was only a couple days before a nuclear rogue, or anything else.

    I'll fight any time against a serious atrocity, but please don't try to make an atrocity out of nothing. Most likely you'll put off more than just the fence sitters. You'll put off people that would probably be on your side too.

    Thanks for clearing this up, GOONS. Poor show WCE. <_<

    TFD had no representation in #stratego and anything you received was second-hand. There is no coalition--or am I at war without knowing it?--so you receivd no coalition information. If you got some half-assed information from somebody in the channel, then get your head out of your butt and take it up with them. Better yet, ask them what the hell they were doing talking to you to begin with.

    It is the regard for decorum of the alliances in #stratego that prevented GOONS from being a smouldering wreck at this time. If we had any intention of going to war without a good in, the war would be on, and GOONS's piss-poor members that can't handle more war than you get in one techraid at a time would be deleting by the dozens just as they did the last time SomethingAwful.com faced a real enemy. Anyone that believes they've been given the full logs through these blogs is an idiot, GearHead, or that there was one channel, or that the full logs are even on !@#$%* is stupid. So, my friend, if you're concerned about getting half a story you'd better rely on more than Sardonic's sardonic commentary. If "stupid" wasn't my pet peeve, the irony of you decrying "WCE" for giving you bad information while relying on Sardonic's variety show as good information would have me cracking up. Grow a brain, and start thinking for yourself.

    Sardonic, good work. I think you know that I more than anyone can appreciate a good swiftboating, and you have outdone yourself. I hope that whichever governments decided it was a good idea to post logs on their forums against all reason and directives in the channel now understand their error. Don't get too confident or bold in your own claims, though, my friend, lest you actually try to take on half the world in your hubris; as much as you feel you know who we are, we now know who we are as well.

  9. Last year I returned to a classic from my youth. I take two wire coathangers, maniuplate them into a harness that goes around each arm at the armpit and connected over my back at the nap of the neck. On the right, a wire goes up about 2.5 feet through a hole snipped in my shirt. Then I suspend a noose from the top of the wire and go to town with the corpse makeup. My teachers loved it when I was in high school, and my students loved it last year :P The cirrrrrclllllle, the cir. cle. of. life.

    Not sure this year. Maybe Cobra Commander (made the costume during the Israeli attack on Lebanon for a spoof, never used it), a Star Wars Imperial Officer (old standby; I hate repeats but you spend the money for one of these things and hate to leave it to gather dust), maybe a zombie which is always fun.



    I've done this on Halloween, but this actually isn't Halloween; we went to the premiere of Dawn of the Dead like this. Got pulled over and the cop didn't even doubletake--you'd think he pulled over carloads of blood-covered zombies all day long. Let me off with a warning, I guess he valued his brains.

  10. Thank you. The decision was made on the 6th based on the fact that Methrage may be doing something that is inadvisible, but he is not a rogue. After the 6th, Cortath or me could have said that we weren't sanctioning Methrage because Methrage is an elephant and we're not sanctioning elephants, but that hasn't got anything to do with anything.

    If you come under attack by a real nuke rogue in the future, please let us know so we can sanction him.

  11. I'm glad you agree that NPO shouldn't refuse sanctions due to the events of the Red Raiding Safari. As something you feel so stronly about, can I trust you will speak to them about this?

    As you know, NPO and CoJ decided on September 6th that your current sanction request for Methrage is denied because he is not a rogue (he's the leader of a micro-alliance which is at war and using nukes). Your request for Jim is also denied because he is not a rogue (he is at war with GOONS over spying). And I don't know if you've even asked, but on 9/11 we discussed UOKMB and it's clear that they are not rogues either, so don't bother (they are a micro-alliance retaliating against GOONS's raids on them).

  12. Since the Black Conclave link above is inaccessible to almost every person in existence anymore, here is the text of yet another argument of mine against politicization of Senates.


    Tonight we ask "who's in charge here?"

    I have just finished looking through the Team Information Panel for the place I have come to call home, and to love - Black - and find myself reeling.

    A check of the team sanctions shows that in the past 5 days a Black Team Senator - a ruler elected by nations of the Black trading sphere to represent the interests of the Black sphere only - has abused his powers not less than twice to further the interests of non-Black alliances against Black nations as part of inter-alliance military operations. On it's face these sanctions, breaches of duty and Black unity, are appalling, but add to their value that one of these sanctions was against a former Senator, herself having been the longest-serving Black senator in recent memory.

    The Sanctions

    On February 19, Sharduke, rogue puppet senator, sanctioned the nation of Warriors, ruled by WarriorConcept, and Republic of Axiom, ruled by banned member Ragana. Not content with his senate grab in the wake of banned member's drop from senate range, Sharduke made these sanctions against two peaceful nations, which have not engaged in military operations for 3 to 4 months and are indeed incapable of such as they exist in a state of perpetual peace mode.

    The Breach

    It is the duty, as briefed previously, of team Senators to serve their constituency (the nations of their color alone), and to promote team stability. In the odd case, such as that of King of Sparta, a senator may also act on behalf of the larger global community where a nuclear rogue nation team hops to continue its malicious acts. It is not the duty, and is a breach of duty in the highest, for a senator to promote the interests of outside political entities over those of his constituency, especially in matters of inter-alliance war not involving the senator's alliance nor any black nation save those in defense.

    In fact, Sharduke acted in direct conflict with every aspect of a Senator's obligations to his team.

    The Implications

    ☼ Sharduke sanctioned the head of state of a sovereign alliance, banned member Ragana, GOONS Optimus Prime Minister, a direct act of war.

    ☼ He sanctioned two black team nations at the request of a blue team alliance in furtherance of that alliance's war, directly involving the black team in that war.

    ☼ His acts have wide resonance that should alarm all black alliances: Where we should feel secure in our senators acting in our interests in an uninvolved manner, Sharduke has used his senate seat as a force against alliance leaders while his alliance is not involved in their war. Should a blue alliance attack a Dark Vows signatory or other black alliance in the future will he also sanction your leadership at the request of outside forces? I submit that he will, based on these sanctions.

    ☼ Since the Mafia-GOONS sanction battle some months ago Black has been looked upon as a faltering team in need of stabilization, and free for the taking to whichever alliance walks in the door. The wild senate shuffle and sanctions of this term only further this image and are but one more egg on our collective faces

    The Solution

    The Dark Vows are the solution but thus far have hung in limbo, a silly trifle in the footnote of black history.

    The signatories of the Dark Vows must unite behind not less than two senate candidates and actually vote for them - every term. Any alliance worth its salt has spam squads and these must be mobilized toward an end of uniting black behind impartial senators who will perform their duties, not less, certainly not more. I propose Sir SocCarolina, of the Order of the Black Rose, and the former senator from TOP. The OBR is truly detached from the petty turmoils that swirl about it, and TOP's former senator performed his duties as he should have in the past.

    To do this, signatory alliances must drop their squabbles over who will "control" the Black Senate, and unite as they have pledged to do when signing the vows. Senators do not, or should not, serve alliances, but teams. Senators elected by Dark Vows alliances, as such, do not control or dominate, they serve as it should be.

    This call to action is caused by the actions of the Black senate against black nations. It is not about whether the sanctioned alliances are "honorable" or reviled, it is about the Black Team picking itself up off the floor and refusing to be kicked around and manipulated anymore. This is our righteous cause.

    So what's more likely? That we're not sanctioning Methrage because we are not getting in the middle of an alliance war, or that I'm acting in direct opposition to everything about Senates that I have said and championed for over two years? The accusation is laughable.

  13. Why don't you write a blog on something interesting, like your role in the bubblegum war.

    Also keep on trying to convince people Methrage isn't a rogue all you want, only fools will believe it. You are a hypocrite, plain and simple.

    Here ya go, little buddy: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=21380

    I expect a bucket of goon tears in return for this.

    Newsflash: Everyone on the planet that cares about the Bubblegum War already knows about it, and everyone that doesn't already know about it hasn't got any reason to care. Most of the alliances that were effected by the Bubblegum War ceased to exist inside of 6 months of its occurrence, the rest took longer but they're all gone, too. Browncoats--the alliance with the biggest stake--immediately treatied Cult of Justitia upon its reformation. So, while GOONS thinks that an event from May 2008 is still something that bothers me and bothers other people, we've all moved on.

    I mean if we want to drag skeletons out of closets, let's make sure they're really skeletons. Bubblegum War isn't one. Here's a skeleton: I'm going to type the name of GOONS's second-in-command up until a few weeks ago, and let's see what happens between when I type it and after this comment is posted. Ready? Here we go: Any knowledge you have of ban evaders must be reported.

    That's a skeleton. For those of you who didn't catch on, I'll be more direct: I can't say the name of GOONS's second-in-command, no one can. http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/index.php?showtopic=80642&hl= http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=17237

    Twice in 25 months, I can see its close to your heart. I guess that’s why you waited two months to bring it up. It’s nothing to do with your intense and increasing hatred of GOONS.

    Alterego, old friend. I know you avowed to be my blood-enemy until the end of time because I referred to the BAPS-Valhalla/TPF War as "BAPSmear" on the OWF two years ago. I explained to you that that's what our side called it, and that the entire time the war was going on I was spying on TPF for GOONS which was forwarding the info to BAPS. But I get it; it was a trying time for BAPS and I understand the way me using a dated name for the war would effect you--You're within your rights to keep opposing everything I do or say. But you've gotta understand that you have to do it smart.

    I didn't bring up politicization of sanctions. I know you're all up my poopchute f5'ing every thread I post in so you can try and get a GOTCHA! in, so I know that you know that GOONS brought up politicization of sanctions. Here, I know it's hard to see through the seething red in your eyes, so I pulled it up for you:

    What I gather from this is red is the sphere for rogues. Such a lack of character from the red senators.

    Why would I leave them out of it? They happily ignore requests to sanction rogues. This implies their support of rogues.

    After these two posts I explained that we don't consider Methrage a rogue and that's why we're not sanctioning him, then things got really cute.

    The only thing muddled about the case is that he's attacking someone you don't like. We already know that red is apt to deny sanctions if rogues are hitting people they don't like, or else try to force their influence over an alliance as a trade-off ("if you want a sanction, stop raiding anyone on my entire sphere"). I'm waiting for your excuse to not sanction. I bet it's just as good as "a 2-man AA is an alliance so they can't be sanctioned no matter what they do -- assuming they're attacking GOONS."

    So, Alterego, I know that logic evades the rage-filled, but here's the logical advancement of things:

    GOONS accused CoJ and NPO and Red Dawn of denying sanctions based on politics--politicization of sanctions. We went out and back over it for a while. I do not politicize sanctions because I have been pushed around by political sanctions off and on since 2008. I like to back up arguments with evidence, so I pulled out the most recent example of myself being opposed to politicization of sanctions, this log.

    You're too mad to think straight though, so you don't understand this progression. You think that I just now brought these logs up out of the blue ("waited two months to bring it up" in your words) as a complaint against MCXA. That's not the case, honey. The situation was resolved when it happened, so I didn't need to bring it up when it happened. Bringing it up now isn't a complaint about MCXA, it's an example of my feelings on politicized senates. Here's a Valium, here's some water, breathe deep, now you get it. Everyone else gets it, but now you get it, too.

    I am not politicizing the GOONS's sanction requests. I am not doing that because I abhor politicization of Senates. I abhor politicization of Senates because of my encounter with politicized senates:

    In April 2008, Sharduke (NpO's CIS Puppet Senator on Black) sanctioned the remaining GOONS Senator and I whipped up half the team over it (ask ChairmanHal, he had to clean up the mess, or anyone that was around back then)

    In May or June of 2008, I was exiled from Black with a sanction for "political rogue"

    Later that same month, Dr Fresh, a Blue Senator, told me to get off of the "BLEU" sphere or he would sanction me

    In August 2008, my alliance-mate kingzog was the focal point of a senate war that we tried to avoid

    In July of this year, as shown above, I had to contend with a politicized sanction request

    But here we are, people that are upset about a logical decision the reasoning of which has been fully explained say that I politicize sanctions.

    It's important that people understand that such an assertion is asinine and contrary to my entire history. A demonstrable and indeed demonstrated 2-year consistent history.

  14. SCY was scolded for his actions in this instance. He now knows that our feelings about those requesting a sanction are irrelevant, if the sanction is justified (as Schattenmann's was), we are obligated to accept the request.

    Blue sanction requests made to Dr. Fresh (Raunchero) do not go through the MCXA Government first.

    That is appreciated, but there is no motive in regard to MCXA in the use of the log, rather it is to demonstrate my feelings on the politicization of sanctions.

  15. You yourself were part of a sanction war. Sure you didn’t sanction first but you took the sanction seat from NPO as a political move during a war therefore politicising the position and the tools of that position. Using the seat as a weapon of war regardless if its the use of sanctions or intentionally targeting an alliances seat during war time are basically the same thing.

    Vox Populi was "part" of a sanction war the way that alliances were "part" of their own beatdowns in the Pre-Vox and Vox eras. But I'm glad you brought it up as an example of how wrong politicization of sanctions it. The Continuum sanctioned Kingzog (now known as Ashoka the Great) on every sphere that they controlled in much the same way that GOONS is using allies to rubber stamp sanctions against Methrage on every sphere they have an ally on. The Continuum dragged Vox Populi into a sanction war: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=31273 TOP gov even used the thread to laugh about the sanctions and request one on Orange. Oh, yes, we were "part" of a sanction war, alright.

    Because we became victims of political sanctions that would not be lifted, a feedback loop was created. While we began all over the color map, we were forced to congregate on one sphere, Red, and position ourselves to remove our own sanctions. Once we gained a Senate seat, we used it to do just that, and nothing more, remove Kingzog's sanction on Red. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=31704 Kingzog left it at that, and knowing the nature of our enemies, he turned the other cheek to be struck, but urged them to think very carefully and not do it. NPO refused our overtures to peace, and Kingvox was re-sanctioned, affirming Continuum's desire for a sanction war, and, yes, because of this attitude of our enemies Kingzog went on to use sanctions as a weapon of war.

    And in the final dismantling of the absurd notion that I personally was giggling all the way to the bank in a Senate war here is my personal statement from August 17 2008, after Continuum had started a sanction war with us:

    Vox Populi's Senate Sanction Sentiment:

    In time of peace Senators are a stabilizing force on color spheres. They write team messages that no one reads, they sanction nations that are nuclear rogues, and sometimes host IRC channels that no one frequents. Thank you for reading through the idealist view of what a senator is; in fact, senators sanction whoever they feel like during peace time, they make up their own definitions for the very clear word "rogue," and generally do whatever their government tells them to do.

    In times of war, senators issue team messages that no one reads, they sanction nations for launching nukes without regard to whether or not those strikes were government sanctioned, and they sanction nations in opposing alliances that may be able to make a senate run themselves.

    Oh me-oh-my, there's me decrying the very same things 2 years ago that I am decrying today. It's remarkable how consist my values are whether I'm on the receiving end of a senate war, or the one making the decision as to whether or not to get involved in one. I went on to quote Kingzog's statement that he did not want a sanction war, then continued:

    So, after being sanctioned on 8 color spheres despite being in peace mode, kingzog sanctioned NPO senators. NPO started a sanction war, PZIed us, now they can live with it.

    In regards to the Green sphere, should Cylon be elected, we will ask him to remove sanctions on Vox Populi nations, and from that point on to use discretion when considering issuing sanctions. Despite what DerekJones had to say on the matter, GGA's senator is in no danger, unless of course GGA also wants to start its own sanction war with us. That we had to initiate our votign campaign for Cylon in a clandestine matter should be no surprise, GGA is brutal in its control of the Green senate despite being a key player in the gutting of Green.

    Preaching peace on two spheres? Unthinkable. We went on to get that Green seat, though I'll be honest with you I don't remember if GGA and VE started a sanction war with us or not.

    I'm kind of glad you brought all that up, I had sort of forgotten about it and it's nice to see I haven't let being part of a Senate-sharing structure or in charge of an alliance go to my head to the point of doing things I said are nasty.

    So, now we have me speaking out against politicization of Senates in Aug 2008, July 2010, and September 2010. And forever.

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