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THE POWER RANKINGS: Various Methods of CN Discourse Ranked By Average Intelligence

New Frontier


As we all know, the various methods used by nation rulers to converse are used by radically different demographics. In this short blog post I will be attempting to rank them based on the average amount of intelligence displayed. Obviously there are exceptions for each one, but it seems that in general the CN community has split off into groups separated by intelligence that, while they often overlap, are still decidedly distinct.

Blogs: Surprisingly, these blogs have managed to accumulate a decidedly more clever clientele than the rest of these forums, which I quite enjoy. While there are certainly a good number of exceptions, I feel that the Blogs are a fairly positive aspect of the CN Community.

Open World RP: The OOC forum for in-game discussion is quite a bit more bearable than it's IC counter-parts, and I attribute that to two factors. The first is that many of the more terrible trolls simply don't have the attention-span for a conversation that isn't heavily interspersed with hurr's and durr's, and they skip along to the AA and WA sub-forums. The other is that some of our more annoying colleagues are simply "putting on a show", and the odd one will let that go when discussing things OOC. Admittedly this is rare, but it does happen. Of course you get the odd derpy individual who falls into this forum by accident and leaves a mess before departing, but all-in-all it's a pretty good place to be.

IRC: IRC is such a crapshoot, simply because anyone that wishes to can create their own channel, which essentially acts as a sub-culture in this system. That said, accessing IRC requires slightly more intelligence than accessing these forums, and therefore it sits slightly above the Alliance Announcements sub-forum.

Alliance Announcements: This is a sort of "watering hole" of the CN Savannah. Almost all CNers are forced to visit this realm occasionally, and therefore it contains a good cross-section of the various intellectual cultures. That said, CN is much like the real world in that there are far more idiots than Einsteins, and therefore a "good cross-section" still comes across as fairly pedestrian.

World Affairs: I am regularly astounded at the rampant stupidity in this subforum. While the occasional well-thought out post draws me there I always feel like an aristocrat on the wrong side of the tracks, always in fear of being manhandled by the trolls and other ne'er-do-wells.

I hope this handy guide will be helpful to you in the future as you contemplate your meandering about the wonderful world of Cyber Nations.


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While you might think IRC requiring something more than a pulse to access would set it above the forums, it often does not. The ease of access for the forums is outweighed by the more formal atmosphere, as opposed to IRC which in almost every instance is highly informal without much care or thought put into messages. IRC can vary heavily depending on the channel and people therein. Some channels are so saturated with immaturity and spam that they'd rank well below anything else you listed; others might remain comparable to, say, Alliance Announcements.

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I find my tolerance for each forum waxes and wanes, although due to different criteria than you've use. Whenever OP and general posting gets too pretentious (essays, 'e-intelligence' etc) I tend to avoid it. Crappy one-liners and a string of "no u" replies are far more enjoyable than everyone showing everyone else how smart they are.

I've also never understood the distinction between WA and OWRP considering the amount of IC that gets bandied about in OWRP.

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While you might think IRC requiring something more than a pulse to access would set it above the forums, it often does not. The ease of access for the forums is outweighed by the more formal atmosphere, as opposed to IRC which in almost every instance is highly informal without much care or thought put into messages. IRC can vary heavily depending on the channel and people therein. Some channels are so saturated with immaturity and spam that they'd rank well below anything else you listed; others might remain comparable to, say, Alliance Announcements.

Alliance Announcements isn't really something people should be proud of being compared with.

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I attribute OWRP's more reserved atmosphere not to the IC or OOC distinction, but to user apathy. You'll recall that it used to be the Open World Forum with Alliance Politics, Academic Subforum, National RP and some other subforums. At that time, the OWF was very active with lots of solid threads every day. When they converted it to OWRP and pared it down to two subforums, OWRP basically became a passthrough to AP and WA rather than a place where anyone bothers to post much. I check it maybe twice a month and I don't feel I've missed a thing.

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