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The Spy Who Amused Me

Chief Savage Man


So this guy has been querying me on Coldfront. I've shared it with a few people so far and now I spread the joy to you.

July 2nd, 2010 - Coldfront

16:16 El_Greco Greetings and salutations. Would you by any chance be the same Chief who is in \m/? You can understand my confusion surely. "Chief" is a common alias on the internet as I am sure you know.

16:16 The_Chief yes I am Chief Savage Man

16:17 El_Greco Nice to meet you then. I on the other hand am nobody of importance.

16:17 The_Chief um

16:17 The_Chief ok

16:17 The_Chief Hi

16:17 El_Greco Do you have an opinion on the New Pacific Order?

16:17 The_Chief heh

16:17 The_Chief Depends on the day of the week

16:17 The_Chief NPO is a complicated alliances I like parts of it, despise others

16:18 El_Greco Was the job finished?

16:18 El_Greco There are some who do not think it was.

16:18 The_Chief What job? Karma?

16:19 El_Greco Precisely.

16:19 El_Greco I want to know what you think.

16:20 The_Chief if NPO attempts to reestablish the Hegemony, then yes they should be put down again

16:20 The_Chief if they accept they are not masters of CN by birthright, then they should not be put down

16:21 El_Greco The NPO is working to reestablish its dominance. You know as well as anyone that the NPO cannot be a mere player in the world. No, it must rule.

16:21 El_Greco Remember when I said I was nobody?

16:21 The_Chief Yeah that was like two minutes ago lol

16:22 El_Greco I lied.

16:22 The_Chief No !@#$

16:22 El_Greco I am in fact a genie, and I can make dreams come true.

16:22 The_Chief awesome

16:22 El_Greco You want only what others wish for. I am in a position rather close to the NPO.

16:23 The_Chief Are you now

16:23 El_Greco Do not bother contemplating my motives for wishing to see them gone. It is merely in my own interests to get them out of the way.

16:23 The_Chief um

16:23 The_Chief alright

16:24 El_Greco Of course I do not want my name splattered across various chats, so I am using an assumed identity.

16:24 The_Chief I figured as much

16:24 El_Greco But I stray from the topic.

16:24 El_Greco Do not bother trying to conceal it from me, I know you would not weep for the NPO.

16:24 The_Chief No probably not

16:24 The_Chief But they're low on my list of concerns

16:25 El_Greco Say a word and this conversation can end. I will look instead for someone with a little more drive. Someone who believes a little more fervently.

16:25 El_Greco However, if you wish to continue I am at your service.

16:27 The_Chief Nah I'm good

16:27 The_Chief Good luck with whatever the $%&@ you're doing

16:27 El_Greco Very well then.

16:27 El_Greco I bid adieu.

16:27 El_Greco I shall be around should you have a change of heart.

16:27 The_Chief um

16:27 The_Chief alright

The first thing I thought was: Gee, this sounds an awful lot like Blackstone. The same Blackstone that was used as a CB for NPO to attack Ordo Verde. While I'm not NPO's biggest fan, I really have no interest in fending off spying allegations on the OWF. Plus I've been attacked by one Order this year, I think that's more than enough.

So I pass it on to the rest of \m/ and send it to my allies. I send it to NPO as well to make it clear I'm not trying to be a part of any shens like this. Other than that, I forget about it.

July 8th, 2010

23:54 El_Greco Nero plays his fiddle while Rome burns.

23:56 El_Greco It is a code.

23:56 The_Chief hey buddy how are you

23:56 El_Greco I have valuable information that may interest you.

23:57 El_Greco It is about Legion.

23:57 The_Chief They're terrible?

23:57 The_Chief what else is new

23:57 El_Greco No, it is more than that.

23:57 El_Greco Legion has enemies on purple.

23:57 El_Greco Some alliances there do not like Legion.

23:57 The_Chief stickmen obviously

23:57 El_Greco This changes everything. Don't you realize?

23:58 The_Chief no

23:58 El_Greco It means Purple Unity is not really united.

23:58 The_Chief purple is irrelevant

23:58 The_Chief also I could tell purple is disunited by reading the goddamn owf

23:58 El_Greco The_Chief

23:58 The_Chief upn is going one way

23:58 The_Chief legion the other

23:58 The_Chief invicta the other

23:58 The_Chief ifok is its own deal

23:58 El_Greco Don't dismiss me. This is important information.

23:58 El_Greco Legion has enemies. A lot of alliances do not like Legion.

23:59 El_Greco I know I am going to be asking a lot of you, but I am going to give you an assignment.

23:59 The_Chief jesus christ

23:59 El_Greco I am going to welcome you into my world. It is dangerous and very risky, but I need you to trust me.

23:59 El_Greco You are to report only to me. Do you understand?

00:00 El_Greco I trust you. I need you to trust me.

00:00 The_Chief I'm not answering to a !@#$@#$ mystery man

00:00 El_Greco But first we need to do a trust building exercise.

00:00 El_Greco I am not a mystery man. You know who I am.

00:00 El_Greco I am who I say I am. I am someone on your side.

00:00 El_Greco Have you ever heard of Individual 69?

00:01 The_Chief no

00:01 El_Greco How about the Brotherhood of Nod?

00:01 El_Greco The Blackstone Collusion?

00:01 The_Chief from cnc, good game that, though cnc3 sucks

00:01 The_Chief I remember blackstone

00:01 El_Greco I was involved in all of these organizations.

00:01 El_Greco That is my secret. That is why you can trust me.

00:01 El_Greco Now, tell me your secret. Then the exercise will be complete.

00:02 El_Greco We will have complete confidence in each other.

00:02 The_Chief Here's my secret: I am a minister of an alliance and I have to think of their safety and security. I can't follow somebody I don't know on some vague !@#$ about alliances I don't like but don't really care about either.

00:03 El_Greco So, \m/ is cowards?

00:03 El_Greco Well, I'll leave you now then.

00:03 El_Greco But I know my words will have cut deep into you.

00:03 The_Chief Yeah great leave me the $%&@ alone

00:03 El_Greco When you come crawling back to get involved in my organization and you will I'll come back to you then to talk.

00:04 El_Greco But until then, bye.

00:04 The_Chief bye

00:04 El_Greco I know you will want in sooner or later.

00:04 El_Greco You think about this.

Our man of mystery is back with some shocking information.

-Purple is in fact not united.

-Some people do not like Legion.

-He was part of blackstone (real shocker, huh)

Now I am passing this crucial bombshell on to you. So while you may think that Legion is adored universally, the truth is that some people do not like them. IT CHANGES EVERYTHING


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Purple is not united..... :blink:

but BAPS and UPN love each other..... Stickmen and Invicta and inseparable. This guy is a fraud.

Also I want to know what he thinks is so important.

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23:57 El_Greco Some alliances there do not like Legion.


23:58 El_Greco Legion has enemies. A lot of alliances do not like Legion.

Woah I really need to sit and calm down after this revelation.

I can't even blame this poor espionage on the fact that maybe the spy has been out of the loop for a while, because these statements have been so obviously true since CN started.

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Tinker, Tailor.

I'll be wearing a Chicago Cubs baseball cap and I'll be holding a magazine. If the magazine is "Seventeen", then my cover is blown and you must leave Berlin tonight. If it is "Cat Fancy" then you must ask me about the price of fish.

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There were two Brotherhood of Nods that were both trying to take out NPO--which one is he talking about?

The one I knew about was run by Soviet Sindorin, who got banned amid all his anti-NPO raving.

Unfortunately, it's hard to run an in-game insugency from the banned state. I doubt Greco is Soviet Sindorin, though, because he was a member of Vox until he revealed his identity and we reported his reroll, but Greco doesn't list Vox on his resume.

Also, lol Blackstone. One time, in the Vox era, somebody asked me if I was aware of MHA's new security measures. I said "we know about some, which ones are you talking about?" So the person (I honestly don't remember who off hand) links me to a screenshot of a "Security Alert" from Blackstone Collusion's forum. I read it. Then I re-read it. Then I read it one more time. Then I opened Vox's spy forum, and I read it again. The Blackstone Security alert I was being "provided" was a c/p of a security alert that I wrote and posted for Vox's spies. :v:

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*chuckles* Man, that guy is pretty stupid. [edit] He is stupid because of many self-evidence reasons, but I suppose I have to write at least one: namely that he is anonymous and contacting a member of government of an alliance. You were far kinder to him that I would have been. [/edit]

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