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I Wonder...



I Wonder just how long it will take to blow up the nearly 1 million tech TOP had before the war

I wonder why i picked a bad time to leave Fark, theyre fighting IRON to ZI nearly and we got to kick GDA down a flight of steps :jealous:

I wonder why it has snowed more in Feb this year than in the past FIVE Decembers, damn the global warming

I wonder what drug they put in Reese cups that make me want to eat the whole damn pack

I wonder if the mods ever get tired of being mods

I wonder what Goose's lawn REALLY looks like

I wonder if those who planned this pre-empt attack on C&G are re-considering their cunning plan

I wonder when Hollywood will hurry up and make Jason Statham the next James Bond

I wonder if listening to The Beach Boys will help me forget about the near whiteout conditions outside

I wonder just how spiteful and angry do you have to be with a game to go about hacking forums and all that

I wonder who draws up target lists that allows a new player to be confused and attack the people you're defending

I wonder how many more of these i can write before i run out of them...ok i ran out.

What are you wondering?


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I wonder why people say "I dont really care" in reply to those they proclaim not to care about

I wonder when NPO will be back to number 1 in the sanction race

I wonder how many people over 40 play cybernations

I wonder why I always read Jack Diorno's posts, even though "I dont really care"

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I wonder why winters seem to be worse everywhere in the northern hemisphere except the southwest coast of British Columbia. :P

I wonder why I write so much.

I wonder why WickedJ is so awesome.

I wonder who draws up target lists that allows a new player to be confused and attack the people you're defending.

I wonder this as well.

I wonder if listening to The Beach Boys will help me forget about the near whiteout conditions outside


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I wonder how did you convince Goose to be appointed as our MoD ?

I wonder what Goose's lawn REALLY looks like

Do you really want to know ? All those who tried to see it ... well nobody even tried before

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I wonder why people say "I dont really care" in reply to those they proclaim not to care about

I wonder when NPO will be back to number 1 in the sanction race

I wonder how many people over 40 play cybernations

I wonder why I always read Jack Diorno's posts, even though "I dont really care"


I wonder if people know Jack Diorno OOC is the exact opposite of Jack Diorno IC. i know..shocked the !@#$ out of me too

also, @Jarkko re: Target lists

I see it every single war on all sides and i just facepalm and feel terrible for the poor sap who has to fix that

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Most of the time it is simply a case of mistaken identity or crossed eyes. I remember when I was in CCC, the Wolfpack War was on just as I joined and clcarte2 got attacked for his nation being "Wolfpackland." :P

So it's seldom the list-drawers fault, although seldom =/= never ;)

Thorgrum: You'd think a couple hundred 40+ play CN. Some pretty well-known CNers are well past that. Xiph, Sponge, Sun WuKong, KeyStroke... and something like half of CCC :P

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Thorgrum: You'd think a couple hundred 40+ play CN. Some pretty well-known CNers are well past that. Xiph, Sponge, Sun WuKong, KeyStroke... and something like half of CCC :P

I'm 21. I started playing at 17, started GOD at 18. :smug:

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I wonder what drug they put in Reese cups that make me want to eat the whole damn pack

The same chemical that the rest of the food industry puts into the food so that you don't lose your appetite, and would eat more, therefore, spending more money. :tinfoil:

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I wonder if TOP/IRON reps will trump those of NPO.

id have to put my money on "yes"

@xiph, thanks...now i feel old. 30 is coming quicker than im willing to admit

i wonder why the HELL acer offset the trackpad to the left on this laptop, i always bump it when typing

/me goes to buy a mouse

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I wonder why I'm only just now seeing this blog.

I wonder why The South has gotten more snow this year than it has in the past 10 years combined.

I wonder if there really is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

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I wonder why it has snowed more in Feb this year than in the past FIVE Decembers, damn the global warming

I wonder why mindless mouth-breathers assume that a having strong el nino weather locally this year means that they should discredit years of research. Did you notice the winter games? Did you notice how they were all going OMGWTFBBQ because it was so warm in Canada? I wonder why? !@#$@#$ PACIFIC CURRENTS SHIFTED OR SOME OTHER !@#$. I got 12 inches Saturday and I didn't think, "He haw, dem scientists they is rong." I was thinking about how strong of an el nino year it was.

I wonder why I'm even replyiong at all. I've been drinking.

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