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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1300644104' post='2671177']
I don't think anyone has made a claim to the otherwise that people who jumped in on GOONS will be facing reparations. I think even with all of the alliances who will receive rep terms combined, that the number will not reach into the billions. Legion might if they don't end up getting/accepting the jump-from-PM offer, but that is because with an untouched alliance, what is a couple billion in aid?
They jumped in? They were brought in by DH. Or were they not supposed to honor the treaties they have with us?

Understand this. Reps of any kind won't be happening any time soon. Talk to us in 2012 about it and we'll think about it and tell you to talk to us in 2013. I find it funny how you all think that this war will wind down any time soon, any talk of reps means this will be a very long war.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1300644104' post='2671177']
I don't think anyone has made a claim to the otherwise that people who jumped in on GOONS will be facing reparations. I think even with all of the alliances who will receive rep terms combined, [b]that the number will not reach into the billions[/b]. Legion might if they don't end up getting/accepting the jump-from-PM offer, but that is because with an untouched alliance, what is a couple billion in aid?

Really not the billions, will they already have a guaranteed 202mill from the two tiny alliances who peaced out and that because it was early, Sardonic said it himself that the reps will increase the longer the war goes on, so he is either lying or you're.

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[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1300644871' post='2671181']
They jumped in? They were brought in by DH. Or were they not supposed to honor the treaties they have with us?

Understand this. Reps of any kind won't be happening any time soon. Talk to us in 2012 about it and we'll think about it and tell you to talk to us in 2013. I find it funny how you all think that this war will wind down any time soon, any talk of reps means this will be a very long war.
Amen brother. Besides. DoomHouse isn't too far away from surrendering. Won't be but another 6 months. That's no time.

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[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1300644871' post='2671181']
They jumped in? They were brought in by DH. Or were they not supposed to honor the treaties they have with us?

Understand this. Reps of any kind won't be happening any time soon. Talk to us in 2012 about it and we'll think about it and tell you to talk to us in 2013. I find it funny how you all think that this war will wind down any time soon, any talk of reps means this will be a very long war.
If we fight until 2013 will you renounce your right to complain about being held at war for two years?

Edited by Sandwich Controversy
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[quote name='TheListener' timestamp='1300643128' post='2671162']
So a little birdy told me this is a lie, I've been informed that while NPO may be getting off scotch free without any reps, Billions in reparations will be imposed upon the allies of the NPO. So if this is Doomhouse's Plan to give NPO no reparations but the outlying alliance huge amounts, why even state a claim such as this. You're going to be caught in your lie and your hegemony will fall faster than the previous ones.
I don't think anyone ever tried to make any secret of the fact that at the very least the alliances that hit GOONS will be paying reps. In fact you'd be hard pressed to find people that didn't know this. Nice insider info though.

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[quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1300643500' post='2671166']
Now I haven't read every page, but I think I've at least skimmed the majority, and I'm pretty sure that at no point in this thread did NPO government turn down this offer. We've seen plenty of NPO members calling this a bad offer, but no actual alliance response.

I believe Doomhouse should be notified of response. Or shortly will be.

Edited by alyster
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[quote name='neneko' timestamp='1300645403' post='2671195']
I don't think anyone ever tried to make any secret of the fact that at the very least the alliances that hit GOONS will be paying reps. In fact you'd be hard pressed to find people that didn't know this. Nice insider info though.
I am not suprised to hear that the original offer includes reps, but how harsh are these reps as of now? Just out of curiosity...

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[quote name='neneko' timestamp='1300645403' post='2671195']
I don't think anyone ever tried to make any secret of the fact that at the very least the alliances that hit GOONS will be paying reps. In fact you'd be hard pressed to find people that didn't know this. Nice insider info though.

Incorrect. GOONs may be asking for reps from everyone, them getting them is an entirely different and very unlikely story.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1300646067' post='2671206']
Incorrect. GOONs may be asking for reps from everyone, them getting them is an entirely different and very unlikely story.
That's what everyone says these days. Good luck backing up this line.

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[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1300643477' post='2671165']
If the history is not shared then you have no reason to be at war with us.
That's not true at all. We have lots of reasons. You just might not like them. But when does the opposing side ever hail CBs used against them?

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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1300636108' post='2671104']
That depends what you mean by 'win'. They will lose a lot less than you will as their top and mid tiers will still be able to grow. War in the lower tier isn't really that important by itself and so neither side can exactly win down there. but by keeping you at war DH can ensure that your long term peace mode larger nations lose. (And of course if they came out they would lose a lot more a lot faster.)

You seem to think they're not losing anything by having to constantly fund their butchered lower tier. I tell you now, it's a lot more expensive than staying in peace mode. If they refuse to surrender, we will simply have to war with them until they have no legs left to stand on and they can't get enough blood to their legs. Or until their legs run away without them.. which ever happens first. And keep in mind, this whole time, they will only be doing it to themselves.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1300600570' post='2670885']
Those were things in reference to what TPF had done against others, not specifically Genmay. Hell, I wasn't even thinking of Genmay as a specific incident. TPF still embraces that they left UJP out to dry, and doesn't seem to care, and embraces their current path.

There are some who would say that is a good thing though? Most no longer care one way or the other about an event that took place how long ago? Please, get out of the past. It is the year 2011 and it appears that grudges from things that occurred 2+ years ago is the only thing that DH knows.

If that is true, then man look at the crap Umbrella pulled 2+ years ago. I don't see TPF embracing anything other than their allies? Unless of course by them embracing their allies such as NPO instead of former allies such as MK, they are continuing to act on leaving UJP out to dry?

That is one hell of a stretch though. I think it is just that you only have a few events that are truly old, ancient in this world, to throw in TPF's face and yet, you say Umbrella has changed? Why should I believe Umbrella has changed when it is obvious by your post, Umbrella is still mired down in the past.

[quote name='foxfire99' timestamp='1300601108' post='2670895']
From an objective standpoint, I think you missed the point here. His was that morality is independent of NPO. Yours seems to be that morality does not depend on who does it. Kind of the same point. One of you needs to take the opposite position or this thread may not reach a hundred pages.

Okay, you got me confused. What point did I miss if mine is kind of the same point as his?

[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1300601930' post='2670904']
uh, what? so you accuse umbrella of not changing because of something that happened 4 years ago because of the culture (or whatever), but then say that you have changed (note: using the same reasoning NFLgeneric was - 'barely anyone is left, it's all history etc)?

although the word hypocrisy is overused on these forums, i feel its aptly applied in this case.

You must have missed NFLgeneric's posts towards TPF, where NFLgeneric accuses TPF of being stuck on an event that occurred however many years ago. It would appear that people need to get over the past and move on from it. Like DH, who maybe needs to stop holding the hate-on for NPO that they are doing. The OP is ridiculous in that it assumes that since Karma, NPO has been in charge of anything. Everyone knows that is not true and most are smart enough to realize that NPO is not going to be top dog anytime soon. There is simply to much hate for that to ever happen.

Thus, Ardus's pretty little words are merely more propaganda. More to distract people by NPO's past (i.e. pre-Karma since they have not done !@#$ post-Karma) so that people don't realize the crap DH is doing in the present.

DH- ya'll, all of you, are the true masters of hypocrisy.

[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1300602764' post='2670921']
Note: TOP did not attack the NPO in Karma or in this war.

So with that fixed up your post reads: "well let's see, TOP was in The Continuum, followed NPO around like a whipped pup,"

well my oh my, that proves TOP will be attacking us shortly!

yeah that's cool and all, but i wasn't addressing the circular argument about gpa/npo/umbrella. i was saying your reasoning is identical to each other, and therefore if you are claiming that the same reasoning applies to one and not the other (note: you are), then you are a hypocrite.

It appears that you are not reading properly. He is claiming that TPF not only has very few of that era (which is what NFLgeneric claimed for Umbrella) but also that unlike Umbrella, TPF has not done a damn thing similar since Karma. This is untrue of Umbrella who has engaged in aggressive warfare for no cause once again.

[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1300603252' post='2670932']
You might have a point if Umb hadn't gone out of their way to prove that they have changed and will openly admit that GPA was attacked over !@#$%^&* charges. To this day, there are three alliances involved in the war on GPA whose haven't admitted to me that the war was full of !@#$; NPO, TPF and 64digits (being as I fought for GPA, this tends to be something I follow). It's no coincidence that you're also the only 3 alliances involved in the war on GPA that are fighting DH now.

Who the $%&@ are you that NPO, TPF, or 64digits have to admit !@#$ to you? The only alliance that matters in that little scenario is GPA. The only people that matter are members of GPA, particularly those members who were around for the war. You on the other hand don't matter in the least. And given MK's hate on for NPO, even if NPO had admitted it, you would most likely say it was a lie, much like the NPO apology to FAN. So, yeah, again you don't matter at all.

And so another reason for this war is because of the war on GPA? DH is truly and utterly mired in the past. And yet, I am getting told I can't compare MK or DH to the past? If that is the only place to find DH, what else am I supposed to compare them to? Maybe if they lived in the present, it would be much easier, but this here is yet more proof that DH can only live in the past.

[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1300603637' post='2670941']
We did in fact have quite the list of charges but if it makes you sleep better at night, you're free to deny it. Just remember, the world isn't going to forgive your wrongs until you stop trying to bury them.

Remember, the same holds true for DH.

[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1300644104' post='2671177']
I don't think anyone has made a claim to the otherwise that people who jumped in on GOONS will be facing reparations. I think even with all of the alliances who will receive rep terms combined, that the number will not reach into the billions. Legion might if they don't end up getting/accepting the jump-from-PM offer, but that is because with an untouched alliance, what is a couple billion in aid?

Legion's number is $2 billion by itself and has been stated as such by GOONS themselves. Thus, I would venture that it is quite reasonable that the number is already over not just $1 billion but over $2 billion. All in all, the number could easily reach $3 billion or more as well.

What $2 billion in [b]reps[/b], not aid, is a bunch of wasted slots on a pathetic alliance. Also, Legion is hardly "untouched" as you claim and I guarantee would rather spend that money to rebuild themselves and not some pissant alliance like GOONS.

[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1300645340' post='2671193']
If we fight until 2013 will you renounce your right to complain about being held at war for two years?

I do believe FAN stated similar things. So no, there is no need since FAN never had too. Face it, if this war reaches 2 years, DH is exactly like NPO of yore. Then all DH needs to do is wait for Karma.

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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1300645257' post='2671189']
Amen brother. Besides. DoomHouse isn't too far away from surrendering. Won't be but another 6 months. That's no time.

MUHAHAHAHA, PB haven't even entered yet. I somehow think you're deluded if we will be the ones surrendering.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1300644104' post='2671177']
I think even with all of the alliances who will receive rep terms combined, that the number will not reach into the billions.
Ummmmmm, have things changed since I posted those 4 billion rep totals Sardonic offered us?

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300648136' post='2671233']
Ummmmmm, have things changed since I posted those 4 billion rep totals Sardonic offered us?
Still less than what we've gotten from our friends just because we're so cute. :ehm:

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300647907' post='2671229']
MUHAHAHAHA, PB haven't even entered yet. I somehow think you're deluded if we will be the ones surrendering.

You need [b]more[/b] help in the future, you heard it here first!

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1300647710' post='2671226']
I do believe FAN stated similar things. So no, there is no need since FAN never had too. Face it, if this war reaches 2 years, DH is exactly like NPO of yore. Then all DH needs to do is wait for Karma.
This argument is quite possibly the stupidest I've ever heard. NPO has an easy out of the war, if they choose not to take they are the ones holding themselves in war. FAN never had the option of surrender. Do you people honestly not see the difference between no option to surrender and a relativly easy one?

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1300648638' post='2671243']
You need [b]more[/b] help in the future, you heard it here first!
Yes, just like how even after GOONs was fighting 10 alliances, they (including NPO, Legion, NSO, and TPF) all needed help against us and called in more people.

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1300648638' post='2671243']
You need [b]more[/b] help in the future, you heard it here first!

Well it's called a MDP bloc. When the 12 or so alliances jumped on us it kind of dictates that our MDP block kicks into action.

Call that help if you wish, I'm not going to cry about it. I'm sure your side will though when it happens.

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[quote name='General Scipio' timestamp='1300648642' post='2671244']
This argument is quite possibly the stupidest I've ever heard. NPO has an easy out of the war, if they choose not to take they are the ones holding themselves in war. FAN never had the option of surrender. Do you people honestly not see the difference between no option to surrender and a relativly easy one?

A month of war isn't really all that easy. The damage they would sustain would almost certainly exceed 50 billion. That they would dish out sizable damage in return is little solace.

Edited by Lord Brendan
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[quote name='General Scipio' timestamp='1300648642' post='2671244']
This argument is quite possibly the stupidest I've ever heard. NPO has an easy out of the war, if they choose not to take they are the ones holding themselves in war. FAN never had the option of surrender. Do you people honestly not see the difference between no option to surrender and a relativly easy one?

I love you Doomhouse types and your shameless attempts at redefining total destruction as the "easy way out". I suppose it's still one step above than asking us to delete all our infra and tech and calling it "a light term that will take mere minutes".

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300648718' post='2671245']
Yes, just like how even after GOONs was fighting 10 alliances, they (including NPO, Legion, NSO, and TPF) all needed help against us and called in more people.

Oh boo hoo, you keep mentioning the number, really now everyone and their monkies uncle knows so stop crying about it. Should of thought about that before you declared an unprovoked war. Also wouldnt call it help against GOONS more like increasing the amount of cash aid that is wasted on your pathectic alliance, whats it going to be at the end of the conflict a 100billion wasted? which they could of spent tech deals.

[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300648822' post='2671248']
Well it's called a MDP bloc. When the 12 or so alliances jumped on us it kind of dictates that our MDP block kicks into action.

Call that help if you wish, I'm not going to cry about it. I'm sure your side will though when it happens.

When this help coming 2-3months+ into the engagement, you have been stating you have won, if won why you need to call more in? Oh wait nevermind you will end up replying going off in a tangent.

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TPF has changed very much. We, the new Government have moved on from what was done in the past. I was not there for it. I do not want to hear about things that Slayer did. Just know what I do and stand for, Loyalty, Honor , and Integrity. You drivel on about the past. We are not driving in reverse so look ahead and watch out for the stuff you've been missing. I march forward to new goals. YES goals. I am not sitting idly by watching reruns like you are. There have been many wrongs done by many alliances, yours included.

[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300647907' post='2671229']
MUHAHAHAHA, PB haven't even entered yet. I somehow think you're deluded if we will be the ones surrendering.
As for you. Will PB rolling in make you any less a weakling? You need more than the double you already have? That is a shame Muffin(Soft and Sweet). Run with your tail between your legs. You'll always be known as the cowards that had to call more and more friends in because they were too weak. GOONS indeed. From what I have heard and read, you have changed naught. I don't care if you change to gooNs, GoOnS, gOoNs, or any such. Your still the same at the core. MK's lapdogs. Run along now. Your master needs you.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300647907' post='2671229']
MUHAHAHAHA, PB haven't even entered yet. I somehow think you're deluded if we will be the ones surrendering.

Lol. A third of the PB's alliances are already fighting us. You're welcome to bring in the rest though.

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1300649150' post='2671251']
Oh boo hoo, you keep mentioning the number, really now everyone and their monkies uncle knows so stop crying about it. Should of thought about that before you declared an unprovoked war.

When this help coming 2-3months+ into the engagement, you have been stating you have won, if won why you need to call more in? Oh wait nevermind you will end up replying going off in a tangent.

Tangent? Why would I need to do that? You do a fine job of that yourself. When this help coming? is that, "when is this help coming"? or what? I'm struggling to understand your English. What part of MDP bloc do you struggle with? The Mutual? The Defence? Or the Pact? You do know they have just been in a large war? You do know that they will join this battle as they are obligated to do so under the treaty we hold with them. Again I fail to see how you struggle with this? Simple much?

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