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An Imperial Announcement from the New Pacific Order

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[quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1299991568' post='2662397']
I might have bought it, but not when you can't even get your emperor to post/sign it. On top of that the entire government should be listed as well as Dilber and the other leaders around during the time of VietFAN I and II. We all know how important the NPO thinks it's emperor is. If it doesn't come from the top it doesn't really mean a whole lot. Get Cortath [i]and[/i] TrotskysRevenge to sign this and then we can call it a start.

This attempt just looks similar to what GOONS did during the Unjust War. Didn't work for them then and I doubt it works for you now.

Cortath isn't available (that's why Mary is Acting Emperor), and Moo posted below your reply.

If it works, and we can start to move forward, great. If not, well, it still had to be said.

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[quote name='TrotskysRevenge' timestamp='1299991790' post='2662404']
The folong was editd by Jasmine so you can red this:

I think it is wonderful that you all know what is in the mind and hearts of the NPO, especially of those who actually wrote the apology or participated in that war.

#1. Cortath is on LoA for RL reasons.
#2. Mary did not have intrawebz for an extended period of time; she came online shortly after it was posted.

Then why not wait until he can post it? It's not like this has to be done [i]today[/i]. It took you two years....what's going to hurt waiting a bit longer so you can do it properly.

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[quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1299991932' post='2662408']
So forced appologies won't be a part of terms from GOONS or supported by GOONS? Good to hear!
Uh yeah, we don't care about that sort of thing, only humorous plays and money, also I doubt FAN forced this.

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[quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1299991568' post='2662397']
I might have bought it, but not when you can't even get your emperor to post/sign it. On top of that the entire government should be listed as well as Dilber and the other leaders around during the time of VietFAN I and II. We all know how important the NPO thinks it's emperor is. If it doesn't come from the top it doesn't really mean a whole lot. Get Cortath [i]and[/i] TrotskysRevenge to sign this and then we can call it a start.

This attempt just looks similar to what GOONS did during the Unjust War. Didn't work for them then and I doubt it works for you now.
OOC: Dilber is currently in a Chinese prison camp.

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[quote name='lordtyrion' timestamp='1299991370' post='2662392']
Maybe FAN will accept this apology in a few years...

That is certainly their right to do so. I do not believe anyone would argue the contrary.

The effort is being made to set wrongs right. This is a nothing but a first step.

It is naturally within their right to see it as such or dismiss it as inconsequential.

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1299990229' post='2662358']
Funny, how many beatdowns did Sparta take place in during their time in Q. When can we see them admit they were wrong for rolling GPA or any of those other alliances
Sparta didn't fight GPA. I have, however, received personal apologizes by government members from FOK, Umb, TOP and VE. I've definitely had members of IRON and NATO apologize to me as well, but I don't remember if they were gov members or not. Outside of TPF, NPO and their peons, there really anyone that honestly thinks that war was justified these days.

[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299990961' post='2662379']
FYI, we weren't wrong for rolling GPA. Rolling neutrals is never wrong.
This is why I support perma-warring your alliance. You've clearly learned nothing over the past 2 years.

As to the issue at hand, I'll wait for FAN to comment before I say anything about the apology to FAN.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1299992063' post='2662414']
Uh yeah, we don't care about that sort of thing, only humorous plays and money, also I doubt FAN forced this.

I wasn't under the impression that this was forced, I just hope you don't end up signing terms where the surrendering party has to appologise to someone, that's what I was getting at :ph34r:

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299988668' post='2662273']
What a goddamn surprise, it's Doomhut, coming out to deride and jump all over this thread.

Apologies during war are worth jack !@#$. You wanna do it, do it after the war, not like they gave a damn about not doing it for over 2 years or at any point during what they did to FAN.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1299993041' post='2662440']
[color="#0000FF"]Are you really trying to justify that war?[/color]
Please see: My second post on this matter. There's not really anything else I can say. You know how to find my DoW from back in the day, if you want to read my justification.

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[quote name='uaciaut' timestamp='1299993220' post='2662447']
Apologies during war are worth jack !@#$. You wanna do it, do it after the war, not like they gave a damn about not doing it for over 2 years or at any point during what they did to FAN.
And you'd say that about apologies post-war too.

Fact of the matter is that this should have been made pre-war. But it wasn't, and as several including myself have pointed out, NPO needed to be slapped around a bit before they could wake up and realize the necessity of this.

VietFAN was without a doubt the single largest crime committed by old Pacifica. However, Doomhut were not the victims, FAN were. You have no right to judge this statement from Pacifica, only FAN does. So why don't you let them.

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[quote name='Malatose' timestamp='1299987806' post='2662251']

There was a time when FAN and NPO were as close as any two alliances could be. We had mutual respect of both leadership and membership; we had similar goals and we had fun. We knew that together we were unstoppable, but we also knew that at some point in the distant future we would be fighting each other in an endgame scenario. Then FAN attacked one of our protectorates and we were at war. That war was clean and fun. Just as we had thought, FAN turned out to be our strongest opponent ever, and the most fun and honorable. Then came our betrayal of our honorable foe; we declared a second time on FAN for an alleged pattern of violations of the terms that ended the first war. Yes, there were violations, but no worse than any other alliance and certainly nothing for which to declare war. We kept FAN at war for almost two years, only ending the war due to the Karma war. There is no worse black mark upon the soul of the NPO than our actions in declaring and perpetrating what came to be known as VietFan. Simple words of "We're sorry" do not begin to make up for our actions. However, words are all we have. Also, Moo personally would like to extend his most heartfelt apology to Wolfe, mpol, and all the other leadership of FAN he personally betrayed. We sincerely hope that at the conclusion of this well-deserved war waged by FAN upon us, the NPO and FAN can work out our issues and begin to repair the damage that FAN incurred as a result of our actions.


[i]Mary the Fantabulous
Imperial Regent of the New Pacific Order
Reformed Neutral Menace [/i]

Additional Note: Due to lack of intrawebs, Mary the Fantabulous, our Regent and acting Emperor, is unable to post. However, she will post at a later time in this thread.

This lacks sincerity and believability, much like ending the war with FAN, and changing your polices about the red sphere, it took a war to see NPO not act like NPO.

You do not get credit for consolatory acts when you are compelled to do so.

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If the NPO really wanted to make up for what they've done they would have surrendered and payed 2 years worth of War Debt, plus the reps DoomHouse will rake in. Pacifica is fighting this war in some kind of way to justify their actions. They figure if FAN and NPO get out all their anger out physically it will fix the mental wounds. This plan has more holes in it than a dam made of Swiss Cheese. Fighting a war is a horrible way to apologize for fighting a war. If you were truly sorry, you would pay your dues and accept your shame. Or, you can continue to fight until we completely destroy NPO's chance of ever returning to power. You are losing this war, no? I see no other reason why you would go from a symbol of Pride and Honor to one of Void Remorse.

Please, for the sake of Planet Bob's future, prove me wrong.

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1299993781' post='2662456']
You do not get credit for consolatory acts when you are compelled to do so.
Again, where on this world are people getting the crazy notion that Pacifica was compelled to do anything here?

Also, why is so much of this coming from PB/DH while FAN hasn't even shown up to respond? Let FAN judge this, it is for them and not for you.

Edited by HeroofTime55
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[quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1299987990' post='2662255']
wow...i'm actually surprised to see this :unsure:

Yea I know very un-expected.

You know if NPO actually is interested in apologizing to people and making up for past wrongs then good for you guys. I'm a little cautious, but being the nice guy I am I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say good job on this one.

Also does IAA get their own thread for what happened with them. Can GATO get their own thread too? Even though I don't like most of them would you like to apologize to all the ex-Legion members too? or do we have to attack you guys before we can get one?

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[quote name='PinkV' timestamp='1299993888' post='2662458']
If the NPO really wanted to make up for what they've done they would have surrendered and payed 2 years worth of War Debt, plus the reps DoomHouse will rake in. Pacifica is fighting this war in some kind of way to justify their actions. They figure if FAN and NPO get out all their anger out physically it will fix the mental wounds. This plan has more holes in it than a dam made of Swiss Cheese. Fighting a war is a horrible way to apologize for fighting a war. If you were truly sorry, you would pay your dues and accept your shame. Or, you can continue to fight until we completely destroy NPO's chance of ever returning to power. You are losing this war, no? I see no other reason why you would go from a symbol of Pride and Honor to one of Void Remorse.

Please, for the sake of Planet Bob's future, prove me wrong.

I don't know NPO from Adam but they were the one's attacked here and to my knowledge have not been given any terms whatsoever let alone a chance to surrender. If there is an offer on the table I'd love to hear what it is.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299993941' post='2662461']
Again, where on this world are people getting the crazy notion that Pacifica was compelled to do anything here?

Because this is so hilariously out of character for NPO that its completely unbelievable that there'd be a scrap on sincerity in it.

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[quote name='PinkV' timestamp='1299993888' post='2662458']
Pacifica is fighting this war in some kind of way to justify their actions.

Please, for the sake of Planet Bob's future, prove me wrong.
No, Pacifica is fighting this war because FAN declared on us. If they want to end it, they know where we are.

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