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[quote name='Rextu' timestamp='1295931485' post='2598465']
A war of epic proportions, featuring:

GOONS as the meatshield
Umbrella as the bank
And MK as the PR consultants

Quite a well written DoW btw

the only people we can meatshield for are other GOONS lol.

Also for anyone who wants to call us a coward and do something about it, you know our address

Edited by Jakome
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Some people just can't handle having power. I think the argument has been made comparing the pre-Karma War era to these nitwits. But, there's good news - when you can't so much as come up with a good reason for going to war, then war itself loses its appeal. Furthermore, as the Karma movement has demonstrated, when you go around bullying people, they eventually rise up and steamroll you. As far as the outcome of this war is concerned - it doesn't even matter, because there's no clear "cause" or "reason", other than "we felt like it", or "we were getting bored". The future of these alliances has now been sealed - they have earned themselves the same reputation that the pre-Karma era NPO has earned itself in the eyes of many. [i]They[/i] are now the hegemony, and have been considered to be as such for some time now. But even as a skeptic, there's no question left in my mind about it now.

If Pacifica (and possibly her allies) triumph, then these people will get what they were after. If not, it's going to foster the same kind of open hostility toward the aggressors here that was seen during the Karma movement against NPO. That's where short-sightedness will get you. So, sallyforth there, "Doomhouse".... ride to your demise. If it doesn't come sooner, it will come later. If it doesn't come by NPO's hands, it will certainly come by your own.

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Despite the rationalizations by the aggressors as to their justified reasons for this decision, they did not do this for any strategical, political, or military purpose. They did this to try and revive a waning Planet. Don't get me wrong, Umbrella, Mushroom Kingdom, and GOONS: I don't really like you much at all. However, what you have done in the greater context of this Planet is...well I don't completely dislike it. ;)

P.S. How does this rank on the all-time list of most replies in an hour?

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1295931420' post='2598456']
Sorry bro, are we not living up to your expectations of how alliances should behave? Welcome to the real world.

I've been in planet Bob as long, nearly as long, or longer than you have, I know how a true alliance should behave, and your alliance is not behaving like that.

This used to be a world of honor, and respect, and people like you, hypocrites like the New Hegemony, once tried to fight for it, now you will destroy it.

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[quote name='Mykelemagne' timestamp='1295931490' post='2598466']
Fascinating. A pack of wild, rabid vermin think they can take down a lion. Good hunting, Pacifica. You will not stand against this injustice alone.
Ever watch those documentaries on Discovery where the Lions and Hyenas clash? Sometimes the Hyenas gang up and win.Their winning from time to time doesn't change the fact that they're still f@#king Hyenas

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[quote name='Sulmar' timestamp='1295931354' post='2598447']
Please, bring it. If you believed all this you would just declare on us now. !@#$%*^.
I believe we just declared on a MDoAP parter of yours. Ball's in your court.

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[quote name='Facade' timestamp='1295930823' post='2598378']
Alas, the age of honor and politics are gone. This world has descended into the likes of a few alliances whose ego's are so large that they may collapse under their own weight, while in the dark recesses of their minds, they know that they will never attain the greatness or superiority of their most hated arch-rivals.

It must be hard to realize that while your enemy was and will be seen with the greatness of political maneuvering and will be remembered as the greatest alliance of the game, you will fall into obscurity and will not be remembered for anything you do. Your own inferiority complex has led you to do whatever necessary to cleanse the game of that which overshadows your petty and insignificant accomplishments. Congratulations Doomhouse, for accomplishing that everyone will remember that at the end of the world, the famous alliance that won the game kept fighting with their dignity and honor, against an opponent whose name will fade from the annals of history.

This has already been praised multiple times, but I figure I might as well throw in my approval. The NPO, although I have hardly ever agreed with them, is undeniably a mighty and great alliance. The alliances of Doomhouse will never achieve the same distinction.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1295931015' post='2598405']
You will be the [s]first[/s] second victim of the CN holocaust.

Darth Sion said it best, "As long as the dark side flows through the cracks of my flesh, I cannot be killed."

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295931474' post='2598463']
[color="#0000FF"]I used to have a high opinion of MK. I guess I am not as good a judge of character as I thought.[/color]

It's LUE. They never stopped being LUE. They simply rebranded.

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[quote name='NewPoseidon' timestamp='1295930907' post='2598389']
Welcome, o Doomhouse and NPO, to this rock-opera of a war. Love your woman. Honor the admin. Defend your alliance. Good luck to everyone and let there be no flaming or whining on the OWF. Don't worry about your infra: everyone will lose a great deal of it. Anyone who stays in peace mode through this thing will be forever a coward, regardless of what they do in the future.

On another note, I think this is a chance for many alliances to rethink their position on Planet Bob. [b] Be warned that if you fight those who fight NpO/NPO and their auxiliaries, [i]you are on their side[/i] whether you intended it to be that way or not.[/b] I hope to see some white peace treaties in the near future.

'if you ain't with us you're against us', eh? perhaps the most classless, stupid, and shortsighted position you could possibly adopt.

i hope you drown in the muck into which you've crawled.

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[quote name='Dan2680' timestamp='1295931532' post='2598468']
Then 4 cowards. The more the merrier I suppose?

Also, I love how you can nit pick on my minor mistake but you cant give a real responce.
Presumes that your post had anything really worth responding to. All I saw was a whole lot of baawwwwwwww.

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[quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1295928088' post='2597854']Recently, the Order of the Paradox tried a first strike as a gambit against the Complaints and Grievances Union. The attack, a clinic in military skill and precision, was doomed only due to politics. While they showed infinitely more bravery than the New Pacific Order, in attacking a foe with military skill and a reasonable relative strength, they also taught a great lesson.
:wub: You have our full support in this MK.

edit: NpO just switched sides!

Edited by President Obama
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[quote name='angryraccoon' timestamp='1295931736' post='2598502']
Kill the monster .. Kill NPO ... Kill the monster .. Kill Doomhouse

everything. must. die.

people don't seem to get it .. time for a reset.

Put it all in no limit no hold em.

I seriously doubt this is going to result in a "reset" once it's all over with. The victors will seize the power and abuse it as always.

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