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Declaration of War

Tulak Hord

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1293006249' post='2549754']
Damn! We were a mere days from ODN's surrender to the triumphant forces of Europa.

No, not really. Whelp, here's too a speedy ZI. Hope you guys are as fun as ODN.

/awaits another sanctioned alliance on Europa

o/ Europa

All of them. Every alliance in the game vs Europa. Bring it.

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[quote name='topgun0820' timestamp='1292998093' post='2549535']
Why not try to post a DoW before you hit multiple alliances. Come on guys 10 Min of nothing but Sparta's Declarations, then the official DoW.
You weren't so perturbed by late DoWs when your own alliance was the one that was late to the owf.

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[quote name='Tulak Hord' timestamp='1292997687' post='2549464']

We here at Sparta love our buddies at ODN. ODN is in a state of war. As such, Sparta hereby declares war on the alliances of Europa and WFF.


I agree with coming to the aid of your allies, but i question if it was necessary considering the already overwhelming odds against NEW and allies.

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[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1293017752' post='2549842']
I agree with coming to the aid of your allies, but i question if it was necessary considering the already overwhelming odds against NEW and allies.

Well, yes. This war is very likely to expand into a global issue. The best tactics, from my point of view is to gain an early advantage and end the war as soon as possible. If NEW and her allies, or Dark Fist and her allies, decide to continue fighting then DoW like this one will continue you to pop up until one side admits defeat.

Justice prevails.

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I... can't see what Sparta are adding to the situation at all at this point. I've always been someone who disagrees with the 'lol, why so many alliances, can't you handle them on your own' nonsense that gets branded around but even I'm pretty amused by the fact that Sparta are getting involved here. I just can't see the benefits. No doubt Sparta can otherwise they wouldn't have done it, would quite like them to share their thoughts though.

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[quote name='DevastationStation' timestamp='1293005211' post='2549746']
Yep, and I was around for that - real easy to botch a blitz when spies were working against IRON (and just about every other ex-heg alliance back then) but, w/e.

I think this is like bringing a tank to a chess game, but whatever floats ya'lls boats.
Thats a crappy excuse and you know it

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1293004702' post='2549737']
Remember Karma war? IRON tried to blitz Rok but got their faces stuffed into the mud mid-blitz(i use this word lightly) courtesy of Fark

you SURE you wanna smack talk?

have fun, Sparta...
I can't let this go without comment as that whole blitz has been over romanticized to the point of legend when it wasn't really. The update before IRON declared, FARK had nations jump the gun and declare on us. When IRON gov went to FARK gov we were given the excuse of noob FARK members just randomly declaring on us for no reason. After we chuckled and thanked them for their attempt at coming up with something plausible we told them they were a day early. They literally knew (as did the entire world) when we were coming in. So excuse me if I fail to view what they did that night as some Herculean effort since it just plain wasn't.

With that said, they did quite well for the most part; just not to the level that it has grown over the nearly two years since that day. Also remember they did not ride alone against us. When an opponent is overwhelmed it isn't exactly rocket science to figure out a way to outperform them; unless there is a different version of the war system that you are familiar with and I am not, wickedj.

Edited for spelling

Edited by Matt Miller
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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1292999942' post='2549644']Does anyone realize ODN doesn't have a single war dec on WFF?[/quote]
Ghost DoW, duh. <_<

[quote name='JonathanB' timestamp='1293000216' post='2549657']everyone should fear us :smug: [/quote]
Apparently. You and WFF should be commended. I kind of feel sorry for WFF though, with their 400,000 NS up against 21.5 million Spartan and ODN NS, not to mention INT and TPE.

[quote name='Evileel' timestamp='1293003990' post='2549734']o/ Sparta & ODN
Its a huge huge honor to fight alongside our allies against a common foe.[/quote]
Well, I'll congratulate ODN on pulling off a nice blitz earlier, but totally not needed against WFF.

[quote name='Griff' timestamp='1293009712' post='2549791']No kill like overkill, I guess ODN is breathing a sigh of relief.[/quote]
I don't know, it might not be enough to deal with WFF and Europa. They should try bringing in Athens too.

[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1293012203' post='2549812']ITT: People who claim they want the war to escalate into a global conflict criticising Sparta for allowing this to happen.

Honestly, you'd complain about anything.[/quote]
You [b]do[/b] realise that making the fight 100 to 1 against WFF is about the fastest way to give VA and DB4D an ironclad reason to [b]not[/b] activate their non-chaining MDoAPs with WFF, right?

Yep, I'm about done here.
Though we may be on opposite "sides" I wish the best of luck to Europa and WFF. May your fight be honorable though your opponents may not show the same favor.
Wish I could have been the one to fight you, WFF... could use an honorable opponent.

Edited by Arrnea
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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1293012203' post='2549812']
ITT: People who claim they want the war to escalate into a global conflict criticising Sparta for allowing this to happen.

Honestly, you'd complain about anything.

Tis true. Sparta had two different goals here.

1. In efforts to totally overwhelm WFF & Company to quickly end the conflict with minimal damage to all side.

2. In efforts to spark a global war, giving access to oh so many more WFF & company's allies. After all, ODN has only so many defensive war slots.

Think of it as Sparta's Christmas gift to the world o Bob, should option 1 or 2 take your fancy.

You're welcome!

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[quote name='Ian Dox' timestamp='1293027081' post='2549940']1. In efforts to totally overwhelm WFF & Company to quickly end the conflict with minimal damage to all side.[/quote]
Because clearly INT, TPE and ODN with their collective 15 milllion nation strength weren't enough to quickly deal with WFF's 400,000.
Therefore, you felt you needed 10 million more to seal the deal.

[quote name='Ian Dox' timestamp='1293027081' post='2549940']2. In efforts to spark a global war, giving access to oh so many more WFF & company's allies. After all, ODN has only so many defensive war slots.[/quote]
WFF has two allies (aside from NEW), both of which are less than 20% of Sparta's NS.
Neither of them are obligated to join this war, given the non-chaining nature of the VnV bloc. Try again.

[quote name='Ian Dox' timestamp='1293027081' post='2549940']Think of it as Sparta's Christmas gift to the world o Bob, should option 1 or 2 take your fancy.

You're welcome![/quote]
Except if we don't like this present, you can't take it back to the shop and get a refund. :v:

[quote name='abdur' timestamp='1293027493' post='2549945']Shh, don't spoil the surprise... Wait till update atleast![/quote]
Not really a surprise if one can see it coming a mile away. <_<

Edited by Arrnea
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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1293006249' post='2549754']
Hope you guys are as fun as ODN.


[i]Nobody[/i] is as much fun as ODN. Even ODN struggles to keep up with that magnificent level of funitude.

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