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Ian Dox

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Everything posted by Ian Dox

  1. The real question is if another alliance sends aid to either NSO or Legion while MK / VE is engaged in this action, will those other alliances be considered as committing an act of war against MK / VE? Based on past conventions of war, I would say yes, but I'm interested in MK /VE intentions.
  2. You had our backs when needed the times I asked. What can I say? Best of luck!
  3. Let's have a nice good war
  4. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299985923' post='2662224'] Correction: Sparta doesn't face obstacles, they run from them and then stab their supposed friends in the back. [/quote] Let's be friends... you look like you need a good hug...
  5. WOO HOO!! Party at #CNSPARTA !!!! BTW, who's idea was to link that song?? I'd rather been Rickrolled; now I'll have Eddie Murphy running through my head all night long... [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/cnSPARTANcn#p/u/11/Qp5ZQcKj3nk"]Should have linked this video instead.[/url] Its abit dated, but still fairly entertaining.
  6. So, I heard there were pizza rolls somewhere around here?
  7. Money sent, don't be cruel.
  8. I have to agree. If you're going to go "for the record" then you'd better be naming names. Otherwise, what's the point of going on the record? If you truely considered it a silly nothing, you wouldn't have mentioned it.
  9. Ian Dox

    Rough night

    Rough night doesn't sound close to it. Hope you get better.
  10. [quote name='Demetrus' timestamp='1298340356' post='2641230'] First TIO, now STA... Evil is afoot. [/quote] I was thinking the exact same thing.
  11. [quote name='Auctor' timestamp='1297202183' post='2626064'] Honestly, after the war we just had, taking a Spartan's advice on anything isn't what any of us will be in the mood for for a very long time. Thanks though [/quote] By all means then, please continue.
  12. Far be it for me to interject my opinion, but I feel that I must. A snipe fest between allies, gov or non-gov, is best behind closed doors, ie IRC or your own forums. All this does is feed the peanut gallery and gives ammo to those who's only goal is to stir the pot. This just leads to hurt feelings and doesn't generally do either of you any good. I'm just saying...
  13. ARGH! Ye be bringing numbers into it!!
  14. [quote name='itida' timestamp='1295810399' post='2594197'] snip [/quote] Two things: 1. itida, I love you. Will you have my kids? Seriously, I'll crate them up with the gogurts and string cheese and ship them to you. B. You forgot to mention where someone said we were good politicians. I'm happy to know that my hard work is reconized and appreciated. To who ever said that, sir, from the bottom of my lukewarm heart, I salute you!!
  15. [quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1295761319' post='2593063'] So not only are you pig headed, but stupid too. [/quote] Prove us wrong. Plenty of room for NSO on the battlefield. Till you show up and actually make a difference, as my King said, NSO is much better at sitting on the sidelines, talking. After all, that's all its been, talk...
  16. Oh my dear Fark! Fark that! The Farking Fark of it all... [img]http://www.cnsparta.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/Smiley-Facepalm.gif[/img]
  17. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1293361994' post='2554295'] Work on your sense of humour, Cam. Anyway, glad to see our allies out of this madness. Although this was funny. [img]http://web.me.com/danflemming/cn/int_sparta_pow.png[/img] [/quote] Reference [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96093&view=findpost&p=2553828"]http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96093&view=findpost&p=2553828[/url] Summary: He was never an official member of Sparta. As a ghost he was asked to remove Sparta from his AA back on December 22. The full information as to that nation is on the link above, along with documentation for those interested in the facts.
  18. [quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1293308012' post='2553726'] [img]http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh39/Space_cuba/Untitle2d.png[/img] You so hard. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/smug.gif[/img] [/quote] Source: http://www.cnsparta.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9523 The ruler of this nation applied to Sparta on December 22. In less than one hour, he was informed by Academy officials that his application was on hold until the end of hostilities. His response was that he had taken the liberty of joining Sparta anyway and had fully joined the war. He was welcomed to do as he pleased as far as the war was concerned, but to please remove Sparta from his AA as he was not an official member of Sparta. The link above is in our public section in the applications forum. Those who are truly interested in the facts of the matter can find them there.
  19. Gratz to one of our oldest and dearest friends! Love my Umbrella, brella, brella, brella
  20. [quote name='General Scipio' timestamp='1293128188' post='2551754'] Boy you guys sure are brave. He challenges you to a fight then you go "No, you have to go rogue on us so we can bring our whole alliance against your single nation. What you don't want this deal? pffft coward," while you at the sametime won't declare war on him and fight him. See the hypocrisy? [/quote] He challenged Luka; not once did Luka challenge him. If he [b][u]actually[/u][/b] were serious, I would expect him to declare when able. If this took place on the street, it would go down like this: Him: "You're a no good so and so. I would totally destroy you. Hit me!" Luka: "Nope, I'm not stupid, thanks for playing." Everyone else: "If he's so big and tough, why does he have to get Luka to punch him? Can't he start his own fights?" So either he would still jump Luka, keep opening his mouth (removing his foot first) writing verbal checks he knows that he won't cash, or he sulks off into the darkness, highlited only by the yellow stripe upon his back.
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