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A final speech from NPO Clerk Sir Paul

Sir Paul

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[size=6][b]A Final Announcement from Imperial Officer Sir Paul of the New Pacific Order[/b][/size]

There comes a time in the course of human events that a man cannot escape his origins; when he must face his past and fulfill his destiny. For me, that is today.

To many, my origins are a mystery. Indeed, I am the longest continually serving member of the New Pacific Order, and many simply assume I sprang forth fully formed from the mind of Franco. But I do have a past, and it calls out to me across the ages. While that past will put me on a collision course with the most powerful and petty men in the world, I must heed the call of my ancestors and confront the divine right I possess and use it for the benefit of my people.

As many of you know, the Mushroom Kingdom is currently ruled by King Archon and his pompous, reckless princes. It has been incredibly painful for me to watch this noble alliance use its hard-won position to bully, raid, and extort, especially from those who helped install the Mushroom Kingdom Co-Prosperity Sphere. The high-ground has been relinquished in a writhing pit of profanity and power. The treatment suffered by the Kingdom is now used as a guide on how she will treat others.

Due to the aforementioned situation, I now know that if the Kingdom is to be ruled properly, I must do it personally. As such, I am retiring from my position as Imperial Clerk and Maestro of the Pacific Orchestra, and declaring myself a Pretender to the Toadstool Throne. The Pacificans have granted me political asylum and I am setting up a shadow government in Francograd that will be in waiting until the Glorious Revolution installs the rightful King on the Throne. Make no mistake: this will not be a violent invasion or reckless takeover, but a peaceful transition demanded by the people to remove the illegitimate princes and their enabling father from power.

Under my rule, the Kingdom will not hold alliances responsible for disavowed members, raiding will be prohibited, aliens will be treated with dignity, and reparations will be outlawed.

My first edict, as King, is to apologize to the New Sith Order for the behavior of my alliance. The Mushroom Kingdom has agreed to pay terrible exactions under penalty of war, and to say that "a deal is a deal" when one side is threatened with destruction is not our way. I have aranged for the full amount of 250 technology and 15 million dongs to be returned to the Order, with our humble apologies.


King Paul
Senior Industrial Regent and Sovereign of the Mushroom Kingdom
Pretender to the Toadstool Throne
November 19, 2010


[size=6][b]2nd Edict of King Paul, Senior Industrial Regent and Pretender to the Toadstool Throne[/b][/size]

It has come to our attention that the New Pacific Order has expelled two members of the Mushroom Kingdom Diplomatic Mission from Francograd. Prior to the incident that dissolved earth’s 195 countries into thousands of fractured city-states, diplomatic relations operated under the Vienna Convention, a tradition that still generally is followed today. Under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations Article 9, a receiving State may "at any time and without having to explain its decision" declare any member of a diplomatic staff [i]persona non grata[/i]. A person so declared is either recalled or, if not recalled, the declaring state “may refuse to recognize the person concerned as a member of the mission.” Having spoken with Pacifican officials, I learned that due to a bureaucratic error, credentials for two Mushroom Kingdom envoys were erroneously accepted against standing Pacifican Policy. The members of the diplomatic mission in question were dishonorably discharged from the Order and may not have access to Francograd without first resolving their outcast status. When the error was discovered, it was promptly corrected and after Kingdom inquiries, the Order, though not required by convention, cited the reason.

In addition, a different member of the Mushroom Kingdom mission created a thread titled “hello npo scum” and proceeded to misappropriate historic Pacifican artifacts as property of the Kingdom. As a service to the Kingdom, an embassy official, not editing the content of the post, changed the title of the thread to “hello my beloved pacificans” to better reflect the content of the thread.

In response, the de facto government of the Kingdom publically posted, in violation of [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94470]Kingdom Poilcy[/url], that the New Pacific Order committed an act of war against the Kingdom (an act the Kingdom has graciously declined to pursue with force of arms) and that the Pacifican Embassy in the Kingdom will be closed. Both alliances have every right to these actions.

As our Second Edict, we hereby apologize to the Emperor of the New Pacific Order and his Imperial Officer of Foreign Affairs. The Order has every right to expel members of the Kingdom’s diplomatic mission at-will and considering the ill behavior of our envoys, certainly had right and cause to amend the title of the thread to something more appropriate. The misappropriation of historical Pacifican symbols for use in baiting and trolling is not conduct becoming a member of our diplomatic mission, and to then air this incident publically with a misleading statement is the irresponsible behavior of a flailing alliance. Upon my coronation, I will ensure such incidents will be dealt with in the future in an appropriate manner.

In the interest of overcoming the historical animus between our people’s, we have decreed the creation of a Pacifican Interests section in our Francograd offices so the Order may continue to have some form of communication with the Kingdom. It is our sincere hope that this diplomatic row be laid to rest and regular, respectful and cordial relations between the two alliances be established.


King Paul
Senior Industrial Regent and Sovereign of the Mushroom Kingdom
Pretender to the Toadstool Throne
November 19, 2010

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[quote]Make no mistake: this will not be a violent invasion or reckless takeover, but a peaceful transition demanded by the people to remove the illegitimate princes and their enabling father from power.[/quote]

How can you be certain that this will not devolve into a brutal civil war?

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This thread has a great premise. If only Sir Paul were in fact joining the Mushroom Kingdom, to start a new faction supporting his Kingship. In recent days even the Reich and the Kommune have fought little, and a new faction would do a lot to make things more interesting.

Alas, the thread turning out to be nothing more than a mockery of its potential is saddening, but indicative of the best NPO has to offer.

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1290283048' post='2518322']
Hate to break it to you, but nobody has cared about your material since CNQ stopped airing.

Thank you for speaking for all of us. :rolleyes:

Great read as always Sir Paul. May you your reign as king be prosperous.

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As a republican I cannot support either pretender to the throne. Off with both your heads.

[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1290283048' post='2518322']
Hate to break it to you, but nobody has cared about your material since CNQ stopped airing.

Get this man some ointment.

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[quote=Sir Paul] tl/dr [/quote]

No no no... you have it completely wrong. [b]I am the true pretender to the mushrooms kingdom.[/b] Sir Paul is a tyrant and i guarantee that i would be many time a better ruler than he. Under the rule of Lenin we shall all live in a harmonious soviet society and roll goons.

Stop while you're ahead impostor Paul, you're embarrassing yourself in front of the true pretender.

Edited by Nikita Ilyich Lenin
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[quote]It has been incredibly painful for me to watch this noble alliance use its hard-won position to bully, raid, and extort, especially from those who helped install the Mushroom Kingdom Co-Prosperity Sphere.[/quote]

I'm trying not to make the but NPO was worse argument, since I think we shouldn't keep on digging up the past. I do however believe that this MK drama is just due to lack of any interesting news. They are far from as evil as you make them seem. A little bit of aid. An embassy closed. I've seen much worse alliances. If MK is the worst alliance we all get to complain about then I think bob is a pretty mild planet after all.

Edited by leprecon
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