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Celebration and Administration!


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The most exciting combination! This month of August marks the the 3 year anniversary of the signing of the first treaty between the Mushroom Kingdom and =LOST=. For three years now we have been allies. For three long years! We have shared enemies and fought side by side with each other every time. There is no parallel to this loyalty. But there is one tiny problem, all this fighting, standing side by side, being friendly and taking over the world together, we sort of lost (did you all miss the great opportunity for a pun here? I bet you did!) the upgraded MADP treaty we signed.

So to remedy this we decided to make it all up again. To honour our shared loyalty and trials over the three years, we stand before you all to show how long a great relationship can last (probably not much longer than this though). It is my pleasure to rectify the quite clearly poor clerical duties of my predecessors and in some ways successors too. The Mushroom Kingdom and =LOST= are now (officially) tied by this magnificent MADP which stands as testament to our unique and unabashedly successful relationship. =LOST=, you come before my infra, I salute you, the best of friends!

The Mushroom Kingdom (hereafter MK) and the League of Shadows Treaty (hereafter =LOST=) are friends closer than any other, we share our enemies and fight together. We show this document to the world as evidence of that bond.

[b]Article I[/b] - Non-Aggression
MK and =LOST= are obligated to refrain from any act of violence, aggressive action, and/or any attack on each other individually or jointly with other powers.

[b]Article II[/b] - Intel
MK and =LOST= will not spy on each other and will immediately inform each other if anyone has hostile intentions on the other. And will share all relevant information required by either.

[b]Article III[/b] - Defence
MK and =LOST= recognize that should an armed attack on either party's nations and/or territories is dangerous to the peace of both alliances. The assisting party will act to meet the common danger in accordance to its charter/constitutional process. MK and =LOST= will maintain open communication with one another to decide the best suitable action to take when the defence of one of the parties is in any need of assistance.

[b]Article IV[/b] - Aggression
Whenever any nation, alliance, or union of alliances poses a clear and present danger to the signatories of this pact and is designated a threat by leadership of the signatories, all members of the signatory alliances—unless bound by treaty to non-aggression or neutrality—shall jointly respond. Such response shall only be sufficient to contain and eliminate the perceived threat and deter future threats.

[b]Article V[/b] - Cancellation
Should either of the undersigned alliances wish to withdraw from this pact notice of their intent to cancel must be provided in private 7 days prior to the cancellation, during which time all provisions of this document will remain in effect.


The Mushroom Kingdom:
- Archon, King
- Rafael Nadal, Princess
- SirWilliam, Princess
- GunneR, Lord High Envoy
- Lebubu, Lord High Inductor
- Teh1337Guy, Lord High Vanguard
- AVFC1, Lord High Communicator
- Infinite Citadel, co-Lord High Treasurer
- James I, co-Lord High Treasurer



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I do not how many other 3+ year treaties are left on Planet Bob, but I'd like to thing that this treaty partnership is amongst the most fruitful relationships that has ever blossomed. =LOST= and MK have shared much turmoil and our labors have only recently cultivated tremendous prosperity. I sincerely doubt that this treaty will ever be canceled, our lifeblood is intrinsically linked. Our :wub: is eternal.

Long Live the Kingdom!

Long Live the Empire!

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