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1. Who were some people that really helped you to learn the game?

Stetson, SilverStar(Gone) in my initial days. And now QH, Buff and Pansy.

2. Who would you suggest some one go to if they were looking for advice on how to be a good MOFA, MOF, MoI, MoD, recruiting etc?

MoFA: Pansy/Buffy


MoI: Buffy

MoD: Pansy

Recruitment: Stetson


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I am a CN auto-die-dact. :(

That said,

Jbone for War
TCK for all things Economical

Mhawk for Spine
DefCat for Ribs
Shakira for Hips (yes I FU deh warz, but I had a nap)

OBM for composure and decency
Peggy for freaking out the Souk
GanTanX for pure bloody minded goodness :v:

Venerable Oriental for a different view
GreenAcres for even a more different view

Azaghul for peek at the other side

Edit: And this:
[i]I learned roguing from fransjosef.[/i]

Heh, love it.

Have Tupolev
Will Travel

Only thing more awesome than his war fighting were his PhotoShop Skills.

0/ FJ! Fighter for Justice and the lost 19 tech!

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[color="#0000FF"]I am what you call a natural. I simply am great, and always have been. People look to me for advice since I already know everything. I thank whoever created this thread for the recognition. The influence of such figures as myself on newer players has long been unrecognized. I deserve credit for sowing the seeds of greatness in others for more than three years. I am grateful that people still remember all that I have done for them, and all that they owe me.[/color]

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It's been a long time since I had to be mentored by anyone, but way-back-when I looked to Striderwannabe. I think he is long gone by now, but I picked up the basics from him. After that, I got select tips on being royalty from Tulak (where I get my crass arrogance on the OWF), and Maroon taught me how to be both a diplomat and an implacable practitioner of Realpolitik. It's been a long road.

Edited by Olaf Styke
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='21 July 2010 - 07:28 AM' timestamp='1279711716' post='2382389']
[color="#0000ff"]I am what you call a natural. I simply am great, and always have been. People look to me for advice since I already know everything. I thank whoever created this thread for the recognition. The influence of such figures as myself on newer players has long been unrecognized. I deserve credit for sowing the seeds of greatness in others for more than three years. I am grateful that people still remember all that I have done for them, and all that they owe me.[/color]
[color="#9932cc"]I would like to thank RV who taught me how to post. In style and color too.[/color]

[quote name='Banksy' date='21 July 2010 - 07:55 AM' timestamp='1279713294' post='2382403']
Joracy is my one true hero.

(I feel really dirty for saying that).

Honest to god, you should. I mean, just leave.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='20 July 2010 - 05:42 PM' timestamp='1279676503' post='2381703']
1. Who were some people that really helped you to learn the game?[/quote]

Napoleon from Illuminati gave me a really good foundation in FA, Tulak helped as well. IA-wise I wasn't so much as taught how to do it right, so much as I learned from how terrible it was being done in the alliances I was in. War... tech raiding was my best friend on that front, though Bakunin sending me his guide circa GW2 also helped a lot, particularly on instant anarchy. In terms of organization and the like, I would say again trial and error and learning from mistakes. LoSS taught us a neat trick in GW3 by, well, using it on us. Shame I haven't had cause to use it since.

[quote]2. Who would you suggest some one go to if they were looking for advice on how to be a good MOFA, MOF, MoI, MoD, recruiting etc?[/quote]

Recruiting: Jtkode or Porkers.
MoFA: Tums, Archon, Delta, Kev [from Corp], and even Rush from Athens could all give you pretty good advice on that front.
MoD: Impero, I suppose.
MoF: Dwitty. No question. Or Janquel.
MoI: James_I could probably sort someone out in terms of handling things internally.

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[quote name='chefjoe' date='20 July 2010 - 11:30 PM' timestamp='1279683041' post='2381927']
Anytime I have a question about FA or alliance politics I allways ask Ramirus..... :blush:

So it was Ram who said "roll Hyperion to get at MK because we said CZ couldnt play CN anymore".... It all becomes clear now... :)

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Ninja R, Liberal Extinction, Jason8, Electron Sponge, Durim, Empress Theodora, s1phrx, Chefjoe, Lady Dakota, VanHooIII, TailsK, and Bilrow have all been influential in one way or another in how I look at and play the game in one way or another.

There have also been other people and situations I have learned from over my time here. Too many to mention really.

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[b]1. Who were some people that really helped you to learn the game?[/b]
ScoobyDooby-doo showed me the game twice (he requested me rejoin the game a year after I quit initially) besides that that I simply read guides watched how others worked and learned from listening. I know some people well enough yet they do not know me so I suppose you can call me a lurker. No one really mentored me nor inspires me some just have more connections or put far more effort to get where they are and I know I could do the same if I cared.

[b]2. Who would you suggest some one go to if they were looking for advice on how to be a good MOFA, MOF, MoI, MoD, recruiting etc?
[/b] I would recommend Merlin of Brevia on Economics and Defense wise since he knows the mechanics of the game inside and out.

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I forget who was the lucky kid who taught me everything I know. I just remember him attacking a friend, and I attacked in return not knowing which buttons to press in what order. It isn't too hard to figure everything out, though, and since then war was easy. Spending a couple months in the unaligned AA, even three years ago, is a great way to learn all kinds of things.
FA and stuff I learned by myself, too. It is just talking to people. I haven't really gone to anyone about what to do except for the occasional question to a fellow gov member. Perhaps this is why SLCB FA sucks so much?

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[b]1. Who were some people that really helped you to learn the game?[/b]
TFD's founder, Tamurin, and TFD's most influential member, Lusitan. Both of them have had an enormous impact on how I was brought up and who I represent today. There are also other mentors that deserve credit too, such as Firebolt, Sir Volpe, and even Phil - all from TFD. From external alliances, I looked up to figures such as Ogden Chichester (CCC), raasaa (NV) [Hey saa, remember that lesson you taught me about trade circles? I'll never forget that. :ph34r: ], and even the late Francesca (MCXA, Vox, and wherever else she ended up). All of these people have had an impact on who I am today, whether they realize it or not.

[b]2. Who would you suggest some one go to if they were looking for advice on how to be a good MOFA, MOF, MoI, MoD, recruiting etc?[/b]
MoFA - Lusitan. Many of you CN Forum loungers might not like him. Some of you may hate him. But he knows how to run the Foreign Affairs department. He taught me the way of the dark side, so surely he can teach you too.
MoF - I can't name just one. We've had several amazing ones that have done wonders in our economic department. One right after the other too. I guess the first to start with would be Lusitan. Yes, he does Economics too. In fact, that's where he started. Another would be KingAdam. Another would be Basileus. And another would be our current one: The Iggy.
MoIA - Tamurin. He's an amazing organizer. He puts everything in perfect order with his magic touch, and then it all runs like clockwork. Don't ask how, he just does. Another good one is Samwise from GOP. She knows her stuff. :)
MoD - Well, KingAdam has never been an MoD before, but I reckon he'd be a kickass one. I also think Hakim from NATO is excellent.
MoR - TFD's recruitment department has never been good. Well, except back when Johnnydriver ran it. But that was ages ago. I honestly think the best person to contact about this would be Abdur, formerly in charge of UPN's amazing recruitment program, and now running his own alliance, DRAGON.

I've also held jobs in every Ministry, being MoIA, MoE (Education), currently FA, and some important roles in everything else not mentioned. I'm always open to advise anybody if they want to learn the ways. Besides, I always had a soft spot for my Education position - so teaching is kind of what I do. :blush:

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I learnt most of what I know from Steelrat (economics) and Syzygy (idealism), though all the old school Grämlins from when I was new were very helpful. I've also learnt FA tips (good and bad) from various alliance governments in my time in Citadel and Continuum. But my basic approach – pragmatic idealism backed up by military power, particularly at the top tier – remains the same.

As for where to go for lessons on various aspects of the game, look at the successful alliances. TOOL can probably still give you some recruitment tips. The alliances that make the core of a power cluster at times in their history – NPO, TOP, MK, NpO – can give you FA tips. And those that are at the centre of winning a war can give you military ones, though military strategy evolves fairly quickly as the state of nations moves forward so the masterminds behind Karma and Bipolar are probably better to go to than Initiative or Continuum/1V people at this point.

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[quote name='GearHead' date='21 July 2010 - 02:19 PM' timestamp='1279718324' post='2382469']
MoFA - Lusitan. Many of you CN Forum loungers might not like him. Some of you may hate him. But he knows how to run the Foreign Affairs department. He taught me the way of the dark side, so surely he can teach you too.

Hate me? Who? :(

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In chronological order

Golan1st (FA and Game Mechanics)
Pingu (FA and Internal Diplomacy)
Bodvar Jarl (FA and Game Mechanics)
Aesis (FA and Game Mechanics)

Golan is hard nosed and lives (and ZIs) by his values. Fortunately, I also don't know anyone (even in TOP) more capable of nation building.

Pingu (along with some RL college professors) taught me to really appreciate perspectives other than my own, and to thinking critically about interpersonal problems.

Bodvar knows the mechanics of this game like the back of his hand, and is the penultimate pragmatist.

Aesis just amazes me every time he posts. FA, Milcom, Game Mechanics, Strategy, everything. The guy is brilliant. When I find myself disagreeing with him, I stop posting and re-read what he said.

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As far as people who are still around providing me guidance, probablementeno, Thomasj_tx and gamer42_au are probably three of those that I trust the most, although there are certainly others.

But since I am on my second nation, and there was a multiple year gap between them, I'll throw out a few others I learned a lot from: Fraternite, Angevin & Salpta (who have to be taken as a pair, it was their debates I learned from), Machi, and I learned some very important early lessons from Shay.

^ I have obviously spent all my time in the GPA :P

Edited by Don Chele
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[quote name='LJ Scott' date='21 July 2010 - 09:10 AM' timestamp='1279721433' post='2382507']
I live and die by the random number generator.

All hail the Generator.

edit: serious answer: bossk and ochocinco taught me the basics of leadership, though I think I learned far more working side-by-side with Sceptor and Roquentin over time.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='20 July 2010 - 09:42 PM' timestamp='1279676503' post='2381703']1. Who were some people that really helped you to learn the game?[/quote]Slashes-With-Claws, MercyFallout, Zbaldwin, AlmightyGrub, and RandomInterrupt.

The people I think have had the biggest influences on me listed chronologically.

[quote]2. Who would you suggest some one go to if they were looking for advice on how to be a good MOFA, MOF, MoI, MoD, recruiting etc?[/quote]Foreign Affairs: Penguin, Moridin, RandomInterrupt, Bob
Finance: Penguin, NotSane
Internal Affairs: Zbaldwin, GEwilliam, RandomInterrupt
Defense: AlmightyGrub, Slashes-With-Claws

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