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Its likely that if you serve your alliance in any way, you didn't make things up as you went along but learned from others.

My question for all of you is two fold.

1. Who were some people that really helped you to learn the game?

2. Who would you suggest some one go to if they were looking for advice on how to be a good MOFA, MOF, MoI, MoD, recruiting etc?

For myself, I learned a lot from three members of MCXA when I first started playing when I was in BTO as well, they were Gopherbashi (then MCXA's chancellor, AndrewHG(current chanceollor), and Todzumteufel(former MOFA.) I still find myself needing advice from time to time though. For example I love being able to go to Bilrow and Bros for technical help. I also find myself asking Hoo for advice when I want a non MCXA perspective on something. I'm curious what you all recommend for specific things?

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Well I learned a lot while in GPA, with members like Kristien Marie, Kung Fu Geek, Emperor Fu, KeyStroke, El Bruc, Su Won Kong and others.

Today for an advice I'd suggest Dajabo, Random, Penguin or/and PJ.

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1. I have had many teachers. Among my first were nate1865 and KeyStroke from CCC, then later there were KingRich from NpO, and Graham and Dodo from TOOL, among others.

2. If I wanted tips on FA (which I wouldn't, because besides being diplomatic and nice 99.5% of the time, I suck at FA :P) there are a few people I'd go to. I'd obviously want a balanced perspective on world politics, so I'd hit up someone like KeyStroke or Sun WuKong (both of whom know what neutrality is like but have also had the experience of being non-neutral), then probably Archon, Heft, RushSykes, Gopher, Ogden Chichester, Dilber, and of course the one and only Mia :wub: Probably others too. I'd definitely want to chat to Das Girl too, since she's been around longer than anyone else still on this rock called Bob.

For war, KingRich from Polaris. The man is epic to the power of googol. Also whoever wrote RIA's war strategy books :P They could have taken us on by themselves in UJW2 and still won. Don't get me wrong, the others put up a helluva fight, but RIA was a cut above.

For recruitment (another thing I am horrible at), I would go to TPF's current recruitment department. Seriously, did you see the results they put up in the "TOOL Throwdown?" They owned the rest of us without even trying. Well over a hundred recruits when none of the rest of us even came close to three figures.

Minister of Finance? Atora. The man is amazing. He even had a hand in training TOOL's current MoF, who isn't too shabby in his own right.

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[quote name='Uralica' date='20 July 2010 - 10:09 PM' timestamp='1279678148' post='2381758']
so I'd hit up someone like KeyStroke or Sun WuKong (both of whom know what neutrality is like but have also had the experience of being non-neutral), then probably Archon, Heft, RushSykes, [b]Gopher[/b], Ogden Chichester, Dilber, and of course the one and only Mia[/quote]

Ironic, since I can count on one hand the number of times I've done anything FA-related. :P

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[quote name='Gopherbashi' date='20 July 2010 - 09:25 PM' timestamp='1279679082' post='2381806']
Ironic, since I can count on one hand the number of times I've done anything FA-related. :P

Heh,yep, but you have the advantage of having the gratitude of people who read the the ASR, so what you lack in experience you could easily make up with respect.

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1. No one really. As I explained in one of my blogs, I came from a small alliance that just gave me a MoFA position on joining so I learned from a school of hard knocks how to play. I'm surprised I made it this far.

2. Sgummo over at GATO is a wonderful MoDA person. Greg23 isn't really bad either. I think LM had some wonderful ideas concerning economics of the game. Where MoD is concerned I think Impero over at VE would be a wonderful person to learn under. Magicninja, Kerschbs, and Wootmiester done a good job modernizing our defense staff too. where immigration is concerned I think as Uralica mentioned Das Girl would be awesome. Abdur was pretty good too. I guess I'll just say myself for Foreign Affairs. I saved Super-Grievances three times. How good is that?

[quote]I'd definitely want to chat to Das Girl too, since she's been around longer than anyone else still on this rock called Bob[/quote]

Das Girl is probably the single best recruiter ever.

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I learnt from the peeps in TOOL (some who are no longer there). Gamemaster1, Captain Mudfoot, Atora, Bama and Dodo. Throw a bit of Mia in there as well :v:

If I wanted advice on something, I generally turn to something/someone from RL. I've got copies of SunZi's [i]Art of War[/i] and Hobbes' [i]Leviathan[/i] in my room for that purpose (well, not only for that purpose. They're great reads). It's either that, or... make it up as I go along :P. CN isn't THAT complicated o.o

Edit: BB code fail

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I started CN in TGE, there I observed Kaiser Frederik II and Vlad Dracula while history has not been kind to either they did have good things to teach those that were willing to learn. Rommelgrad and Totenkopf also come to mind from my days there.

However the bulk of it comes from various Rokkers, Hoo, of course, GenLee, Snipah, MechaSheikh [in MK now], Bad Omen, Ghostlin, Werner Hoffman, Pomiel, mykep, Supreme Kaiser SNH [Alien], DeathDealer and even Chairman Hal [Valhalla now].

It has never been an overt, "come here let me teach you" or "how do i handle this, oh wise one" more of observing how they handle a particular situation and finding out what went down behind the scenes. Some times it has also been teaching in the sense of how not to handle a situation.

Oh forgot to mention TailsK [in TOP now, i think]

Others that come to mind : Randomly Jim, Xiphosis, Emperor Norton I, Crushtania, Azaghul, Denzin, well almost anyone you come across on Planet Bob, even people like RyanGDI and Dr. David Banner. Everyone has something to teach you.

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[quote name='R3nowned' date='20 July 2010 - 10:57 PM' timestamp='1279681042' post='2381872']
I learnt from the peeps in TOOL (some who are no longer there). Gamemaster1, Captain Mudfoot, Atora, Bama and Dodo. Throw a bit of Mia in there as well :v:

If I wanted advice on something, I generally turn to something/someone from RL. I've got copies of SunZi's [i]Art of War[/i] and Hobbes' [i]Leviathan[/i] in my room for that purpose (well, not only for that purpose. They're great reads). It's either that, or... make it up as I go along :P. CN isn't THAT complicated o.o

Edit: BB code fail
Oh hey a mention, didn't expect one of those... ^_^

Gotta agree on the mention of -Bama, Captain Mudfoot, atora, and Dodo though. Real blessing to any alliance they happen to be in...and some of my favorite peeps.

Too bad you're getting inactive in your old age, -Bama :P

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I got my crash course in nearly all things Cybernations from Altheus and Hans from UPN. Samotopia (in MK now a days) had a lot to do with teaching a healthy bit of perspective. I generally did my best to pick things up as I went along.

Now when I need advice I try and pick the brains of Magister Agricolarum, Samo if I can find him, or WickedJ. I like asking WickedJ about things because most of the time his advice is that I should get my nation stronger so he can nuke it back to the stone age.

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Who were some people that really helped you to learn the game?

Azural, Delta1212, and Moth of RIA. Xiphosis and Mixoux as well.

2. Who would you suggest some one go to if they were looking for advice on how to be a good MOFA, MOF, MoI, MoD, recruiting etc?

MK seems to have all those down pat. Xiphosis/Delta1212 for MoFA though.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='20 July 2010 - 07:42 PM' timestamp='1279676503' post='2381703']

Its likely that if you serve your alliance in any way, you didn't make things up as you went along but learned from others.

My question for all of you is two fold.

1. Who were some people that really helped you to learn the game?

2. Who would you suggest some one go to if they were looking for advice on how to be a good MOFA, MOF, MoI, MoD, recruiting etc?


1. ThatFalGuy showed me how to set up good trades, & why the set I have now makes more money than one that promised a higher dollar value. Oh, and how to do basic admins and work irc decently. (I am sooo technologically challenged)

For FA, Jazzi taught me the importance of keeping logs, ways diplomats can promote their alliance & build ties, & how to build an FA department. I learned more from observing how she set things up than I have in the three years since.

War, mhawk was my first real teacher. Bob Sanders & Tronix taught me a good bit on mechanics & tactics, Lys & bnt taught me how to run a military.

I've had other help along the way, from an awful lot of people, but those ones I consider my mentors.

2. I think if you are looking for advice on how to do a good job, you should make note of those that get good demonstrable results and ask or watch them.

Nice choice of topic by the way. I like it.

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Im someone thats gotten this far based entirely on experience and cleverness.

Despite who I've rubbed shoulders with, I can't really think of anything they taught me that I didn't pick up and learn myself.

If I were to say that there was one player that inspired me to take Online Politics seriously, I would say it's someone whom I hardly ever spoke to back in a certain game almost 6 years back named Encyclopedian. We came from the same RP community, and then wound up applying to the big political body back in those days, but he suddenly vanished off the face of the internet...

So I decided Id take it seriously, because he didnt get the chance, or something, meh.

Its good to see that a lot of folks think so highly of their seniors, but for me? I never had any real tutors or anything like that.

I had friends, and colleagues. And thats all there was to it.

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Ninja R. He didn't teach me stuff personally, but I learned from him. I always admired Starfox too along with R_V. I'd say Hoo, but I never thought of him as a mentor, just a guy who was smarter than I was.

Doitzel, Schattanamanatan, and E_S taught me some stuff, but once again, that was more through admiration and paying attention to them rather than a mentor/menetee relationship.

I learned roguing from fransjosef.

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[color="#9932CC"][b]As a fairly new GATOan I have been a collector of Mentors. Omni and Timlee have mentored me in FA; Manis_B and Clockwise have mentored me in Finance; Abdur mentored me in recruitment; Kirke of OBR mentored me in trades.

These have been my mentors so far. They have been great and helpful beyond comparison.[/b][/color]

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