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quigon jinn

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Everything posted by quigon jinn

  1. [quote name='C Mos' timestamp='1289749694' post='2512769'] It's just up to the players to advertise the game and to make this game interesting themselves. [/quote] See, here's the deal: the game, from a gameplay standpoint, is bad. There is absolutely no end game, literally no incentive for people to desire war, because that war causes people to quite easily lose [b]years[/b] of worth. A new nation such as my own has no chance to ever catch up to the larger nations regardless of ability. Players have a responsibility in all games but the player responsibility is not to make up for gameplay flaws. It's simply not human nature to squander things which take years to make. It just is not - and because the game caters towards this sort of result from anything interesting (like aggressive actions, or war) it becomes boring. Players have responsibility sure but it is a responsibility within reason. Expecting people to act in ways generally considered irresponsible to make up for game flaws is going to result in this game dying permanently.
  2. [quote name='C Mos' timestamp='1289705640' post='2512488'] A reset in my eyes, will cause a lot of people to leave.. My guess, majority of large nations who spent years building up to where they are. [/quote] Those nations are also a large part of the problem with the game at the moment, so I guess it's a lose-lose situation.
  3. I tend to be very introspective, which for some people is a turn off - I always appreciate discussions about very 'deep' issues, and why I believe certain things. *shrug* I'm not going to date or marry someone who doesn't appreciate that so I guess it's not really an issue.
  4. [quote name='C Mos' timestamp='1289683686' post='2512138'] Not sure if anyone pointed this out but I'm going to go ahead and post this link, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=91309&st=140&p=2433408&#entry2433408"]here.[/url] A quote from admin. [/quote] There are a lot of reasons this game has slowly been declining. Unfortunately, it's likely any of them will ever change.
  5. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1289413623' post='2509476']3. I'd like to see more changes to the game, but Admin is reluctant to make them for fear of driving off more players. Constructive criticism, fewer threats to quit if change "x" is made, more suggestions for improvements, and celebrating when they are made instead of grumbling would go a long way. [/quote] This is all bs. The game is already complicated (and boring) for most new players, so more changes will not really change anything from their perspective. Second, I do not believe for a second the number of people who'd quit because of changes will ever rival the number of people who get bored and just stop playing. Not to mention resistance to change will always happen, in almost all circumstance, because it's human nature - expecting people to get gung-ho about changes is not realistic. But just because something is temporarily unpopular does not mean it is a bad change for the long term stability and growth of the game. I highly doubt many people would be too upset if admin allowed us to buy 100 infra in one purchase or adding tank/aircraft casualties or something changed with the obnoxiousness of resources, etc. Yeah, if some trivial change not addressing issues lasting for multiple years (some 2, 3, or 4+) you'll probably get flak. But that also makes sense, because seeing something which matters ignored for things which do not is annoying.
  6. Sometimes, the people arguing for a particular position I believe actually cause me to lose faith in that belief. This is one such case. In this case, I am inclined to be on the "side" (if you can call it a side) of NSO. The reps were advantageously taken by an alliance in a politically superior position from an alliance with far less political clout. But seeing that position argued so [i]poorly[/i] makes me ashamed to even consider such thoughts...
  7. I love how people are making fun of people for spending what looks to be $80 on a RL flag, when hundreds (thousands?) of people spend $20 a month on their nation and get no permanent thing out of it. At least if you get a flag you'll have something 10 years from now or whenever CN finally meets its end.
  8. I think it's safe to say there are plenty of good ideas for ways to address some key issues with Cybernations and player retention. The question I have is - do those with power to make those changes (ie the admin and moderation staff) have the desire to implement them? Because all we players are going to do is get our hopes up otherwise.
  9. [quote name='Ironfist' timestamp='1289006009' post='2503347'] Agreed. I doubt there's much use for it >_> even in a nuclear war. [/quote] It's probably a nice feeling knowing you can go nuclear rogue for a year, easily, whenever you want though
  10. [quote name='LJ Scott' timestamp='1288964320' post='2502896'] Yeah I can't it anywhere. Either on our forums or here, just the upgrade. Weird. [/quote] http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=53510 Fourth post down.
  11. [quote name='javaswiller' timestamp='1288942257' post='2502792'] One asked, why the resource swap. ... The swap wasn't originally for me; it was for a bigger buddy. But I discovered I get Scholars, Beer and Fast Food during the swap. So the MIC would be worth an extra $4 / day ... if I collect during this particular resource swap. I have been leaning toward FAS, or maybe Movie Industry. My warchest would be sufficient, but not ideal, to expand to the Moon. [/quote] What resources do you swap specifically?
  12. Got this event again - it still is not affecting citizen count.
  13. I just got it about 5 times in a row trying to respond to a PM... *shrug* It went away when I went back to the forum index, then to teh PM again.
  14. Alas! Such pain to see such things as these. Tears come, of joy and sorrow, remembering things which were. Unfortunate circumstances tore me away, away from such an abbey as Redwall once was. Fighting for that keep - such a glorious keep! - a chill runs through my veins thinking, thinking of our battle cry. Tried and true, friends until the very end. Awakened from sleep, born to fight, Kronos was forged by fire to something great. Crying out - Redwaaaaaall! To arms! - now you sleep. And sleep well my old friend. You will forever remain, a place in the hearts of those who once walked your golden halls. To those afflicted souls I beg thee peace. We shall not grieve, but remember fondly. Watching from afar, across these fields of time - take heart my friends. Smile with tears of joy - not of sorrow or regret. For things must be. I salute you Kronos - may you rest in peace. [quote]And those that have three times kept to their oaths, Keeping their souls clean and pure, Never letting their hearts be defiled by the taint Of evil and injustice, And barbaric venality, They are led by Zeus to the end: To the palace of Kronos[/quote] o/ Kronos \o Eulalia! Eulalia! Eulalia!
  15. [quote name='Kirke' timestamp='1288872921' post='2501812']Getting on IRC and actually talking with both government members as well as those who are not will be your best bet. You should feel that you are comfortable and confident in the alliance you choose. [/quote] This would be my advice as well. Understanding the type of people you are around is key, because for this game - if you haven't figured this out yet - the overwhelming majority of the game itself is from the community; the game itself is relatively slow paced and boring. Interactions between the players, both on this forum, alliance forums, and IRC are what keep people here - not the game itself. If you are interested in learning more about GPA (as several people have suggested here) feel free to stop by our forums ([url="http://forums.cn-gpa.com/"]here[/url], shoot me a PM, or find us on IRC - let me know if you have no idea what IRC is :-)
  16. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1288843435' post='2501555'] I'm having the same problem as the OP and it seems to have gotten worse recently. [/quote] I get this on and off and have been since starting here.
  17. only 20. It will be, but almost assuredly you would be better off collecting at day 20 and then not losing 3 collections.
  18. why do you swap for uranium/lead? that makes... no sense - unless you somehow trade out marble for lead, to get scholars?
  19. [quote name='Jenno' timestamp='1288559166' post='2498258'] After a harbor and a foreign ministry, what would be the next most recommended nation Improvement? Thanks. [/quote] Factories are probably ideal. If you are selling tech especially they are ideal (and you should be selling tech).
  20. Furs is a bad resource when paired with resources it does not fit into circles with. Do navies use total purchased land, or total land area? Because furs forcing nations over 1k total land would be incredibly rough for native furs nations...
  21. I guess that is true as well. It just seems a bit silly that you can do this, as it somewhat negates the use of the Gather Intel spy op (ironically it lets you use more spyops to destroy money once people have less as you no longer need to use it to find their warchest)
  22. In TE recently I lost a lot of infra in a row to air/CM strikes but was not GAed. As a result I had significantly more soldiers than my infra supported.
  23. Are game mechanics set so that you can figure out exactly what someone's warchest is simply by defeat alerting them (if they have less than $100,000,000)?
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