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quigon jinn

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Everything posted by quigon jinn

  1. [quote]Firstly - an aircraft carrier would never be the most powerful surface ship in the fleet.[/quote] .... I am pretty sure that since December 7th, 1941 that has been relatively well accepted as true.
  2. Forgive what might be a stupid question, but how exactly does DEFCON affect soldiers? [quote]DEFCON 5 - Normal peacetime military readiness. (+2 happiness, +20% initial soldier cost, [b]76% soldier efficiency[/b], tank, navy, aircraft strength in battle) DEFCON 4 - Normal military readiness, increased intelligence and strengthened security measures. (+1 happiness, +10% initial soldier cost, 81% soldier efficiency, tank, navy, aircraft strength in battle) DEFCON 3 - Increased military readiness above normal readiness. (+0 happiness, +0% initial soldier cost, 86% soldier efficiency, tank, navy, aircraft strength in battle) DEFCON 2 - Increased military readiness, but less than maximum readiness. (-1 happiness, -10% initial soldier cost, 93% soldier efficiency, tank, navy, aircraft strength in battle) DEFCON 1 - Maximum military readiness. (-2 happiness, -20% initial soldier cost, [b]100% soldier efficiency[/b], tank, navy, aircraft strength in battle) [/quote] [quote]Beside your solider counts in-game you will notice a number in parentheses such as Soldiers: 100 (135). [b]The number in parentheses beside your actual solider count is your soldier efficiency level.[/b] The soldier efficiency level indicates how well your soldiers control your population happiness and perform in battle. In the example provided here the (135) indicates that your 100 soldiers make an effective fighting force of 135 soldiers. Soldier efficiency levels are affected by certain trade agreements such as Aluminum and Pigs, improvements such as Guerrilla Camps and Barracks, certain events, and certain government types. When fighting ground battles against other nation's battle odds are based off each nation's soldier efficiency level however casualties are based off REAL soldier numbers. [/quote] I recently changed from [img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/DEFCON/DEFCON5.gif[/img] to [img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/DEFCON/DEFCON1.gif[/img] but my soldier efficiency did not change. So that has me confused about how DEFCON actually affects soldier strength. The phrase "soldier efficiency" is used all over the game to refer to modifiers for the (#) behind your soldier count, and I'm a bit confused. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  3. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=843 That sticky does not have the formula for the purchase cost of tech specified anywhere. This appears to be available due to things like the following tool : http://www.mrfixitonline.com/cyber_nations/techcalculator.php Any help would be greatly appreciated! -Quigon
  4. I'm looking for maximum income. NOT maximum profit. I know I can temporarily trade for lumber/iron and get my bills to the same cost they are with my 3BR easily. But I'm not as sure which set gives maximum income.... am I not making this clear? Everyone seems to be reading "income" as "long term profit" which is not what I am looking for
  5. [quote name='ratonbox' date='03 June 2010 - 03:54 PM' timestamp='1275602059' post='2322516'] because they want nukes. Also, keep in mind that for small nations(up to 5k infra, where your improvement slots are pretty much maxed out) maximum income trade circle is almost always a 3BR + Fish (all that thanks to extra improvement slots and more people to collect taxes from). [/quote] That's maximum profit, not maximum income though. I'm looking for maximum base income - it's possible to temporarily trade for iron/lumber and greatly reduce bills when in a max-income set (thereby greatly increasing profit above the 3BR set) but much harder to take a 3BR and trade out the construction resources for the maximum collection set.
  6. [quote name='Sand Demon' date='02 June 2010 - 06:56 PM' timestamp='1275526555' post='2321343'] Can anyone give me an idea on what is the better trade off, Lost a trade partner but since I'm at a confortable Infra level for now thought I would go the way of increasing my income rather then reducing infra cost. So at the moment I need to decide, Keep an extra 3.5 Happyness(+14) and have citizen count of 22.5% or [b]37.1% citizens with only 10.5 happyness [/b] Anyone? [/quote] That is unbelievably more superior.
  7. [quote name='asawyer' date='03 June 2010 - 08:58 AM' timestamp='1275577099' post='2322093'] The maximum income set is usually Fast Food, Aff Pop, and Fine Jewelry with uranium as the last resource. You can swap something out for wheat if you want a stronger population bonus, but the 4 happiness bonus from Fast Food and spices is greater than the $7.50 you can get from uranium. Your resources are incredibly flexible so you can pretty much chose whatever trade setup you want. [/quote] Why would you ever choose uranium over wheat for a max income set though? That doesn't make any sense at all
  8. I believe it would be (for larger nations, not sure for smaller ones): Resource list: - Cattle - Coal - Fish - Furs - Gems - Gold - Pigs - Silver - Sugar - Uranium - Wheat - Wine which gives affluent population and fine jewelry, and replaces the spices with uranium (-4 happiness for the weird bonus uranium provides, not exactly sure the max)
  9. Hello, Is the following the maximum income trade set: Affluent Population Fast Food Fine Jewelry Wheat ? (all the required resources for Fast Food/Affluent Population/Fine Jewelry are included) Also, what is the maximum income set someone with Fish/Uranium could achieve. I'm having a little trouble determining it because it doesn't appear to be so obvious. Many thanks, Quigon edit: punctuation
  10. As a new nation, I really like this channel. I'm trying to optimize my nation as much as possible and so have a lot of questions for my alliance and everyone!
  11. Hello, Is is public knowledge what the formula to purchase technology is? I will be tech dealing and want to optimize the discrete purchase plan I use for each batch of 50, but I cannot do this without knowing the formula. Thanks in advance, Quigon
  12. This is a mess right now due to some people I thought were interested backing out, I'll post updates as they come.
  13. I don't think so http://coloholics . net/index.php? showforum=4858 Quigon
  14. This is for a permanent trade circle with 3 Bonus Resources of Beer, Construction, and Fast Food. The Wildcards are Fish and Uranium. Purple is preferred but not necessary. Please post your resources and nation link if you are interested. Thank you. Bonus Resources: [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090728190538/cybernations/images/9/95/Beer.GIF[/img] -Beer: [i]Increases population happiness + 2.[/i] [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090730204246/cybernations/images/d/d7/Fastfood.GIF[/img] -Fast Food: [i]Increases population happiness + 2.[/i] [img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090729183710/cybernations/images/1/15/Construction.GIF[/img] -Construction: [i]Reduces infrastructure cost -5% and raises the aircraft limit +10.[/i] Resources: [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090730202700/cybernations/images/4/42/Aluminum.GIF[/img] -Aluminum: [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090730202809/cybernations/images/6/66/Cattle.GIF[/img] -Cattle: [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/cybernations/images/6/64/Iron.GIF[/img] -Iron: [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/cybernations/images/f/f6/Lumber.GIF[/img] -Lumber: [img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090729055448/cybernations/images/5/5b/Marble.GIF[/img] -Marble: [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090728190146/cybernations/images/6/64/Pigs.GIF[/img] -Pigs: [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090730203316/cybernations/images/3/35/Spices.GIF[/img] -Spices: [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090730203245/cybernations/images/2/26/Sugar.GIF[/img] -Sugar: [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/cybernations/images/a/a8/Uranium.GIF[/img] -Uranium: Quigon Jinn [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090728190312/cybernations/images/7/7a/Water.GIF[/img] -Water: [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090728190400/cybernations/images/c/cb/Wheat.GIF[/img] -Wheat: [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090728185556/cybernations/images/a/a7/Fish.GIF[/img] -Fish: Quigon Jinn Please post here or message me ingame (link below). http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=403758 Thanks! Quigon Jinn
  15. [quote name='GunslingerGirl' timestamp='1274057547' date='16 May 2010 - 06:52 PM'] CyberNations seems pretty cool I guess, I plan to post here plenty...thought I'd refer you to a pretty cool nation-building/strategy forum that just started up with a lot of favorite nations, territories, strategies, armies, and other stuff, it's pretty fun if you like building your own nations. Anyway, hope to see you both here and there, I guarantee you'll enjoy it if you give it a chance. Check it out: LINK REMOVED[/quote] Hi, I got this message from someone (gunslingergirl) which strikes me as complete spam, it was sent with a link to a very sketchy forum. Not sure if this is normal or not. Thanks! Quigon
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