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quigon jinn

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Everything posted by quigon jinn

  1. Ask Bilrow, in the New Pacific Order. I have heard it said that he parses all aid information and so could check that for you
  2. Interesting. This is a nice complement to the huge thread.
  3. Hello Nivalis, There is a discussion channel on IRC (a chat program) specifically for these sorts of questions - I learned a TON there and am very glad I chose to ask questions. You can go to http://chat.mibbit.com/ Choose "Coldfront [webirc]" in the top dropdown box, put your name there, and then type "#cn-econ" into the box that says channel, and you will join a channel dedicated to things like what you are asking -Quigon
  4. [quote name='Baldr' date='24 June 2010 - 06:52 PM' timestamp='1277427104' post='2349309'] I'd question the "52% are positive and 48% are negative" numbers there. I don't know for sure, but that doesn't match my experience. I'd also say that some so-called "positive" events are essentially neutral. For instance, I had an event which lowered soldier cost, but since I wasn't at war, it had no effect. Overall, I'm pretty sure that events hurt more than help. However, overall, I think it makes a minor amount of difference, and that everyone else has to deal with them too, just like I do. [/quote] The event I have right now is basically the same as "income reduced by 5%" That's not really a minor difference at all. -5$ affects a nation with not all the wonders or improvements a heck of a lot more than someone with max improvements and some wonders. Kinda weird that newer players are hurt more by events, when conceptually a bigger nation would have a much higher "cost" associated with events such as earthquakes, huge floods, etc.
  5. [quote name='Pomiel' date='10 June 2010 - 11:00 PM' timestamp='1276232405' post='2332887'] As for how I update it, I open the stats page for every alliance included in these blocs in Google Chrome. Manually I save the source code in an HTML file. Next I run a script which will parse through each of these downloaded files locally. It spits out the formatted bbcode which I can just post in here. All of the data saved is logged. [/quote] I am pretty sure you could save yourself a lot of hassle if you used firefox, stored all the alliances you want to pull data from as bookmarks, opened them all at once (pretty easy to do with firefox). Then use an add-in to save all the tabs as html in one operation (instead of each one over and over). It'd cut the time down to nearly nothing to get all that statistical information.
  6. [quote]6/10/2010 7/10/2010 A group of citizens have petitioned for the renovation or rebuilding of a damaged section of old highway. Option selected. See Current Response. [b]Option 1: Build a new highway section and close down the old section. Land area -10%. [/b][/quote] This modifier to land is not taken into account when calculating your total population. -Quigon
  7. [quote name='Captain Calcium' date='20 June 2010 - 11:51 AM' timestamp='1277056246' post='2343913'] Moved to Question Center. I *believe* you can get events either when paying bills or collecting taxes, but don't quote me on that. [/quote] It's a discussion too - I would like to find the most optimal ways to AVOID events. If it is a percentage odds on collection/bill paying, I should simply avoid paying bills and/or collecting taxes as much as possible then to avoid them right?
  8. [quote name='Baldr' date='17 June 2010 - 04:49 PM' timestamp='1276814979' post='2341115'] OMG! People who have been playing for years have an advantage over people who just started! [/quote] There are differences between permanent advantages and non-permanent advantages. For example, a nation with 6000 infrastructure right now might be horrible at managing their trades/economy/growth and so I can catch up (well at least to some extent) via superior nation management. But if that person is good at using their aid slots, I will always be behind in tech - no matter what - unless they get destroyed or something. No matter how much "better" I am at nation management, I cannot catch up to them in tech b/c of the inherent age dependencies. Maybe I should just hope for a global war as you say then =P
  9. Are events supposed to make the game more fun? I keep getting events that hurt my nation and it's really annoying, especially since I'm a relatively new player. How many can you have at one time? I'd like to think that you can only get three at once (which is what I have) but is there a limit? You get them when paying bills right - is there a certain percent chance? It seems the liklihood is going up I never got one my first 26 or so days but have now gotten 3 in the past 12 days. This does not bode well for my nation.... Any advice on how to avoid events or answers to those questions would be great. It seems really weird that it would be ideal to [i]avoid[/i] paying bills as much as possible to avoid events, but I think I'm going to have to do that to stop my nation from having earthquakes and floods or damaged highways. Thanks! -quigon
  10. [quote name='Fizzydog' date='18 June 2010 - 10:47 AM' timestamp='1276879652' post='2341995'] What exactly does the infra jump "do"? [/quote] If you go from 3999 infra to 4001 infra, your bills increase significantly (10% I believe). So if you don't add enough income to make up for the 10% bill increase, you might actually be making less money after buying that infra than before (especially if you only buy a small amount).
  11. [quote name='xenon' date='17 June 2010 - 03:00 PM' timestamp='1276808384' post='2340974'] the jumps are 20, (200 maybe, but the first two are too tiny to bother doing anythings special for) 1000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 8000, 15000, and 25000 If I remember correctly :s [/quote] There's a bunch of jumps in that - 20 / 100 / 200 - but you are right, by the time you know what an "infra jump" is you are well past them :-) see here for formulas - http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=87261
  12. [quote name='iMatt' date='16 June 2010 - 10:05 PM' timestamp='1276747517' post='2340294'] This is correct, but I understand quigon's point and agree with him that gaining a month on nations further ahead in tech buying is more important than just buying infrastructure. It's a one time thing, since after that tech prices to up *a lot*, but all the same. If you want to catch up (at least by a month more than what you would be) this is the only way. [/quote] Right. It sucks that there is no way possible for me to catch up to people with a lot of tech, due to how the game works. So I have to engage in "non-optimal" gameplay strategies to try to compensate for disadvantages inherent based on when I started playing to gain "back" some of the time I've lost with respect to people who have been playing 4 years (!). There is simply not a way to overcome this barrier, because even if I play at a 100% efficiency level with aid slots, I still will have a maximum tech import of 500 (600 if I get the DRA wonder) a month. I can increase my cash/infra efficiencies through temp trading and skillful back collections, but I can never increase that tech efficiency above the standard tech import. Nor can I increase my number of wonders above one every 30 days. So it makes sense for me to do whatever I can to overcome the inherent obstacles resulting from game mechanics, instead of playing the "standard growth" game most of you had the luxury of playing, because you started months if not years ago.
  13. [quote name='Lanore' date='16 June 2010 - 08:33 PM' timestamp='1276742014' post='2340207'] Now I'm confused. Why is there no jump at 6k? I thought there was a jump at every level. 999.99 1999.99 2999.99 3999.99 ect ect ect. Did I miss something? [/quote] There are at all those values, but after 4000, it's 5000, 8000, and 15000.
  14. [quote name='Wappas' date='14 June 2010 - 12:55 PM' timestamp='1276541725' post='2337389'] unless it is an additive thing BASE*(TECH mod+NAVY mod) [/quote] I'd assume that all the other modifiers being cumulative (infrastructure/income/etc) that it would also be that way? guess I'm not sure how to confirm this though without someone being nuked
  15. [quote name='xR1 Fatal Instinct' date='12 June 2010 - 11:05 PM' timestamp='1276405490' post='2335903'] 2% from base damage or 2% after tech is included in the damages. [/quote] It would be the same either way. BASE * (tech modifier) * (1.02) or BASE * (1.02) * (tech modifier) both give the same result.
  16. edit: doh, I was reading it backwards... for some reason I thought that attacker was on right, defender on left. This is from the nuclear news reports. Slaughterhouse fired 11 nukes on 6/12 (yesterday) but has 23 nukes today. I do not know how this is possible... it looks like the most you can by a day is 2 (with the wonder), but that would mean that he should have 25 - 11 + 2 + 2 = 18 of them. Or is there something else I am missing? The most you can have is 25 right? [quote]Slaughterhouse Bubbler Nation 6/12/2010 12:14:56 AM Direct Hit Slaughterhouse Bubbler Nation 6/12/2010 12:14:40 AM Thwarted Slaughterhouse Bubbler Nation 6/12/2010 12:14:34 AM Thwarted Slaughterhouse Bubbler Nation 6/12/2010 12:14:29 AM Thwarted Slaughterhouse Bubbler Nation 6/12/2010 12:14:25 AM Thwarted Slaughterhouse Bubbler Nation 6/12/2010 12:14:20 AM Thwarted Slaughterhouse Bubbler Nation 6/12/2010 12:14:15 AM Thwarted Slaughterhouse Bubbler Nation 6/12/2010 12:14:11 AM Thwarted Slaughterhouse Bubbler Nation 6/12/2010 12:14:06 AM Thwarted Slaughterhouse Bubbler Nation 6/12/2010 12:14:02 AM Thwarted Slaughterhouse Bubbler Nation 6/12/2010 12:13:57 AM Thwarted[/quote]
  17. [quote name='Baldr' date='12 June 2010 - 10:55 PM' timestamp='1276404925' post='2335887'] The highest a calculator needs to be able to handle is 500 tech, which is the requirement for level 9 planes. Buying tech directly beyond that point makes little sense. [/quote] I have heard it said that 1000 tech costs ~70M, buying from zero. I'd like to verify this though somehow. The extra 500 tech there is a full month of 3M/100 tech deals - which I would say is completely worth it for a nation trying to have some chance at catching up to larger nations in tech (obviously this is impossible). Especially when 70M for that much tech is cheap (you'd have to pay 30M if you did all of it at 3M/100 anyways, and you can buy this all *instantly*).
  18. Is this formula not public knowledge?
  19. [quote name='flak attack' date='10 June 2010 - 11:59 AM' timestamp='1276192741' post='2331817'] I believe the HMS Glorious and the USS Gambier Bay are the only carriers in history to be sunk by naval guns and both were small light carriers. Oh God I don't even want to begin counting. Yamato, Bismark, Musashi, the three Italian battleships from the Battle of Taranto, USS Oklahoma, USS Arizona. And that's just off the top of my head. [/quote] That was moreso a rhetorical question But that point is why the strength difference between carriers/battleships is quite true. The Japanese lost a lot of their battleships in WWII to carriers. British lost several battlecruiser type ships as well at the start of the Japans entrance. Very little "battleship vs carrier" success ever happened.
  20. I'm selling tech for worse than 3M/100 and I am pretty sure I am handily benefiting from it. I probably will attempt to switch to 3M/50 at the time those expire, but to say that offers worse than 3M/50 tech cannot benefit sellers is... really not the case. I'm probably not going to be selling tech for a whole long time though, perhaps 120 days or so, because I'm on a fast track plan for nation growth, consisting of my first wonder at 45 days and hopefully beginning the tech purchase route at about four months or so.
  21. Doesn't that mean you could anarchy yourself by deploying soldiers in DEFCON 5, if it brings you below the 20% mark (say you have no other soldier efficiency modifiers)?
  22. Those of you who've worked with your own functions in Excel may find these valuable for nation planning in Excel - much easier to use when you can figure out the costs in your sheet realtime. Note: the total discount factor is the percent off you get. So with 5 Labor Camps, Iron, Uranium, and Lumber, for the TotalDiscount you would put 0.5*0.97*0.9*0.92 = 0.402 in that particular example. Other variable names are straightforward. Let me know if you have questions, otherwise enjoy! [code] Function InfrastructureCost(CurrentLevel As Single, NumbToBuy As Single, TotalDiscount As Single) As Single Dim endTotal As Single Dim curPurchased As Single Dim curCost As Single Dim curIncAmount As Single Dim totalCost As Single endTotal = CurrentLevel + NumbToBuy curPurchased = CurrentLevel totalCost = 0 Do If curPurchased < endTotal Then 'set buy amount If (endTotal - curPurchased) > 10 Then curIncAmount = 10 Else curIncAmount = endTotal - curPurchased End If 'find total cost Select Case curPurchased Case 0 To 19.99 curCost = curIncAmount * (500) * TotalDiscount Case 20 To 99.99 curCost = curIncAmount * (12 * curPurchased + 500) * TotalDiscount Case 100 To 199.99 curCost = curIncAmount * (15 * curPurchased + 500) * TotalDiscount Case 200 To 999.99 curCost = curIncAmount * (20 * curPurchased + 500) * TotalDiscount Case 1000 To 2999.99 curCost = curIncAmount * (25 * curPurchased + 500) * TotalDiscount Case 3000 To 3999.99 curCost = curIncAmount * (30 * curPurchased + 500) * TotalDiscount Case 4000 To 4999.99 curCost = curIncAmount * (40 * curPurchased + 500) * TotalDiscount Case 5000 To 7999.99 curCost = curIncAmount * (60 * curPurchased + 500) * TotalDiscount Case 8000 To 14999.99 curCost = curIncAmount * (70 * curPurchased + 500) * TotalDiscount End Select totalCost = totalCost + curCost curPurchased = curPurchased + curIncAmount Else Exit Do End If Loop InfrastructureCost = totalCost End Function Function BillCost(ByVal CurrentLevel As Single, ByVal TotalDiscount As Single) As Single Select Case CurrentLevel Case 20 To 99.99 BillCost = CurrentLevel * (0.04 * CurrentLevel + 20) * TotalDiscount Case 100 To 199.99 BillCost = CurrentLevel * (0.05 * CurrentLevel + 20) * TotalDiscount Case 200 To 299.99 BillCost = CurrentLevel * (0.06 * CurrentLevel + 20) * TotalDiscount Case 300 To 499.99 BillCost = CurrentLevel * (0.07 * CurrentLevel + 20) * TotalDiscount Case 500 To 699.99 BillCost = CurrentLevel * (0.08 * CurrentLevel + 20) * TotalDiscount Case 700 To 999.99 BillCost = CurrentLevel * (0.09 * CurrentLevel + 20) * TotalDiscount Case 1000 To 1999.99 BillCost = CurrentLevel * (0.11 * CurrentLevel + 20) * TotalDiscount Case 2000 To 2999.99 BillCost = CurrentLevel * (0.13 * CurrentLevel + 20) * TotalDiscount Case 3000 To 3999.99 BillCost = CurrentLevel * (0.15 * CurrentLevel + 20) * TotalDiscount Case 4000 To 4999.99 BillCost = CurrentLevel * (0.17 * CurrentLevel + 20) * TotalDiscount Case 5000 To 7999.99 BillCost = CurrentLevel * (0.1725 * CurrentLevel + 20) * TotalDiscount Case 8000 To 14999.99 BillCost = CurrentLevel * (0.1755 * CurrentLevel + 20) * TotalDiscount End Select End Function [/code]
  23. [quote name='Czar Kiev' date='08 June 2010 - 10:34 AM' timestamp='1276014844' post='2328915'] The Pacific campaign is definitely a good example of a modern carrier battle group, but remember what we're actually comparing here. And as I said before, it may very well be the case that their "strength" measures force projection. (though shouldn't a landing ship be beneath an aircraft carrier?) The reason these naval units are used in-game are to demolish naval defenses and then support ground troops. Since airbases are obviously not an issue (in the sense that your air force can apparently circumnavigate Plant Bob), the actual power of an aircraft carrier - an air force - is moot. Unless you're telling me 4 RIM7s and CIWS are superior to the USS Missouri's 16inchers? [/quote] How many carriers have been sunk by battleships (or other surface ships)? How many battleships have been sunk by carriers? If you are saying that a carrier is not potent without its airforce is a reason it should be less powerful than a battleship for example, what makes that example any different than saying one man should be more powerful than a battleship (since the battleship without a crew cannot really do anything)? 'Course that does nothing about the Destroyer/Cruiser/Battleship discrepancy....
  24. So the information index is incorrect? The post you linked to doesn't help solve the issue at all as you don't seem to have a full understanding as to how that text is meant in game either (from your posting in the other thread). If it means "effectiveness" instead of efficiency it would be greatly appreciated if the information index was updated accordingly!
  25. Also, I'm not sure if this should go here or in the Question Center; I posted it here as it relates to the FAQ but it is definitely a question.
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