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[quote name='Gopherbashi' date='18 July 2010 - 10:40 PM' timestamp='1279489229' post='2377801']
One would think that you'd at least bother to spell another alliance's name correctly when cancelling their treaty - especially when said treaty was the oldest military treaty on the books.

What he said really.

I know that I and a number of other MCXAers are shocked and disappointed at this decision.

I hope the next war finds you with friends who were as loyal :)

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[quote name='WalkerNinja' date='18 July 2010 - 03:56 PM' timestamp='1279482950' post='2377667']
Ah, after all of the RON jokes we come to find out that independent action is only really laudable if everyone else agrees with and condones the actions that you take independently.

Happy Independence Day, IRON.
So is this an admission of IRON's previous vassalhood? They were led around by the nose [i]until now[/i]?

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I am not really sure what to say about this overall. On one hand I can't say I am sad for the event, on the other I would expect a bit of gratitute from IRON to all the alliances who went down for them when they had no obligation.

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[quote name='juslen' date='19 July 2010 - 09:40 AM' timestamp='1279485610' post='2377741']
But you know very well that IRON is trying to pull themselves out of the rut that has had them in the cross hairs in nearly every single war over the last 2-3 years. Some of those situations they put themselves in by being allied with NPO back in the curb stomping days. They made a lot of enemies, they still have a lot of enemies.[/quote]
My heart bleeds.

Also, what is up with all this 'independent' nonsense? IRON still holds high level treaties with some of the more competent alliances on 'that side of things.' If this were a stockmarket, i'm sure the price of an IRON treaty would be climbing, but this isn't exactly a Gremlins (or rather, original IRON) move. Congratulations on your new policy, but as one alliance, this changes nothing. If this is the start of a wider movement, I will watch with baited breath~

Sad to see the end of the MCXA-IRON MDP, but good luck to you in your new direction.

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Pretty obvious most folks don't have a clue about what is happening. Peeps in the know won't say, so welp, that's OWF for ya. Sorry, gotta be cool.

Oh private canals for the swim and such.

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IRON can do what they want for all I care, but when they try to justify that there is mutual friendship between them and their ex-allies that's not going to fly so well. Just look at some of the responses in this thread from those alliances.

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[quote name='mcp13' date='18 July 2010 - 06:13 PM' timestamp='1279491191' post='2377840']I know that I and a number of other MCXAers are shocked and disappointed at this decision.

I hope the next war finds you with friends who were as loyal :)
As loyal as MCXA?

Edited by Tarikedai
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[quote name='pd73bassman' date='18 July 2010 - 12:01 PM' timestamp='1279479647' post='2377543']
Cleaning house I see, stepping out of the meatshield role for once

ROFL Your so funny :lol1: Not.

[quote name='Captain Flinders' date='18 July 2010 - 12:08 PM' timestamp='1279480112' post='2377561']
Transparent and shallow move is, well, transparent and shallow.

Useless comment is well useless. There is nothing transparent about this.

[quote name='Anu Drake' date='18 July 2010 - 12:19 PM' timestamp='1279480725' post='2377584']
Don't know why you really did it, but I thought our ties were unbreakable. Glad to have followed you into the breach all those years (months) ago only to see us tossed. We always took up the sword with you when it came down to it, and felt our brotherhood to be sound.

Good luck, IRON.

That NATO logo looks good in red. Have a nice day.

[quote name='Duncan King' date='18 July 2010 - 12:20 PM' timestamp='1279480801' post='2377591']
Wow, I'd have never pegged IRON to pull a LOSS/UPN.

Good luck, I guess. Guess that means I get more time with Echelon, Old Guard, MCXA, and NATO.

And I'd have never pegged you an $@! DK, looks like I was wrong. Have fun with your new toys.

[quote name='Quinoa Rex' date='18 July 2010 - 12:22 PM' timestamp='1279480939' post='2377598']
Picking and choosing treaties to "forge a new path" when you're allegedly still friends will all parties is mighty fishy. Did I miss the memo about when it became kosher or laudable to mass-cancel treaties?

I think you need to fry that fish before it rots. If those friends are not with you as you "forge a new path" you can still have them as friends. As for the multiple cancelations in one thread, not all alliances are attention whores and donÂ’t feel a need to make multiple posts about the same thing.

[quote name='Lord Brendan' date='18 July 2010 - 12:31 PM' timestamp='1279481467' post='2377622']
You can use all the frilly political words you like, but you really can't weasel out of the fact that when you cancel a treaty with someone, it's because your relationship with them has degenerated. Maybe this was a good decision, but please drop the "still friends" garbage.

That's not to say you have to suddenly become enemies now, of course. You can still be cordial with each other, obviously.

Did you not get the memo? You can be friends with someone without licking their $@!. There are different levels of friendship and you dont have to hold a treaty that is not working to hold onto a friendship.

Edited by ironchef
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[quote name='Tarikedai' date='18 July 2010 - 05:40 PM' timestamp='1279492840' post='2377870']
As loyal as MCXA?

I know we screwed up in Karma,with coalition of cowards, but we quickly admitted it an moved on. We do work hard to honor our treaties, have good communications with our allies, and I am proud of the job my alliance did in the last war of sticking up for our treaty partners. We did sacrifice over half our NS. I'd like to think we really took it to MHA as well.

Edited by supercoolyellow
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[quote name='Arcturus Jefferson' date='18 July 2010 - 05:19 PM' timestamp='1279491574' post='2377842']
So is this an admission of IRON's previous vassalhood? They were led around by the nose [i]until now[/i]?

I'm sorry, perhaps my point was a bit subtle.

The persons that I was directing my post to were the persons that habitually made the RON joke over the past three or four years. If we assumed that they were correct, that IRON was not independent, then certainly a shift of this magnitude could not have been sanctioned by any fictitious overlord. Surely [i]this[/i]--the breaking of bonds that so many others have perceived as ensnaring puppet strings--must be an independent action.

But no. Now they are simply assumed to be enslaved to cowardice and an unwillingness to fight on a losing side. Nevermind Karma or the Second Unjust War. Never mind those. Truly, IRON is wholly populated with self-serving puppet cowards.

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I'm not sure whether I'm disappointed or excited about this announcement. Not sure what you're trying to achieve either IRON. You just dropped a bunch of people that stuck by you through a lot a few months ago.

Good luck with this new direction, which ever direction it may be.

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Good luck to IRON and all the other parties involved.

Strange thing, for a thread about IRON and her relationships with her allies, there seems to be an awful lot of SuperComplainers clucking away. Crown not sitting well?

Edited by O-Dog
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[quote name='Hogosha' date='18 July 2010 - 05:08 PM' timestamp='1279490864' post='2377831']
Thank you, ironchef, I'm sure you're speaking just for yourself and not for IRON or TORN here...
Well you're correct in that sentiment, actually.

If you're speaking to our own motivations for our treaty drop of NATO, it came out of a treaty review that began ~a month ago, and few of us had really gotten to know you guys on any level. Seeing as our relationship had little potential for growth and little communication, we cut ties. I can't honestly speak for much else on the matter with authority as I have been on long-term hiatus.

In any case, yes, ironchef speaks for ironchef.

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[quote name='WalkerNinja' date='18 July 2010 - 06:59 PM' timestamp='1279493926' post='2377886']
The persons that I was directing my post to were the persons that habitually made the RON joke over the past three or four years. If we assumed that they were correct, that IRON was not independent, then certainly a shift of this magnitude could not have been sanctioned by any fictitious overlord. Surely [i]this[/i]--the breaking of bonds that so many others have perceived as ensnaring puppet strings--must be an independent action.
Ah yes, there is rejoicing across Planet Bob tonight as news spreads that IRON will not longer be marching to the wardrums of TAB. And all this time we had everyone fooled into thinking that TOP was calling the shots.

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[quote name='WalkerNinja' date='18 July 2010 - 06:59 PM' timestamp='1279493926' post='2377886']
I'm sorry, perhaps my point was a bit subtle.

The persons that I was directing my post to were the persons that habitually made the RON joke over the past three or four years. If we assumed that they were correct, that IRON was not independent, then certainly a shift of this magnitude could not have been sanctioned by any fictitious overlord. Surely [i]this[/i]--the breaking of bonds that so many others have perceived as ensnaring puppet strings--must be an independent action.

But no. Now they are simply assumed to be enslaved to cowardice and an unwillingness to fight on a losing side. Nevermind Karma or the Second Unjust War. Never mind those. Truly, IRON is wholly populated with self-serving puppet cowards.
The problem with your reasoning here is that no one thought IRON was ruled by any of the alliances they canceled on here.

EDIT: Doh, hi Gopher :3

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[quote name='Drai' date='18 July 2010 - 05:36 PM' timestamp='1279492580' post='2377858']
IRON can do what they want for all I care, but when they try to justify that there is mutual friendship between them and their ex-allies that's[/quote] still not your business.

[quote name='Drai' date='18 July 2010 - 05:36 PM' timestamp='1279492580' post='2377858']
Just look at some of the responses in this thread from those alliances.
Yes. Actually look at them. IRON's treaty-less affection isn't universally unrequited, albeit it is not quite the situation I like to see.

[quote name='ironchef' date='18 July 2010 - 05:44 PM' timestamp='1279493039' post='2377874']
That NATO logo looks good in red. Have a nice day.
Woah there. You calm down now too.

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I for one applaud the cancellations. Although the cut runs deep, the MCXA is no longer the power house she once was, and therefore I suppose this culling of the herd will be beneficial for both sides.

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[quote name='Gopherbashi' date='18 July 2010 - 06:06 PM' timestamp='1279494369' post='2377894']
Ah yes, there is rejoicing across Planet Bob tonight as news spreads that IRON will not longer be marching to the wardrums of TAB. And all this time we had everyone fooled into thinking that TOP was calling the shots.


Yes Feanor, our plans are coming along purrfectly.


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[quote name='joracy' date='18 July 2010 - 03:45 PM' timestamp='1279482314' post='2377650']
By...uhhh, canceling a bunch of treaties? You've reduced your treaty count, which is cool I guess, but a lot of people are sitting around scratching our heads on what this actually accomplished, and how this is creating a new path. This isn't one of the those cases where you're going to get bashed either way because people dislike you, you're going to get bashed either way because you fixed nothing, and playing it off as some giant change in policy.

I also find all the "we are still friends!" hilarious, when, pretty clearly, you aren't. Theres a time and place for that line, and it's in those few legitimate situations where that happens. Trying to spin a situation where thats not the case as being like that reeks of incompetence. You can probably stop trying to convince NATO et al that you still love them in public, and you don't mean to insult them and they were great and loyal allies. By the looks of things, they are reading you loud and clear. They just aren't getting the same message.

IRON clearly should have canceled these treaties on the brink of a large scale war in order to qualify up to ODN's standards.

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I don't see how IRON can expect anyone to take them seriously with their "forging a new path" talk if they're going to keep making jokes about the way ODN acted two years ago.

I mean, if you want a role model for how to turn your alliance around and into something respectable, ODN easily top the list.

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[quote name='ironchef' date='18 July 2010 - 06:44 PM' timestamp='1279493039' post='2377874']
I think you need to fry that fish before it rots. If those friends are not with you as you "forge a new path" you can still have them as friends. As for the multiple cancelations in one thread, not all alliances are attention whores and don’t feel a need to make multiple posts about the same thing.
I don't think you could have missed the point any more if you tried.

It's not about making multiple posts, and it's clear a lot of the alliances who were cancelled on don't view IRON as a friend. The meat of the matter is thus: cancelling on your allies en masse has [i]never[/i] been an acceptable move. I [i]guarantee[/i] that had MK done such a thing (not that we ever would), you would be skinning us alive. I'm disappointed that anyone is trying to make it out to be fine and dandy. I mean, hell, I hold no love for any of the alliances IRON cancelled on, and I [i]still[/i] think it was a rotten thing to do. Blah, blah, realpolitik, whatever. Bailing on your friends will gain you no respect when push comes to shove.

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