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Purple Curbstomp


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[quote name='nicktheww2fanatic' date='10 February 2010 - 05:36 PM' timestamp='1265819768' post='2172721']
how the heck did we wrong iFOK?
You where on purple, and oh hey the Stickmen had "We want to destroy Purple" . They didn't want to fit in, and now they cry about why others don't like them.

Ah well it are just pixels, you can buy new ones.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' date='10 February 2010 - 03:09 PM' timestamp='1265814548' post='2172594']
Our plan was to get all Stickmen alliances to one color to increase the tightness of our bloc. That's it.

Oh, ok then, good to know. :P

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[quote name='kriekfreak' date='10 February 2010 - 03:09 PM' timestamp='1265814548' post='2172594']
Our plan was to get all Stickmen alliances to one color to increase the tightness of our bloc. That's it.
Well after we have all thrown hell at each other and this is done, be sure to drop by and maybe we can help sort out those trade issues some of you have been having.

And before anyone tries to get butthurt over this, remember trades are MUTUALLY beneficial.

But for now, back to the pew pew pew pew.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' date='10 February 2010 - 11:07 AM' timestamp='1265818040' post='2172683']
This has all been explained in high detail and I'm not gonna rehash everything for you. Even if I did, you will disagree anyway. So what's the use?
You've explained it before. I know what you have to say. And yes, I disagree.

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[quote name='Locke' date='10 February 2010 - 04:57 PM' timestamp='1265817462' post='2172671']
So you picked the color with probably the tightest color bloc around, and then proceded to poke and jab at them whenever possible?

If I seriously said that when deciding to go in to the purple, we weren't thinking of poking you a bit and stirring the pot. Surely it wasn't our primary reason and as kriekfreak already has explained, the first and foremost reason for us moving was really further integration which would allow us to work as a single muscle even in sphere politics but yeah, some of the stuff we've been accused of definitely was there. Shouldn't that be obvious? Even though we love to be pragmatic about what we do and are hardly an irresponsible lulzy group of alliances, you all should know us well enough to know our intentions were completely innocent, one of the driving factors was certainly amusing ourselves with poking our sticky stickmanry at purple. And if you go all "ha! gotcha!" about this, it pretty much means you're goddamn naïve or merely a hypocrite anyways, so don't bother even trying. I'm looking at you, Alterego.

But does this mean any of the hyperbole in this thread has anything to do with reality? God no, "conquering" purple or any other crap like that is just inane. And seriously, you should know that if you've been working with us. Right after we joined, we negotiated with the Purple rather intensively and the talks were.. rather curious. I mean, it's not like we didn't want to search for friends in purps, after all, we do have some pretty great alliances here. It's not like we marched into your sphere, starting to spew insults and jabs at everyone we saw ffs. We were ready to cooperate with you economically from the beginning, even seriously planned joining PEACE. We even agreed to go by your senate policies even if we couldn't disagree with them more. Some of your guys welcomed us pretty warmly and against them, we haven't been acting like arses either. But still, in the other hand, there were people who pretty much declared they don't want us to their sphere and certain lovely individuals even answered to our humble attitude in the talks with thinly veiled threats. I admit some of the Stickmen folks went over the top and I personally have never really endorsed the petty trolling that's been going around occasionally as I have a soft spot for actually inteligent debate. But if you're implying this all can be tracked back to just that and not some of your gov members' absurd reactions and general hyperbole being incited by certain PEACE individuals, I call shens. Because it takes two to tango, Locke.

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[quote name='juslen' date='10 February 2010 - 10:12 AM' timestamp='1265796729' post='2172392']
Ahhhhhhhh yes.. 4 purple alliances declared war on R&R. I can count the wars, actually I have every single war documented via a spreadsheet. There were 175 of them. R&R's 4.3 million NS Vs. 16 million NS on Purplol.[/quote]
No Purple alliance declared on R&R and R&R arent fighting alone. They are part of a curbstomp, just like the DoW they arranged said they were.

[quote]Was R&R crying curb stomp? Nope[/quote]
He was trying to distance himself from the curbstomp hes part of

[quote]That is why its ironic, that one of the alliances that was part of the 4 that declared on us is now crying about a curb stop that WE are part of. Fine.. [u]I guess we are part of a curb stomp[/u]. But I think history reveals two sides, you just happen to be on the losing end of it. [/quote]
No one(Purple) declared on R&R

[quote name='Denial' date='10 February 2010 - 10:21 AM' timestamp='1265797318' post='2172397']
If Purple is so concerned for its size and member count, perhaps the alliances within it should cease supporting a war of aggression with no [i]casus belli[/i] behind it.
You are seriously talking about a CB when GOD/PC and many others have said they dont need a treaty or CB, not to mention \m/, Athens & co.

[quote name='MikeTheFirst' date='10 February 2010 - 12:30 PM' timestamp='1265805026' post='2172472']
Let me make this clear as one of the triums of iFOK: we're not in this war to destroy the purple sphere and we're not looking for an eternal war with Invicta with harsh terms. I know Invicta still thinks we're out to destroy them, but it simply isn't true. We're fighting to help out friends, just like you are doing. And when you want to stop fighting, just query me on IRC and I'm sure we'll be able to end this war.

It just worked out that way over and over since your move. I could probably believe 2 or 3 coincidences but 4 or 5 is taking the *@$£

As for the idea of crying about being curbstomped, dont make me laugh. My infra level is of little importance, but I wont sit here and listen to people say they arent part of a curbstomp when they are.

[quote name='Iosif Moldov' date='10 February 2010 - 07:21 PM' timestamp='1265829670' post='2172954']
If I seriously said that when deciding to go in to the purple, we weren't thinking of poking you a bit and stirring the pot. Surely it wasn't our primary reason and as kriekfreak already has explained, the first and foremost reason for us moving was really further integration which would allow us to work as a single muscle even in sphere politics but yeah, some of the stuff we've been accused of definitely was there. Shouldn't that be obvious? Even though we love to be pragmatic about what we do and are hardly an irresponsible lulzy group of alliances, you all should know us well enough to know our intentions were completely innocent, one of the driving factors was certainly amusing ourselves with poking our sticky stickmanry at purple. And if you go all "ha! gotcha!" about this, it pretty much means you're goddamn naïve or merely a hypocrite anyways, so don't bother even trying. I'm looking at you, Alterego.

But does this mean any of the hyperbole in this thread has anything to do with reality? God no, "conquering" purple or any other crap like that is just inane. And seriously, you should know that if you've been working with us. Right after we joined, we negotiated with the Purple rather intensively and the talks were.. rather curious. I mean, it's not like we didn't want to search for friends in purps, after all, we do have some pretty great alliances here. It's not like we marched into your sphere, starting to spew insults and jabs at everyone we saw ffs. We were ready to cooperate with you economically from the beginning, even seriously planned joining PEACE. We even agreed to go by your senate policies even if we couldn't disagree with them more. Some of your guys welcomed us pretty warmly and against them, we haven't been acting like arses either. But still, in the other hand, there were people who pretty much declared they don't want us to their sphere and certain lovely individuals even answered to our humble attitude in the talks with thinly veiled threats. I admit some of the Stickmen folks went over the top and I personally have never really endorsed the petty trolling that's been going around occasionally as I have a soft spot for actually inteligent debate. But if you're implying this all can be tracked back to just that and not some of your gov members' absurd reactions and general hyperbole being incited by certain PEACE individuals, I call shens. Because it takes two to tango, Locke.

It was clear in the leaks before and posts after the move to Purple that you lot had no intention of working with the rest of the Purple sphere and intended working against the rest of the sphere.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Alterego' date='10 February 2010 - 07:48 PM' timestamp='1265831317' post='2173001']

It was clear in the leaks before and posts after the move to Purple that you lot had no intention of working with the rest of the Purple sphere and intended working against the rest of the sphere.

Don't say you mean those screenshots LEAKED by Rebecca/YouMaka/Whateverhisnameis?

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[quote name='Takku' date='10 February 2010 - 09:00 PM' timestamp='1265832009' post='2173014']
Don't say you mean those screenshots LEAKED by Rebecca/YouMaka/Whateverhisnameis?

Honestly, I don't even understand how those screenshots prove anything if you're not deliberately looking for something malicious, as you obviously are. Only ones who got some actual disrespect thrown at were the ilks of NSO and honestly, it's not like I said anything about them there I wouldn't say in public. I just can't believe that abomination of a thread is still keeping to be mentioned and mentioned, though.

The bottom line here is though that I don't remember seeing Alterego in the Stickmen-Purple talks, ever. Thus his cute barking has no value to me whatsoever because I know he has no actual idea what's going on and I'll just wait until somebody actually in the know shows up.

Edited by Iosif Moldov
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[quote name='Iosif Moldov' date='10 February 2010 - 02:21 PM' timestamp='1265829670' post='2172954']
Good post.
Oh, I'm sure on a whole, your intentions were just fine. [i]Some[/i] people have had other intentions in mind. No disrespect to the good ones in the bunch, but there are a few bad apples who've been doing their damn best to soil relations with purple. ;) I mean, I was one of the most open and welcoming purple gov towards the Stickmen, despite the then recent forum leaks. Yet, strangely enough, I get the same vitriol thrown my way that gets thrown at purple members. As recently as yesterday, and I've not been purple for months, which leads me to believe it's merely that the said few people who seem hell bent on baiting purple aren't doing it just because of purple, but are merely of that sort of people in general. Not that it bothers me in the least, but with the kind of constant abuse thrown at purple from these people, I really can't blame them for believing the vocal few to be the majority.

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[quote name='Takku' date='10 February 2010 - 03:00 PM' timestamp='1265832009' post='2173014']
Don't say you mean those screenshots LEAKED by Rebecca/YouMaka/Whateverhisnameis?

I was not involved in this in any way, shape or form. Please leave my name out of this.

Edited by Bernkastel
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[quote name='Iosif Moldov' date='10 February 2010 - 01:21 PM' timestamp='1265829670' post='2172954']
...and are hardly an irresponsible lulzy group of alliances...

Iosif, on the whole, that was an excellent post and I appreciate your candor. It's nice to know that someone at least is willing to be honest and try and bury the hatchet. I have to say, I find the excerpt above extremely entertaining considering the actions of your bloc mates (of which your sig is a great reminder). Be that as it may, FCO has consistently been above the mud being slung by the other two members of Stickmen, and for that I thank you.

As far as this being a purple curbstomp, the title of the thread makes it hard to believe that there was any other intention, especially given the length to which Stickmen had to go to get involved. There's a comment a few posts up that you guys are merely "helping friends" and that's extremely honorable and I'm sure the friends that you are helping have plenty of targets you could have deployed against but instead it was arranged so you could hit a group of alliances not at war with any of your direct treaty partners. That reeks of an agenda no matter what else is said.

Anyway, thanks for everyone's input and have a good night. :D

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[quote name='Timmehhh' date='10 February 2010 - 04:42 AM' timestamp='1265805769' post='2172484']
Quantum, Hydra UPN and Invicta, they did count for like 13 million NS add NSO's 3 million and you are on 16 million NS. Back then Invicta still had a lot of NS. So it's kinda hypocritical from them to make so much fuss about it when they did the same thing too, like only a week ago.

What 'they' did wasnt anywhere close to what you and your allies did in order to attack them.

Maybe you should go back and re-read the OP of this thread to compare all the squiggle lines and chains to the one you mention as being the 'same thing', I know it was many many pages ago and your memory could be getting fuzzy.

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I think it would be good to get all of this out of our systems by blowing each other up. Unfortunately we weren't privy to this fun party you guys have. Personally, I think these chains were a bit ridiculous, but such is the nature of CN politics. I too appreciate your candor Iosif. In private I've largely found Stickmen to be respectable, and SLCB seemed to hold great promise. Perhaps after this is over we can begin relations anew

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[quote name='Alterego' date='10 February 2010 - 08:48 PM' timestamp='1265831317' post='2173001']
No Purple alliance declared on R&R and R&R arent fighting alone. They are part of a curbstomp, just like the DoW they arranged said they were.

No one(Purple) declared on R&R


You have a serious memory problem and a problem reading if you still believe no purple declared on R&R a bit over a week ago :rolleyes:

[quote name='chefjoe' date='10 February 2010 - 11:32 PM' timestamp='1265841171' post='2173289']
What 'they' did wasnt anywhere close to what you and your allies did in order to attack them.

Maybe you should go back and re-read the OP of this thread to compare all the squiggle lines and chains to the one you mention as being the 'same thing', I know it was many many pages ago and your memory could be getting fuzzy.

No they only chained 2/3 treaties deep, we refined their work to an art :)

Curbstomp, not a curbstomp... what does it matter, this is a simple war: We declare, we fight and we win.
How people want to call it is of no importance.

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[quote name='The Eye' date='10 February 2010 - 06:12 PM' timestamp='1265847162' post='2173448']
I think several people need to check the OP to make sure that their post is relevant to it. This thread is about two war declarations, not TPF/PC, or trying to destroy Purple, or whatever else has sneaked in. Keep it on topic or receive warnings.

I think the purple stuff is pertinent given the title.

But yeah.

I like MOST of the few people I know in SLCB (only one or two exceptions), and I havn't dealt with FCO or iFOK.

Also, hey Koel :wub:

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[quote name='pigsticker' date='11 February 2010 - 02:48 AM' timestamp='1265820483' post='2172739']
hurray fror chaining... so when are you going to chain such that you can attack your selves?

We already did that.

I'm currently waiting for the first few declarations from LSF. :ph34r:

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[quote name='EgoFreaky' date='10 February 2010 - 07:23 PM' timestamp='1265858599' post='2173796']
You have a serious memory problem and a problem reading if you still believe no purple declared on R&R a bit over a week ago :rolleyes:

No they only chained 2/3 treaties deep, we refined their work to an art :)

[b]Curbstomp, not a curbstomp... what does it matter[/b], this is a simple war: We declare, [b]we fight and we win[/b].
How people want to call it is of no importance.

Are you really as obtuse as your post suggests?

The answer to the curbstomp question makes all the difference in the world on whom 'wins'.

Without it your odds of 'winning' wouldnt be so assured, not assured at all.......

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[quote name='chefjoe' date='10 February 2010 - 11:32 PM' timestamp='1265841171' post='2173289']
What 'they' did wasnt anywhere close to what you and your allies did in order to attack them.

Maybe you should go back and re-read the OP of this thread to compare all the squiggle lines and chains to the one you mention as being the 'same thing', I know it was many many pages ago and your memory could be getting fuzzy.
It is exactly the same, Invicta had no mdoap pact with NSO in any way or form and used several chains and Ghost DOW's in order to try to "curbstomp" RnR.

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[quote name='Timmehhh' date='13 February 2010 - 08:19 PM' timestamp='1266092349' post='2179613']
It is exactly the same, Invicta had no mdoap pact with NSO in any way or form and used several chains and Ghost DOW's in order to try to "curbstomp" RnR.

You really are quite the poster, such insightful wisdom, it's a rare sight to behold......sigh.

Edited by Nobody Expects
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[quote name='Timmehhh' date='13 February 2010 - 03:19 PM' timestamp='1266092349' post='2179613']
It is exactly the same, Invicta had no mdoap pact with NSO in any way or form and used several chains and Ghost DOW's in order to try to "curbstomp" RnR.
Wait, is that a serious post or a sarcastic reply?
I sure hope it's the latter :blink:

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[quote name='chefjoe' date='13 February 2010 - 03:11 PM' timestamp='1266091865' post='2179598']
Are you really as obtuse as your post suggests?

The answer to the curbstomp question makes all the difference in the world on whom 'wins'.

Without it your odds of 'winning' wouldnt be so assured, not assured at all.......
Never ever did I see Valhalla participate in a "curbstomp", oh no.
(Most of those probably had larger NS % gaps than this one, anyway)

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